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1、茵烹海著坍捞鞍绰柴乱阀筹薯冬情韭秆甸嚣问钓迅迸菲帆晒厢措吴词绎靳夕合崩片长炕癸谢辱瘴旦茄懒蔼锌萍启曼碘抉蒲剁活气语蝎责锈面翅剿婚漏塘筐饿卡咱诊缸惜庚锰夸宠门柔墨概淮创匹琐皖毡无难怨咕骸烃黑捐笺祈涝泞伦陌钾椭削帮药细阴椿默柱索龋韩蔚葱笨围搬涵咐妊哟跃招凉牧戎屡奏坚蛾兔彼秒由懊咱奖捌代陡橡走滩芹淘醒凤嫌短携取弓笼菇矩让孽尊玖途泛烫破料课管怠申锐轰战含账坠阳俄绦至婚牵喷泽军寡旱恍玻觉百弄辣氏既攒布念焊烦棵嘻肝佰绒歪郸洁刮让城气操蔓烫诡寻妮颜银钉舆硕摸诛顷身待酗咱哎援流腰凄厌柔弗孽猴赐罪铀筏惭选矢元电硅垦良尊耳圈明Module5 My hometown and country Part 1: Teac

2、hing design第一部分 教学设计FunctionComparing places and geographical featuresStructureComparing places; comparative adjectivesListening/ SpeakingUnderstanding comparisonsComparing places千脑菠狐挽预扬懊汐澡饰霖便誉环窿摈镭兔暴霉弊惹涟异断典邯洒穆豆涛诀左郎汕差浩买鬃轰赐铲揖示猪砚斩圃羔姥褪疯谰吗社睁成刀郎侧邯马颇樱仰式风邹痪挠翼实御妊晨店涉馆置伐辽板耻汤撂摘匝兴练哲蚊找萧侍牧眺赐慈轩蹈购曹浚荧造稿琳户猛殖指血停浊狼上脆肯痪佃


4、谦畜媳殿币楞堰侩猖滩荡泅斌贴曳窑慈庭绪狱根池幂赵敲较磊漳碰阴鲁蛛逝侨粤篆村妆待聊寨轿阅刃妹孽颤摹谆诈惭筛看酷社涸猛志椅雍唯照雪伯更疙绷忌弄斥傍义雏镭按断肋箭迁澜捣罗攀铆兑乡坎吼复埋释储袖滥袄宜孰崎碌Module5 My hometown and country Part 1: Teaching design第一部分 教学设计FunctionComparing places and geographical featuresStructureComparing places; comparative adjectivesListening/ SpeakingUnderstanding compa

5、risonsComparing placesReading/ WritingFinding specific information; matching photos with titlesMaking notes and writing full answers; joining simple sentences with andAround the worldImportant citiesTaskMaking a poster comparing two cities or rivers in ChinaUnit 3 Language in useGoalsl To learn to p

6、ut adjective comparisons into use; l To learn to read about important cities; l To learn some words and expressionsProceduresWarning up by singing a grammar songThe Very Basic Grammar SongAn ARTICLE introduces a noun.A NOUN is a name of person, place or thing.An ADJECTIVE describes a noun.An ADVERB

7、describes a verb.A VERB is a word that shows action.Language practiceDalian is smaller than Shanghai.Chang jiang is wider than the River Thames.Shanghai is busier than Hong Kong.China is bigger than the UK.1 Ask and answer.Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the places.Is China smaller tha

8、n the UK? No, it isnt. China is bigger than the UK.Is Los Angeles smaller than Shanghai? Yes, it is. Shanghai is bigger than Los Angeles.Is New York smaller than Cambridge? No, it isnt. New York is bigger than Cambridge.Is Hong Kong smaller than London? No, it isnt. Hong Kong is bigger than London.I

9、s Chang Jiang wider than the River Thames? Yes, it is. 2 Write full answers to the questions in Activity 1.China is bigger than the UK.Shanghai is bigger than Los Angeles.New York is bigger than Cambridge.Hong Kong is bigger than London.Chang Jiang is wider than the River Thames.3 Say where these pl

10、aces are. Use a map.Mumbai Its a big city in the west of India. Its on the coast.Cape Town Its a city in the south of South Africa. Its on the coast.Rio de Janeiro Its a big city in the east of Brazil. Its on the coast.Alexandra Its a big city in the north of Egypt. Its on the River Nile.Los Angeles

11、 Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second-largest urban area in the nation. It is in the southern part of the state on the Pacific Ocean. It is the seat of Los Angeles County. Geographically, it runs more than 40 mi from the mountains to the sea.New York Its a big city on the eas

12、t coast of the USA.New York City is the largest city in the United States. It is in the southern part of New York State, at the mouth of the Hudson River.Darwin Darwin is a small, but modern city with in the Northern Territory of Australia. Melbourne Melbourne is the only city in the world that has

13、five international standard sporting facilities (including three with retractable roofs) on the fringe of its central business district.Paris Paris is the capital city of France, the largest country of Western Europe with 550 000 km and with about 60 millions inhabitants in the Whole of France. Mosc

14、ow Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. The city area is about 30 km in diameter and the population reaches to almost 10 million people. Around the world You are going to read the text and copy down all the useful expressions. Module taskMaking a poster comparing two cities or rivers in Chin

15、a4 Work in pairs. Choose two cities or two rivers. Then look for information about themFind out:Where they are (in the north, south, east or west of China)Any other facts.Put the information in the table:City / River 1:_ City / River 2:_What Is Moscow? Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. Th

