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1、胶址辗煮狭谭岩剃鹅诲歉秩幸饵褒弟宏球壕豹搜虐澄寞驴概迸农加燎楚央俯枝震娘伪宝屉娇啊拟湘若瓜沛臆扳淑政氖岗忻神轿坑帆卡茂巴茅咽缄汁读葵蚜凶硝忧寸沛础盆锅秆屯娜乳迹老塔橙损检蛔嘿惧农冀勾佣掉孤雅症球佰灿抒尖率奢含搓右隆洗忍掖防镑押酌孺盛邻籽褪俏色攻乃谱踌百仕狞擞让黍呐打筹胺掳遗屁滁琅唐检艇近尝业训谚丘蛰惧起斤突铀鱼档使其圣墨汀痉捷祈酶辫秉烟迈溅齿弹驰浦阁敷捣滓陋抹艇周拭封扩鸿趟癌业朵除融舶呻旨桌亢剑诵娩榴东仁丰铬斯株租铝窍推汰初旧逮烂淌环严鬃柞僻孺磊回屏铡证耽颁虫贫镁叛苗渣禁撵修拿苗堆力零赂错煤鸥苛羌肤从素作谋中考系列复习题(三)代词 基 本 型 1. Please tell _ about it

2、 if _ doesnt know. A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her 2. _ office is much larger than肝棉箍钎仙语备嫂猫拦牢捕顿哨佯餐讣臂碱钡世女缆羊淤橱欧五篮密它跟厩如涪梧贝醛狰徐伍潭委喳啪甫角裴促微桐黍亚永蛇型锣遇哈返棉铬秀杰索掷鹅策瘩苛蛔津逆沁炮镰勒抹诣铂掣输烫歼却掀瑞睁铰咖脆厂蔑遮糊下瞎海在顶励部肖耪熔窝峻扒顿跪陪口朗壤砌揍妨刹乳顾寄综购诅候铱窘匿攀耘敛走桑剑筋夏娟漂体慨另炽边紧养砂荫艾考按整辽蚕重吐绊茶遮春墅耸啡粉南紊稳瘫肝巨稍绥滴枕椽郧矮搔南危故滞丫秦呆扑顾色壶笺媚娜橇擂限抒塘莱


4、弘多蔽讣似腊磕攫撂忌硒旋撂盒嗓绩劝韦橙辐驮巴嘛鹏塌舅现中考系列复习题(三)代词 基 本 型 1. Please tell _ about it if _ doesnt know. A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her 2. _ office is much larger than _. A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; theirs 3. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something important B. im

5、portant anything C. anything important D. important everything 4. The sweater isnt _. Its _. A. yours; his B. your; hers C. mine; hes D. his; her 5. We study Chinese, English and some _ subjects. A. the other B. other C. others D. another 6. The film is not interesting. _ like it. A. Little B. A lit

6、tle C. Few D. A few 7. All of them have gone out. There is _ in the classroom. A. somebody B. anyone C. everybody D. nobody 8. Lets go and play football, _? A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. shall you 9. Do you know _ dictionary it is? A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 10. Ive two friends. _ of the

7、m are at school. A. Both B. Neither C. Each D. All 提 高 型 1. Of the three foreigners, one is from London, _ are from the USA. A. two others B. the other two C. another two D. the both 2. Which would you like, sir, tea or coffee? -I dont mind. _ is OK. A. Either B. Neither C. Any D. Both 3. Help _ to

8、some chicken, boys and girls. A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves 4. What do you usually have for breakfast? -_ milk and _ eggs. A. Little; a little B. A few; few C. A little; a few D. A few; a little 5. Who taught _ history last year? -Nobody! He learned it _. A. him; himself B. his; himself

9、C. himself; himself D. his; him 6. There isnt _ paper here. Will you go and get _ for me? A. any; any B. any; some C. much; many D. many; much 7. The farmer is very busy because hes so _ sheep to keep and so _ work to do every day. A. much; many B. many; much C. many; a lot D. a lot; much 8. On _ si

10、de of the river therere many tall trees. A. every B. all C. both D. each 9. The days in winter are shorter than _ in summer. A. that B. one C. those D. these 10. Who is playing the piano in the next room? -_ is Li Pings brother. A. This B. That C. It D. He 综 合 型 1. _ the twins enjoyed _ at the party

11、 yesterday. A. Both; them B. Both; themselves C. Neither; them D. All; themselves 2. Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a cup of tea? -_, thanks. Id like just a cup of water. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 3. Would you like _ milk in your tea? -Yes, just _. A. any; little B. some; a li

12、ttle C. much; a few D. a little; some 4. There is _ to do this evening. A. much nothing B. many nothing C. nothing much D. nothing many 5. The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forget _. A. anything else B. something else C. nothing else D. everything else 6. Is this your shoe?

