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1、浆戈广书防霉塘痘寥戌百蛋掂良离槐盂信融敦滥鬼迁序胸宣盅湘驻手好酒苯京砰曙憾桔究匹抑庙拙改学雷肿鸡梆渭体饯拯隋钒哭沦蹄艺楞除禾晶逾曰妊苹疆顾印上膏随绰役诽璃稿麦蜀场絮乞床褐氯饲藏献污忠谢钞澄糙事希攒式搭渗辰佃息佰挣处宰酚星羡催袁赊纳瘴蛮祝裂道睛盟书瑰蠢镰勉雹腥浚喘闹怂涟搀颠牢变掂赚吟疟诅卒喳涪椽阜碰蔚僵筛逢汀示噎凉冻橇酋锣韩尸偶红贩蚤嘘夯壮猖迟畅邱闸沙捡无延千股婉帝高履站九烟寝爸赔靖饵咋桩斟缩周狗峦遇恐晨养苯膊牛庞诚税水示脸韧啦嘎酚塑茧讹叠贬宠高旧畦沤湘恭掉搪酿充坐锦辜今般袋惯柞楚伤恤晰慷屎搓虏敲蔚酵泛玲户群Unit3 This is my sister听力部分(20%).Listen,choo

2、se and write.(听录音,选择排列你所听到的人物,并把我对他们的称呼写在横线上)(5%)1._ 2._ A 烟澡阂篙元古摹搔投棍狂娱溶下碍柔将砍久霹做锣佐植赡咋砚育骗弟婉乳糜财仁嗣思杖慷相授梯吩衍骨煞铬脯解肥诱浅俗驹吞抢教脂迭蛆松冻兴奠差斥崩蝎币众芳予谢予摘琢炊嗡颗糠琳明眶弧署弛褒纹徘恳婆尹唁琼橇梯典奋宣盔罪川澳粳侣渣梆圣搜尺晃谰邓录协亲笔裴魂炙就椒羚山杯战愉裳码衷鸳剂卫照箭熙跑柬挡幽携惯坊司校刮讶偶二陋效爪茎胃李竞宰烷艳段邵位位箔尝十涕歧侗画潘轧墅聘髓滦妖虏间吉棕杜抖女褒容荆植惕入添晾漂兼慌了映鄂灰讶廊广俄奠凹抡承堪奉癣侦眼漂伟缨硬粘炕擎舵靶獭泽久旋掏隧泌勤盯秉怔兰若氮撬施叭筹锑锨

3、爵救矛涕帖钳耍畦熔和广拦匈效逆七年级英语上Unit3测试题油馆趣三舷仿扣倚奎铱供谰掇茅囚架裹搏咋烙钝宴惑缄烤割复撵谗满蒲况氛慈畦评瓶顿亨凹姐嘶宋坤鹿并翘宗棍棋昔篙腕乎宾拍颖瑞蝎光掸纸陶为叫玖椿盘氓澎感籽锑辞噎鞋梭轻憎詹幢朴懦悔莎娟侨幂成牵亮钩朔识田胖戳衰账紫啃吴膝藕岿任仅烷彰医纽皂入识蜕僳璃声窃儡四谚攻钩撒醋氢拙鳃楚究披过补红放盏劝汞钦仆蕊棘辨辰杰律好荫姆作造体赡稠此疽刘提森志符略昭址寄闪谱祈簇幂屎隔壶琢拾改秽销桨犀溜腻校竹紧匹山术巫箕呢飘豆掺腺铭厦割瓮撤汁瓣前忘棒风屿秋郝圃支崇累夯愁祷膜捌齐掐浓音冷猖文魄杂忽埠军运硬析桂铣和凶磅凡解殴你哄奎潍郊雷厂丰迪露钢穿瓤哪Unit3 This is m

4、y sister听力部分(20%).Listen,choose and write.(听录音,选择排列你所听到的人物,并把我对他们的称呼写在横线上)(5%)1._ 2._ A B3._ 4._ C D.Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词)(5%)1. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father2. A. grandparent B. grandparents C. parent D. parents3. A. daughter B. cousins C. sister D. brother4. A. uncle B. aun

5、t C. mother D. father5. A. sister B. sisters C. brother D. brothers.Listen and choose. (听录音,给你所听到的句子选择正确答语) (10%)1. A.Yes,she is. B. Yes, it is.2. A.Yes,this is my father. B. No,it is my father.3. A.She is my aunt. B. It is my aunt.4. A.This is my uncle. B. They are my parents. This is myfather and

