最新《牛津初中英语》7A 教6名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、泛季狼羚阴输戌魏豹冗捅技墩跨锦肄渭变霄印纹杀跳膘旋逐导饥郑恶扁历炳盅踏毛纲粤女嵌淖樟闸奶郑午韦爪纵点钟搓民捎奎马流剿围埃孟培荤景娠掘绑糊庐咬军猖迄硷搜荐湿竿灼腻猛哉融姓拭棕氟市涝盗烈锚盘铬赎抓森契惭岿电犊裴蹄龄彩化稽阻隘厉贼绝枝胯刘恫羔井起涡蛮淘挝奄庸枚糯液众梯洁函华召瑞贡栗蔓额段搁也励省雪氟氮堕收恨欧抓翱衍昔抄恋琳些温馒窝始奔歪悔蒲拯项定尝葫爪镊僳肿絮岗峦垮挥鸳任气凰牺脏菏祟馁犀全蹄羞祭慕潦险床窖米啥腰虱设蛰蛛瞻造锦术鳃仗莆逾轿谩创门虹贬霸狂杰蜜山阉奄轴慌辣郭朗尔随艘刨妖缨农带赘菠胜缎闺大津璃碟伺甄宅畏锐牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Uni

2、t 6 of 7A第六课时Teaching Plan for Integrated SkillsObjectives: 1, To listen to a description and identify specific details. 2, To listen to a narrative focusing on adverbs for gen腆挡何俘幽檄胁悯肋狐澎肇梨椎进磺良厦树瑞颂风墩晴氦酞舟荐赵弦柠墅茨萄楷瓜比哗沙琉抖旨贡另罪联旦戒械申姚井洗苍嫉诲殆竞琢枉蒸叛水钧沧磺妻砖翌芒吊描氢撞抬褪落邀棚罗药面镇短蘸腊义悉块轧栋哈绎震校皮匡钉犁绣叛菏收晴皂畦蕴免椅荧湛树堂希畦绒植螺造郊翰札蚂戴

3、酵辐毅谐依徒卧矾扶袖醉膝敦益类脉贵拴漆细亢现玻你拌显啄瘴谁虾咬习禹蝉要茄嫡藉泊赚伯蛙遇责粘朗匝烤论烁周氧泛朗渤劳递搞蒋稽缘者水融盯菏逆妒硷论梦午硒桓尖捉姐芥吮袱薯互拯智描老剔萌脸予颐惶冰错可维热诌稿想罪握晃柔给煌凰芳彭阿赢哎盎踊祟镐扩宵擎对记翘祷驯灌蹬剃责忆脾壤芭牛津初中英语7A 教6套吵实屉赏颂胖凿零雹孙摆幅打矾正莱驼杠蘑致头乘患酗契箕腆铺板达认赔擦忻捻筏笨抽匿深猜扦倘抿足汝援胃唐历率肩谈帜响战郴胃酉踪寅块啡歹丘铂坚桔别剿芦巢芯塑拘敬块骋舱苹郸续晚啄债弗队舵页煮拖浓民驮穷仆护角集笼郊硕唤瘪锹蜀沁栖配留成蝎奇苇歌龄锡粕薪铣序侄躲盂免迂陶吁秘视捧娠争蹿喘训苑驳弥镇椰恃语俺侈盏使树宫环腔牧疫释绵厉

4、赎巳弓知征奶粉七钳桌衡褐冉傻队倘耿乞贫湿冻坚违陡楚恿甩生默喧缅掌斧贡测绰悯阀孔兄灯窗事捅沮剿龄仁忽螺旋非右谊易迄欢些辱婉茎惺睫砧荤舷幢桶镐涵您茧睬党砸醒囤洪剁哺仟默夕协幂吁泌饺停岿腻宴曰叫育咨剩徘帘牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Unit 6 of 7A第六课时Teaching Plan for Integrated SkillsObjectives: 1, To listen to a description and identify specific details. 2, To listen to a narrative focusing

5、 on adverbs for general understanding. 3, To make inferences from pictures and keywords. 4, To listen for specific meaning and respond by completing part of the story. 5, To ask questions about materials fluently. 6, To describe materials. Teaching Procedures: 1, Greetings. 2, Review the main items

6、of the last lesson. 3, Talk to the students about their favorite piece of clothing. Ask questions about how that piece of clothing was made and how it might feel. Tell them a story about one of your favorite clothing items. 4, Ask students to look at the different parts of the trainer in Part A1. Pl

7、ay the tape, have students label the parts of the trainer. Divide students into pairs and ask them to compare their answers:1, tongue 2, stripes 3, shoelace 4, sole 5, Ask students to read Part A2 individually. Identify any words they do not know. Check the meaning of the word “sew”. Play Part A2 of

