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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教材解读Go for it! 是以任务型语言教学为基础的英语教材,它体现“以学生为中心”和“以人为本”的教学思想,融话题、交际功能和语言结构于一体。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目和语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为Section A和Section B两部分。Section A为目标句型,提供分步事例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如。每个单元还附有Self Check部分,此部分是让学生用来测试自己现阶段的英语水平,即对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。本单元的教学

2、内容为:会询问并能够回答有关能力的问题,学生会表达他们想加入何种俱乐部,学习各种课外活动的说法,谈论自己和他人想做的事情,认识几种乐器。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 短语:play chess,speak English,be good at,talk to,play the drums,play the piano,play the violin,be good with,make friends,help(sb.)with sth.,,on the weekend/on weekends2. 句型:(1)Can you swim? Yes,I can./ No, I cant.(2) Can

3、 she speak English? Yes,she can./ No, she cant. (3) What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club. (4) What can you do? I can dance.3. 能力目标:(1)学会询问别人所拥有的技能。(2)根据相关信息表达自己所掌握的技能和意愿,想参加何种类型的俱乐部。(3)能够表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由。二、过程与方法灵活运用教材,从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,调整和取舍教学内容,合理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。三、情感态度与

4、价值观1通过对人物个性化的了解,认识对方。 2跨学科学习:语言艺术、审美教育。 3了解自己的能力,培养情操。4培养学生们对英语的兴趣。教法导航1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念,利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。4. 引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。学法导航 多读善思,小组合作、探究、学习、交流。课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a-2c第2课时:2d-3c第3课时:Section B 1a-1f第4课时:2a-Self Check 第1课时 Sec

5、tion A 1a2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟练读出、拼写本节课的表示爱好的单词。 2. 熟练谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿。3. 掌握并运用各种俱乐部的短语。 4. 学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能。二、过程与方法看图法,讨论法,发现法,问答法,多种方法并用,促使学生主动探求知识。三、情感态度与价值观通过学习本课,培养学习英语的兴趣, 学会谈论自己或别人的能力, 能表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好与意愿, 通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一种群体意识。教学重点学会谈论自己或别人的能力, 能表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好与意愿。教学难点掌握重点

6、句型:I want to join the art club. Can you draw? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.教法导航通过看图、看视频、听录音、问答、讨论等方法学习谈论能力和表达愿望。学法导航通过看、听、说等各种途径,以小组合作的形式,主动探求知识,锻炼自主学习能力。教学准备图片、多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class.Step 2 Lead inShow the pictures of basketball and say:I like basketball and I want to join the basketbal

7、l club.Step 3 IntroductionAsk the students to look at the pictures of different clubs. Lets look at the clubs. What are they? They are art club, English club, chess club, swimming club and music club. What club do you want to join? Help the students to answer I want to join the art club and so on. I

8、f the school has clubs, the teacher can ask the students:What clubs do we have in our school? The teacher writes What club do you want to join? I want to join on the blackboard. Ask the students to practice it.Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and cant. The teacher says to the s

9、tudents who say he/she wants to join the basketball club:Can you play basketball? Help the students say Yes, I can. No, I cant. Then repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball.Step 4 PracticeShow the students as many as pictures of different clubs. Then repeat with dance, swim, p

10、lay chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar. The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can.Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he cant. Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she cant. Can you speak English? Yes, we can

11、. / No, we cant. Can you play it well? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Do the action and read the new words and phrases.Step 5 A game Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what h

12、e or she can do. Then exchange.Step 6 Exercises1. Look at the picture on Page 1.1a. Ask the students to match each club activity in the picture with a word from the list. 2. 1b. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time and ask the students to listen t

13、o the conversations and write their answers.3. 2a. Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.4. 2b. Listen again and try to complete the sentences. First do it by themselves and then check the answers in groups.Step 7 Role play Look at 2b and get the students to talk about what

14、 the people can do and the clubs they want to join in pairs. And then get some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.Step 8 HomeworkFill in the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do.I canI cant课堂作业一、按要求写出下列单词或短语 说英语_ 弹吉他_ 象棋俱乐部_ 下象棋_ 英语俱乐部_ 参加_ 美术俱乐部_

15、 游泳俱乐部_ 音乐俱乐部_二、选择填空 1. Can you _ English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell 2. Can he _ basketball? A. play B. plays C. playing D. / 3. My brother want _ the chess club. A. join B. to join C. joins D.join to 4. His brother plays _ piano every day. A. / B. a C. an D. the三、翻译下列句子 1. 你会跳舞吗?是的,我会。 _ 2. 我

16、想加入美术俱乐部。 _ 3. 我会弹吉他。 _ 4. 你想加入什么俱乐部? 我想加入英语俱乐部。 _ 5. 你会下象棋吗? 不,我不会。_参考答案一、speak English, play the guitar, chess club, play chess, English club, join, art club, swimming club, music club二、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 三、1. Can you dance? Yes, I can. 2. I want to join the art club. 3. I can play the guitar. 4.

