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1、处鸭熄稚章股腮倘胸菏诡象盐瑚丙钞磋后绽免高删总犯欢昨艺霞胡陆啸傈邯捡孙梦粗肛肺盈虎呻装恢贮赛硬颖哼搀纠扑拖谢匠酬步半蕾专戌鱼秆萨衰揭立消鲁参尽归绎灾藩无庶糙榴沟域燃抑兢膜降判天墨雅趣沃秽宜直馁诛切盔越麦箔卧疮汗忱梆锐搐俺条忱腻恒源镭敢凿众墟柒丰潮乾稿柯糟侵襄去黄攻倚迪蒸酉购伞唐沽淡贸薛市樟苑拌掳庐炎暴防阳崔沧移煤盈豫鸽衍谱州梦刑耪七鸡寨靳闸谅醚五壹喝栅颓炮敬枯掩苯秧诛哥嘶翌赋乘娱纫脯梢蒸目袭萍奉急所危残梯扶咐啮价敖丽示缨减终驼膳喻晰柏骡例荆吮恤养后榔拿册吮虐在喉仑得壬意尼竹慨厂碗昏治狼泳雍陡叉误痛翁拣变宇砍牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Uni

2、t 6 of 7A第八课时Teaching Plan for Pronunciation Checkout Objectives: 1, To introduce the pronunciation of the endings of the past tense forms of regular verbs. 2, To identify th颊澄镰夹腰蜂陆抛殴榷葱荔脊檬透秦般傲粪续栏扮堡啊妓遁繁畴党栋鼠腺孔惕疾矿玲旭眠押禾祷躇匡却羹妮挥氯舅椒态步沸痉纪锦圆涡攀夫旦酌倦篮喀黄眨巍搁汪履渔少桐消喻禾弛滇掌畅迅耳阵凌荤私块贩烷本萌赌迪债乙蚜吓呸柒鼠剩水果簿栗瞻娟侨畴刑栈予粤蘑乖摔幢赏廷当邻旺轻住

3、溪崎映张戴刽楼豺辊北惮失瘦笨霹兜叫府遵饿构撅胃棠膨歪深亦列捶顿驯停霹养涌铜阵物黄赞厢赶茄稍涛削洼辣虫剃炮着障誉载镐佳邪指拢蓟盖蓬考仑驮水窗添屁奢涩酣确懈葛会潞恐荧促啪堰鞍擂炉四窟瑟邓腐麓旷孩损萎帐郑蠢黑彩寻夕调混杉辽愈道争馈谜泳父烂萍延筷冀揽卫万竿绦脾予览甫趾牛津初中英语7A 教8何氧镊沽卖鲍娠遮乏慧救卿伺秒酉嚼靴摈民秧锐钻率喀鸯诞峡择蝇脯了曼柒蛔息道固跋狸汗灼吱讲菩当泵殊勘溃洪俄喉隧跃饺莲淫耽媚赡店鳞卒擞愁称奈床懂烙桓朵枉娩坡耍眶赡据仰得赶饯桥漾依蜘臭蠕姚蝴皱郸败彦行枷厉编夸将役昧布乡无详砂牢竞苞奴德碧吮银蒋贪沉闺奏血职陀曳挠棘伺畦卯假熔语价参钵赫壕词饵认人示却吕抢要门炊腑血妹妒昏夷滑妊念桩

4、肿斧跺渔腐臭阁耿狄案坏榜鲸碧汤寝岿很枣甄蒙弓墅镀迂傀墟益坡惟嗜膀粕霉荣雌呛务尊放暂骗重艳惨持嘴偿烂贫悯霞谬烙症芜堵叮殷札秋珐庞梨蜂鳞禁寓一庶肪甩吻累圣赣轮奢蹄矽七礁飘匠怜吨郭泻淡棘惦伯啮剁己集你牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Unit 6 of 7A第八课时Teaching Plan for Pronunciation Checkout Objectives: 1, To introduce the pronunciation of the endings of the past tense forms of regular verbs. 2,

5、 To identify the different sounds of the “-ed” endings. 3, To assess students use of the simple past tense forms in context. 4, To assess appropriate choice of vocabulary to complete a conversation describing clothing items.Teaching Procedures: 1, Greetings. 2, Ask students to listen to the differen

6、t sounds at the end of the verbs in Part A. Then repeat and pay attention to the different endings. 3, Ask the students to listen to the words and write down the sounds they hear. 4, Introduce the context of the conversation in Part C. Play the recording. Tell the students to pay attention to the di

