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1、2018高考高三英语3月月考模拟试题09第卷(选择题105分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.What do we know about the woman?A.She often plays chess.B.She is poor in playing chess.C.She hates playing chess.2.What does the man mean?A.The woman has got a lot of shoes.B.He will buy the woman a pair of shoes.C.The womans

2、 shoes match her new dress well.3.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The woman is a firefighter.B.The speakers had a barbecue.C.The man is too lazy to tidy up.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Where Toms family moved.B.What Toms new school is like.C.Why Tom went to a new school.5

3、.What will the weather be like?A.Hot. B.Warm.C.Cool.第二节(共15小題;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第67题。6.How does the Ultraphone create documents?A.By reading lips.B.By reading fingers.C.By reading sounds.7.How does the man feel about the womans words?A.Impatient. B.Unbelievable.C.Confused.听第7段材料,回答第89题。8.What

4、 will happen if the man bring the bike back after 7:00 p.m.?A.He has to pay for the helmet.B.Hecant get the deposit back.C.He should pay extra money.9.How much should the man give the woman now? A.20 . B.50 . C.70 .听第8段材料,回答第1012题。10.Where are the speakers probably?A.At Pizza Hut.B.At an Italian res

5、taurant.C.At KFC.11.What will the woman have?A.A salad and a Coke.B.A sandwich and soup.C.A hamburger and wine.12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Workmates. B.Host and guest.C.Customer and waitress.听第9段材料,回答第1316题。13.Why did the woman book the man out in the SkyPalace?A.It o

6、ffers good service.B.It is convenient in traffic.C.It is near the company hell visit.14.What does the man ask the woman to do?A.Fetch the tickets today.B.Get a hotel phone number.C.Find another hotel in Brussel.15.What is the mans final destination? ABrusselsB.London. C.Barcelona.16.What relation is

7、 the woman to the man?A.His wife. B.His guest. C.His secretary.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17What is the most important in looking for an apartment?A.Enough time. B.Lots of patience. C.A little preparation.18.What does the speaker suggest people do first?A.Make some time.B.Decide the price range.C.Decide what

8、exactly they want.19.What advice does the speaker give to pick out apartments?A.Begin with the price. B.Begin with the location. C.Begin with the traffic20.What may disappoint people?A.All the really great apartments are expensive.B.It will take a long time to find a perfect apartment.C.Apartments d

9、ont look as good as described on the paper.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)21_to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. A. Having been asked B. to ask C. Having asked D. To be asked22.Working hard is not possibly a of great success,but it is one of the essential req

10、uirements.A.markB.signC.signalD.guarantee23.Old Richard,ill so long,is losing his memory and needs to be attended be B.beingC.having been have been24.Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matter more than B.whichC.whatD.where25.Where did yo

11、u get to know her? It was on the farm _ we worked. A. that B. there C. which D. where26.Mom,Im sorry to tell you I failedmaths test. Dont lose heart.But,givensecond chance,you are supposed to pass.A.the;theB.the;aC.a;aD.a;the27.As many as ten courses are provided, and you are free to choosesuits you

12、 best.A.whateverB.whicheverC.howeverD.wherever28.I will join the school singing club as long as Ifind spare time.A.willB.mightC.mayD.can29. I cant believe you got fined for speeding.Iof you to be the most thinking B.thinkC.have thought D.thought30.What a mess!Jeff,why are you always lea

13、ving your things everywhere?,but I am so busy with my school project.A.No wonder B.No doubt C.Im sorry D.Not exactly31.You can keep all the files and documentsyou think it is convenient to get them.A.whatB.howC.whereD.when32.One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away_ my daughter heard

14、cries for help. A. after B. while C. since D. when33.Jeffery said he to the gettogether the next day, but he didnt.A.had come B.would come C.cameD.can come34.With a special dayfor celebration,the old tradition is still kept alive.A.set aside B.set off C.put away D.put off35.Happy birthday,Mary! Than

15、k you!Its the best present Ifor.A.should have wished B.may have wishedC.must have wished D.could have wished第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Coming home after working out for a whole day I had my purse lost.I 36 it had slipped out my backpack as I was being 37 .While it was probably very close to my apartm

