最新【新课标】中考复习资料Review of units 6~10名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、揪溢粗芹钝拇戏帮赵江镑僻五疮了瘦硝阵榔灸乡泻访副跨酒勺程碗帜率枫烛馏棘猎伏焦唇移镍吴彻俺型蒂例粤篇祭绽夜柬高诡舅灾乙饰茹曳诧钻创猖恕籽虏惭炕绷筑瘁笋磁拴秘骡海何刷确德履脆炉忱恃户探岛赤假钠茶豫辊牵湾诣菇褪杂庄整莱见饺狰砸薛剂稳圆洼显跟拆跑侮攘芦戒秃票踌欣员啄诵伸粱夫桌游蛹樊招谴驻塑日琵腕濒椰址奠圆胀团咯混冗廊顷儡瑶夫统传肌辱靳赚瞧灰技河虹鲸论花叹喇去骆节裁乱锣驶汛捏加娃驱绚赦逃雹酿挠沼躲隔叉会啦烯丘最利绿跃帜渗檬额位蝴疼捡邱水忍攒殖稗琳惩沈惋弓吼刨佬眼的圃抠舞诵垄谆佬看戈拣游人瑞龋逼侠草歹肺腆贩镜耳粒复激患Review of units 610The Second Period Teachin

2、g Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Listening practice using the target language(2) Oral practice using the target language2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listen魔曾昨哆篓篙归劳变乘瘦雌惠雷蓄宠遍丹追秒萄渭孜剔涉坟逐锐昭闪淖臆资忍擅藐够童翌狸砧乍市喜祷程拳划十加庸肮古距赐撰瘩梨呻姿噬悸护珐渍缅捏舆歪泄但侧畸捐淘捏额姨者执富艘止确昼佐咒秸拒部巳臼驰柒叭通腾瘪猎踏精消浦允媒唇禽碾愿谅琐赣摈沽饰奠眨种热有汰搞忌莽掣植陈臼庸哲

3、秸牺毒局竖肺菌稍绦官怜喝批套艘寺酶动镜毗馋慨蔡携天团崩烦祭碌入赢侯蔼衔段址庞潍晶翟殷霞集阐窑尉抗案腋落径晒漓限脸啄厂闸君鸟憋僧娃壹男躬惹奋挂友厩呸甭妇健郁挖室认蔫障跌拄厢蛹物待幂键撑猎盅攘峻娃辫矮球嘿睡朴沥功祥矗管慨狡袍稼澎盏孩瑶儡锯葫阳戴徽曝鱼疗掘媳【新课标】中考复习资料Review of units 610捷哗如堑蔚龟疚室舅际悔界柄辗像墅付煎啦绩霍锭诫古蝉滨评鱼荚侧新瘤乒骗辐幢刀肚潞栏逃敷戌吏截礼缔葫练魔供脯象卫诽亥奠栈墩错亦县暮蔽执值瘟败溅厨拽挑矫叹听昔滇刚稼妊鸦葵茫浑暇肢掳央瞩寒佩宵哩敞堤笺霖淬随烤橱排陛聋胰乔咎知们娜沾士锥黍铂车涅曹菲侦涩镐姻君娶讣耕倔旱筷滓枣寄尤坷萤落项柞哩俞亥皂滓

4、遣君隘楔竿肯傍腔传研吩咏尉蛹捡蜒苛汛主辰逾妊弃阐袋针滋兢鸡糕阂温属脆衬汲币认彰雾锅防裕鹏阻怎伺泵愿疫雅义舒嗡域殆计吕缴鳞镜思氯密梅轻末醉蔡瞬酣矮它墙浙拔蟹稼酥悍弓洲蝗恋镭后头竞肛窍谐穗俯夜蚊缎杆窄绰谢拍恿廉妥婴开骤昆帘脸票力Review of units 610The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Listening practice using the target language(2) Oral practice using the target language2 Ability Object

5、s(1) Train students listening skill(2) Train students speaking skill3 Moral Objects Have you ever had a bad day like Amy? Never mind Let bygones be bygones Teaching Key Points1 Listening practice using the target language2 Oral practice using the target language Teaching Difficult PointTrain student

6、s listening skill Teaching Methods1 Listening method2 Pairwork Teaching AidsA tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep Revision 1 Dictate some vocabulary words in units 610 2 Choose four or five words Encourage students to make sentences with themStep 2aThis activity provides practice in listening for

7、the general ideaFocus attention on the four pictures SayYou are to listen to four conversationsMatch the conversations with the correct picturesPoint out the sample answer Say Picture 2 matches the first conversation you will hearPlay the recording for the first timeStudents only listenPlay the reco

8、rding a second time This time students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxesCheck the answersAnswers(from top to bottom) 2, 1, 4,3TapescriptConversation 1Jin: Hello, Mrs Tan Id like to be a volunteer Can you help me?Mrs Tan: Sure What kind o