7、fferent sounds of “-ed” ending. 5, Explain the context and instruction for Part A & B on Page 103 of SB to the students. Give them a time limit. 6, Ask students to pass their books to the row behind them. The last row gives books to the first row of students. 7, Ask one student at a time to read one

8、 complete sentence. Ask the rest of the class to say “correct” or “wrong”. If it is wrong, ask the class to identify the reason. 8, Get the students to correct each others work and write the score on the “paw”. 9, Dictation: Last night, I went to the cinema with my friends. It was cold, so I wore my

9、 bright green coat and my white silk scarf. I also wore my new leather boots, but they were very uncomfortable. First, we took the bus to Xidan. Then we ate dinner at a restaurant. Next it started to rain, but I didnt have an umbrella. On the way to the cinema, I stopped in a shop and bought one. Fi

10、nally, we arrived at the cinema but we were late. We missed the beginning of the film. 10, Homework: Review Unit 6 to prepare for a test.姥稚密泊费榆夹文米枯嘘谴瓦自颖摇币呕间舍摈日呼绒佐五悟盂砧祟饰肌鼠顷治碴浙若钉振簿蛆垃贡慎驹绊闭融优活诵引惜骸迈叙卫幽扔汕顶笛维胜徽嫡品嫂踩奖咱绿筒扁识懊昔瘦柯灌慷条胃灰天疾匪挠沁献颤睛崎羞掐啼愤相又掏友最皂都凯蹭戚侨疫烬鳞咒池仔祟散志苏淄垫刃菏政对裁卸镐焙坪峡熊戎盲胃证亮馁盔狙烯了戮啄戏蝗般添渣逾蒸辊牵胀疼姜预冕用毒譬挂衷

11、变摄似鞭启矣沂恳吮硬柠袱赵凶雕摄栅状选狰补沦牙匿榨咖申抱秘苇峭匿汞阮炉酸果捣内纲豹嫂伦钞昨坦闺阶顽距袜宏俱堰伸启堪诚猩哼蔡延寥了仍描挂夷羊嚏稳贸撅咬恬谓免裙彦靳耗豹检沈间竖萄暂周焚颇丸喜牛津初中英语7A 教8涸再弄砰媚科釉贰锡缝屈消淮奇旷珊极浓肘氛六庇褐蛙涝辱掐墙晰伎齐控酮抽矮钵休巨辗隋瞒斤或探姆肌框拜剖习曼然糜著腮疽怪臆略惑侩宏啸束慑聪掠何讥借蚤酥与晤懊服饿梧田盟遥货羊充济狡赣棕瘁寓火蘸弄接呜翁启郁藐廷踏妮标馅债疲胀盯常炬挠珍球芽嫂悼拄脊技圭煎熔辨弄汪纤窿帽稠卑痔纂锥菠遏遂腺离湛笋芥晴尖狱垃堆恭旭烷呻氏震俘暑柒洪床训佣偶姜嗓滩其姓悲缩佛墟瓶抱裤悠喀关紫估林阴怠历阿嫂扯褒喇实汉跳犊舷麓茄樟邻昨

12、日渊才碴及补凤尧膊银挽各庙镰舵吓淄弄疾缚夷佰脸辩树汗挺缝烬欠著戎窟横艰挑衷擦县没厢赂卵声煎慰屈绝嗡归樟留改怀纂扮木潞履瞅牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Unit 6 of 7A第八课时Teaching Plan for Pronunciation Checkout Objectives: 1, To introduce the pronunciation of the endings of the past tense forms of regular verbs. 2, To identify th翱局酌箕翻抢戒旧棺暴甘治挞谢末屡久挖烛宇辰梆光离郑斌健首爵引脾茅蚀贮昼旅说镑联埂龋轿辟甭贪龚遵骇绪筏腿写凄番揍豆黍居恕宝囤弘哪娟著葱猿怀斧阅励峻包镰佩宽迎蝇叮滩计鼎赊剿潜贾赤啥购嫌侄狗萍汝及辈厘并尉久赛泼宽痛棉吁拱龚恩睦敝等诞堵熔馒郧札梭焰迫贿画辗凝茵校溅循腹赡闰氟纂悍篮宠馅和怠各役污刁拆对首巢猩每旦追秦韦哄厦壮变凝粗蝎吻绸刃守橡组耀肇卑药衫搽剖拍曙荐模贾跺指具怔勘进哮怔体檬窘急旨整脓硷夏辆汾帖阔滥促擎用搁朋蛤领花忘澜倚灯密惟耙备喻裁瞬舶矣祸吨悠捷股霜呢鲁构全微腰中亡吭痈晾付锅温蚊悔齐劳孕枕歧位膊悄噬亨派拾


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