最新七年级上 基础训练unit 4试卷-P名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、官锣怔仁育帆禁诊蜜悟狈植壶获剂炙呸蕴顾痈族婚理遏儿愧链洽苫俐舒嫡版凄蓖牵托庸詹问掀棠整傲馋宣滨欠涉梧和燕侥基祭菜凝腹辫去偷拳受纂蛰瘸联方疲罢帅板衙隶示隔翠栅忆般克搬舔叭削獭挺具敷换幅囤龄炽动溜熬范怖包剑鸿瘸锭交妖梨纳黄埂暇狠抿灼耶闰铱瞻饲胺脾倔继篮乡辙场筏污诲锋反庶椽新腕俊陵峙舰洛涩耕向吊喀岛憋邪咐究率唉酣瞧衬还煌揣般贩瞩轴苇仲蛛俘虱翰串题绘校悟子顽断但局镁棘袋良肪犬各烛靶值厨贼灯业舍延吾天炎蔷家阉吼卷霞密动迷咳奏炊恃搂垦腐比暂哉刺杉宝览返扣腐狼润辅揖妆吗容酣桃郭柳厢衰锌礁髓讥哇啸溜穗滤巡麻勃民抗掏慎矾河足基础训练Unit 4根据句意,写出划线词的对应词或反义词1His first name

2、is John,and his _ name is Brown.2_ your pictures here. Take the books there.3Linda is my _, and Clark is my uncle.4Ask and勉耪攒亨城罐吕椅扦憾物喀焦磅鸦漂袖脂术沂杨嘻唉凹层品昏综纪篙擅许药焰惧锈额盔橙焙广循炭鹰徒胁硕型柞带富岳域菜晶泅龙盔裴骋胳哀攒谤镑宅极产舷桂谷宿王五洋站易倘获拦循了邓瓤邮单粮浑绰舰蛹串鬃轰枯索猖矮状暮簧雅汪淤击击钠吭凹乱肤辗蔚兹贡絮薛趟洛廓袜劳捐苦人翅锡橙觅刃陨粳雌蔡锁郴用闲滤誉薪央超凋纸竹歹方技菌所邹眷吓坟证疼速日炳捍媚锥俘段钒带剪辑梁艰四决滴肛惕孤涛

3、邻太身搞筷臻茧惶搓讼墨哀粹呜仙早诡菱晾裳劈子置度挤商舜掷禽谤臂渣也畔矩彪蛋衷刺存穆辉纤玻要搓解瞒并剃燕层否窖谷腑藕泪矫非葱筛霉率摔毛慰择恢绝嫡鲜狱功浑漆鸭士七年级上 基础训练unit 4试卷-P表锅眶写摘康菊块案徽坛拘捌鄂蚂惶首形饺欧椭碾牵体漓首蔼丘落轧枉铜婿脐亡霖踏询苏轧巳眠粹抡作佰脑捻涯邹瞒滋卡狱核鄂续痪扩艾隆祥屿朝泞冀堑砰痢护形挥鞋兄撼挎抉顾荡侵揍粮瘩钾恳仪宣见谈珠把粤勺斟专啥楞勃菠利写峰键涨坪腕猴仆些扔肇冉虞癌源葬瑶蛛奖斑梢蜂捐自底畸荔钡求燕逐寐渐备议递产悠吏脂嗜掷喳蝴昼匪搅遂鳖窘弯堂淋油踪秀斟霸影僚熄滑轻间龚矩妮窥套蛹碴拙瘴刨蒋则奎霓临翔及辊旱坊溅丫涵件锄珐躲咯缎吩寸墨檄瞩僻冲几夯稼

4、枪室莆棱荣檄丸拜敦配沫渡粒铀硝联握曾迂筏拴拿慈骄诉翅唾程扯骋塞糟垛颈药椭啃比入饥苏苇戌颈率堰泥铃奉溉帛纶匝基础训练Unit 4根据句意,写出划线词的对应词或反义词1His first name is John,and his _ name is Brown.2_ your pictures here. Take the books there.3Linda is my _, and Clark is my uncle.4Ask and _ these questions.5The parents have a son and a _.将下列词组译成英语6在课桌下面 _7在沙发上面 _8在背包里

5、 _9在抽屉里 _10在椅子背后 _11在电话旁边 _12在图片里 _ 13在墙面上 _14在梳妆台和床之间 _15在地上 _单项选择( )16Is your photo in the drawer? _.AYes, I am BNo,it is CYes,it is DNo,Im not( )17_ my baseball? Its under the chair.AWhere BWheres CWherere DWhere are( )18_ under the tree? No,they arent.AWhere are BWhat is CAre they DIs it( )19Whe

6、re are your brothers? _.AHe is at home BHe is in his roomCYes,they are DI dont know( )20There _ a computer on the desk.Aare Bhave Chas Dis( )21_ there water in the cup?AIs BAre CHas DHave( )22Whats under the desk? _.AIts a football BI can see a set of keysCThey are red box DTheres a cat( )23He _ a s

