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1、甘肃省武威第十八中学2017-2018学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题考试时间为120分钟,满分120分。 第卷 (共70分)第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项,选出最佳选项,并用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A The Internet has become part of teenage life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them bel

2、ieve they use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai m

3、iddle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as its good to read news or find helpful information to study. Some students also make online friends. But if you are meeting a friend offline, make sur

4、e your parents know. Teachers and parents all think the book is of great help. A teacher said the book would be a guide for teens using the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad sites. “Many students are using the Internet without guidance from their parents,” she said. “The boo

5、k will teach students how to be a good person in the online world.”1. The textbook mainly tells us _. A. how to use the Internet correctly B. how to study using the Internet C. why we should use the Internet D. how to get help from others2. According to the passage, teenagers are NOT encouraged to _

6、. A. read online news B. go online C. find helpful information online D. meet a friend off line without letting their parents know3. From this passage we know that _. A. more and more students have given up visiting bad Web sites B. no more homework will be given in Shanghai middle schools C. school

7、s and teachers begin to pay attention to students use of the Internet D. less and less information can be found on lineB When I was a kid, I was close to my dad, but as I grew older, my dad and I grew further apart(分开). We always had totally different opinions. He thought that college was a waste of

8、 time, but for me it was important to finish college. He wanted me to work my way to the top as he had done in his field, but I wanted a different life. There was a time when we did not talk with each other. A few months ago, I heard that my 84-year-old dad was in poor health. When he called and ask

9、ed whether I could move from Colorado back to Tennessee to help him, I knew he was seriously ill. I am his only child and so it was time to meet my fathers requirement. Two weeks after moving back, we bought a boat and started fishing again. Fishing was one of the few things that we did while I was

10、young and that we both enjoyed. It is strange but true that as we are fishing we are able to put things that have kept us apart for so many years behind us. We are able to talk about things that we have never talked about before. Fishing has been healing(治愈) the old wounds that have kept us apart. I

11、t is not important how many fish we catch. It is about enjoying the relationship that we have not had for years. Im 62 and he is 84. When we are on the lake fishing, it is like two kids enjoying life. It is far better to find a way to put the unhappy past behind. I am so lucky to spend the happy tim

12、e with my father in his last years. Now my heart is filled with love. A smile always graces(使.增辉) my lips.4. The author and his father became further apart because_. A. they had different views on things B. they lived very far from each other C. they only communicated by phone D. they seldom went to

13、 see each other5. What made the author come back to Tennessee? A. That his father invited him to go fishing. B. That his father is ill and needs caring. C. That he decided to live in a different city. D. That he regretted being rude to his father. 6. For the author, fishing with his old father _ . A

14、. helps cure his fathers disease B. is a good way to get close to nature C. offers a chance for them to communicate D. makes him realize the importance of exercise 7. What can be the best title for the text? A. Forgiving Is Difficult B. My Beloved Father C. Memories of Old Days D. Fishing Brings Us

15、TogetherC Go to church, then have a big lunch, then go out to play while mum does the housework. That was a typical (典型的) British Sunday in the 1960s. But things now could not be more different.Some British sociologists recently studied the typical British Sunday. They found that people get up later

16、 and do less housework than they did 40 years ago. They are far more likely to be out shopping or enjoying themselves than cooking Sunday lunch.Sunday mornings were busy 40 years ago. Most women caught up on their weekly housework and cooked a nice lunch. They seldom allowed themselves any “leisure”

17、 until afternoon, after the dishes were cleaned. Then there would be another rush to the table between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm for tea.But now, Britons can have brunch (早午餐) at the restaurant. Fewer people bother (添麻烦)to cook themselves.“You only have two free days a week. You dont want to have to waste

18、 one because there is nothing to do but watch boring TV,” said Elizabeth Biggs, 25, a producer in London.“On Saturday you are recovering from the week,” Biggs added. “Sundays are the last chance for the weekend you want to get as much as you can out of the day before you have to go back to work.”In

19、the past, British women usually did their shopping during the week, while the husband was at work. “Now men seem to do that as much as women,” said Jonathan Gershuny, a professor who took part in the study.Men also do more housework now on Sundays. Back in the 1960s, men were far more likely to spen

20、d Sundays out of the house at the pub or playing football before lunch.8. Many Britons have brunch at the restaurant because _.A. They have no time to cook at home. B. They get up too late.C. They wont bother to cook themselves. D. They will go to church.9. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Brit

21、ons used to go to church on Sundays.B. Britons usually had a big lunch at home.C. British women did their shopping on Sundays in the past.D. British men did little housework at home in the past.10. The underlined word “ leisure” in Para 3 means _.A. housework B. shopping C. lunch D. free time11. The

22、 text mainly tells us _.A. what Britons did on Sundays B. why Britons go shopping on SundaysC. How Britons spend their holidays D. the changes of the ways the Britons spend their SundaysDWhen interviewed by a student magazine at Edinburgh University, J.K. Rowling said she had once been so depressed(

23、抑郁)that she wanted to kill herself. Rowling, 42, went through a low period in her mid20s, ending the marriage(婚姻) with her first husband. She had not become famous and rich with the Harry Potter series of books and was a single mother, fighting to earn a living. “The thing that made me go for help,”

24、 said Rowling, “ was probably my daughter. She was something that comforted me and encouraged me. She cannot grow up with me in this condition.” Her first try of getting help was a failure, however. The substitute(替班)doctor who took the place of her regular doctor ignored the signs of her suicide(自杀