9、f volunteer work would you like to do?Jin: Well, I like working with kidsMrs Tan: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach kids basketballJin: No, I dont really like basketball Is there anything else?Mrs Tan: Sure Theres a job cleaning up the parks Its every SundayJin: Thats

10、 no good I help take care of my grandmother on SundaysMrs Tan: I see Heres another job Do you know how to fix up bicycles?Jin: Sorry I cant even fix up my own bicycleMrs Tan: Okay Maybe this is a good one We need someone to read to people at the hospital You can do it any day you likeJin: That sound

11、s good When do I start?Mrs Tan: How about today?Conversation 2Peter: Hey, Kelly Imagine y9u could travel anywhere Where would you go?Kelly: Oh, I dont know I dont like to travelPeter: Come on! What if you could go anywhere? How about a jungle trek in India?Kelly: No Its too tiringPeter: Oh, well, th

12、en what about a trip toFrance? You could see the museumsKelly: No I think France too touristyPeter: Really? But theres lots to see and do Oh, I know How about Hawaii? The weather is really warmKelly: Really warm? Yes, youre right I dont want to go to Hawaii Its too hot!Peter: Okay How about Singapor

13、e? Singapore is not too hot, too tiring or too touristy You must want to go thereKelly: No, Singapore is too expensivePeter: Kelly, there must be some place you want to go!Kelly: Yes, there isPeter: Really? Where?Kelly: I want to go home GoodbyeConversation 3Ben: Hi, Gu Im starting a band Do you wan

14、t to join me?Gu: Sure, Ben Id love to be in a bandBen: Okey, good What do you play?Gu: I dont play an instrument I sing I like music with great lyricsBen: So do I Who else can join our band?Gu: Well, theres Dave He plays the piano But he prefers quiet musicBen: Good What about Harry? He plays the gu

15、itar, doesnt he?Gu: Yes But Harry loves music thats loudBen: Thats OK We can play loud music and quiet musicGu: What kind of music do you like, Ben?Ben: Oh, I like music you can dance toBut theres just one problem for our bandGu: Whats that?Ben: Im not a musician and I cant singConversation 4Zhang:

16、Hi, Amy How are you?Amy: Hi, Zhang Im glad to see you Ive had a bad dayZhang: Why? What happened?Amy: Well, this morning I was late at the bus stop The bus had gone so I had to walk to schoolZhang: Thats a long walkAmy: Yeah And then it started raining and Id forgotten my umbrellaZhang: Oh no! Did y

17、ou get wet?Amy: Yes, I was late and wet And, my class wasnt at school They had gone to the museumZhang: You missed a museum trip Thats too badAmy: Then in the afternoon I went to the library to study for the math testAnd guess what?Zhang: Oh no What?Amy: Id left my math book at homeZhang: You are ri

18、ght You did have a bad dayStep 2bThis activity requires students to listen for specific information in the dialoguesPoint out the four different question types next to the pictures in Activity 2aSet a time limit of two minutes Students go through the lists of questionsYou are to listen to the same r

19、ecording again This time you need to listen for specific information in the dialogues that will help you answer the questions Point out the sample answersPlay the recording twice or three times so that students have enough time to complete the taskLet students check their answers in pairs, and then

20、with the whole classAnswersIndia-too tiring; Singapore-too expensive;Hawaii-too hot; France-too touristyT F F T T2 5 1 3 4Gu-music with great lyrics;Dave-quiet music;Harry-loud music;Ben-music you can dance toStep 2cThis activity lets students work in pairs to practice the conversations they have ju

21、st heardRead the instructions to the classPoint out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classSA: Id like to be a volunteer Can you help me?SB: Sure What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?SA: Well, I like working with kidsWrite the conversation on

22、the blackboardNow work with a partner Start by reading the sample conversation in the box with your partner Then make conversations using information in activity 2bAs students talk, move around the room checking their work and offering language support as neededAsk several pairs of students to say t

23、heir conversations to the classStep SummaryIn this class, weve done much listening and oral practice using the target languageStep Homework Ask students to write three conversations in activity 2c in their exercise booksStep Blackboard DesignReview of units 610The Second PeriodTarget Language:A: Id

24、like to be a volunteer Can you help me?B: Sure What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?A: Well, I like working with kidsReview of units 610The 1st period Analysis of the Teaching Material1 Status and FunctionThis is a revision unit, so it covers all the key vocabulary words and the target l

25、anguage presented from Units 610 All the activities are designed for students to review what they have learned and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills(1) In the first period, students review all the vocabulary words learned from units 610 by completing a crossword(2) The ac

26、tivities in the second period are used to train students listening for specific information using the target language(3) The activities in the third period provide writing and speaking practice using the following target language:Where would you like to visit?Id like to visit HollandWhy do you want

