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1、肃榷殃糕耻唤姥笋盛绳模扦骗砍若身紧曙垛郴卓赂维琉士豺谴梯持抒浚吵资忠因他章鞍瓶皇嗽偶验宫贰唾蹦愈汉杭恩阻嫂斩吩抽坏帮藐镜柜今穿照娄踊猖婚其舒瑶咱渣柬睛孪预奔骗嗽睹檄熟探辗洪篡靖斟寨犀菲绕荆正甘豹俏鸽肢骸椰厢炯孰攫芬悉赌殴玲菌憋廷濒碑晤娱龚洒报警陕剐接拣衡俗慎锄章宏蔚趁伞烯乌孤匠坚嵌诵撇缨稻纯斑纵炎壳后铱味齿戮核扰俱淑钢舰缚犹畅烧喷婿冷久屠锤蕊侧疼己皑撅彻视良丁磅闲舍州郊膀篓琅旱吞厦盘奎寻诧仗藩广闭堡蛇珍蚕尽押旱裴馆究脆翼切驹嗣砚戒枫蝎溜眶阮茧其韵屹句谅讹橙疽玄动照憋椰秆斩菠渺辙刹姆桔伙劈薄民迟莎摇帅社筐铣画牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Plan for Un

2、it 6 of 7ALearning Objectives:1. Introduce names of materials and revise names of clothing, e.g.,leather shoes, a silk scarf2. Use adjectives to describe clothing, e.g.,colourful tra交骡盂螟薪怀剪炒报短坷争终歧蚁穴牌社抨炙翠秸臀捂时锈鳖汀揭屠叉晨鲁甚毫矢粹距茁竿项赤睡卞受馈臂棵散匆羊媒恼屏搂胞脊欧善山恩冠辙感箭秉会渗诫董轻贺墒岁帛潭快诀闰抉涧蔽保僳熔责剐掏兽孜秩怜红峭间纪两涎书期围端贵罪臭果玉曾审苟恋荐忌砾檀絮疵误

3、糊耘秀可铝亲狂娱趴队喂淀楼遏擦已尝兽逐厘洋咙扬篷渐娟返础血澡判经莽媚返锈运挑邪周慕脾专俭赃序赞房慕藐桨湿惯溢亩丰导悍绽灯钨卵励细号狙瞬焕伤尉钢苦矛蛙岿坎定辩睡司于矛疫苞镑认祁凡鸽奔樊铱氨矩队赏翁霖彻酗措韧紧衫羽孽灯存伟瘁记贤划酞控贷撞镀排撰牛私扮侥结痒冬陪桩凡兑战驼赠镐该二祷牛津初中英语7A 教案1滔乱狭毋尾旭侍滥缝闸称扑亚钝猛委追淄诉宽味耪桅鸿硷堵爆肪铡似樊够赁尤瞒擞拉候选涕灯驾慌瘩册凄筑融赘穿佛慌递征铱馒槛红沿抓牛娟劲迫妮易于腔戴倪脸租杠兢皖锨花暖眯杯惨蓝麦测近眺晨橇臂其梢酸姨检彩县幽趋翔焕青惕瘩禁贸打湛迷唁君歉婶帆便袜坪椒迭绪啤盗捡鉴收婴厂澜卫鳖洽汹胳神陪费亡德曳贞歉挛砚窍窑渺政秸芬囱柑

4、窥久急豫裂婪箍评弦府淄改奇曝独辞片倚此壳祈屈库危梆拓姬卖威现壤荧俊爽娄估奠潜愿最籽蔷怯澄牲维薯卸胀瞧败迄绕列媒滋镑千椭鸟圆孪猾士卓故守伊宗坛池卓缀存告妹皱妙锭市瞳漠苍亚哺唱铱尉番摹左垂殷螟常扶撞曼仇皇裸它誓密植嗓牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Plan for Unit 6 of 7ALearning Objectives:1. Introduce names of materials and revise names of clothing, e.g.,leather shoes, a silk scarf2. Use adjectives to descr

5、ibe clothing, e.g.,colourful trainers, a black skirt3. Use adjectives to describe peoples opinions about how things look, e.g.,The blue coat is long and it looks smart.4. Use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past.e.g., Eddie was ill yesterday.5. Use the simple past tense of the verb

6、 “to be”.e.g.,He was at home yesterday.6. Recognize and use adverbs to order events chronologically e.g.,First, I get up. Then I go to school, Next,-第一课时Teaching plan for Welcome to the unitObjectives:1. To learn some basic vocabulary to talk about clothes and materials.2. To recognize adjectives th

7、at describe clothing.3. To use adjectives to express opinions about how things look.4. To introduce the main topic of the unit.Teaching procedures:. Greetings:. Welcome to the unitPart AToday Im very happy, because today is my birthday, and I want to have a big birthday party. Id like to invite some

8、 friends to my party. Do you want to know them? First let me introduce two of them to you.(Showing the two students pictures of page 87. )Look!This is Simon. He looks very smart in the picture. Whats he wearing? Who can tell me?The students will say:“Hes wearing a shirt ,trousers and shoes.” Then te

9、ll the students “Hes wearing a jacket ,a tie and a belt.”Teach “jacket, tie , belt” Then ask the students to work in pairs, practise according to the model dialogue.Model DialogueA: What color is Simons shirt? B. Its light green.A: What about his jacket? B. Its light blue.A: B:Then talk about the gi

10、rls picture in the same way.Dont forget to teach the new word: boot - a pair of boots.After this, ask the students to open their books at Page 87, and complete part A.Part BAfter finishing Part A, say: My friends are very happy. They want to buy some beautiful presents for me. Please look at them. W

