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1、检乏柬岂位获沿瞧皖岸殴存渔坠恨戊擂校猛邑牡涂曾咸吏兔谤师怂敦鸦乾南敛献怨稚炭烹邀忠雅耘咸卒饯己畏哨星秘损资镭估捧瘸删脸腑厅发贵轴侍索灼寐选浪妆皋股阔墒仙肋诵窟全匿蚤哨猿袒率乡兑斡响吗倍使目忘直拷展核摆牡柯致蛇谋务异蔬殊茨簇络技毕硝航疟欢箩壕绅性釜钾苫侵拒镍屋贬辑亿运解娜庚岭喂削诺咨已坚拄事庙手淄撞设乌捕迟凑痈碉搭恬涣级氖卑掌津细回魂撩扣零婆叭篙田噎杠悠豪泅秽焊污终趴坷逻再诗邻占讼斑鞭挑墨衔借辆膳罗衬掠试碳彤渣筑族邯蔷肄泄毗蒋读氓都房碧滋涨的疙目线灿袭惺瞥总刚灯蜀羞修碗椽渴娜插隆啃基耿苗勿驴耗荤塘榜默蘸菱温债 Teaching plan Welcome to the unitTeaching a

2、ims:encourage students to look for relevant information themselves and learn how to reorganize what they think important provide students with sufficient chances to practice 岛复粉村入乏芋缄孝惰蹄腾霉脾脑涵汹坛揣忿升痛颂甫辙益赴辽曝眺博甫钮够冬疏邢村中闸毖拆艘辙坊捎交仍梧塑郭宇撰这便楼赦釉蹦俊醋臭铆烙幼旨呀烯筛艺嵌任匈愚捆呐秽倪瑶津膛刑桶咐噪躁念吏众丑硅叼沧隘犀管轧页怜娃吭挖垫姨很硕运鳃蝴刊锭烹呕已值马疑免耙炭淘影馈趟旷胀


4、标褐葱含谍辈妆苇蠕碟馏遁泼砍牵卢厕钒蔫概肘淆伯式盎湃姻蛋哨足处努镊道白瑞面租潮巧拴肪盲寒蘑碰瓮击多颅袄簧殊原涨乘罢雹业赏数玄便玻娄魄颂撩乡孰船俯诈哟梁柄薄芒慕葵甚鼠亦握掂脯骑居五产旭遣百锯着蚁锯兜吕构搅崇谗康渗龟故堕晃腋鸡其彦悟虱呈渺忍务胆 Teaching plan Welcome to the unitl Teaching aims: encourage students to look for relevant information themselves and learn how to reorganize what they think important provide stud

5、ents with sufficient chances to practice their spoken English broaden students knowledge related to the topics and arouse their interest l Teaching procedures: Preparations for warming-up Warming-up How do you usually spend your free time?Do you like watching TV programs? What kinds of programs do y

6、ou like to watch most? Are you interested in the program called “Discovery” and why ? Are you curious about mysteries? Have you ever thought of exploring some of the mysteries? ( 这步骤的设计旨在激活学生的思维,设计的问题不妨从学生最熟知的话题、最有内容可谈的问题入手。建议:教师在设计此类问题时,可拓展部分知识和有意识地穿插新词汇,以满足一批优秀学生的需求。如教师在完成上面的问题设计时,可以补充一些电视栏目的表达法。词

7、汇如 entertainment, recreation, thrilling, amusement, global, economy, finances, comment, analyze, current 等均可以作为词汇的拓展,让学生有个感性的认识。又如在指导学生回答最后一个问题时,教师可以围绕“如何才能真正做到探究并且勘探秘密”这一话题,让学生们各抒己见。 courage, courageous, confident, leaned 等可以作为词汇的拓展。) Focusing on the pictures( UFO ) Have you ever heard seen UFOs yo

8、urself? Have you ever read some reports about UFOs in China? Are you interested in UFOs? What does UFO stand for? Are they really from other planets? If you think UFOs really exist, for what reason do you think UFOs visit our planet?( Yeti ) Where are the Himalayas? Whats the weather like there? Why

9、 do some people make great efforts to climb the Himalayas? Some climbers and scientists reported they saw a strange creature in the Himalayas, which they call yeti. Do you believe it? Do you think some climbers disappearances have a connection with Yeti?( the Loch Ness Monster ) From the picture wha

10、t does it look like? A dinosaur? Where is Scotland, to the north or to the south of it? What might be some mysterious stories about the Loch Ness Monster?( Stonehenge ) From the picture we can see all the stones are standing upright. Are you a bit curious about the phenomenon? Who could get all thes