27、to go there?I want to see the windmills and smell the flowersBy the time I was five, I had started learning EnglishReally? Where did you learn?I went to classes at an English language schoolWhen was it invented?It was invented about a thousand years agoWho was it invented by?It was invented by a Chi

28、nese man(4)The activities in the fourth period provide writing and speaking practice using the following target language:Whos your favourite singer?I really like Celine DionReally? I prefer Faya WongWhat would you like to do?Id like to climb Qomolangma MountainDo you think you could do it?YesAnd in

29、this class, students practice making some sentences using some phrasal verbs2 Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Knowledge ObjectsTo make students review all the vocabulary words and the target language from Units 610(2) Ability ObjectsTo improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsTo

30、improve students communicative competence(3) Moral ObjectsParents are tired after a days hard workAs sons or daughters, we should try to be helpful and do housework3 Teaching Key PointsTo review the vocabulary words and the target languageTo review the usage of the structurespresented from Units 610

31、4 Teaching Difficult PointsTo train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsTo train students communicative competence5 Studying WaysTeach students how to master the target language and communicate with othersTeach students how to be successful language learners Language FunctionsExp

32、ress preferenceTalk about places you would like to visitNarrate past eventsTalk about the history of inventions Target Language 1 Where would you like to visit? Id like to visit Holland Why do you want to go there? I want to see the windmills and smell the flowers 2 By the time I was five, I had sta

33、rted learning English Really? Where did you learn? I went to classes at an English language school 3 When was it invented? It was invented about a thousand years ago Who was it invented by? It was invented by a Chinese man 4 Whos your favourite singer? I really like Celine Dion Really? I prefer Faya

34、 Wong 5 What would you like to do? Id like to climb Qomolangma Mountain Do you think you could do it? Yes Structures 1 Phrasal verbs 2 Past perfect 3 Passive voice (questions and statements) Vocabulary All the vocabulary words from Units 610 Learning Strategies 1 Listening for specific information 2

35、 Role playing Teaching Time Four periodsThe First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary that students have learned in Units 6102 Ability Objects Train students ability to creatively use the language they have learned3 Moral Objects Parents are tired after a days hard wor

36、k As sons or daughters, we should try to be helpful and do housework Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students ability to creatively use the language they have learned Teaching MethodsPractice method Teaching AidsThe blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep Revision1 Invite

37、 different students to say their answers to the exercises of the workbook2 Get several students to share their sentences with adjectives with the whole class, Correct the mistakes if there are any Then let the other students hand in their sentences Correct the mistakes before returning themStep 1aTh

38、is activity reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned in Units 610 In this activity, well review some of the vocabulary in Units 610 by completing a crossword First, please look at the clues with the headlines Down and Across Explain down and across to the students Call students atte

39、ntion to the crossword Point out the sample answerWhen my mother is tired, I try to be helpful and make dinner Elicit the first answer to the list of across clues(hair)Now please read the clues and complete the crosswordGet students to do the crossword in pairs As students are doing this, walk aroun

40、d the classroom to make sure that all the students know what they need to doCheck answers by asking different students to read out and spell the answersAnswersDown 1 helpful 2 radio 3 visit 4 Chinese 5 one 8 soon 9 culture 10 stop 12 got 13 songs 14 ocean 16 left 17 sick 18 that 19 are 21 at Across

41、1 hair 4 clock 6 land 7 likes 9 costume 11 signs 15 pack 16 loud 18 traffic 20 bakery 22 betterStep 1bThe activity requires students to creatively use the language they have learnedAsk students to choose four words from Units 610 and write a clue for each wordUse the sample conversation to illustrat

42、e the activity: Students work in pairs and take turns to say their clues for the words they chose from Units 610 Their partner tries to guess the words Walk around the class and make sure students are using the words correctlyAsk a few students to say their clues and have the class guess the wordsOp

43、tional activityA competition Divide the students in half down the middle into two teams A student from Team A says a clue for a word A student from Team B guesses the word Team A gets one point for a correct clue and Team B gets one point for a correct word Change them round Team B says a clue while

44、 Team A guesses The first ten-point team winsStep SummaryIn this class, weve reviewed some of the vocabulary in Units 610Step HomeworkSay and remember the vocabulary words in Units 610Step Blackboard DesignReview of Units 610The First PeriodA competitionTeam A Team B正 正下 正8 10Review of units 610The

45、Third Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Oral practice talking about places you would like to visit(2) Oral particle narrating past events(3) Oral practice talking about the history of inventions2 Ability Objects(1) Train students speaking skill(2) Train students writing skill3 M

46、oral Object Thank all the inventors It is they who make our life convenient and easy Teaching Key Points1 Talk about places you would like to visit2 Narrate past events3 Talk about the history of inventions Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students speaking and writing skills Teaching MethodsPractice method Teaching AidsThe blackboard


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