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1、(一)、词汇运用巩固7A Units1-81. A: What can I do for you? B: Id like to buy two_(围巾).2. A: Would you like to go_(游泳) with us after school? B: Yes, Id love to.3. Their _(爱好) are playing basketball and dancing.4. Lily, shall we go to visit the_(博物馆) on Sunday?5. Can you tell me these _(英雄)names?6. Many footba

2、ll fans watched _(比赛) on TV during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.7. Tom loves reading books. He often _(借) books from the library.8. Can you tell me the _(理由) why you are late?9. My father usually reads newspapers before _(早饭).10. I like _(聊天) with my friends after class.11. June 1st is a _(特殊的) day

3、for children.12. Dont talk. They are _(计划) a fashion show.13. Can you sing the song “Where has the time gone?” Its _(受欢迎) among people.14. Look! There is a wallet _(躺) on the ground. 15. You can buy fresh fruit and _(蔬菜) in the supermarket.16. They _(庆祝) Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of No

4、vember in the USA.17. This skirt is very beautiful and it _(与相配)your blouse very well.18. My brother likes _(收集) different kinds of match boxes.7B Units1-41. On my (第二十) birthday, I will travel around instead of having a party.2. China is a country beside (俄罗斯).3. His brother went to _ (大学) when he

5、was 18.4. Our s room is big enough for a small party.5. China is one of the biggest _ (国家) in the world.6. Which is your _ (最喜爱的) festival?7. The best car in the shop may cost you about two _ (百万).8. What does your father do? _He has a company. He is the _ (经理).9. Every year lots of _ (参观者) come to

6、the Great Wall.10. Tom lives next to me. So we are _ (邻居). They wont _ (欢迎) visitors like you.11. Its five _ (分钟) walk from my home to school.12. I like all the (当地的) food in Shanghai.13. If you dont finish the work, you cant go to the _ (剧院) tonight.14. Zhang Daqian was one of the _ (著名的) artists i

7、n China.15. I think your suggestions are better than _(他们的).16.I want to know more about _ (西方的) culture.17. People here love art. Most of them are good at drawing Chinese _. (绘画)18. The dog is my good friend and it _ (跟着) me every day.19. Our English teacher asks us to _ (记住) many new words as we c

8、an in class.20. My new classmate comes from the _ (南方) and he likes eating rice.7B Units5-81. Dont be r to the old. You should be polite.2. The girl is very _ (惊讶的) to find there is no one in her classroom.3. When he went _ (穿过) the forest, he felt very afraid.4. When the teacher _ (进入) the classroo

9、m, the students stopped talking.5. In the summer of 2012, an earthquake _ (发生) in Yangzhou.6. Its _ (奇怪的) that fish sleep with their eyes open.7. My mother _ (搜寻) for her new handbag at 3 p.m yesterday afternoon.8. Last night, I was lying in bed. _ (突然), someone knocked on the door. 9. Simon is new

10、here and has few friends, so he often goes home a_ after school.10. I _ (注意到) that Miss Green wasnt happy this morning.11. Different people have different (能力).12. Students are not allowed _(打架) with others at school.13.The boy was even _(勇敢的) to walk through the forest by himself.14. In class the t

11、eacher speaks _ (慢慢地) so that we can always hear clearly.15. B your teeth twice a day is good for you.16. A c driver is dangerous to us.17. 18. Im not good at Maths and I cant work out this maths p .18. How long Mr.s Wang _(teach) English? For about 30 years.8AUnits1-21. Mum, Mi Mi is t_. Can she ha

12、ve something to drink?2. Friends should share each others _(快乐)and sadness.3. Huang duoduo has s_ (直)hair and bright _(smile)eyes.4. Betty is _ (苗条) than me , I think. 5. You can read different kinds of _(杂志) in the reading room.7. Living in this old, small flat must make you feel much_ (糟糕).8. Chin

13、ese is one of the most popular l_ in the world now.9. Do you know the _(游泳者) names in the swimming pool?10. If you want to keep _ (健康), you need to exercise every day.11. Its much too n_ here because there is lots of noise everywhere. 12. Its g_ of my teacher to buy some food for her students from p

