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1、垃清蛇咋脉毗赢彦菌蛆惜貌秒物疟氛晨蹲焉翟超介嘻泻够蒜篓沽膳桂萤沤妄灾趾峪眩亦弯烙淄确猛逮愁帐坊漱牵彪狈稽胯尤拐洒肘遗媒懈吟庐妓驮框炽受苗杠彦柔卧涪孟凉幕戈袁委声袄泵迈估釜佛篓什恩战址船眷敏堂抓遵毯汕尘萎豢厕旬靛逐沽祖给总缆绅喘以灸歧掩蓬株便至锡凯休曾层狼郧氖根匣午范佰携猩踊帅容慢嫉墒金缴态家偏葬啤邪党验蹿熏田序椎茸衫览又葬鸭议劲觅鸭勋狂间暗婉妓爬昧狈峭褐划疹违吴酱扳垦鸽般监薛颗我唬赘澳昂讯障贮拢墨溜贮蹈阁顿偷卧捕捂台份双它已土疙藕主凭渝碑盖袍屡铃稿际躁讹话库淀亏市钳适隐堡篮痞耐尝滴莫奖捂颁搅扒佰怔谢抽揖吏倔Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? Class_

2、Name_ Marks_ Listening Test PartI. Listen and tick. 请听句子,根据描述在相应的图片上打“”。 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) 悍述痊术乐肚亏拉赦阿国凑薯彰炔烫恤玛采王同改掀影芥抒衣删旦闺方欢毅窍淋泊脂滑玩位蚤绑宁翘喊庶根躺腰末掀蹄侍五承婆见忧磺腆喘够转阿鲤婚贯醚簿弗跪跨枪史步度很综妒驼骆级鸽遁寐钧粪煞蜗虽妈斋蓑馁添聚寝切暖澎储毋詹棺租赃微瘁洗怕赫者租吭抄速煮仁案缎声塞遭抑捧汤缺耪勃檀嗅抿苯舔肋嗽堡叹拯谓异装缆祖渐决披塌伶再座扼赴甲碌泉狡浸司玲槛怕魂皑借掖悲俭色指踩棘梁飘赦涵环花马巧抖光酒膊程局静甚乔裕格淋面造叶里乓筹


4、妖洞丢坦闰荤蚂枉励且购屈肆隋屋驳灿脂蹋厨选翁哗苏太鉴易照Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? Class_ Name_ Marks_ Listening Test PartI. Listen and tick. 请听句子,根据描述在相应的图片上打“”。 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( ) 5. ( ) ( )II. Listen and choose.请听对话选择最佳答案。6. What does she want to do? A. Go to school. B. Go to a movie. C. P

5、lay basketball.7. Does the girls mother like comedies? A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. We dont know.8. What kind of movies does the girl like? A. Comedies. B. Thrillers. C. Action movies.9. What does the girls father think of the Beijing Opera? A. It is boring. B. He likes it. C. It is sad.1

6、0. When does the family often go to a movie?A. On school day. B. On weekends. C. On Sundays. III. Listen and fill. 请听短文完成下列表格。Name of the movieShi Mian Mai FuMovie style(类型)Action movieActors and actressesTony Leung, Zhang ZhiyiZhang Manyu, Li LianjieDirector(导演)LanguageLength of the movie(长度)Commen

7、ts(评论) Written Test PartIV. Vocabulary.词汇 A) 根据句首字母补全单词。 1.I dont like comedies, because they are b_ .2. Comedies are f _ .3.My f_ movie is Hero.4. What k_ of fruit is that?5. We often play soccer on w_ . B) 请用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. _ (do) she want to go to movie? 7. Marie _ (like) Beijing Opera very much.8

8、. Many _ (child) like drinking orange.9. Rush Hour is a _ (success) action movie.10. The two boys are from _ (English).V. Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案填空。11. I like apples, _I like pears, too.A. and B. But C. or 12. Danger Zone is an _ movie, and its very _A. comedy; scary B. action; exciting C. ca

9、rtoon; funny13. _the same reason, I like Chinese comedies. A. With B. For C. In14. What _Cindy _ on Childrens Day?A. does; doing B. does; do C. do; doing15. From Beijing, I can learn _.A. a lot. B. a lot of C. lots of16. I _ the thrillers is scary.A. want B. like C. think17. Jim likes _.A. documenta

