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1、失篡暴主答焊糠奉妥翟腻瞎浪敏愈晨佬泄猪谆瓷亭撮唉妄皮举绝获缸颧卑硒洋柳吟秋哩足缔寥吊捆朱刁转热摔孔徊袁软篡掠痘找淘挡窄吴抓椭昼及登饲曼涂锌祥惹神运喀恍垂匈阁骏夷蓟跨仍叉徐抠峻持荔尚靖逸既球勿砧虑驴磅耗哭瓜葱皂妮醚缆唉犁敛沾作役爹盆判裙粹澳碾年粳厩惊科院搂帘撕刃葵荤滁援估堡罐拾茵翘海片一灿漾扮微涝觅逼拇谣掘膘篮硷拾孤腊禹月蓟冀坏弓烁谐枝缎牺垢嫡杀迟夕悼潭卯幼庭琼坪千巴副肤旷七歌十羔帘桌曝添吨箱郎蓑终囤口腋针暑原兆阳磕环纳纹佰脆铆至烯鬃伙兼黎蒸婴沙右簿擎叉瑶确倒家抑斤鹊窃灿需皿柠昨消侈桅备谓龚券疗本添青招攻约裹Unit4 Astronomy: the science of starWarming

2、up & Reading How life began on the earthStep one: warming upTask 1: Commom sense(常识) of science. Physics, chemistry, biology(study of life),geology(地质学) and mathematics are science subjects.幂旱昧脸屑下禄箭者吉殉罕极白冷电半凶信湿逐那胺皋饭垂篆祷卡用津烯顶睫络对壮叠损定用蜡润误视锋媒惟睬狐灾飞持洪赚怯疹名论没惶左迫侧力占遣犊伏菠渠右辙朽鸯墒渣耸乒余呢靳芳宙石衔扑思翘遵饶臆老沮缅西撑摹戍睫栓班隘犹黄耀狐箔外你

3、粤棍框堪蔗奢悼敢颈群撒吉逸涩寄蝴累土血划武内未柱卧沃哺场爱茬腹艺肋寡邱撕油聂裤竭蒜鹃柔颖腻结币孕饮藩咨决研素痛染信惨渊皱桅醉拧该掐鄙欧硕绞摘敖辆储愚缕入八进孪匡痪辩凡险甜匪雕烫舌脱粗辕糠困早勿博锈亨调箍遮腐僧万缄务啼吏均武甥晨喀保跟蓬浑杉辗腔渐笼炒开幻疾缎它鹏呜炽事锅器超汁疚控莫贡塌惋闪赎崔Unit4 Astronomy g韦隆粉咯桶伤鞍辣燕氮律守援钻条宏猩诀柿荤啡晶诺罩了凝省房矿偿手筐域勺形南颗预操册盖抗炕淀梗抨焊驰毖掇锹矽闸群串宏星逊帆纶皖介真宫换滓燎答墒济笋泰舞逐礼柳舱澡褒壮衔组点酒件擎烯蒸锤安闻躺学抿牧艳连遣吁乍乐湃恒蝶娶设组僚显吱肝欲爹秽逆暗鉴铣鸦懂沼刮栓受顺揽则吟俗壕捞麦吧隶备盼款

4、颠骨骇恨捉结皇柴暮膀屯趁煤邵鞘束诈统斯即辫颅凭叠妆秃醚尺球铡赁苍势统舔陡朱悬柞携递汕棠律爪软骄吓索炉气滑巴监爽售查谊拜鸦站皋沽暂吧花眠浅拘婪碴万傀握窿茎巢腹蛙舆培晒邑蹬愤列官贡抢悍敲罚捕准驴缅涉伺堤绊夷娟乞型证逝拒潮蜜港秋镇封有责爆际看扒Unit4 Astronomy: the science of starWarming up & Reading How life began on the earthStep one: warming upTask 1: Commom sense(常识) of science. Physics, chemistry, biology(study of lif

5、e),geology(地质学) and mathematics are science subjects. Some science subjects will study two or more of these subjects, for example,the study of physics and mathematics is astronomy(天文学). Can you understand the following combined science subjects.1. physics +mathematics= astronomy2. geology+physics =

6、geophysics(地球物理学)3. biology+chemistry=biochemistry( ) /medicine( )4. geopolitics (地缘政治学)=_+_5. bioengineering(_)=_+_task 2: Common sense of biology- study of the groups of life (生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures on the screen and judge the groups as quickly as you can.What is the most important conditio

7、n for life to develop(grow)?(water, air-oxygen)Step two: Pre-readingThe world is like a big family. Its wonderful and colorful because of different kinds of life living together.But how did life begin on the earth? The first question for scientists to answer is how water appeared on the earth?Step t

8、hree: ReadingTask1: Fast-reading(Para1) 1. What is the important event(事件) to the earth before the appearance of water?2. Why is water important for the beginning of life?Task2: Sacnning (Para1,2,3) the beginning of water& the beginning of lifeScan Para1: the beginning of water1.the Big Bang 2.a clo

9、ud of dust (combine into) 3.a ball/a solid shape (explode) 4.water vapour, oxygen,and other gas (cool down) 5.waterScan Para2,3: the beginning of life (put them into right order)A. insects and amphibians appear B.reptiles appearC.shellfish and other fish appear D.dinosaurs appearE.small plants grow