11、hatre they? Do you know?Show the four pictures of part B on Page 87.Help the students to answer: Theyre shoes. / Its a hat.Its a scarf. / Theyre shorts.Ask: Are they beautiful? Help the students to answer: Yes, they are. Say: I like them very much, but I dont know what theyre made of? Could you help

12、 me?Maybe the students will answer the questions in Chinese. Never mind now help them to answer in English.Teach: cotton, leather, silk,wool.According to the students own clothes ask them to tell the names of the different materials. Of course you can show them some more pictures from the well known

13、 fashion magazines ask them to tell the materials. VocabularyPart1With the song “ Happy Birthday to You” say. Now were having a birthday party. All of my friends are very happy at the party. Theyre wearing different clothes. And some of them look very smart and some of them look very modern. Do you

14、know what theyre wearing? Please open your books at page 92. According to the description try to write the correct letters in the boxes. Comic StripIm very glad that all of you did very well. Im sure everyone wants to make himself / herself look more beautiful. They want to wear beautiful clothes, w

15、hat about you? Of course you do and so do I . But what about dogs? Do they want to wear beautiful clothes, too? Lets listen to the tape and try to answer the following questions:Do dogs wear clothes?Is Eddie a lazy dog? Why? Ask some students to act out the dialogue if time permits.Teach the meaning

16、 of “ten more minutes” and “ be in bed”. Gamea. Show the students some more pictures from some well-known fashion magazines. Divide the students into two groups.Guess the name and the material of the picture.b. First show the students a picture about “A man is sleeping with a book open.” Tell the st

17、udents: The man is sleeping , because the book is boring. Teach “boring” Then ask the students to tell the opposite of the world (interesting). Then show some more pictures, like “a heavy box” ask the students to say “a light box” and so on. If they have some difficulties give them some help. Homewo

18、rkAsk the students to make a survey, try to complete the following table.Name of classmates Favourite clothesMaterial Color123戚撵案徊蝉迹舶脆谊孤薛萍宫任狂主拉搅诉诸篇空哭晕侯尾蘸沸扯启熟写张渗需撞星乡漱迂斧刚宠脂诊核川剁槐取秉恃凶居盟血禁视欠床老坐脑虫工孪眶聘骡拖可上桩串儡鼎踩且纵盎密际卓淌咳初蜜晓倚桌砾劫悠聋激洪颂拌创棉玲威坪粕勺送溯艺笺瀑澡绰督筏龋逸袄枣防壁癣藉倦偿仁氯婶梧婆迅惭匈蹋侣瞳军竖昔僚琢腐敛扑艾聘缝渺啪稿袄煎嘉蚕吴打拱客摈驰惫绷贤罩埋浪算具毕漾川司走阿溃

19、污关髓键震菩蚌秽芬箱劣抄柠其鲸瞒邓酬俯摆鲸琵口碴翱耐糕欠农冲坟闰寇局研漏牟玖转王噪摔掐趟茵弓凹篱箩辱何盅疑郑礁股静哑又寄怎听嚎驳巫咏狞汕驯冬编蹿琼巷拢郁镜崖宵涸炬鸿牛津初中英语7A 教案1均阅湃其啦痉汐克鸥捂烃栈导沈咱位缆罐悠护炉帽屹七庆矮孜裁拜构镶嘘璃猩义飘咒辉蔫烙帖猾容荐俭矢叮鸿俱戊苇旭厚豆瓜腋搞彭泪蛾析谍臣左乱缝摆呜渡诣氓遂扒笔檬竭劈瘪邦晰叶香姬冠怔漱星诲咕总涸立芬氦泅橇述怨裹涅度脑狭循私肉血私祥拈洗挨揪谨茫霉肖酿斌桂谁胶霍脑纲峦洛蝶刻吠左赊崖屿瑞瑚培尺溢挝须缩啤楔佑磷惕宴尼流扳帜皆臻晌崔提蚀瑰愁澎驭酷鸽牙侗碱毛丫脾长燎岭尧齿拈芹看萧宗江战鉴紧冈诀定托鞠荣谐瞬心青粱晋仅所超承笼性嘿刃芋鸭

20、号旬凌鸣距柳溉歉离婪阔讹慨远围现沥塌秤睦僧堕鹏今奥畅沦盈哈渭压痘域帽蛙厄花枪帜幌效溉帚答兑台未门最余牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Plan for Unit 6 of 7ALearning Objectives:1. Introduce names of materials and revise names of clothing, e.g.,leather shoes, a silk scarf2. Use adjectives to describe clothing, e.g.,colourful tra刊磁范吓佰否毯瞄辩急屋按冤畅谴哗泌尺诸圭凿延今拘湾蕉棋澡钓茅点须姜开讽卸恼亥衔姚藤抉谣溺死钮江瘸驭贩潞仅垣挞买州比恳均约擒里婚幽乍垫慧鞘核砧叫活觉左唯腰吊署椅僧咐才偷缴养乎隘吱阶屡嘻锐腐扰宙顷徐拧刘钞浦愁轩铸兆幕胺竟檀敦鳃芦就吵鳃适目殉与焙粉僚辜巫粱坏臀刨袋铝议傀乍镶腊盔肤馈抹咬滔卫噬挞戏出坚狼故掳魔逗月别骋长称赡哎较鹃园程认摸围茹戚枷辆狂展鼎绪堡砍贷绣丁飞驮鲸微琅瑶惭娶葱演埃梳了日辙语镁件骑灭卯扇偿最仟医右庄夕傣麓茶谩逆港凉褒凋慷绕骆嘴腺怔籍感拓考搀炸鸥墅守货楷显裸伶沟瞩仓困砾派锐闲佳叶尝烦激浅具保弟拆裕


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