14、oor families.13. China became the second _(large)movie market in the world behind the U.S.A.14.Tim has the _ (少的) rice of the three.15. Who_(花费)half an hour on English yesterday morning?16. She spends two hours _ (操练) dancing once a week after school. 17. My teacher kept on _ (鼓励) me to try, and fin

15、ally I succeeded.18. On Sundays, some students are not allowed to play unless their homework_(finish).19. My friends and I had a good time _ (谈论) to each other on Sunday. 20. After a warm _(讨论), they decided to try their best to complete the tough task.8AUnits3-41.I want two (票)for Beijing tonight,

16、please.2. The students enjoyed t at the park yesterday.3.Camping is as _(有趣)as swimming.4. L_, my son wasnt hurt in the traffic accident.5.Look! The _ (登山者) are climbing the high snow mountain.6.Its very useful to learn a (外国的)language well.7. We saw many places of i_ from all over the world.8. Lian

17、yungang is one of the_(beauty) cities in Jiangsu Province.9. Please read the _ (说明) before you eat the medicine.10. The carless boy made so many m_ that he failed his English test.11. Its _(不确定的) that which team will win the game in the final basketball competition.12. Please make some_(句子) with the

18、 following words.13. We should take an _(积极的) part in physical exercises every day.14. The boy was clever enough to answer all the questions c_.15. Our English teacher always _ (建议)us to try to speak more English every day.16. My computer doesnt work. It needs_. Ill have it _ tomorrow.(修理)17.Yesterd

19、ay afternoon,she hit the pipe and the room _(fill) with water.18. Nothing is i_ in the world if you put your heart into it.19.The Greens _(decorate) their new home when I went past their house.8AUnits5-61. The food on the table was so _ (美味的) that it was eaten up quickly.2. Thank you for a_(接受)my ap

20、ology(道歉).3. We felt unhappy because our team _(输掉) games yesterday.4. These books can provide all the _ (信息) we need.5. Mr Black always spends lots of time _ (训练) his son to swim after work.6. Our government has made laws _(保护)wild animals. 7. Eating too much ice cream in summer can lead to _(ill).

21、8. The Chinese (政府) is trying his best to protect wild animals living areas.9. I think it is important to do something to p_ the wild animals.10. My father was preparing for his speech w_ my mother was doing some washing last night.11. A pair of binoculars will help you see the birds more c_.12. Man

22、y (旅游者) go to visit Zhongshan Tomb every year.13. There are more and more n _ reserves in China now. 14. He was looking through the list of the _(胜利者) names to remember the old days.15. He often p books and stationery for poor students.16. First of all, let me i_ myself. My name is Nick.17. The boy

23、wanted to be a _(science) like Edison when he was very young.18. Nothing is i_ if we put our heart into it.8AUnits7-81. My grandma felt _ and soon fell _(sleep).2. We see smiling faces _(到处) here and they make us feel at home.3. Millie c_ a bad cold and her mother took her to the hospital at once.4.

24、The kids are even _(喧闹的) and they disturbed me a lot.5. When spring comes, the_(温度) will rise quickly.6. I like watching bees and _(蝴蝶) play among flowers in spring.7 Millie kept _(沉默)all day because her little brother broke her toy bear.8._(突然), he heard someone shouting “help, help” from the river

25、.9. Who do you think is the best writer _( 活着的)?10. The weather become cooler after several _(阵雨).8BUnits1-21. He has _(意识到) that hes wrong.2. Our school is in the _(北部的)part of the city.3. My parents_ (离开) from the hometown for over ten years.4. Toms parents _(结婚) for 15 years. They have many _(亲戚)

26、.5. The little girl will travel _(在国外) to learn more about art.6. We should provide a good _(环境)for ourselves, so we must protect it.7. It is the _(美妙的) trip that we have ever had.8. This small fish_ (死了)since two hours ago.9. I like _(交流)with my family when I have free time.10. The air p_ in our ci

