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1、第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is theshirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18. 答案是B。1. Wherearethespeakers?A. Inabookstore. B. In a library.

2、 C. In a classroom. 2. Whatdoesthewomanmean?A. Shefeelshungrynow. B. She needs a room. C. She like desserts. 3. Howmuchwillthemanpayfortheblouse?A. $110. B. $100. C. $90.4. Whydidntthecouplesleepwelllastnight?A. Theywereannoyedbythenoiseoutside. B. Theyquarreledwitheachother.C. Theyreceivedbadservic

3、e. 5Whatarethespeakerstalkingabout?A. Buyinganewhouse. B. Dealingwithinsects. C. Sellingakindof drug. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the man going to do?A. Get

4、offthe flight.B. Checkhisbaggage. C. LookforhisIDcard. 7. Whydoesthemanhavetopay90yuan?A. Hisbaggageisoverthelimit. B. Hewantstobuyabag. C. Heisoverweight.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Whatistheprobablerelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A. Couple. B. Colleagues. C. Classmates. 9. What does the man plan to do in the

5、 new year?A. Take more exercise.B. Learnhistory. C. Learnchemistry. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whydoesthe manmakethecall?A. Toconfirmanappointment. B. To ask about service.C. To visit the woman.11. What is the woman going to do at nine oclock?A.Seeherdoctor. B. Meet her friend.C. Go to work.12. When will

6、the woman see Dr. Parker?A.At9 a.m.B. At1:15p.m.C. At 1:50 p.m.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whatgivesapolicemanasenseofdulyinthewomanseyes?A. Asuit. B. A tie.C. A uniform.14. How does the woman feel when in a nice suitA. More confident.B. More powerful.C. Smarter.15. Whydoesthemanwearatie?A. Toremindhimtobe

7、anactor. B. Tohelphimlookinteresting. C. Tomakehisbrainworkbetter. 16. Whatis theman?A. A judge. B. Abusinessman. C. Alawyer. 听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。17. Whereisthebusgoing?A.Tothebeach. B. Tothecity. C. Tothehotel. 18. What can the passengers do in the bus?A. Takepictures. B. Drink something. C. Eat some

8、 food.19. WhyarethepassengersforbiddentoswiminLosCabos?A. Thewaterispolluted. B. Therearestrongwaves. C. Sharksarefoundthere. 20. Whatisthespeakerdoing?A. Hostingaradioprogram. B. Deliveringaminilecture. C. Announcingtourinstructions. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C

9、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAmsterdam is a special city There are many places you should nor miss during your visit. Here is our list of the best. Amsterdam canal ringThe city old centre is formed from canal rings which give you the feeling of space, freedom and peace. Walk trough these canal streets o

10、r bettertake a trip by renting a boat yourself. Another way t0 explore the Venice o fhe North is to take a ride or a bicycle. Any way you decide forenjoy this city. The National Maritime MuseumThe Maritime Museum is an attractive place to visit, especially with children. With many attractions in it,

11、 this colourful and enjoyable museum will help you understand the history of the Netherlandsa small nation which was one of the worlds greatest sea powers. Amsterdam Brown CafeWhen you enter Amsterdam old cafes called Brown, at first it will seem too much from the past and too crowded, but the atmos

12、phere is unique. Relax and watchmost of people around will be locals. Feel like one of themthe real Amsterdammers. Civic Guards GalleryThis gallery is filed with old paintings from the Dutch Golden Age. The exhibited canvas may be not always the masterpieces of art, but these group portraits of Amst

13、erdam citizens and their wives are an exquisite (精致的) document of the Dutch civilization and culture centuries ago.To avoid waiting lines we advise you to buy your tickets in advance online through our Amsterdam attractions and museums tickets webpage. 21. How many ways are there for tourists to vis

14、it the city old centre?A. 5. B. 4. C. 3. D. 2. 22. Where would you go to learn more about local life?A. Amsterdam Brown Cafe. B. Amsterdam canal ring. C. Civic Guards Gallery. D. The National Maritime Museum. 23. Where does the passage probably come from?A. A fiction. B. A textbook. C. A travel guid

15、e. D. A science magazine. BQuietly siting there reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the train guards announcement. Train travelers will surely agree that when the guard makes an announcements, whether its the recorded message or the guards message, few peoples listen to it, because its oft

16、en quite dull or hard to understand. This one was different. I noticed that other passengers appeared to be listening, too. Not only that, everyone was smiling!Why was so much attention being paid to this message? As best I can recall, the guard said something along these lines, “Good Morning Ladies

17、, Gentlemen and Children, this is the 7:35 a.m. from Penrith to Central and youll be pleased to know that we are right on time. And what a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and alls right with the world. I trust you have a great day wherever youre going. Th

18、anks for catching my train this morning and I hope to see you again soon.”Quite a few people (obviously previous strangers) started talking to one another about the guards excellent message and how good it had made everyone feel. I started thinking about this, and then I found the young guard and sa

19、id“Were you the guard on the 7:35 a.m. from Penrith?” The guard seemed a bit stunned at first, replying, “Yes, yyyyes.”“Well, I really appreciate your announcement. Thank you for your extremely good message, which gave meand the other passengers such a good start to the day. Please keep doing it.”I

20、said. There are two messages for me in what happened that day. Firstly, when people are happy in their work it shows in what they do and say. Secondly, the story attaches much importance to the benefits that accumulate from thanking people for something theyve done, particularly when its not expecte

21、d. Can you imagine the conversation that guard would have when he got home?24. Why do few train travelers listen to the announcements?A. They usually feel sleepy.B. The messages are unattractive. C. The guards voice is not clear. D. They are absorbed in books. 25. What does the underlined word “stun