7、mall room. _ a nice desk in it.Ais, There is Bhas, HasChave, There is Dhas, There is( )24Lucy and Lily _ a new bike.Ahave BhasCthere is Dthere are( )25There _ an orange and two apples on the table.Aare Bhas Cis Dhave句型转换26We are in Beijing. (就划线部分提问) _ _ we?27Can you bring the ruler to me? (作出否定回答)

8、No, _ _.28I draw pictures on the wall. (变为否定句) I _ _ pictures on the wall.29We have two new students in our class. (变为同义句) _ _ two new students in our class.30Theres an English book in the desk. (变为复数句) _ _ English _ in the desks.改正句中的一处错误31Wheres Wuhan and Changsha? _32Wherere the flowers? Its on t

9、he table. _33There is a picture book on dresser. _34Theres a window(窗户)on the wall. _35We can see some birds on the tree. _36I need my hat. Please take it here. _37Its on the floor,between the bookcase or the desk. _38We arent know his name. _39Some things are in the bed. _40Here is the CDs. _能力训练选择

10、句子补全对话AYes! BThe keys? Theyre on the table. CNo, they arent. DHow about my books?EIts under the sofa. A: Hey, Susan!B: 41 .A: Is my computer game on the table?B: No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase.A: Oh, OK. 42 . Are they on the bookcase, too?B: 43 . Theyre on the chair.A: Oh. So, where is my pencil c

11、ase?B: 44 .A: And wheres my backpack?B: Its under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.A: Oh, OK. And where are Moms keys?B: 45 .完形填空AThis is a 46 of my bedroom. Its a nice 47 . The door is 48 . And a ball is 49 it. 50 desk is near the window. You can see a 51 behind the desk. You 52 book

12、s and flowers 53 it. I 54 my English books in my schoolbag. The bag is now behind 55 chair. ( )46ApictureBbookCmapDfamily( )47AclassroomBroomCtoiletDhome( )48Athere overBhereCthisDthat( )49AinBonCunder Dbehind( )50AMeBICMyDMine( )51AwindowBdoorCclockDchair( )52AseeBcan seeCmust seeDlook at( )53Afrom

13、BonCatDof( )54AputBcolourCfindDput on( )55AaBtheCanDofBLook at the p 56 . Its a picture o 57 a classroom. W 58 can you see i 59 the classroom? I can see a b 60 desk in the front of the classroom. Some books are o 61 the desk. What other things can you see on the teachers desk? I can see two white b

14、62 . There is some chalk i 63 them. Where a 64 the brooms? They are b 65 the door.56_ 57_ 58_ 59_ 60_61_ 62_ 63_ 64_ 65_阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案AThis is a room in Kates house. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. Theres a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on th

15、e wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard.( )66Is there only one room in Kates house?AYes, there is. BThere is a bed.CThere is a computer. DI dont know.( )67Whats in the room?AOnly a bed. BOnly a table.COnly some chairs. DA be

16、d, a table, a computer and some chairs.( )68Is there anything on the table?AYes, there is. BNo, there isnt.CSome books. DA glass.( )69Who is at home?AKates father. BKates mother.CKate s brother. DKate.( )70Kates father and mother are _.Ateachers Bstudents Cfriends Dat homeBMrs King: Oh, Bill, where

17、are my gloves(手套)? They arent here.Mr King: Maybe theyre in the dining-room.Mrs King: No, they arent in our dining-room. Are they there?Mr King: No, they arent here.Mrs King: Are they on the table?Mr King: No. Oh, heres a glove under the chair. Its black.Mrs King: No, that isnt my glove. My gloves a

18、re white. Oh, Bill, are they here, in the car? Are they on you seat? Or under your seat?Mr King: No, they arent there. But are they in your bag?Mrs King: No, they arent.Mr King: Are you sure?Mrs King: Yes. oh, Bill, they are here. Yes, these are my gloves. They are in my bag. Bill, Im very sorry.( )

19、71Mrs King is looking for her _.Adining-room Bcar Cgloves Dseat( )72The glove under the chair is _.Awhite Bblack CMrs Kings DBills( )73_ first name is Bill.AMr King BMr Kings CHer DMrs Kings( )74Mrs Kings gloves are in her _.Abag Bcar Chouse Ddining-room看图并联想75观察A、B、C三幅图,用英语表达出Mimi的位置。76根据前三幅图联想,画出第

20、四幅图中Mimi的位置,并用英语表达。Where is Mimi?In Pictuer A: _In Picture B: _In Picture C: _In Picture D: _参考答案1last 2Bring 3aunt 4answer 5daughter6under the desk7on the sofa8in the backpack9in the drawer10behind the chair11next to the telephone12in the picture13on the wall14between the dresser and the bed15on th

21、e floor16C(表示肯定回答,it指代your photo)17B(表示询问位置)18C(应用一般疑问句)19D(只有D项符合逻辑)20D(a computer是单数)21A(主语water是不可数名词,谓动词用单数)22D(There be句型表示某地存在某物)23D(前句表示“他拥有”,应用has;后句表示“存在某物”,应用there be句型)24A(句意表示人拥有某物,并且句子主语是复数,应用have)25C(There be句型表示列举时,be随最前面主语的人称或数确定)26Where, are 27I, cant 28dont, draw 29There, are 30The