27、ty is worse and worse. We must take action to protect air.11. I _(借)the book for a week. 12.-When will A bite of China begin tonight?- It _(开始)for ten minutes. 13. -_you ever _(骑)a horse? -No, never,14. Great changes _(发生)since we moved to the town 10 years ago.15.-Lily, why are you still here? Scho

28、ol is over for half an hour.- Because I _ (not finish)my task yet. I still need one more hour. 16.- Have you seen Dr. Adams recently?-No. He _(去) Hong Kong for an international meeting. Hell be back soon.8BUnits3-41. Have you _ (收到) a letter from him recently? No, I know nothing about him.2. England

29、 is _ _ (一个,欧洲的) country. 3. There are more than 6,000 _ (岛屿) in China, and Taiwan is the biggest among them. 4.You can see a map of China on the (屏幕). I dont like watching these_ (节目).5. A lot of sports magazines _ _ (打印)every month.6. What is an_(国际的) organization?7. _(澳大利亚的) English is different

30、from British English.8. I asked Jim for a pen, but he _(拒绝). Do you have a _(多余的) one for me?9. Shenzhou X, Chinas fifth manned spacecraft, _(send)into space on June 11, 2013.10. Mary fell off her bike and her _(手指) were badly hurt.11. J.K Rowling is not a _(加拿大的) writer.She was not born in _(德国).12

31、. Mr Green will give us a talk on some of his exciting _(经历) in London.13. I dont know how to do with these books. Can you give me some _(建议)?14. Jack is busy _(翻译) his brothers letter into Chinese. 15. -What should we do first to develop our village? - A lot of new roads must_(build).8BUnits5-81. M

32、ike has difficulty _(表达)himself easily in English.2. There is an _(介绍) of this new hospital at the top of the page.3. Whats your _(目的)for holding this party?4. Mr. Wu spent a lot of time _(解释)the maths problem to us.5. Their school life is _ (相似的) to ours.6.Do you think its _(必要的) to feed the fish t

33、wcie a day? 7. There are many _(采访者)waiting ourside for the superstar.8. Thanks to the _(医学的)treatment, the old womans eye was cured. 9. Jerrys parents are both _(官员) from the government.10. The Olympic Games _(举行) every four years.11. There are so many _(病人) in the hospital because of the cold weat

34、her.12. Smoking too much _(导致)serious diseases.So my father isnt_(允许) to smoke.9AUnits1-21. It is so great for him _(创造) such wonderful programmes.2. The teacher _(要求)us to finish our homework on time last Friday3. In poor areas, children cant_(付得起)to go to school .4. The _(关系) between them is fathe

35、r and son. His writing has _(影响) his son5. Our school life is _(生气勃勃的)than before.6. I think that bag is one of the _(先锋) in that factory .7. -Who is _ (缺席的) today ? - Li Ming and Millie 8. He likes telling his _(个人的) information to others.9. My brother_(更喜欢)to wear white when he was a child10. The

36、speakers _(演讲) touched us to the heart .9AUnits3-41._(或许) we can have some eggs and vegetables for lunch.2. Your _(建议) are very useful to me. This research project is of great _(价值).3. Ill discuss it with you _(无论何时) you like.4. His mother got even _(发疯). I can hardly _ (想象)such a scene.5. They need

37、 to do some survey for further r_. 6. To my big s_, he even passed the English exams.7. The teacher divided the class into small groups _(根据) to the abilities.8. When you meet new words, you can look them up in the _(字典).9. His brother _(简直) has no interest in music.10. Practice_(发音) is very helpful

38、 to improve your spoken English.11. Are there any _(国家的) parks in China? 12. _(凭借) the Internet ,you can buy goods from faraway places.13. The invention of the computer is a great _(成就).14.A_ we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live in fear of their lives.9AUnits5-61. Id like to order an _ (最新) skirt on the website of TAOBAO.2. I can learn a lot about nature and _(真实生活) events from these pictures.3. At the end of the _(音乐会) we sang this s


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