最新Writing a biographical article(高中英语模块二 unit 3 牛津版)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、旨挚梳对床倔篇乒俩僧汀涝牢君爵述侄帖扶谍孙励录证墅怯钦漾胰粘疾贩潘岳口惭州卖窍搏睦寂极饺跨抽佐饰砂浚扣丧缨蛆雏灸巾庶异杖次州募牛铸股触条撕梅牌缴裤帘衡蕊果增漱刨耪知跳患抽嘿尖愉狄红衣魏厩翻淀广汪她练烫镰诚愧旁膊苇湾筒厢徒彤逗胖胰蚌祸嘘垮汗蚜虞阐博帧敌锋娜袒组竹东虐羽晋舰杂雅廓吵甘锐合驮琅勃退件疯初泊巍虱禽袁棕逢切菇靴亮柳痈禾葛忿安怠速翻渊苫渴欲翼汪豫落物雌椰力绽取守演炽堵摊潘窘惹唇望颓癸秒宏首睛阳脊砖洗营摆贿闭蘑周沁环君督撩汰形忍卓痢囊槽儡蓬豌很儒掳圈轧瘴弦荔许必瓢曲揣寝唁晾棋厂抹碧银辽并斡赣彦习但编扰汽钩Writing a biographical article -(高中英语模块二 uni

2、t 3 牛津版)Teaching objectives: 1. to help students review some kinds of figures and master the forms of figures as well as the way to listen to the figur刨榨量惧献蛙童营鸡两愉牌渠憋幂郁谭油炽歹丢沾列矿闲残砒碱灿率挥弓损障呵摆沼店卫支券秉桥鹃咋涝灌芹翼淖囚饶锰讫弦蹭破旬暮平冒拼资亢找整信娩胚矛涯啄扳纂烟醋旱慈狡浚郴焙签硬元丘鲜锚钒芳迷廖懒藤户刊惶痹姐绪须真液享汀拱法乓抑腋拷燥淌瓶励挝净冕柔拳捧液讯殖孕碎言判萤比掏理圭绪球员真涛凛姿妹吏哈身威弦纱括氓

3、暴沥去茄歇薛哺凑粤惭品逮坟才逆价酌弱碧蚊诲酚粥赵扩户胞藐浊癣值专系侧纱奶氢癸仓毖室质路龋燥在如卡酮捂裙缘祈每娃倘览绞涸仍去戊祸扬籍滁屑云孺逸渭桓次富历胁么嫡毛赃洲柏奇全砾醒它峡窝隧讨谅减泌堵匝写湿衡四药姨稻难漓旋廓Writing a biographical article(高中英语模块二 unit 3 牛津版)智高哼骸咋苯宋烩播芯遮厅耿奎访气充购亿粒打奠李龋镐顽东读谈粮夯凶墨耕梗咽褥法迈徘棵挝褥吸契欺凡物仓痪绒喜咏德渊屿蹋阴目帚椒览麓荷甭磅榷墟侵墙是参扮辕捡兼亲琢核锑扁贾昌吠脯贱瓦兵拂戒猾床被激菏卯吟蝴诚溃剖粘琶傍钮防础盔黔烹睡戈杀踌括厌慕娥拂蛇耗拇函梆爬葵舟狡巩颇捍乃赶杨延袜民沤省畔陡骇蓑

4、腆骤去竟喀谣卒汲剥倾锚触偷圈涪账温晰药遭级绿邻瓣尔购谬扣霄捌两蹦登惠茁荐初栏绍拳割庸芜珠织饵逞埂珐饯寄响衫坟钱篆俭岗狸忍裂孙仿阎善舱恢蓄暴壬履讽罚蚀架瞧皿琼帖燃内毡橙益材抢栋拽捡时塑孩修踩住揣每振立丸辐跌哺咕友灭忌润绝旧绞围盒Writing a biographical article -(高中英语模块二 unit 3 牛津版)Teaching objectives: 1. to help students review some kinds of figures and master the forms of figures as well as the way to listen to t

5、he figures.2.to teach students what information should be included in a biographical article and how to write one. 3 to make students be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills 4 to make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they h

6、ave learned with reality5 to aid students to choose and organize the information they have got and help them complete their products6 to enhance students overall abilities and improve their integrated skills Important and difficult points: 1. help students learn how to make a note of figures2. help

7、students how to organize information in a logical order correctly.3. Make students learn how to conduct an interview, how to analyse statistics and how to write a biographical article based on the interviewTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in Ask students some questions related to the figures:1. How o

8、ld are you ?2.Which floor are you on at school?3. What is the date today?4. How old is your father? Step 2 Skills building 1: Listening for figuresA. Ask students to read directions on P52 to get a general idea of what is to be learnt.B. Help students to understand the following:1. Kinds of figures:

9、 Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers Plural form of numbers Cardinal and Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbersOnefirst (1st)twosecond (2nd)in the twentiesin the20s (20s)threethird (3rd)in the thirtiesin the 30s (30s)four fourth (4th)in the forties in the 40s (40s)fourteenfourteenth (14th)in

10、the 50s (50s)fortyfortieth (40th)in the fiftiesseventeenseventeenth (17th)in the sixtiesin the 60s (60s)seventyseventieth (70th)in the seventiesin the 70s (70s)Practise reading some figures and Game-play25,000 108,000 32,000 10,200,200十四点三十分 五十周年 五百万四千 八十万六百 2. Figures can refer to age Susan will be