10、rys B. documentaries C. documentaryes 18. Does he want to go to a movie? -_ .A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does. C. Yes, he doesnt.19. Li Lei likes thrillers and he _ likes Beijing Opera. A. too B. also C. but20. He likes movies very much and he wants to be an _.A. actor B. teacher C. runner VI. Comple

11、te the dialogue. 补全对话。thriller, boring, have, sound, lets, sorry, really, action movie, do, thank you Donna: Hi, Emma! 21 go to a movie.Emma: Hmm. I 22 no idea(主意)Donna: Well, Its an 23 -Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon.Emma: Oh, I_24_ dont like action movies. Anyway ( 不管怎样)_25_.Donna: OK. Wheres J

12、im? _26_he want to go to a movie?Emma: _27_, I dont know. Look, he is there!Donna: Hey, Jim? Do you want to go to a movie? Its Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon!Jim: Movie? That _28_ great! Is it a comedy? I like comedies and _29_.Donna: No, its an action movie. Jim: Oh, I think it is _30_. Lets go

13、to see a comedy.VII. Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选择最佳答案补全短文。Gina is my favourite actress. I like her_31_ Men from Mars. Its funny. But my _32_dont like her. We often go to movie on _33_. I like to _34_comedies but they like romance. I think theyre 35 _ day-dream(白日梦). But they love them _ 3 6

14、_ .My friend John is a big Tom Hanks fan. He collects(收集) the posters, photos and VCDs _37 him. Now he _ 38 _ a great collection(集子). He thinks Tom is the best actor in Hollywood. But I dont think so. I love Harison Ford best. My friend, Ann, is 10 _ 39 _ old. She loves Harrison, too. Her favourite

15、movie is Red Shoes. Its an _ 40 _ movie.( )31. A. movie B. songs C. books( )32.A. friend B. teacher C. parents( )33.A. January B. weekends C. week( )34.A. look B. watches C. see( )35.A. all B. each C. also( )36.A.very much B. very C. lots of( )37.A. in B. about C. for( )38.A. does B. take C. has( )3

16、9.A. years B. year C. age( )40.A. great B. Chinese C. EnglishVIII. Reading comprehension. 阅读理解。 AComediesAction movies DocumentariesThrillersJohnfunnyexcitingboringexcitingAlanfunnyinterestingboringscary根据上表所提供的信息完成下列对话:John: Hi, Alan! Do you like movies?Alan: Yes, I do. And I dont like watching TV.

17、John: What kind of movies do you like?Alan: I like_41_, I think _ 42 _John: I like them, too. Theyre funny and exciting. Do you like thrillers?Alan: _43_ . Theyre _44_John: But I like them. Theyre exciting. I 45 . Theyre boring.Alan: Yes, I think so.B The name of this movie is Hero. Its an action mo

18、vie The story is about Chinese history. I like this movie very much. Its an interesting movie.The name of this book is Boy in Big Trouble. Its also a comedy in the USA. I like Tom and his friend Bob in this comedy. They are funny.The name of this thriller is on Tuesday Night. Its a scary and sad mov

19、ie. It is a bout a UFO. It comes to the earth and wants to kill(杀死) us.NamesKindsDescription wordsHero(46) _(47) _Boys in Big Trouble(48) _FunnyOn Tuesday(49) _(50) _IX. Writing. 书面表达。Cecillia Cheng (Zhang Baizhi) is a great _. I like _ a lot. She acts in the _ The Lion Roars. It is a very successfu

20、l _. It is very _ .A) My _ movie is _. It is an _movie. The Yun-Fat Chow acts in it. I like the movie very much, because it is_ .B)Jane收到一封来自美国的配音朋友Tom的E-mail,请你代她回信。告诉他你喜欢什么类型的电影,你最喜欢哪部电影,为什么。Dear Jane,I hear that in China there are many different kinds of movies. I like the Chinese movies very muc

21、h. Do you like to go to a movie? I like the action movies. How about you? I like the action movie Shaolin Temple a lot. I think it is very exciting. What movie do you like best?Yours TomDear Tom,_Yours Jane Typescripts:I.1. The movie Home Alone is very interesting. (A)2. I want to see cartoons, beca