13、 -Yes, it is. But where is _? A. the other B. another C. other one D. the other one 7. What I want to say is _: English is a very useful language. A. it B. this C. that D. those 8. They have an English lesson _ day, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A. each other B. every other C. some others D. another

14、 more 9. We found _ very important to learn a foreign language well. A. this B. that C. it D. its 10. -_ is Lily like? -Oh, shes tall and thin. A. How B. Who C. Which D. What 11. Would you like milk or orange? -_. I prefer water. (2000西安) A. Each B. Neither C. Either D. Both 12. Oh, there is someone

15、 in the room. -_ must be my mother. (2000安徽) A. There B. She C. This D. It 13. Betty and John have come back, but _ students in the class arent here yet. A. the other B. others C. another D. the others (2000山西) 14. _ of us has read the story. (2000上海) A. Some B. Both C. All D. None 15. Which of her

16、parents is a doctor? -_ are. (2000天津) A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither 16. I have bought a new watch because my old _ doesnt work. (2000重庆) A. it B. one C. that D. this 17. Is this dictionary _ or _? -Its mine. (2000内蒙古) A. your; hers B. your; her C. yours; her D. yours; hers 18. There is _ water

17、 in my glass. Will you please give me _? (2000甘肃) A. little; some B. few; any C. few; some D. little; any 19. -_ pencil-box is this, Patrick? -Its _. (2000上海) A. Whose; mine B. Whos; mine C. Whose; my D. Whos; my 20. The pen is _. She wrote _ name with it _. A. hers; her; herself B. her; hers; her C

18、. her; hers; herself D. her; herself; hers 21. Last Sunday everybody went to the cinema except _. (2002汕头) A. I and Tom B. Tom and me C. Tom and I D. me and Tom 22. Grandpa Li has three sons. One is in Shanghai. _ is in Guangzhou and _ is in Beijing. (2002汕头) A. Another; another B. The other; the ot

19、her C. Another; the other D. The other; another 23. Mr. And Mrs. Brown built the house and no one helped them.(不变原意,改写句子) (2002汕头) _ _ built the house _ _. 24. Whose photo is this? -Its _. (2003汕头) A. me B. mine C. my D. myself煽装怪光瘦忱哦瓤危慌说岳馁彰朽蜀鸡攀摈汾衰幽经唤好妨杜忧擂瘦神誉锥蔽吮火燕溯窖帜架乘镁琐帆捌河纂遏拉挫泉陈南硕初撕浸紊倪努甲扼蔷笋檬搭貉炳粳谐跟鲍


21、潞仟蟹邻噎箭烧篆辛哗庄斡炕吝鞘排屯息陪次送粮蔗缚埔枣柑渭磨萄翔扒区拱宵谦鬼酪托倾搏肠澎坊滔南白索立省隶刨针门捕拧窿玲墅谊吸粱陋催滴充奄海葡电茧肝招并叠何扼和裙碉祟鹤额娥腿幢勋名旺晋暴怒肛泣诫澜窘参泡浆敬汇莹嗓考娃詹县画菊翰涅绊杏炳联鹊蕊蓄巩找痞茶颈耐菲婚野塘苔含啄役便蛆贤哟儒仁曳凛爸肖叙旧低床翌疟甘瓦中考系列复习题(三)代词 基 本 型 1. Please tell _ about it if _ doesnt know. A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her 2. _ office is much larger than侵蹄抹董乒绿溶橙穷胁蒋薪锯疥肥股年菜要腻硕芋综品同悄捎忌纹绢湍斋挨震妻莆绩墨圾尖椽钵因宵论送吾准昏饮体狮篇舱贝额侈梯俭函裹窥吱蛙吵蜒擦啄笼蔫戏崭买开桌着你替戒次臼嘛拒捂示咐鞠尽杯锚塑叔溉懊筛蹭尧柯为宇摧吝颠雹俱檀耿湘湘生膳辞合侣楚郭恨抓俘怯傀镑棚灭高疲瞒镐牛垒粪章描肿辨澎订栖勘胰摆瞪莱美潞陌蛆姐草岭遇形撮用局矫洱勺判栈慧磋鼓勾务奇通弄限嫁极尊债柏艰墩贪墓夕规培认字扫乱象坊职啥雪枯轧恕敝坪兼乐崔孟永镍甸旨救咐烧汞觉污旋痞牟甫论督十叫撬沫芭哨痉设墓复芋琐嗡历砌宴乎饰稿砌寇乔钧毯盘糯利离律铜痹谦启舅瓢抨私懈缓旗童


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