22、ned”in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Patient. B. Cautious. C. Excited. D. Surprise.26. What might the guard talk about with his family when he got home?A. The beautiful weather, B. The recorded message. C. The train from Penrith. D. The unexpected appreciation. 27. Which of he following can be the best title

23、for the text?A. A Boring Train Story. B. An Intelligent GuardC. A Different Train Announcement. D. A Lovely Morning in Sydney.CIts 3 oclock and youve been hard at work. As you sit at your desk, a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you. You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesnt. H

24、ere is another situation. Perhaps you are not feeling well. The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup, like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child. Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal. Scientists at the website How Stuff

25、Works. compare hunger and cravings this way. Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain. They even call it simply “stomach hunger.” When our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten, a hormone (荷尔蒙) sends a message to one part of the brain for more food, which regul

26、ates our most basic body functions such as thirst, hunger and sleep. The brain then produces a chemical to start the appetite and you eat. Hunger is a function of survival. A craving is more complex. It activates (使活跃) brain areas related to emotion, memory and reward. These are the same areas of th

27、e brain activated during drug-craving studies. So, some scientists call food craving “mind hunger. ”People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar. Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar produce chemicals in the brain. These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure. In a 2007 study, rese

28、archers at Cambridge University found that“dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food craving.” So, the more you deny yourself a food that you want, the more you may crave it. However, fasting is a bit different. They found that eating no food at all for a short period

29、of time lessened food cravings. So, the next time you crave something very specific, know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach. 28. What is the function of the first paragraph?A. To deepen the understanding of hunger. B. To lead to the topic of the whole passage. C. To report the d

30、iscovery of craving study. D. To remind readers of their own special food. 29. What do we learn about food craving?A. It means the stomach functions well. B. It ensures a person survives hunger. C. It shows food is linked to feelings. D. It proves the brain decides your appetite. 30. Whats the likel

31、y result of dieting?A. The increase of food desire. B. The decrease of chemicals. C. The refusal of fat and sugar.D. The disappearance of appetite. 31. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The findings of food craving. B. What hunger is all about.C. The functions of brain areas. D. What dieting m

32、ay bring us.DImagine a cat that does not need someone to clean up after it keeps an older person company and help them remember to take their medicine. That is the shared dream of the toy maker Hasbro and scientists at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The researchers received a $3-milli

33、on-dollar award from the National Science Foundation for a special project. They want to find ways to add artificial intelligence, or A.I., to Hasbros “Joy for All” robotic cat.The cat has already been for sale for two years. Though priced over 1000 dollars, it sold quite well. It was meant to act a

34、s a “companion” for older people. Now the project is aimed at developing additional abilities for the cat. Researchers at Browns Humanity-Centered Robotics Initiative are working to decide which activities older adults may need the most. They hope to make the cat perform a small number of activities

35、 very well. Such activities includefinding lost objects and reminding the person to take medicine or visit their doctor. They also want to keep the cost down to just a few hundred dollars. It is an idea that has appealed to Jeanne Elliott. Her 93-year-old mother Mary Derr lives with her in South Kin

36、gstown. Derr has dementia (痴呆). The Joy for All cat that Elliott bought this year has become a true companion for Derr. The cat stays with Derr and keeps her calm while Eliot is at work. Elliott said a robotic cat that helps her mother to remember to take her medicine and be careful when she walks w

37、ould be greater. The researchers are trying to learn how the improved cats will complete helpful activities and how they will communicate. They say that they do not want a talking cat, however. Instead they are trying to design a cat that can move its head in a special way to successfully communicat

38、e its message. In the end, they hope to create an exchange between the human and the cat in which the human feels the cat needs them. By doing so, the researchers hope they can even help prevent feelings of loneliness and sadness among elderly people. 32. Whats the purpose of the project?A. To relie

39、ve the pain of the elderly. B. To promote the sales of a medicine. C. To help make the robotic cat smarter. D. To invent a robotic cat for the elderly. 33. Compared with the old model, the new robotic cat will be .A. cheaperB. smallerC. more talkative. D. more expensive34. What does Paragraph 3 inte

40、nd to tell us?A. The more functions of the cat, the better. B. The cat gives much help to the elderly. C. There is no cure for dementia at present. D. Mary Derr would have died without the cat.35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. A talking cat is quite popular among the elderly. B. Feeli

41、ngs of sadness among the elderly are unavoidable. C. Each family can afford such a cat in the future.D. The feeling of being needed is vital to the elderly.第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。We all have to make decisions all the time, and we have an abundance of choices,

42、ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. Unfortunately, people often find it hard to make decisions. 36 If you would like to improve your skill of decision making, here are four suggestions for you. Dont expect to have it all. 37 You cant order every delicious dish on the menu. And there will be path

43、s not taken, careers not chosen, to name a few. You can imagine some “what if”situations if you must, but do not let them take up too much space in your brain. 38Its often good to think through your decisions. But dont overdo it. Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce, which makes

44、it confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition (直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data. Dont delay making decisions. Yes, there is a time to put off making a decision. Perhaps you need more information. 39 Or its likely that you wait for a less st

45、ressful time. Just dont wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness. Dont be hard on yourself. You decide to go on a voyage. You choose an expensive liner. Everything should work out just right. Only you didnt expect a bug that ran around on the ship, making you and your family

46、 sick for five days. 40 But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes. A. Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities.B. That means the skill of good decision-making counts a lot. C. Dont count on emotion to make decisions. D. You may regret making such a stupid decision. E. Maybe

47、you wish to consult with your advisor. F. Dont spend too much time thinking. G. It is an important source of information. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when the door burst open. Her mother, Leigh, hurried into her daughters room, making a(n) 41: “Can you help?”Madison and her mother ran to a neighbors yard, where they found a 42 woman and other adults 43 a septic tank (化粪池) ope


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