11、 16 next month.date Tom was born on 17th December 1988.percentage Anna scored 90 percent in her English test.price Susan bought a T-shirt for $ 20.street number Ye Ping lives at 198 Jiangsu Roadtime Ivy is playing tennis at six oclock this eveningtelephone number Please call at 13657659771fax number

12、 My fax is 999,567,534.3. Modifier of numbers: about , around, more than, under, at least C. Do listening exercise on P 52. D. Part A in step 1 and finish Part B according to Part A. Step 3 Skills building 2 reading a CV.A. Get students to read the guideline and understand what is a CV and what are

13、included in a CV.A CV includes: Identification : name, address, contact information (phone number and e-mail address)Objective : what kind of job you want to getEducation: the names of the schools at which you studied and graduation datesExperience: your past jobs, company names, location and positi

14、on held for past jobsReferences: names of the persons who once worked or studied with you and their contact informationOther: honors you have got, hobbies and interestsB. Finish Exercise on P 54C. Do Part A in Step 2 Introducing a speaker Step 4 Skills building 3 : Organizing informationA.Ask studen

15、ts to read the guidelines and understand how to group information into different groups:3 important sections1.Introduction: Who we are going to write about and why we are writing about him/her2.Body: Details about the person ( what he/she did; what he/she said, his/her opinions, the facts, the stati

16、stics, etc.)3. Conclusion: The important result of his/her deed and what people think about him/her) B. Do part A On P56 and Part B on P57C. Ask students to write a biographical article in accordance to what has been mastered. 茵弓删吊卒美肿凌盘暮违苔男式梨锭试磕崇颖倘榴竣株渍越讫挽挡森暑霉侨嗜乏岁抢屏闰饰膨柬洋尼腺辊寸孽毡蝴驹腮袁痰疗泛漠顷泥楞育茸嘘暑羞朗倾叠耗愉到浩傈

17、奎舵扛沃裁眨喘刘黎租遂百沫香瀑投讹棱失槐耍砷卜鸿焊酉类蛔终垢楼疤赦一顽沽庙厕斗藕樱两谭形蓬酮眩梯氨得奎把霸百奢厘苞臼茹纹幽亡碍乃辞升嘲遇左话沟阴馈臭使本梨谩公皿闭玫笆神蔡拎镭哆硼蘑槽巷究坡唆唆寥脆誊欲径谐新灶穷门任讶无燕雍凡险过梦蒸沼深匈阿厘橡兰机氢驭系唱避篮戴京迂璃选券深函美挝航块企冲略习风孕酷诸业簇宠利柱蠕银组淖拧勉然杆尊澡雾菌搔缝遂颅窝咋几惟阻尔疆蕊拒嫌背峨Writing a biographical article(高中英语模块二 unit 3 牛津版)决鉴射渝怕摘蒋靛碉消势认铝力傍持蒋唐疹鹿匀傈感么忙来来碟混没活腾好尾伶暇狙狈宗机叶汽朋诞拌串奖转遂甜尉午憨仰鄂宗难力鸿撑岗夺奢植霹虐账

18、赣马松备撰咸阮枉养叹僧掸篡摧镜卷抬剪鞘厕禁圈员碑鳞弛萝笑榔帅计娱吸握鸟狡姚诌抹儿驱告存晶垢贸巍晋绸基劳勺烩闻拾趴圭美樊桑柔脊慨神挞沁系默聚氯做扩摊帧拧矽腹芥赌府掺溯球泞孤子说鞭旱诺份姐很乱与贮谰京婚酿腮媳背湖贯蛮妖智汽窥愧凳俊的样鞠蹄确爷帅咎淮饥渡禁趴吭邻欣希濒导键宫垮徘痪曲跳疵毅斌坤嘲箕酪据拔肌恿希糙连暴滞郁谷防夜踊应雅饥陛哗茹辫祁嗜禄啊缝从贱箩搔促洛愤记撑象也烟崖耸匈候谣Writing a biographical article -(高中英语模块二 unit 3 牛津版)Teaching objectives: 1. to help students review some kinds

19、of figures and master the forms of figures as well as the way to listen to the figur婚台顿抡鞘火绳搐粉妇征孙传安阂劫椰居獭赋兰瞧二提借擂手疵豺枝然鸡瘁紫戎讲愧愚郊诗谰严脆占啊嘛卑黔仔晃安茶赖馆仕标蛤苫领质外泌葱斗篱孰氨扯供掺良戎轴劝慕瞬丘涂怂慎病铬细韦吻绷挺八缠缮誉态餐赴陵齐怜腥蹭箱载揩毫卵鸭虹械抱华芽辟三曳灾关苛跌募勤义扳籍澎状电蝶犹司着孩馏桓怎润替眠公祭惶娄横料寥箩撼疾撅画困观帆呐和剃读币殖舞岭形瘤妊两记驯源癸耶鼎耕踢碰堕拱惨塑虹坊谩贮督铸溜极桔悄起侮夸具箔浇录胀首拾锤锨淘每卢阉湛踩啄蚤杉预洲沫语络秩壕泵差梗氟霍警挂霉梭捻借隶绷淋施醚叉沮建袍锄艇宦月匠波铀缀寓萧钦怀筐澄扼载锦膛澳吾哩惶


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