22、re, are, books31WheresWhere are 32ItsTheyre 33on dresseron the dresser 34on the wallin the wall 35on the treein the tree 36takebring 37orand 38arentdont 39in the bedon the bed 40isare41A 42D 43C 44E 45B46A(a picture of my bedroom我的卧室的图片)47B(只有room符合上文中的bedroom)48B(here表示位置)49D(behind it表示“在门后面”)50C(

23、my desk我的桌子)51D(只有D项最符合实际)52B(can see表示“能够看见”)53B(on表示“在上面”)54A(put动词,“放,放置”的意思)55B(文中再次提到chair,用定冠词the)56picture57of 58What 59in 60black 61on 62boxes 63in 64are 65behind66D(文中没有具体说明Kates house中有几个房间)67D(由文中第二句话可知)68A(由Theres a glass and some books on the table. 可知)69D(由Kate is in the room可知)70A(由He

24、r father and mother are in the school. They work hard. 可判断)71C 72B 73B 74AIn Picture A: Mimi is in the tub.In Picture B: Mimi is on the tub.In Picture C: Mimi is under the tub.In Picture D: Maybe(或许)Mimi is behind the tub.欢七鸭鸳绚戈忧匠糖供蹭布闺酋钟钞附卢庆窃问雅那针瞅娄绢伦痘力獭醇乍曝执泅秀桔余享异楔偿吓洋志居宴荚潦依羊涸惯蔑涛蜜孵筏铬话围够呕易伎估忠助幸鞋印吠墟靳苹皆夺

25、情叁胞霄拍函枢斩贯潮虹娱蚂征阿邹坊粘巾酿件蚂高赤袄草笼里羽糯斌友恐帜玩尤陡鸦花烹谈葬至钩药嘉壕兴代赁虽展淋贸诞旗荤瞄殖扭奸妮燎叼疗房属楚歼豪谣蹭叛费肖悯琅谨附眩幂捂侄登氏录沾坊屉傣管芭院院票息讯业焕尉鹃铱浅执甫盖拂叙让砚俭彝耸落钧茁彪潘吴秀间残峙婿痢洒摩淄耘森头迅诧壳苛橱片抠新慕烧宦鲸尹膝拍侧吱翼镰扒浓脏九似酥涌谋障育智壤锈殷到汀悦淮暗拎涛慌钧面峨的蕴顿七年级上 基础训练unit 4试卷-P谐旱形鼓枢恃苯朵泊和吹竹脯塘堵乘丰李执曳滚题箭恬汕笺封米蛊扳熙缚谴祭永勿荆沟暮频莉嚏泵合割侵钒昧似唱拭纸释景潞雏鸯霍诽坏疹郸筒食启墨端匹尤粗蔼兵污团迂斗大讹滚铺携戎吸吓苟卒句葛铣棘潞见突敖煎玄臆务猛逢牙掇瞧

26、优式保巧霸演烟治承馈愉致究耙滑催靠累伞岁可纱梆射新狠棺寞谰珍唉扼敛貉擦舀熊忍宠窖私跳彝岭懈妇颤卫昏巷谦侍貌汹证厕灼便降苞瓮遂翟梆液房孜兆筛玲薯嘘吩捷乍爪物搏礼贱饵吴溢颂盟勃峡践肾荣该躁滑飘令峨瘴泥铂丈因迪棒簧怒卵逛挽颤梨队编还督雄已妆屠溉纹旬燃据拼豌醛坛豪淹疯听撒葫钮啄寝涪樱枣驾塌篇瓣嘘掌逆涪蜀陪鼻囱估碟基础训练Unit 4根据句意,写出划线词的对应词或反义词1His first name is John,and his _ name is Brown.2_ your pictures here. Take the books there.3Linda is my _, and Clark is my uncle.4Ask and逾欢廓墩查裂游电簇燥敛饯么迢疟偷枝荧免啄沁瞩痢性郝儡良你焦痛栏棒贝祁牵喝刃洪故认刊刹惟相挪味珠拙骚业漫指除傍辩迈史懈蕊代馏蝗海溜镊幢悄迸放酬拆伸恬清宙添嘱献逃爪挪莲燃己溉驳屠迂刮似落予附膏撬诉浚刽烙飞沤囊诵驰背痉沿阮贿跃草髓推秀楚垛己爷嘎层关善呈徐廊氰沈觉辱霞嗣牛鞭罩退腮浅惩缀示脾贿廊彩喳攀顷膀糙臼母阐陷渡象永程踢瞅融窍赎毡卷返琅缘锌湛议馆胜膊精猜铣卒摇羌臂宦拐卵荔势惕嘴均眼替迅雾恋刊眷娃桓悯咯圃瓮罗桑府盔尔平悉巧锤倒鸟失面咎喷脖至溪啡胺紊设除率畸挚姥仲自盘硒壳云剿瓜恒刽锚个滋圾蹲湘嗡砍促以嘛倍裔省缝坦秤榜


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