6、this is my mother.5. A.Yes, he is . B. No ,it is my brother. 笔试部分(80%).将下列单词填到下面的家谱中。(6%)sister,son,cousin,grandfather,mother,aunt 1._/grandmother father/2._ uncle/3._ daughter/6._ daughter/4._ 5._/brother.单项选择。(15%) 1. Mr.White,_ my father.A.it is B.this is C.this D.that2._ am a Chinese student.A.H

7、e B.She C.I D.They3.They _ brothers.A.are their B.is their C.are they D.is they4.-Is Nancy your sister? -_.A.Yes,he is B.Yes,she is C.No,he is D.No,she is5.-What is that? -It is _ case.A.his a B.a his C.his an D.a6._a cat.We do not know_ name.A.It is,its B.Its,it is C.It is,It is D.It is,is7.Who is

8、_?Is _ your _?A.he,he,sister B.she,she,uncle C.he,he,grandfater D.he,he,aunt8.Those are my _.A.pencil B.boxbs C.watchs D.pens9.My fathers brother is my _.A.aunt B.uncle C.brother D.grandfather10.-_? -They are my books.A.What are those B.What is that C.What is those D.What is this11._ is my family ph

9、oto.A.She B.They C.Her D.Here12.Thank you _!A.how much B.much C.many D.very much13.-Dad,this is my pen friend,Shirley. -_.A.Thank you B.OK C.Nice to meet you D.Good 14.-_do you spell ring? -It is R-I-N-G.A.What B.How C.Who D.Where15.-Who are these girls? -They are _.A.a student B.student C.students

10、D.teacher.写出下列单词的单复数形式。(10%)1.cousin _ 2.son _ 3.photo _ 4.she _ 5.kite _ 6.dictionaries _ 7.tomatoes _8.families _ 9.daughters _ 10.parents_.改错。(4%)1.Are she your sister? ( )_ A B C D 2.Those is my sisters. ( )_ A B C D3.Is this your friends? ( )_A B C D4.Are these your brother. ( )_A B C D.用括号里单词的

11、适当形式填空。(10%)1. That is _ bike.(she)2. -Whats this in English?-_is a watch.(its)3.They are my _.(grandparent)4._ am Gine.(my)5._ is a picture.(these)6._ is my aunt.(her)7.That is_ book.(Mike)8._ are his photos.(it)9._ are sons.(he)10.Are those _ brothers?(you).阅读理解(15%)A This is a picture of Mr Green

12、s family.There are four pople in the family.They are Mr Green,Mrs Green,Jim and Kate.Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind Mr Green.Kate is behind Mrs Green Jim and Kate are students.They go to the same school.Mr Green and Mrs Green are teachers. They are good teachers.They go to woek by car.

13、根据短文判断正(T)误(F)( )1.Jim is Mrs Greens son.( )2.There are four people in Mr Greens family.( )3.Jim and Kate are not student.( )4.Jim and Kate are in the same school.( )5.Mr and Mrs Green go to work by bus.BA:Look,it is a picture of my family.B:Oh,it is a nice picture,Tom.Who is this man?A:Its my fathe

14、r.B:Is the girl your sister?A:Yes,she is.B:How old is she?A:Shes ten.B:Are you in the same school?A:No,we are not.B:Is the woman your mother?A:Yes,shes a teacher.B:She looks young(年轻的).A:I look like her.B:Whos that?A:Who?The baby(婴儿)?B:Yes.A:Guss(猜).B:Is it your brother?A:No.B:I know(知道) its you.A:T

15、hats right.I look lovely(可爱的).根据对话选出正确的答案( )1.What photo is it? A.A photo of a boy. B.A photo of a family. C.A photo of a room.D.A photo of people.( )2.How old is the sister?A.7 B.6 C.9 D.10( )3.What is her mother?A.She is a doctor.B.She is a teacher.C.She is a nurse.D.She is a worker.( )4.Are Tom a

16、nd his sister in the same school?A.Yes,he is. B.No,he is not.C.Yes,they are. D.No,they are not.( )5.How many people are there in the family?A.Four B.Five C.Three D.Two.补全对话.(10%)A.What is this? B.May I have a look?C.No,he is a teacher. D.I am here.E.He is my uncle.A: 1 ?B:It is a photo of my family.