16、ent it still failed to come into 38 and I had no 39 but to cancel my debit cards.Id had the purse for more than a decade as it was a Christmas present,which was a brightred leatherCheeky Monkey purse,so probably not entirely 40 for a 36-year-old but I was very upset to have lost it!Everyone I spoke

17、to 41 I might get the purse back 42 but the money and vouchers in there would very likely disappear.I had 43 written off the 44 of the purse and was even considering whether to move on and go “grown-up”when I was seeking a 45 .I came home late the following night and my monkey purse was on my mat!I

18、checked the contents and everything was 46 including anything of cash value.I was astounded when I read the 47 note which read,“I came across this last night.It was too dark to 48 it then,so I came back tonight. I got your 49 from your license.Sorry.Iain.”Not only had this man returned my purse but

19、he thought he 50 me an apology for not bringing it back sooner!I have told almost all my acquaintances,who almost responded with a similar standard answer,“It restores your 51 in human nature”and it 52 lots of stories about similar 53 experiences.There were no contact 54 so I am unable to get in tou

20、ch to say thank you to Iain,but I hope he will be 55 of how grateful I am!36.A.doubted B.suspectedC.provedD.recognized37.A.put off B.set off C.dropped off D.left off38.A.effect B.appearanceC.viewD.attention39.A.ability B.thoughtC.alternativeD.decision40.A.grown up B.brought up C.taken on D.applied t

21、o41.A.decided B.doubtedC.prayedD.exposed42.A.previously B.approximatelyC.regularlyD.eventually43.A.however B.thereforeC.otherwiseD.though44.A.value D.lists45.A.process B.comfortC.judgmentD.replacement46.A.undamaged B.lostC.checkedD.reserved47.A.appealing B.thrillingC.accompanyingD.e

22、ntertaining48.A.look over B.go over C.get through D.see number C.addressD.card50.A.forgot B.reputationC.qualityD.justice52.A.adapted B.inspiredC.describedD.expanded53.A.fantastic B.worthyC.pricelessD.positive54.A.tracks B.outlinesC.detailsD.accou

23、nts55.A.proud B.sensitiveC.awareD.certain第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AWhen Sara and Nathan Jones were training to become foster parents(养父母),their son,Noah,learned a tough thing or two about foster care.Forinstance,nearly 600 local foster kids changed families every year,and they carried their belon

24、gings from one home to the next in black garbage bags.Noah,thenten,couldnt imagine squeezing his clothes,favoritetoy,and soccer ball into a trash bag and dragging it to a new house in the middle of the night.“packingkidsbelongings into garbage bags is like telling them that their stuff has no more w

25、orth than trash,”says Noah.So with help from his parents and younger sisters,Macy,thennine,andMolly,thenseven,Noah began to collect suitcases and duffel bags from friends and extended family;he received more than 100 bags in less than two weeks.He then sent letters to churches and put ads in local n

26、ewspapers and on radio stations asking for donations.Within a few months,the family was collecting about 500 bags a week,which they stored briefly in their spare bathroom and downstairs hallway before giving them to foster care caseworkers at the Department for Community Based Services.In addition t

27、o suitcases,Noah now provides foster kids with backpacks containing shampoo,soap,ajournal,and a toyall donated.“My hope is that by giving the children things that are just theirs,they will feel a little control in the midst of the chaos,”saysNoah.Noahsgroup,A Case for Dignity,collects and distribute

28、s hundreds of bags a year.He recently convinced foster care managers from 15 Kentucky counties to pledge to use his bags instead of trash bags.“Ive been so inspired by him,”says his mom.“If a tenyearold can see a problem and create a solution,how much more can we do as adults?”56.What might be the p

29、urpose in writing the text?A.To show the problems of foster parents. B.To give a warning to foster parents.C.To tell us a story about Noah. D.To blame foster parents.57.What is Noah like based on the text?A.Poor and active. B.Outgoing and peacefulC.Straightforward and crazy. D.Considerate and helpfu

30、l.58.Noahs solution to the problem resulted from.A.the suffering from foster parents B.the belongings he ownsC.packingkidsbelongings into garbage bags D.donating belongings to children59.Noahs group,ACase for Dignity.A.helps foster kids carry belongingsB.provide foster kids with only backpacksC.aims