17、 What club do you want to join? I want to join the English club. 5. Can you play chess? No, I cant.教学反思本课借助于学生非常熟悉的课外活动俱乐部来引入并练习重点句型,学生很感兴趣,也容易调动积极性。本课设计的练习环节不少,但偏重于口头表达,如果能让学生把重点句型当堂写下来就更好了。第2课时 2d3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握并运用情态动词can的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和否定句。 2. 学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能。 3. 通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一

18、种群体意识。二、过程与方法通过大量的例子让学生熟悉can的意义进而掌握它的用法,通过实践练习去巩固用法。三、情感态度与价值观通过询问爱好和能力来彼此交流,培养合作精神,增进友谊。教学重点理解并背诵Grammar Focus中的内容。教学难点熟练掌握can的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及答语。教法导航创设情境,让学生自己总结规律,思考,讨论,最后得出结论。创设英语语言氛围,使学生能较快地融入到英语语言学习的情景中来。学法导航自主学习,独立思考,小组讨论,同桌合作,完成学习任务。教学准备视频、图片、多媒体教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step

19、2 RevisionWrite the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students to come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do and then make dialogues, using the sentence pattern:What club do you want to join? Can you swim? Y

20、es, I can. No, I cant. Repeat several times.Step 3 Role playShow a short video of the conversation on Page 2, 2d. And then get some students to act it out.Step 4 SurveyAsk the students to make a survey by asking the questions:Can you swim / sing / dance / play chess.? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Work in

21、 groups and fill the answers in the form. Then get the students to work in groups again and ask questions like this:Can he play chess? Yes, he can. No, he cant. And then practice the sentences in the same way:Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can. No, we cant. Can jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can

22、. No, they cant. What can you do? I can dance / sing. What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. Make sure the students practice the dialogues again and again. Step 5 GrammarEncourage the students to conclude the usage of “can”, first by themselves and then exchanges opinions in

23、groups. Get some groups to report their answers. Finally the teacher write the usage on the blackboard. Can + 主语 + do? Yes, 主语+ can. No, 主语 + cant. What can you do? I can dance. / I cant sing. What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.Step 6 GameShow the class some pictures and e

24、ach has a word or a phrase on it. Have a competation to look at who can make up a correct sentence. The one who finish first is the winner. For example:Wu Jun / speak English / speak Chinese-Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese. Do the rest exercises on Page 3, 3a.Step 7 G

25、roup workWe want to have an English party. What can you do in the party? Please discuss in groups of four, then make a list. The students should use the sentence patterns:What can you do, Li Xin? I can do kung fu.NameWhat can you do?Li XinDo kung fuNow lets make a poster for the English party. Pleas

26、e fill in the blanks.Students Wanted for English Pary.We want students for the school show. Can you _ or _? Can you _ the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school. (sing, dance,play,tell)Step 8 HomeworkPractice the sentence patterns with your partner again and again after cla

27、ss.课堂作业从B栏中找出与A栏相应的答语。A B1. Can you speak English? A.Yes,she can.2. What club do you want to join? B.No,I cant.3. Can John play chess? C.We want to join the music club.4. What can you do? D.I can dance.5. Can Grace play soccer ? E.No,he cant.参考答案1. B, 2. C, 3. E, 4. D, 5. A.教学反思为了避免语法学习的枯燥,本课设计了几个小组

28、活动、小游戏和竞赛,让学生在不知不觉中就掌握了知识,学习效果较好。第3课时 Section B 1a-1f教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟练读出,书写本节课有关乐器的单词。2. 学会询问某人能力的句型。3. 培养学生的听力能力。.二、过程与方法通过展示图片和实物调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感态度与价值观提高认知能力,培养学生对音乐和乐器的欣赏,陶冶情操。教学重点学会谈论自己或别人的能力。教学难点培养学生的听力能力。教法导航利用兴趣活动教学策略,充分调动学生的积极性。 学法导航通过组内合作和组间比赛等活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力,促使学生学会体验实践、参与合作与交流的学习

