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1、8 8 下 unit5unit5 一、学习目标 1. 了解英国的礼仪,并用所学知识谈谈英国的礼节。2. 学会使用 enough to和 tooto 这两 个句型。 3. 识别常用的公共标志,学会使用英语谚语。4. 向同学们介绍餐桌礼仪。 二、学习重难点 1. 了解英国的礼仪,并用所学知识谈谈英国的礼节。2. 学会使用 enough to和 tooto 这两 个句型。 3. 识别常用的公共标志,学会使用英语谚语。4. 向同学们介绍餐桌礼仪。 三、学习内容 Task1:重点单词 1politely adv. polite adj. politeimpolite(impossible,impatie

2、nt) (2017湖北黄石) It might seem more difficult to speak p_ than directly, not hurting others. 2tap n.水龙头 3turn n.轮流,顺序 Its our turn to clean the classroom. take turn to do sth.轮流做某 事 v使变为;翻转; 4shaken.摇动;震动;v.摇动;震动;shaking n摇动;震动; shakeshookshaken 现在分词:shaking第三人称单数:shakes shake sbs hand 5avoid vt.避免。 *

3、“”“”从意思上看,可表示 避开 或 躲避 (keep oneself from)某人或某 “”物;也可表示 防止 (prevent)某事的发生。 *从用法上看,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。 6push v.“意为 推,挤”,其反义词是 pull“,意为 拉”。 push in “意为 插队,加塞”,美式英语中常用 cut in 表示这一意思 7warn v.警告,告诫 warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事;n警告,前兆 (2017湖北襄阳)Do you remember what Mr. Brown said to u

4、s at the graduation ceremony 1 Yes. We_(受到告诫不要放弃时创造的兴趣) in our life. (warn) 8sometime adv.某时 sometimes 有时;some times 几次;some time一段时间。 (1)He _ visits his friends at weekends. (2)My parents will take me to the park _ next week. (3)I have been to Guilin _. (4)She spent _ painting the wall. 1.proper ad

5、j.符合习俗的;正确的_ (副词)2loudly adv.大声地_ (形 容词) 3run vi. 流动_ (过去式)_ (过去分词) 4parking n. 停车_ (动词) 5.express vt. 表达_ (名词) 6explain vt. collect the trash; plant trees; clean the streets; water the flowers Shaoyang is a beautiful city with a long history. Its our hometown and it has changed a lot in the past fe

6、w years. To make it be more and more beautiful, I often_ _ 学 习 感 悟 答案 Task1:重点单词 1politely adv. politely 7warn v.警告,告诫 were warned not to give up ( taking/ showing/ having) an interest/ being interested in creating( things) 8sometime adv.某时 sometimes 有时;some times 几次;some time一段时间。 (1)sometimes (2)s

7、ometime. (3)some times (4)some time 1.properly 2loud 3ran run 4park 5.expression 6explaining7practice /practice 8decision 9discussion Task2:重点短语 1cut in on others, 2.drop litter everywhere, 3.obey traffic rules, 4. soon after ,5. the purpose of,6.queue for your turn, 7. be tired out, 8.meet sb.for the first time, 9.something else, 10. above all,11.all the time, 12.be helpful to sb., 13.avoid doing something, 14. make sure, 5


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