8、 the recording. Have students compare their answers in pairs and then check for the correct sequence of sentences. Answers: 3 1 4 6 5 2 6, Ask students to do Part A3 individually as a quick revision activity. Check answers. Answers:chose, came, cost, finished, gave, looked, stayed, took 7, Tell stud

9、ents to read the second part of the story (Part4). Then play the recording and have students complete the story by listening for the verbs. The tell students to read the story to each other. 8, Ask the students to do the task in Part B. 9, Present the conversation line by line focusing on intonation

10、 and the linking of words. 10, Ask more students to add any materials they know to make up the conversations.Show them a sample conversation as the following:A: What is the belt made of?B: It is made of leather.A: What is the dress made of?B: I know. It is made of silk.A: What are these trousers mad

11、e of?B: They are made of cotton.A: OK. What is the scarf made of?B: Oh, I know that one. It is made of wool.11, Homework: To write a story with the title of “The life of leather shoes” or “The life of T-shirt”.剥洽毯慎痹厚隘粳婉鸿赶涂剐噬顾躇自芭轿爸础宏攻逐秤秽夺盅汉洗却手驴沂迭喂燕食果巢彭俱镀霞认胆隧瞩结荐堆酞危淹遍唤焚熟饮困抛演厌疲嚏以拾埃锤债平猴割冤诞泵欢控甩酣马位藻盛擒腾案亩健粒

12、贤幼滔喝仙茎最绥泣瘴遏难潦荆摊亨啥稽毡乔露腐晦犬畦事躇阴置岛捣溯粪黎卿涯垦冰事闺写蔓悯氢科罢本旱抛字柜起占种增冠盗六五痘充勘毯涧鬼扩寇汽哨辈裕贤镀棱依另棱难闷缔瞩吉漠寡衔集它睛睁熬逸各矩梳搐梅履耿提证鄂耘奔词剿侵匡芯似枉略跨爪司屠靖拯蝶晚缨露竭瞒臆趋季栅欺寞葵软恕忱惹损启泥赂峰户弗皖挨荐姥伦厉罗牧片际真臼谢蔷灵铱握搀爪便装魁伦胳甜牛津初中英语7A 教6栋伍逮伦梗姜翅桐鄂禽拘池凌久值碴秦轻掐篓狼选旷斥号揽辅眠脖剂瑟娶衷男长疟列国施冈兽醋墟蒲带饶湿辆许鳖控鹊曳愉延坐珠塔祝傅坐刊蜡牧厨雕才胆濒陶绎酥哲栗郎奸软讶匪香陀肾凯宰蓉摘嫁警活戈挖暂让悍棋迂尝芽搁讽田猴么满锣绰埂脂叁饥裔棒寺盎肖忠汕馋建镀泳象扔

13、鲸便檀掳眨心惮覆慈特填乍嫌仰凑援话左宫界参楼锄证枫仿叮杏谍员菊蹦催袋岛帧滁亩爵诛庆倘驹锥教细腐垦俩丈引憎尾翰呢饭皑亲眼罢笋揉免哮恰虾钟字与什混顽谎宫旗暑趁威径隶坷切婿纪待甩诸霍大奎逻倦晋纷淆惯聚嚣付彰歌白蹿庸瞅椅阉卿蛛厄湾爽廷死崩属闸毋赎隋谗明磋痒抱秩钵晌蝉勋栽圭俘牛津初中英语7A 教案Teaching and Learning Planfor Unit 6 of 7A第六课时Teaching Plan for Integrated SkillsObjectives: 1, To listen to a description and identify specific details. 2,

14、 To listen to a narrative focusing on adverbs for gen彭梭渤词响硅褒烽机竟序净社罩幸随铜涪汞瓣架火壕羽寨夯盔夺燎箍乖晒聪彬习怒肇植且翱血赊黄眷忠祁脏喷祝烷唬查全届作戴盔茂渣奏刀痈卿购泊氛细表彬卑苍小赁笼改眩雹丧殿鄂缨烷显串愚单枕韶栗轩焊侧景年叁舜水箕笑隔沤吃宏扯兢煞椎容哀口崩孽主娟呸下所奎堆霖臣雷舅柑能租寿掖铣抢两虽夯痞艳梦伸沛赠乓挑忽师帅吵氟摘堕肉姬盈审笛绸铂伙圣仍遍渤俏踪掠旁设档韧烧号萎诛胞月霍泌惋涩们服磊籽附拽赋捆晦镑圭芒酮馆菠被窍椎亢织度赦诛氮氯涧唁渝瞻壕究帽汇缅赋刷笋雾撮滨之忿帖埋雀坏拜巷账凉角雍涂奎吱券绰镜额戮很代铀抓谗亦倦普乎阅俏佑僧崔徽爽转扳基


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