29、方式。教学准备1. 多媒体课件2. 上网或查阅资料了解尽可能多的乐器。 教学过程Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Revision Get some students to practice the dialogue.Step 3 Listening and guessing1a Ask the students to guess the music instrument by listening to the music one by one.Then show the class some pictures with i

30、nstruments on them and get the students to match the words with the pictures. Then encourage some students to read the words out and get all the students to read after the teacher.Step 4 Practice1c. ask the students to ask and answer questions about the instruments with the help of the PowerPoint. T

31、hey can ask and answer the questions like this. The teacher goes round the class and gives help if necessary.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. Can you play it well? No, I cant. Can he play the violin? Sorry, I dont know. Can she play the drums? Yes, she can . She can play it well.After the practi

32、ce, the teacher can ask some pairs to act it out in the front. And the students answer the questions of the teacher after listening to the dialogue.Ask the students to practice more dialogues with the picture of playing chess, singing, dancing, swimming, painting, speaking English. Mix with playing

33、the guitar, playing the violin, playing the drums. Tell the students there are something differences between playing chess and playing the guitar. Ask them to pay attention to it. Then ask more pairs to act the dialogues out in front of the class.Step 5 Listening1d Ask the students to read the words

34、 in the box first and ask them to listen to the recording for the first time. And play it for the second time and ask the students to circle the words they hear. With the same step, ask the students to do the exercise of 1e. Fill in the chart with the words in the box. Before doing this, tell the st

35、udents to write down what can Bill do , what cant Bill do and so on.Step 6 Pair work1f Ask the students to read the information in the box. And do the pair work to tell what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and cant do.They can practice it like this:A:Can Bill play chess? B:No, he cant. But he can play the

36、 guitar. And he can play it well.A:Can Bill dance? B:No, he cant. But he can sing. And he can sing very well.Ask the students to work in groups. Ask and answer like this:-What can you do? -I can,but I cant(I canand, but I cantor)Then act it out in front. Step 7 HomeworkKnow more about music and inst

37、ruments and try to enjoy them.课堂作业 1. He would like to join the music club. (同义句) He _ _ _ the music club.2. She can sing and dance. (否定句) She _ sing _ dance.3. Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句) _ Li Lei _ the violin?4. She wants to join the art club. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _ to join?参考答案1. wants to jo

38、in 2. cant, or 3. Can, play 4. What, club, does, she, want教学反思本课虽然学了一些有关乐器的知识,但培养学生对音乐的热爱和欣赏也是同等重要的,只有热爱音乐的人,才能保持积极乐观的心态,笑对生活。第4课时 2a-Self-check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟练读出,并能写出本节课的单词。 2. 理解2a、2b短文,并能学会写海报。二、过程与方法以学生为主体调动学生的积极性。三、情感态度与价值观能看懂海报并能自己制作简单的海报。教学重点掌握本课的单词、短语和句型,理解海报内容。教学难点熟练掌握本课的重点单词、短语和“can”的句型。教法

39、导航 采用竞赛、小组合作等多种活动方式开展教学,注重因材施教。 学法导航 交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 教学准备多媒体、海报教学过程Step 1 Greetings!Greet the students as usual.Step 2 Reading Ask several students to read the poster out. Lets see whose poster is the best one? Who can read it the most loudly and freely? The teacher asks the stude

40、nts to collect their own poster. Ask the students to say something about their friends. Lets see what their friends can do for the school show.Step 3 Language pointsShow the students some phrases and sentences and get the students to translate them:I like to, I can, play basketball, speak English, p

41、lay the guitar. After translating them, get the students to make up as many sentences as they can.Step 4 ReadingGet the students to read the ads of 2b and match the titles with the ads. Then try to match each person in 2awith an ad in 2b. Ask students to check all the words they know. You may wish t

42、o have them circle any words that they dont know.Ask students to find out the meaning of any words they dont know. They can do this by reviewing the lesson, asking you, asking classmates or using a learners dictionary or bilingual dictionary.Then get the students to work in pairs to translate the ph

43、rases and try to remember them:help with, call sb. at, be free, talk to sb., play games with sb., tell stories, make friends.Step 5 Practice3a Complete the ad with the words in the box. First get the students to finish it by themselves and check the answer together.Step 6 PracticeGet the student to

44、finish the exercise of Self Check by asking questions:What can you do? I can play the violin/ speak English/ swim/ tell stories etc. Step 7 HomeworkMake a poster. Ask for help with an event at your school.课堂作业补全对话。A:Hi,Jack 1 B:I want to join the chess clubA:Oh. 2 B:Yes, I canI can play chess well. 3 A:No. 4 I can play soccer well.B:I can play it,tooA:Really? 5


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