25、) and sent her home, telling her to come to speak with the practice nurse if she felt “a bit low”. “We are talking suicidal thoughts here,” said Rowling. “We are not talking about I am a little bit painful.” Luckily for Rowling, her regular doctor was more sensitive and called her back into her offi

26、ce and got her in to consult. “She saved me because I dont think I would have had the courage to go and do it twice.” “I have never been ashamed(羞愧) of having been depressed,” added Rowling. “Never. What is to be ashamed of? Nobody can escape a hard time in life. I went through a really difficult ti

27、me and I am quite proud that I got out of that.” 12. What caused Rowlings depression? A. Her low income. B. Her unsuccessful marriage. C. Her first rude husband. D. The character of Harry Potter. 13. Rowling decided to face her problem bravely because she had to _. A. bring up her daughter B. finish

28、 her Harry Potter series of books C. follow her doctors advice D. make money to feed a big family 14. From the passage we can know the substitute doctor _. A. called Rowling back for a second examination B. was more sensitive than Rowlings regular doctor C. didnt think Rowlings depression was seriou

29、s D. just talked with Rowling to calm her down 15. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Rowling was _. A. a proud woman B. easy to be depressed C. the author of Harry Potter D. a strong-willed woman第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分;满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Get Rid of Stress

30、NaturallyEvery human being experiences stress at some or the other point of time in life. Our tiring jobs, poor eating habits and many other things add to the cause of stress. 16_ Some may cope with it and some may not. Studies have proved that stress might affect people more as you age. Heres a lis

31、t of some of the most effective natural stress reducers.Music therapy(疗法):How about hearing music to overcome stress and diseases? Sounds great, isnt it? 17 _.In psychology, music can act as a healing therapy to cure several conditions like depression, personality issues, cancer etc.Sleep well: Most

32、 of us do not care about our sleeping schedule or do not get enough sleep. A good amount of sleep of say 78 hours is a must to relax your mind and reduce stress levels. Also, improper sleep can lead to red eyes and also reduces immunity(免疫力). _18 Eat healthily: Eating well plays an important role in

33、 maintaining good health. It is advised to eat blueberries, salmon and almonds which help dealing with stress. 19 Laugh out loud and smile: No, I am not kidding. 20 Whenever you face a situation when you are extremely stressed, try laughing or if not at least smile as it releases endorphin(内啡肽)which

34、 decrease the stress level in body. Being happy is the important principle to beat stress.AEveryone reacts to stress differently.BLaughter is the best medicine for all ages.CEvery people never take laughter seriously.DIt is tough to tell what really has made us feel upset.EWhether you accept it or n

35、ot, music affects our daily life.FSo sleep your way to good health and enjoy stress-free life.GDrinking a cup of green tea also helps you to reduce stress levels.第三节 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 I was a single parent of four small childr

36、en, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight(紧的), but we had a roof over our heads,_21_on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always_22_. Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was_23_ . Ive always been glad about that. It was Christmas time, and although there wasn

37、t_24_for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big _25_ for the kids was the fun of Christmas_26_. They planned weeks ahead of time, asking_27_what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for_28_ to share by all five of us. The big _29_ arrived. I gave

38、 each kid a twenty-dollar bill and_30_ them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered (散开). We had two hours to shop, then we would_31_back at the “Santas Workshop”. Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits(兴高采烈) _32_my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusua

39、lly_33_. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies - fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didnt say anything _34_ we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, _35_to be angry again. This is what she told me.“I was looking _36_, thinking of what to buy, and I_37_to re

40、ad the little cards on the Giving Trees. One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she_38_ for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and_39_the doll for her. We have so much and she doesnt have anything.”I never felt so_40_as I did that day. 21. A. foodB. booksC. fruitD. flo

41、wers 22. A. littleB. lessC. moreD. enough23. A. strictB. seriousC. busyD. kind 24. A. effortB. roomC. moneyD. time 25. A. excitementB. problemC. surpriseD. improvement26. A. travelingB. shoppingC. partiesD. greetings27. A. the otherB. one by oneC. each otherD. every other one28. A. toysB. clothesC.

42、billsD. presents29. A. dayB. chanceC. chequeD. tree30. A. forcedB. invitedC. remindedD. begged31. A. drawB. meetC. moveD. stay 32. A. exceptB. besidesC. includingD. regarding53. A. ashamedB. excitedC. happyD. quiet 34. A. sinceB. afterC. untilD. while 35. A. waitingB. readyC. hopingD. afraid36. A. o

43、utB. overC. forwardD. around37. A. forgotB. stoppedC. failedD. hated38. A. playedB. didC. gotD. wanted 39. A. madeB. searchedC. boughtD. fetched40. A. richB. angryC. bitterD. patient 第卷(共50分)第一节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,按照句子结构和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。A lot of people like keeping

44、pets. The most common pets that _61_ (keep) throughout the world are cats and dogs. The following are the major advantages of keeping pets.Pets like dogs require regular walking and exercise for proper _62_ (develop). As you take your dog out for _63_ walk, you are also going to exercise your whole

45、body. In fact, dog owners spent a lot more time _64_ (walk) compared to other people._65_ sharing your problems and difficulties with good friends is good, research shows that spending some time with your pets might be more useful. Also, when doing _66_ (difficulty) tasks, people experience less str

46、ess if they have their pets with them. This could _67_ (possible) be because pets do not question or judge their owners; they simply support them.People who walk with their pets, especially dogs, are more welcoming and it gives them something _68_ (talk) about with other people. This way, they can make friends _69_(easy).Keeping pets has various advantages, but _70_ also has some disadvan


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