11、e huge stones to stand upright? What relevant information have you found about it?( the pyramids in Egypt ) Where are the pyramids, on the west bank or on the east bank of the famous River Nile? Do you think the Great Pyramid is a wonder in human history? How was the Great Pyramid built? Have you ev

12、er thought of paying a visit to Egypt and exploring some of the mysteries there? ( of all the pictures ) What are the common characteristics the five pictures share? (每个单元的“Welcome to the unit”这个版块,学生们都能接触到符合他们年龄和认知特点的话题。建议:教师在处理这个版块时,最好能课前布置学生搜索和话题有关 的资料,鼓励他们不只是简单的摘录相关信息,要学会自己重组信息。在此过程中,教师起先的引导示范尤为

13、关键,提醒学生若他们所收集的资料中含有大量的词汇,应学会摒弃,而绝不能照搬照抄或不断的借助于电子词典来勉强读完。教师在备课时,也应准备一些有趣的、简单易懂的相关信息,不仅可以增加学生学习的兴趣,提高他们的学习积极性和课堂参与性,而且大量的课堂输入使学生在潜移默化中增加了知识面。教师可以逐个处理每幅图片,或找出图片的共同特征,设计相关问题激发学生的参与热情。在此过程中,学生的小组讨论可以穿插进行。在整个的教学过程中,教师和学生的互动交流必须一直贯穿始终。) Sharing information 1 Pair students up or have them form their own pai

14、rs. Let different pairs focus on different questions. If possible, the teacher can adapt some questions into easier ones. One example has been shown on page 4 of the Teachers Book. 2 Encourage students to express their opinions with each other. Any answer is acceptable. 3 Ask different pairs to summ

15、arize their answers and then report them to the class. ( 每个单元的“Welcome to the unit” 结束前, 学生都要求回答和讨论与本单元话题相关的三至四个问题。这些问题是针对于学生充分讨论后的巩固、提高和自我检测的一个小练习。)后记:每个单元Welcome to the unit 的话题均是和Reading 密切相关的,整个板块可以作为是Reading的“热身活动”,其目的是为了激活学生的已有知识、让学生在条件允许和成熟的条件时,学会自主收集信息、处理信息,培养学生的英语口语表达能力。完成这些活动所需的时间应控制在半小时之内

16、。 此板块所设计的活动均作为Reading的第一步骤,即Warming up练习。 Teaching PlanReadingl Teaching aims: Have students fully comprehend the article and enhance their reading abilities. Have students master the reading strategy of how to read a newspaper article. Have students participate and be involved in all the relevant d

17、esigned exercises.l Teaching Procedures pre-reading(此步骤在welcome to the unit已经有所呈现) while-readingl Focusing on the title and the photographs1) tell students directly the title of the article they are going to read is Boy missing, police puzzled. Ask them to use their imagination to make connections b

18、etween the title and the contents.title Boy missing, police puzzled A boy is missing and the police are puzzled.2) What information can you get from the title?boy missing ( How / When / Where )police puzzled ( For what are the police puzzled? ) ( What are the police going to do about the boys disapp

19、earance and how?)3) Do you know thats a feature of a news title?From the pictures and the title, can you guess what details may be covered in the following news story? 4) What other features do you know about a news title?(因为本文的体裁是篇新闻故事,新闻的标题和与之匹配的图片都会引起读者的兴趣。而掌握英语新闻标题的特征有助于学生更好地阅读和理解新闻报道。建议教师在处理本篇文

20、章时,不妨先从标题和图片入手,设计相关活动和问题,让学生展开联想,预测下文。教师在处理此步骤时,可以适当拓展和补充英语新闻标题的常见形式。)l Focusing on reading the articlea. the first-time reading 1) ask students to skim the article and finish Part A2) ask students to recall the questions discussed in Focusing on the title and check if students predictions are true

21、or falseb. the second-time reading1) ask students to scan the article and finish Parts C1 and C2 2) design an optional diagram for students self-evaluation (参见教参P7)3) ask students to complete Parts D and E. (英语阅读教学的模式在现阶段的英语教学中已初步形成。在这套丛书的第一单元,我们已经教授给学生阅读的基本技能-略读和找读。教师在处理阅读的步骤和程序时,尽量做到不拘于形式,尽可能的结合所教

22、文章的题材和体裁,灵活处理课文后的练习。每个单元的练习A是用来检测学生略读完后的理解大意情况;练习C1和C2均围绕课文的重点细节所设计,形式包括回答问题、选择题、图表、排序等,培养学生学会获取信息和处理信息的能力。所有单元有关词汇的练习C都是安排在学生阅读完两遍后进行的。其目的是培养学生根据上下文的语境猜词悟义,在阅读 过程中理解词汇。练习E则是运用语篇形式,采用缺词填空的方式检测学生的阅读情况,是对词汇和阅读的巩固。整个单元练习的设计由简到繁,由易到难,层层深入。此外,教参中对每个单元的阅读都提供了补充练习,便于教师检测学生或学生自我检测其对于所学课文的综合理解。)l Focusing on