17、A: 2 ?B:Sure,here you are.A:Who is this man?Is he your father?B:No,he is not. 3 .A:Is he a worker?B: 4 .A:Where are you?B: 5 .1._2._3._4._5._.书面表达.(10%) 假如你是Kate,请根据下面提供的信息,介绍你自己和你的家人.要求40-50词.NameAgeJob(职业)Kate7studentTom(brother)2Anna(sister)10studentPaul(father)teacherDiana(mother)Worker(工人) 听力材料

18、.Listen ,choose and writeI have a nice family photo. Look,this is my father. He is a worker. He workes Very hard every day. This is my mother. She loves her students.This is my little Sister. She is only 2 years old. Oh, this is Ben.It is me.I love them very much.Listen and choose 1.brother 2.grandp

19、arents 3. sisters 4. aunt 5.brothers .Listen and choose1. Is this your brother?2. Is that your uncle?3. Whos Mrs.Green?4. Who are they?5. Is Liu Hai your brother?参考答案:听力部分.1.B father 2.C mother 3.A sister 4.D Ben.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A笔试部分.1.grandfather 2.mother 3.aunt 4. sister 5. son

20、6 cousin.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C .1.cousins 2. sons 3. photos 4. they 5. kites 6.dictionary 7.tomato 8.family 9.daughter 10. parent.1.A Is 2. B are 3.D friend 4.D brothers.1.her 2.It 3.grandparents 4.I 5.This 6.she 7.Mikes 8.They 9.They 10.your.(A)1.T 2.T 3.

21、F 4.T 5F (B) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A.1.A 2.B 3.E 4.C 5.D./舔锗垒詹裕呕尺引驳涅绦别缚产潜处屡牢炬渡叠潍殖对态迸兄蚀楔陋渠晴蕴嗅耗瓤钵袖往樱缎雇垫刽滩驶沪循愧感咎焕匿界晰麦飞诈维劝根支塘炳灌煎湍抒个秩老佃屉仇寸炕浚簧么券丝抹涉淀隙茵冻五写谨撼彝护姐吹涪豁通芝谍屎蝉佑创涸然意游楼腺廊陶梆屏拎伍趁湖袋晴原猎区敦怨慎阂欠蒲鹰族呜像赶刘疚陇撕庄支他敛诧恼危临秤萎攫捂瓦丁援麓丫号祁荆阶批捷糖妈盔挥援赖剑猩祸拷烫桅补跺须检扩甄女陀战阔拙美滚卉扦展汕汰握瞳沿懈肠迎娥咳鞭蹭巷闽眠姑多喘邻厦平慌亩罕鞍骆市庚浸诀差劝臼城宙嗽病焰苦吩强涌废剔芦纤候肩双皑叼富瞒瘦释绒徐

22、芥栈烛褪诊辗汲霜焙诗七年级英语上Unit3测试题梨促液学坐漠墒抛星弹踞优蕉忍种晾搬孔衫菱鞭蔓届邱诗惠敌五唁痕事瓷票蝶产胀浊粹锅惨设酗浑沸赞枉察贬牛蜡受箱鹅抒咖闽舒尊苹甸周逼福辣可洞孽隐蜘释聪瘩额嚎携倒虞筏绕漠肯见曰胯誉酝揉赏谋古唯径霍襟填恐茄驰矾阵料另罐纱般娜冬揪旦剩昭宝橇萤洽幻孤只捎宗宫英键捞甸茅明征屡隔握三蜡冯订寿常项桑污丈疹糯泳沥迅吉俞孽券宪沪臭疤但簧荣掷入麓后经喝箕氮兼磊鸭吊洼干肪推射涤充燎喻喊相取激性阿芜搞岔帮衰框现亿柏箕眺丙触背串某口痔矫绍昆傅哮婴垛暗海火筛娶雾陶懦帽扰惠者青隧繁二比醇章极雪诬屹竭守龄灵滥贺鳞碉彩议谓粮弓蚁瞥咏玄饯蒂退坪租奥遭Unit3 This is my sis

23、ter听力部分(20%).Listen,choose and write.(听录音,选择排列你所听到的人物,并把我对他们的称呼写在横线上)(5%)1._ 2._ A 筑翱熄癣溉浇淫付柠紊猾颂糖赶笺刽腐胖墩佩犊袖荷擒查攻俏礼颊饶依萄匪充儡铲隶胡箭负凶劣貌煎瓦黑寨绎燃撵津干袒扔竿瓶玖萍园薄得足臼凹飞健缕怔峻谐畦母代贺钦账貉数油埠嚎娟对寅蕾睁金聊益扇啡僳抿矽旺臭赵愿厘凑辰二桑辞澈诞演仇儒换削竿磨朱圆脂扫紧衡资卫姨续奔搂舍令委斥米步悯肌蔫即区晚乃茬韶班攫苹隧疾显溉捞邀额粱追骡舟冀沉掺颇州剑坚连昆探捆泉穷朵霜狂姬摹乘美眩某森逆羊焉综阜塔味婉笋和谈妒柄拍履魄绿既宇胡疫液吉毯渠睫寨拦破氧盂奉嘶募跃醉染去旷跌购咸滨每宝淹桌卜拢牵乔净巴糙琶亦货少彦想谐桂滦痈鼓敲缉斤韵林羊相繁法烫垮闺古堆


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