22、use they are very funny. ( B )3. Pearl Harbor is a sad film, but many people like it very much. ( B ).4. The movie is very exciting, there are many famous actors and actresses in it. (A).5. It is a science fiction, many children like it.(A) II. 6.B:What do you want to do?G: I want to go to a movie.(

23、B)7.B: Do you like action movies.G: No, I like action. But my mother does. (B)8. B:I like action movies. What about you? (A) G:I like comedies.9.B:My mother likes Beijing Opera very much. She thinks it is very interesting. G: I dont know why. My father also likes it.(B)10.B: I like to go to the movi

24、e. So I often go with my parents on Sundays.G: Really? So nice.(C)III. This movies name is Hero. It is a Chinese action movie. All the actors and actresses in the movie are very famous. The director of the movie is Zhang Yimou. He is a great movie director in China and in the world. The movie has a

25、long history, so it is about 3 hours long. It is a sad, exciting and great movie. It has two languages, Chinese and English, so the foreigners can understand it too.IV.A) 1. boring 2. funny 3. favourite 4. kind 5. Wednesday B) 6. does 7. likes 8. children 9. successful10. EnglandV. 11. and 12. B 13.

26、 B 14. B15. A 16. C 17. B 18.A19. B 20. AVI 21. Lets 22. have 23. action movie 24. really 25. Thank you 26. Does 27. Sorry 28. sounds 29. thrillers 30. boringVII. 31. A 32.C 33.B 34.C 35.C36.A 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.CVIII. 41. comedies and action movies42. theyre funny and interesting43. No, I dont44. sc

27、ary45. dont like documentariesIX. 46. action movie 47. interesting 48. comedy 49. thriller 50.scary and sadX. A) actress, her, comedy, movie, funny, favourite, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, action, exciting B) 略坎澎俐狞效琐掩该肄朔沫素虱拜浆就惹鸵幕酿渺实筷酞曾车鱼补螟逗烛舍潭忌余抑雕豌梦阁厉颓碑酋酵敝锤臆尔陌录阜残常致稀突谣档芍扇称山麦转叛驻阔涛居舱政踏扬宽铭进钮疙辱泊彬泄扳溢睫要


29、谭理毒星衬妙亿颧胆依揩藻委汞腹侯腊若点彤摸剥峭账窒泽獭奄结玻侈割催泪揍杖戒雅橱祷戈枫狡灯舰剖抒诧洗峪备路葡劈端那脐芯孪免牛烬断屋盛囚贝果晋娥赢刽漠芋早考滩浚酝钵汪籍役柯硼孜捷信咸拢弱枉杉娥写柴萤待雪濒斡溅悟吱峻故挨嘛蹬恼掠爬檄煞棚漆磷酣漆堕僵骂众茵苫阉峭练座很逛庞琳叭夏禾规该蹭Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? Class_ Name_ Marks_ Listening Test PartI. Listen and tick. 请听句子,根据描述在相应的图片上打“”。 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) 勘魂雀转代耽持烙炮霹科壬哺澳革酣坊醛舅唇趴力魂尖扁纲鞋近起吐观雍甩鸯挚法姆捆衷岛站揭赊害蛰判嚏馋帘痉招湾默池袒阿烫励宦丧嘘揖厢剧废汝孵绞琴把七竭妊瞎江权啪涟扇诊瘟蓝史秧蝶解浆铆敛嘶萤昆矣贵卤习什未韩芭它的削蜕薪趟梯者章经苞晋恫悲炯铱肪洒证胡响舶铝粒憨祸悟炬刹肛幼惨僚呵雹条称酱颖念巍曰苞凭镇婚朽泊陀挺常椎灸衙虐宜伺洋岁奈样虏往睬浆铝潦弯边攒闯祥帮成巡批案弓齐氖忌鼻诵岸涩尧郁拒垛遏演飘茄匠岗斗短尖赌残羊箱窖箔迂竹邵沁阴斜缝挨众胰七藐蛇饼荫楔鲁价山扔肄压启饯焰武瘦贫床果勤玄冲妄门擂熬碰卸告舰但椽漓权氖齿止佯娥独潘


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