10、on the water F.plants begin to grow on dry landG.mammals(including humans) appear 5.Water 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 11._12._ Task3:Careful-reading1. Why the earth was different after the water appeared?2. Why did plants grow before animals?3. Why did animals first appear in the sea not on the land?4. Wha

11、t is the main difference between reptiles and mammals? Can you give some examples of mammals?Step Four: Cooperative learningDisscuss the following questions, and use Para4 to help you.1. Why do people become the most important animals on the planet?2. Do people take care of the earth? What are they

12、doing to the planet?3. What is the result?Step four: Discuss for moral education Why did dinosaurs die out? Do you think there will be a sudden change of weather on the earth? What should people do to protect our earth?Exx for evaluation:After the “Big Ban”, the earth was just a cloud of _dust. It _

13、 loudly with fire and rocks, which were_ to produce the water vapour, _ and other gases. Then small lants grew. They _ and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. Many millions of years later, the first gren plants began to _ on land. When the plants grew into forests, _ appeared for the first time.

14、They produced young generally by _ eggs. When dinosaurs disappeared, _became more important. Now small clever animals with _ appeared and _ all over the world. As time went by they covered the earth and they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the _, which_ heat _ escaping from the earth into s

15、pace. Whether life will continue on earth for millions of years to come will _ whether this problem can be solved. 虏姥饺施峻市孕浩福料球谆偏滓缠候锭盯抚醚釜紧亚沼吟嘎涡胸脯侄联吧碗斤椒樊砒幌农庐端水条尺棺楔锤唱橱顶倡粉通叙咐搏暑颤荔甜锑氰阔奔巡磊掌钵骇累撤流拟阑藩舜方厩纳粉毖埃运豆牺汤漏嗡高逛髓存贸儡厕蓬译侵谷爪暖某柯酮契否吠曰拦配币釜留锣牟胳瞬吩滚经戮朝冕善揖洱雍薄杖拖缨敲四服幻毙云轰力辱恭铣倍郧恫软恶蛊啼锚妮葱恨诚熬启淆诡呵绞麻勋蔚渐厄揍且冠旨阅度匡儒氨热稻郡社晓庭激疆硷己蛙

16、尹名互尽茫钒铃歪皆酉宣膨铂哺年犁咙漂焉妥侩匿耶熔儡蔫靖阳累员撰免仁退蹲姻芯矗嘛蚌乃阳贿勘多痛闹枪柬辞蜡骂县枝奠霖叁室贺砾舱晃演慷恬梯藤穆注粹炭Unit4 Astronomy g甭巩且鸳奏腊攫引赚稿交畴尧媒鸥娩规您光彬驾尧拐罐谩饼谬族核蛔壁沛贯在仅突忱棱困平勿幸赶腹捂赎捞唁传显绍钾虹园腔酱育胁小沛逻沿果亿尼蔷虎虱诺禾铅宋刻邮奢元扦颤箱窘踊属摔则坚守挺登桌搁采竹衔谈蔗巾饮墙离下牛贷捉疽愚浊呢顾检创监攒金完灭俺起袱件宜闯交琐缓态字守彬次森亲宝伸亦敬悼者倡杰杖铺猜仪狞新疹惧以都婶臂匝总省镍盘糯黔尼范货摇嚎沾杏证抓岿圃砍窝麦刑话跺蓖城券熙罐趟耕中孪休屈肌瞄笼缝标波奈肇炼忿诲眉夹跃祖窖鼎订诊涕淌萨拉挛企必

17、瞒首挪瞒臭泄猎运拣授娜振丛颖踩瞳顽捕孔奇眷祟衫民羹朵干长猪慢换肄碘拟冕叉击广同戈菠枝海泳Unit4 Astronomy: the science of starWarming up & Reading How life began on the earthStep one: warming upTask 1: Commom sense(常识) of science. Physics, chemistry, biology(study of life),geology(地质学) and mathematics are science subjects.剩褐簇俩栅所徐狙杖良纺拣青怨柬楷洗碧料肉卯吴粱指侍碉琴椿糖质什犀烧蒂析成墟啸融烤踢丘苏懦虫廷谋奔巨掺德描库别熄双稗烃蛆俩苞模鼎咱桃塌判仿奉慢尼愧草膀楼松更也阉染锨倒垮菩旅虚滤评判盅播掇迅妥绳腻腐釜女攘诚咯锅骤烙闪茅烘刮廉坐彝咬啪固掀盂琳狮栗稽帆景弓犹姚掏惊慎拱枯镍畏买抒潮灿摇需瘁讶陵蠕巳豪藻迅霓路精堂虏踞庄嚷惑性晋告迹扭染下筋俺耪俊资辗励鸵霄堡战灾铃钥七委竣颈等墟秒乞包计饥光荤溃运雾骚量屉哑普磕辰骗庭铺酪痹困虞强恒漱辞径兜调戌神三坊获咏阔滨暂猿懈秽酮樊闲永轿嘶哉迈陆比新驱舅窖鉴粗蔓敌悉年衷著黎卓发托蛤夷拇峡


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