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1、拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A1.but Sam plays them better than Tom.但是萨姆比汤姆敲得好。better意为“更好地;较好地”,在此处是副词well的比较级。如:Tom sings very well,but Jim sings better than Tom.汤姆歌唱得很好,但是吉姆比汤姆唱得更好。This picture is very good,but that on

2、e is better.这张图片很好,但是那张更好。2.loudly大声地loudly意为“响亮地;大声地”,是形容词loud的副词形式。如:Can you speak loudly?你能大声说吗?【拓展】“形容词+后缀-ly”构成对应的副词,通常修饰动词:quick快的quickly快地happy快乐的happily快乐地3.quietly安静地quietly副词,意为“安静地;轻声地;轻柔地”,是quiet的副词形式。如:He left the classroom quietly.他悄悄地离开了教室。Tina shut the door quietly.蒂娜轻轻地把门关上了。4.hard-

3、working努力工作的,勤奋的,勤勉的【辨析】hard-working,hard work与work hardhard-working形容词,意为“勤勉的,努力工作的”The hard-working boy always does hard work and works hard.这个勤奋的男孩总是做辛苦的工作并且很努力。hard work名词短语,意为“辛苦的工作”,hard是形容词,修饰不可数名词workwork hard动词短语,意为“努力工作”,hard是副词,修饰动词work5.Tara works as hard as Tina.塔拉学习和蒂娜一样努力。as.as意为“与一样”

4、,as.中间接形容词或副词的原级。其否定结构not as.as意为“不如”。如:He is as tall as his father.他和他爸爸一样高。Tom gets up as early as Jim.汤姆起得和吉姆一样早。Lucy isnt as outgoing as Mary.露西不如玛丽外向。注意:as.as中的第一个as是副词,在否定句中可以改为so,而第二个as是连词,不能用so代替。6.Oh,which one was Lisa?哦,哪一个是丽萨?which疑问代词,意为“哪一个,哪一些”。既可指人又可指物;既可指可数名词单数,又可指复数。在句中作主语、宾语、定语等。如:

5、Which is more interesting,this book or that one?哪一本书更有趣,这一本还是那一本?I dont know which to choose.我不知道该选哪一个。Which city does he live in?他住在哪一个城市?7.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win,though.不过,你能看得出来,丽萨确实想赢。win此处用作不及物动词,意为“赢;获胜”;win还可用作及物动词,意为“赢得;在中获胜”,此时其后的宾语为比赛的项目、奖品或战争等。如:He is sure to win.他一定能

6、获胜。He won the first prize.他获得了第一名。Who won the race?谁赢得了比赛?【辨析】beat与win词汇意义用法例句win赢得;获胜宾语为比赛的项目或奖品,如game,match,prize等We won the basketball match.我们赢得了篮球赛。beat击败;打败宾语为参加比赛的组织、团体或个人等We beat them in the football match yesterday.昨天我们在足球赛中打败了他们。though此处作副词,意为“不过;可是;然而”,通常用于句末,前面用逗号与句子隔开。如:Jim said that he

7、 would come;he didnt,though.吉姆说他会来,可是他没来。【拓展】though作连词,意为“虽然;尽管”,相当于although。如:Though he has no money,he lives very happily.尽管他没有钱,但是他过得很幸福。例1 I think your story ishis.A.so interesting as B.as interesting asC.much interesting than D.less funny than解析:考察形容词级的变化。答案:B例2 (吉林)Colors can change our moods(

8、情绪) and make ushappy or sad.A.feel B.to feel C.felt D.feeling解析:考查非谓语动词及固定搭配。Make sb. do sth.让某人做某事。答案:A让我们微笑吧The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.那最能赋予生命价值、代价最廉而回报最多的东西,不过一个令人心畅的微笑而已。The smile that bubbles f

9、rom the heart that loves its fellow men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.由衷地热爱同胞的微笑,会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,心底收获一轮夕阳。Its full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; Its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.它充满价值和美好,混合着坚毅的仁爱之心;它价值连城却不花一文。There is no room fo

10、r sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look; its never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;当我们看到喜悦的微笑,忧伤就会一扫而光;它始终面容姣好,永不落伍;失败令我们沮丧之时,它鼓励我们再次尝试;The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.It pays the highest interest for it is mer

11、ely lent;鼓励的笑靥于你我大有裨益。它支付的利息高昂无比只因它是种借贷形式;Its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.它价值连城却不花一文。A smile comes very easy you can wrinkle up with cheer. A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, and always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.来一个微笑很容易嘴角欢快翘起来,你能百次微笑,可难得挤出一滴泪;它的涟漪深深波及心弦,总会留下反响,宛若拥抱。So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant. Its worth a million dollars, and it doesnt cost a cent.继续微笑吧!谁都懂得它意味着什么。它价值连城却不花一文。4


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