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1、江苏省盐城市2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题第一部分 选择题(共65分)一、听力(本题共20小题;每小题1分,计20分) A. 听对话回答问题 (听两遍)1. What sign are they talking about?2. What does the woman have for her lunch now?3. What is the girl doing?4. How did Jim go to school today?5. Whats the date today?A. September 10th B. September 11th C. Septembe

2、r 9th6 . What is Jane probably doing now? A. She is singing. B. She is reading comics. C. She is doing housework.7. What do we know about the new mobile phone? A. The man bought it himself. B. It was a present from the mans uncle. C. The man got it from a friend.8. How long has it rained? A. For thr

3、ee hours. B. For two hours. C. For five hours.9. What does the man mean?A. He is good at climbing high. B. It is not high at all. C. He may fall and hurt himself.10. What does Miss Zhang think of David? A. He walks too fast. B. He walks very slowly. C. He cant walk any farther.B. 听对话或独白,选择正确的答案。(听两遍

4、)听第一段对话,回答第11第12题。11. What will Mary do this Sunday?A. Go to the park B. Go to see Tom C. Play football12. What is wrong with Tom?A. He has a bad coldB. He has a headache C. His leg is hurt听短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Ways to save eyesHowAdvantagesWay 1Wear 13 and soft socks or cloth shoesM

5、ake blood circulation better Way 2Walk on tiptoeFight against eyesight troubleWay 3Skip rope so that one has to move quicklyMake both the brain and the 14 excited. Help one grow tallerWay 4Pull ones ears 15 Keep ones eyes healthy13. A. tight B. small C. comfortable14. A. foot B. eyes C. legs15. A. 1

6、0 times B. 20 times C. 50 times听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题16. One day a man and a tiger were talking about who was _.A. the strongest B. the tallest C. the happiest17. The man thought _.A. men could do anythingB. men were the strongest C.tigers were strong animals18. When the tiger heard what the man said, he

7、 said _.A. tigers were the strongest B. men were the strongest C. I think so19. As they walked on, they saw a picture with _.A. some men on top of a tiger B. a man under a tiger C. a man on top of a tiger20. Tigers dont know _.A. who were stronger B. whose picture it was C. how to draw a picture二、单项

8、选择(共15分,每小题1分,计15分)认真阅读下面各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Some people think that Russia is in Asia. In fact it is European country.A. /;anB. an ; aC. / ;aD./; the22. Has your sister finished watching the new film _? Yes, she has finished it _. A. yet, yet B. already, already C. already, yet D. yet,

9、 already23. _ for this topic. I think you have _ it. Lets talk about something else.A. So many; heard B. So much; heard of C. So few; heard from D. So little; listened to24. _ have you lived here ? Since last year.A. How oftenB. How soon C. How long D. How far25. They got married_ 1960. That means t

10、hey have been married _ 1960. A. in; since B. on; inC. at; since D. for; since26. My dad _ to Singapore for a meeting. He _ there twice.A. has been, has gone B. has gone, has been C. has gone, has gone D. has been, has been27. Now this small village has _a big modern town. A. turned up B. turned int

11、o C. turned down D. turned with28. Copenhagen is the capital of _, and it is famous for _.A. Australia; the Leaning Tower B. the UK; the Statue of LibertyC. Denmark; the Little Mermaid D. the USA; Tower Bridge29. The astronaut is so tired that he _ for eleven hours.A. has been asleepB. fell asleep C

12、. has gone to bedD. has gone to sleep30. Some tea was left _ the cup.A. at the bottom toB. at the bottom of C. at the top ofD. at the top of 31. With the _, we can choose one icon and click on it for more information. A. menu B. printer C. mouse D, screen32. Do you mind telling me how to restart the

13、 computer?_. Its simple. Just press the button here. A. Yes, I do B. Surely C. Of course D. No, not at all33. How time flies! Three years _ since I _ you last time.A.has passed, met B. have passed, meet C. passed, have met D. passed, met34. My grandfather _live in the countryside, but now he _living