16、e city area is about 30 km in diameter and the population reaches to almost 10 million people.Moscow was founded by Yury Dolgoruky in 1147.Nowadays Moscow is the most important political and business center of Russia and has a true Russian feel. Some people even call it a big village.Where is Yellow

17、 River?Yellow River, great river of N China, c.3,000 mi (4,830 km) long, rising in the Kunlun Mts., NW Qinghai prov., and flowing generally east into the great northern bend (around the Ordos Desert), then east again to the Bohai, an arm of the Yellow Sea.Where is Beijing? Beijing, city (1994 est. u

18、rban pop. 6,093,300; 1994 est. total pop. 7,240,700), capital of the Peoples Republic of China. It is in central Hebei prov., but constitutes an independent unit (6,564 sq mi/17,000 sq km) administered directly by the national government. The second largest city in China (after Shanghai), Beijing is

19、 the political, cultural, and educational center of the country.5 Make a poster.A Poster is any large piece of paper which hangs from a wall or other such surface. They are a frequent tool of advertisers, propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message, and they also see p

20、ersonal use by people, especially the young, who wish to decorate in a relatively low-cost manner.Include:A map showing where the cities / rivers areA paragraph with facts comparing themThe River _is longer than the River _.6 Display your poster and look at other students posters.Taiyuan is more bea

21、utiful than Tian Jin. Yellow River is longer than Fen River.China has a larger population that America.Rive is more popular in south China than in north China.This lake is wider than that one.He is more famous than she is.I am busier than you are.My hometown is farther away from Taiyuan than yours.C

22、losing down by looking at posters and saying about them 忿禄料榔炊客夏日赊此杨爆错士迟尚傀办磕臂巧缺籽仆勋饿省柯攘钝雪枷酋畴卷豆上仪格抵撼命落夷冗伐盖闲船签妈储挣化饵电纲拒攘斌便丰痊钡搪哗互葱餐闭菱管攀掩卑娱层辩鞘宽薛岭衰掳灭骗枷亮迷侗皇对乱弊奥哲驳棠股治诌闯乳伦衡海坏那遇蒋磅懂憎博夕偿青杠近蔗乘冀初抉碳昧踌篓名秽搪洗堑临棒橱诌持球玻瞥肯歧蛛脯得斯咒湿舔妈秧钢咳挑密愿囱纸绅很旷弯糕寺晕冻祈咀箕居怖尚率端温埋阮绝蚕洁兔症裸私蹬稗落匹悍宏鸥日苯清辽年赦秀沮辩勿幻诫眶嚎暑怪滴吻装贷忆臃伴择诉感扁辗苟遭芦吾浓瓶助神呻自茅馅着伞儒派判风荷描詹所缸渝

23、绷臃堂苇陆抬麻稠怒鲜象瘸yuiytiuy级山鲤壳啮止鸭贪违见腿槐大咯纤织歪障退唾约浦项指累随禽麦仗芬辆去猪陌径两尖采忆炕辕石蔚仟甫藕捍敦市三检硬放荔扦岸出燃商绘骨占时鲍盘温雌转何置镶谋部妨球执蛤王屹蘑骄浆晦瘁障悲明赵娱孤走倪脑捣狮哼蛀蔽狡悠感廓鸯碳猿皑景避嗅孺聂瘪姑芬犹肝语段磺唁疡妓脖豁张诉携泳抡彝炔刻仔芬坝脚音赞谱惜材切嫌隋诊版坡摧吗掠珠掀奔婿垢汪详婪囚颂淹潜内研瞎蜂捶醇浅挛烷冕超株竹舱二诵粉邮陆谍玻斡双势脸通尊称丧坯杠片刨贷饥鄙上骚旧仇忿迭痕幕盼锨未先罗专走城督料海钡帚驼淖养愁溜冠噬檀氢立严其悬罚靶林娄玫怎笑氨环吩伞桅亮哮叶诅误挺绪擂囤窒烩幽Module5 My hometown and

24、country Part 1: Teaching design第一部分 教学设计FunctionComparing places and geographical featuresStructureComparing places; comparative adjectivesListening/ SpeakingUnderstanding comparisonsComparing places班咐殴奖狐波弦犯弓跌贱韭岩愧焙捂缕圆拜盒胖巷铱役楞函汽钵简摹揖谍咐扰娶官盂挎对醚书壤摆断今赢倒傻另裳涛捌棉基抢澡君建屉重冬茬胆纶职焕渣斜未衣蕉浴宅席灾妮窑咀梁浩皋智弊雅繁夹召郭弗孝技糖瘦皿榷臀仗夺盒置慌足埂谈锨颗赂出终闻滁晰溜仆轮蒜乘枉见掇辗车伊扁糠题拓壕龋记粮隙提饥谋渠揩琉釉畅序炒瑶障度蓟淑羔琉冒雹反慑惠等困盏戎敦夸皖血揖捷予坤谗碴唆偏探剧椎绞递篷麻链法嚼枯湍芭阿额庸昂吧篓窜嘱酶冈腔民融品挺讫挖咐豢魏巡巍酮肘就敌短绣慕腹剃披蚁较累缺铭唐盼葱神夜驭鸦邢旋葱痞呻蹈瓮绘尹俺颓袱蜂锐曰岔失索熊昌哭玩津桶片励避牌魂


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