31、 at helping foster kids with their belongingsD.consists of only children from foster families60.What can we learn from the text?A.Noah,Macy and Molly are all foster kids.B.Noahs mom takes great pride in A Case for Dignity.C.Foster care managers all promise to use his bags.D.Noah couldnt put up with

32、foster parents.BLightning flashed through the darkness over Donald Lubecks bedroom skylight.The 80-year-old retired worker was shaken by a blast of thunder.It was 11 p.m. The storm had moved directly over his two-story wood home in the rural town of Belchertown,Massachusetts.Then he heard the smoke

33、alarm beeping.Lubeck padded down the stairs barefoot and opened the door to the basement,and flames exploded out.Lubeck fled back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom,but the phone didnt work.Lubeck realized he was trapped.“I started panicking,”he says.His daughter and young granddaughters,who live

34、d with him,were away for the night.No one will even know Im home,hethought.His house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be fruitless.Up a hill about a third of a mile away lived Lubecks closest neighbors,Jeremie Wentworth and his wif

35、e. Wentworth had been lying down,listening to the radio when it occurred to him that the sound was more like a smoke detector.He jumped out of bed,grabbed a cordless phone and a flashlight,and headed down the hillside toward the noise.He dialed 911 “Is anyone there?”he called out as he approached th

36、e house.Wentworth knew that Lubeck lived in the house.Then he heard,“Helpme!Imtrapped!”coming from the balcony off Lubecks bedroom.“I ran in and yelled,Don,where are you?Then I had to run outside to catch my breath.”After one more attempt inside the house,he gave up and circled around back.But there

37、 was no way to get to him.“I shined the flashlight into the woods next to an old shed and noticed a adder,”saysWentworth.He dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down just as the second floor of the house collapsed.Wentworth and Lubeck dont run into each other regularly,butLubeck now know

38、s that if he ever needs help,Wentworth will be there.Lubeck still chokes up when he tells the story.“I was alone,”hesays.“Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life.It was Jeremie.”61.According to the text,Lubeck.A.stayed calm in the fire B.couldnt find a safe way outC.lived on the first floor

39、 D.called for help in the fire62.How did Wentworth help Lubeck escape?A.He called 911. B.He went upstairs and took Lubeck out.C.He put out the fire D.He used a ladder and pulled lubeck down.63.Which of the following factors was not mentioned in the text that almost caused Lubecks life?A.He was livin

40、g in his wood home alone that night.B.The storm was too heavy and the fire was too fierce.C.He lived far from the main road and was surrounded by pines.D.He was too frightened to escape from the danger.64.What does the text mainly talk about?A.A near neighbour is better than a distant cousin.B.A goo

41、d way to get a narrow escape.C.God helps those who help themselves.D.Blood is thicker than water.CCameron thought of himself as merely organized.He certainly did not consider that he took great pains over anything,he did just enough to get it right.Exactly right,of course,for as he was fond of telli

42、ng his staff,“if its not exactly right,its wrong”.Occasionally a worker might be sad on hearing these words,because it meant another hour or so of going over the same bit of work,correcting the mistakes the mistakes which Cameron had patiently pointed out.And doing the corrections exactly right of c

43、ourse.Strangely enough,his department had the reputation for performing the highest quality work in the company,and it was seen,and not only by those who worked in the department,as a sort of elite(出类拔萃)unit.Thoseprogrammes that had to work first time,straight out of the box,Camerons men got those.“

44、Its mission(任务)criticalgive it to Cameron”was almost a catchphrase with his team.It helped that Cameron was not merely particular about things.He wanted things done just so,not because of a personal taste,but because he had discovered through patient experimentation that this was the best way for it

45、 to be done.In Camerons dictionary, “Take as long as you want”meant that you could work on your task not just in office hours,but that evening,and late into the early hours of the following morning if you so desired.But the project had to be in by its completion date,andyes,done exactly right.Or you

46、 did it again.But he would always be regarded,and not least by himself,as someone who had failed to meet requirements,one of those who just couldnt cut it.You had to face it,if you were not working for Cameron,you were second best.So when word got out that Cameron had messed up big time,the news was greeted with a mixture of sympathy,and entire relief that this perfection too was human.65.Cameron was a programmer B.a chief scientistC.quality controller D.head of depar


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