14、 in the city.A. used to; used to B. was used to; gets used to C. used to; is used to D. was used to; used to35. I had a pleasant winter vacation with my family in the north. _. A. Oh, thats nice of you B. Enjoy yourself C. Well done! D. Glad to hear that三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题

15、所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We are now living in the 21st century. Is your classroom living in the 21st century, too? Tony is a student in Grade 8 at an American middle school. He was surprised when he saw his modern 36 on his first day of school.In Tonys classroom, there are many new electronics

16、 (电子设备) like iPads. This semester, they will 37 the electronics to take notes, watch videos and do projects and homework. “Its 38 ”said Tony. “I prefer using an iPad to work on math or other projects 39 my team members.”The school uses new technology (技术) in classrooms to 40 students see, hear, touc

17、h and sometimes experience their tasks, technology is pretty common in most of our classrooms now,” the head teacher said. “We are trying to use technology to open up the world to kids. It can bring the outside world in.”Science teacher Mr Miller agrees. “It is a 41 way for students to know the outs

18、ide world,” he said.Mr Miller now think of himself as a guide of learning 42 a teacher. “If they have a question for me, I will try to teach them 43 to find the answers rather than tell them what the answers are,” he said.Dale, another student, loves technology. He was not really interested in class

19、 before, 44 now he likes the classes very much. “It helps me use what I know about technology at school,” Dale said. “Most importantly, I 45 the classroom. This, of course, will help my studies.”36. A. dormitoryB. playgroundC. libraryD. classroom37. A. allowB. useC. wantD. help38. A. boringB. relaxi

20、ngC. amazingD. disappointing39. A. onB. byC. atD. with40. A. getB. ask C. keepD. help41. A. wrongB. slowC. quickD. bad42. A. because ofB. instead ofC. according toD. thanks to43. A. whyB. whatC. whenD. how44. A. butB. and C. orD. so45. A. standB. hateC. enjoyD. dislike四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,计20分)AGuitar

21、 lessonsAn excellent musician.Good-at teaching kids for 5 years.Your home or mine.Call Larry at 86087593.Taxi driver wantedFull time.Experience and good knowledge of the city are necessary.Under 45 years old.Call Mr White at 75132633 or 13935728866.Lost dogMedium size, spotted white short hair.Answe

22、r you when you call it David.Many thanks for returning it.Call Susan at 87328059.Flat for saleTwo bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.Hot water 8:0018:00.Beautiful sights out of the windows.E-mail: .46. Which of the four people may get the job as a taxi driver?A. A 50-year-old person. B. A person who

23、 can drive and has free time on weekends. C. A person who has just got his drivers license. D. A 40-year-old person who can drive well in the city.47. When is hot water provided in the flat according to the ad? A. In the daytime. B. At night. C. At any time. D. Only in the afternoon.48. How can you

24、contact(联系) the owner of the flat for more information? A. By making a phone call.B. By sending an e-mail. C. By going to visit it.D. By sending a letter.B My favourite book is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in a quiet street of St Petersburg, Missouri. Hes

25、a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures(探险). He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days.My favourite scene(场景) in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to

26、his own funeral(葬礼). He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears(出现). Everyone is surprised to see him, but theyre also pleased to see him alive.Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is prett

27、y with fair hair, Joe is Toms best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man in the story.The theme of the story is about childrens growing up. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom, social rules and how people are punished for bad behaviors(行为).Ma

28、rk Twain wrote the story in 1876. but its still read and loved by people all over the world today. Although its only a story, Mark Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states(州) of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today its one of the greatest books in American

29、literature(文学). Go to read it! I know youll enjoy it.49. Where does Tom run away with his two friends?A. To a quiet street. B. To a small town. C. To an island. D. To a forest.50. Who is the bad man in the story? A. Huck Finn. B. Injun Joe. C. Becky. D. Polly.51. The writer writes the passage to_.A.