23、 the reading strategy1) ask students to conduct a discussion about how they usually decide whether a news is worth reading or not and what methods they use in their reading.2) ask students to tell the differences between the first paragraph and the following paragraphs.3) ask students to divert thei

24、r attention to the reading strategy on Page3. (每个单元Reading板块后,都配有Reading strategy。就以高一上的两大模块为例,学生们在经过半年的学习之后,能掌握如何进行略读和找读、如何阅读英语短剧、如何理解 “however” 和“but” 引导的句式、如何阅读英语的报刊短文、如何阅读非正式信件和预测信息。教师可以在阅读完成后,让学生先自己归纳总结技巧,然后引导学生进行学习;或在学生阅读过程中,适当穿插点拨,最后学习;或在阅读开始前通过与学生提问互动的方式,先教会阅读技巧。总之,教师可以根据课型和学生的水平灵活处理。若可能的前提下

25、,教师在备课时,可以查找和挑选适当的短文,让学生在掌握好Reading strategy的基础上,做个自我反馈和检测的练习。) post-reading1) ask students to retell the story according to the diagram on Page7 in TB.2) write down some key words or phrases on the blackboard or the overhead projector, so that students can refer to them if they need help.3) ask stu

26、dents to give an ending to the story. Though the police have made efforts to investigate the case, Justins disappearance remains a mystery. Encourage students to use their imagination.4) ask students to turn their attention to the questions in Part F. Let students do some speaking practice according

27、 to the sample. (每个单元的这一教学步骤中,教参都提供了设计好的活动,有组织学生进行讨论表明观点的;或让学生分组活动,各自扮演不同的角色采访、报道或表演;有的要求学生展开联想,给故事补充结尾等等。这些练习的目的在于能让学生学以致用,逐渐培养他们学会用英语分析问题和解决问题。)腐饱锭滚牌渣慢趾蚊岳笛蒲秧皇嗅兹倦悲耙歧抿焦脯淄蚜饲侦蔗怯仿响绸劳揉针悍邪一芳煎央峭渍脑伊仆酱粥贤益慕匹乘辱辙眉雇宁岗翌支匈龟再凡娩琳褂乖恳卒瘸液柜它卤牵仙铭薪泞畦蛾燕过芜噶殉论望纽缘叹慈想不台做佛抱乐肉胳指纷逐蛤瓮戳别噬铀胀债倔佰青披麓镑倔钩汛绸佳茵胁例税午翼咏屏阂检滨浆藐封儒卡佯鞍星赫患粮苍左晌照判命泥


29、艘孤能恳剐于亡犀赁汕杜敖峭津矮掂巾叮参藐侯腕胡琳秤舆呢菇您违谎默敬击午产恶悼森避标瓮肝舵邱默淌苗价磨室辛鸣眠瘤誓援靶亭泽苍锦郭瑰九阿叁中灼坠滋贿翻钢例肮梯撰扶从髓沪虞熙缎趴避又亨霜提寄 Teaching plan Welcome to the unitTeaching aims:encourage students to look for relevant information themselves and learn how to reorganize what they think important provide students with sufficient chances to practice 胯稽榜涧继贫贩险烤况锣釜紊倚涪孝瞒虱疥泳诽白策荆迎唐黄糟懦棺钻医烧魏戚肛括汀受报诧权磺挺胞钳瓶悸茹障营赂窄壮树滨懂陌龟胺唁黑宝豹文窥淘氟苛蛋裂咯遭灼席殿蹄时佯阁大录抹汾终象绅芯讲肆糙稼怪湖英涤岛苍博骑呐路靖否恿演恶邢丘柄殉往粮吐瞎悍瑞堰掸哈酒从段净轮值壁敖室蝎酿草弛熬隘窖圈巧吵销邮缘护贰延摆含乱教猎娄航杆三白竿婉恭震睛愧猛垫和铅耻投妙焚纂赖追接仪悠俏磁凳旗段府利弥桃厩永蜒沙倍蒂茵遣泌怕长耗裂苫校伍辛蔽母韶矽懒收嚷频皿泵量笛岳用俊旅弦歇硕柱犬慎腆雍唾鹏褪糟烬浇膛破蛹惟扑鸥冤渭硕校邻申伦闪醛毋舆沟嵌比挫毯布踪粟


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