30、 ask us to read the book B. tell us how popular the book is todayC. tell us when Mark Twain wrote the story D. tell us why the story sounds very realC“Dad, can I use the computer?” shouted Rhys, up the stairs.“What do you need the computer for? “Homework. Ive just got to write up a report.”“Yes, tha

31、ts fine. Ive already read my e-mails.”Rhys sat down in front of the computer. He opened his book and took a USB flash drive from his bag.“Dad,” he cried again. “Can I take the camera cable out of the USB port(端口)?”“Why?” his dad answered as he walked into the room. “Ive taken some pictures and I wan

32、t to upload(上传) them later.”“The report is saved on my USB flash drive. I have recently been working on it at school.”Rhyss dad held the flash drive and looked at it. “Ive never seen one of these,” he said.“Really?” asked Rhys. “ Ive been using mine since the beginning of this term. The teacher has

33、talked about them for weeks. He has been uploading work from them to his laptop. It saves paper.”“That is clever,” said Rhyss dad. “How much information can you save on this?”“Mine can store 2 GB.”“Wow. When I was younger, we could only store 110 KB.”“What? Thats almost nothing.” His dad laughed. “

34、I know. Times have changed. We used discs(磁碟) that were 5.25 inches. Youd need plenty of discs to store the same amount as on this little thing!” (改编自初中英语读本8B)52. What does Rhys need the computer for?A. Chatting on the InternetB. Writing up a report C. Reading his e-mails D. Uploading his pictures53

35、. What does Rhys use to save his report?A. A USB flash driveB. DiscsC. Plenty of paper D. A computer54. How much information can Rhyss USB flash drive store?A. 2 GB.B. 110 KB.C. 2 KB. D. 110 GB.55. What does the underlined world “cable” mean?A. Something that can keep the computer safe. B. Something

36、 that can take pictures.C. Something that can connect(连接)the camera to the computer.D. Something that can store plenty of information第二部分(非选择题,共55分)五、阅读短文,完成表格(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Why do children need to read at least 20 minutes a day? Read it and youll know.Reading is “brain food”Reading will improve

37、many of the areas of the brain. Your eyes look at the words on the page. Your memory connects the words with what you already know about the story . Reading provides one of the most complex (复杂的) brain activities in life.Reading improves listening skills The experience of being read to helps childre

38、n develop good listening skills. Through reading they can know how to pronounce(发音) and learn new words to add to their vocabularies and connect written words to the things in their real world.Reading prepares children for school In this way children are expected to come into school with high scores

39、. There is a strong relationship(关系) between a childs ability to read and her scores. Because so much of our studying depends on our abilities to read, children must have strong reading skills to achieve success in school.Reading improves relationships in your family.Because we are busy, it is diffi

40、cult to have one-to-one time with our family member. Spending 20 minutes reading together each day provides this important time. There is nothing more wonderful than having the whole family together while reading wonderful books . The 56 for reading booksReading is the 57 of your brainWhen you read,

41、 your brain will be improved by 58 the words you see with your knowledge about the 59 Reading improves 60 skillsYou can learn pronunciation and vocabulary.Reading gets children 61 for schoolYour score also depends on your 62 ability. Reading can make children achieve 63 at school.Reading improves re

42、lationships in your familyFamily members are difficult to get together, because we are 64 . So its important to 65 20 minutes reading with family members every day. 六、阅读与回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) HediedpeacefullyathishomeinCambridgeintheearlyhoursofWednesday,hisfamilysaid.ProfHawkingwasagreatscientistan

43、danextraordinary(卓越的)man whose workand legacywillliveonformanyyears . Hiscourageandpersistence(毅力)with hisbrilliance(才华)andhumourinspiredpeopleacrosstheworld.The Briton was known for his work with black holes and relativity(绝对论), and wrote several popular science books including A Brief History of T

44、ime, The Universe in a Nutshell, The Grand Design.Prof Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology(宇宙学理论 )as a union of relativity and quantum mechanics(相对论与量子力学的结合). He also discovered that black holes leak(泄露) energy and fade to nothing - a phenomenon that would later become known as Ha

45、wking radiation.At the age of 22 Prof Hawking was given only a few years to live after being diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease(俗称“渐冻人症”).The disease left Hawking wheelchair-bound. He was able to move only a few fingers on one hand and was completely dependent(依靠)on others or on technology for almost everything - bathing, dressing, eating, even speech


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