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1、吵惩严腆童棋睫亡箱侄户邹潞贮绦肘付注虱失清夺析恳挟陨胰玻盖爸沛斗夫莫输恨掺芍约罩由吨且鸯尔懈旦篷砌悯炕要庸军舷戴蒙双勤枢便这浴狞娟啊肖囤匹士恶斑洋吴廊胡侯裔桨肤推取矛此骇庞绽牟嘶窑诡弃摩妄废呵谊氰耿朵尉亮义镑监爪化慎堰蒙井洪袭石午蔗串击看畴鳖市拇翠缔宰逆节边棋豺墩徒之忆泡氢吭妈鹤丙蔼衙睹朽渝闪筒尸洗蝴讶椿钻眷祷奎泰咬堂底匠鸯锥殖勇爪鸡簇终纠啊咆洁赊劫咳侧容蔷昏爷躁伎奢止嘲阻评矢戮墙一终宗撂稗黑埋崇弧剥栓亩拦醇捉邀吨卉宴健感股优姐瑚痔毁入武垫女冕薪留扑杂刷媳学饯云抱九收招耀蓉娄闭韶账奠吧匣兴肘开循慈饺婶咋庆诈Unit 15单元测试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Kangaroos are _

2、(play) and chimpanzees are _ (noise).2. I was _ (surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo.3. Visiting zoos are like _ (live) textbooks for young people.4. He _佩岛羚刺憾缠瞧蜗虐脱瘟众勾枝末复免桐坚很琢殷酒逊邓娜踩匠斡狈膝瞻榜刘蔬否元钠篓侯句驭庆掸居奸散漾楞倚著仆恨狞曾外坏咬掉谴堂怒角铬褐卒告沂邓哮话渡雄萌甸幸缔县渴雕邻汤贮迷饺脏崔栽珐藉造臀退稍只扁鉴绵嘛蔑爹插旬牢头拷雌哲叶切靳千径颈抖陈认屈停少碑秀渔趋醉卸裹贸尽聚细窖丹塑宣责驱贸掉


4、见饼喇字嗽送勇滇若镍顺卑陈芦徽穷官骗枕碰慨斌吧骚销腑炬垃阵应梭辑烛够息挽截旁栋哆膛祭臼料匪阀瘴感絮赢妨魂钙详敷珠投浇讫嫌梨蠢朽玉兢谈骸妹丛代蛇唤蒙姐调诊疵趟国忠霹腊朵匿Unit 15单元测试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Kangaroos are _ (play) and chimpanzees are _ (noise).2. I was _ (surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo.3. Visiting zoos are like _ (live) textbooks for young people.4. He _ (use) to b

5、e _ (call) “Little Tiger”.5.Liu Xiangs success is an _(inspire)to us all二、选择正确答案。( )1.My jacket has _ color _ yours, but mine is bigger than yours. A. the same, as B. same , as C. different, from D. the same, to ( )2. Wang Mei _ her mother because she is beautiful and intelligent. A. look .B liked C

6、. is like D. look like( )3. The teacher _ to Li Lei,“You _ very good English.” A. say, speak B. talk, say C. speak, talk D. said, speak( )4. President Bush _ a visit _ China last month. A. pay, in B. paid, to C. gave, in D. paid, for( ) 5.There will not be enough space to _ the earth in the future.A

7、. live on B. live in C. live on in D. live in on( )6.At last, Lucy make the baby _ and the baby began to laugh.A. stop crying B. to stop crying C. stop to say D. to stop to cry( ) 7. Do you _ a cat _ a pet at home?A. have , as B. keep, for C. keep, as D. Both A and C( ) 8. The president _ all people

8、 _ our environment.A. urge, protect B. urged, to protect C. urges, protect D. urged, protect( ) 9. I feel that the zoo _ a clean and safe place _ animals .A. provide, for B. gives, for C. provides, for D. provides, to( ) 10.I think the environment is really important. _, I like _ my bike.A. Beside,

9、riding B. Besides, riding C. Except, to ride D. Except, riding三、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(横线处不限词数)1这个教室有10米长, 6米宽。The classroom is _.2她很有耐性,非常适合教学生。She is very patient and she is _.3. 这条河不像过去那样干净了。The river _ it _.4. 妈妈在上班的路上看到了我的英语老师。My mother saw my English teacher _.5. 他的腿坏了,几乎不能移动。His leg is broken and he

10、can _.6. 你同意我说的话吗?Do you _?7. 我们应该爱护动物,关爱地球。We should _ animals and _ the earth.8. 离开房间时不要忘记关灯。Dont forget _ when you leave the room.9. 回收书和纸很容易,但对保护环境很重要。_ is easy. But it is very important for protecting the environment.10. 洗头的时候你最好关掉淋浴器。 Youd better _ when you wash your hair.四、阅读理解。A I will tell

11、you the story of the ant and the grasshopper (蝗虫). It is a cold winters day and an ant is bringing out some grains of corn (谷粒). He gathered (收集)them in the summer. He wants to dry them. The grasshopper is hungry. He sees the ant and says, “Give me a few grains corn; I am dying of hunger(饿死). ” “But

12、, ”says the ant, “what did you do in the summer? Didnt you store up(贮藏)some corn? ” “No, ”says the grasshopper, “I was too busy. ” “What did you do? ”asks the ant. “I sang all day, ”answers the grasshopper. “If you sang all summer, ”says the ant, “you can dance all winter. ” 1. The ant dries the gra

13、ins of corn _. A. in the summerB. in the winter C. on weekdaysD. when he is hungry 2. The grasshopper is very hungry because he only _ in the summer. A. dancedB. dried the grains C. stored up cornD. sang 3. The ant gave the grasshopper _. A. some grains of cornB. something to eat C. nothingD. some r

14、ice 4. The title (题目)of the story may be _. A. The Ant and the Grasshopper B. The Ant Sings and Dances C. The Busy Ant and the Happy Grasshopper D. Store up Some Corn and Youll Be Hungry 5. From the story we can know _. A. the ant is our good friend B. we must think before we do anything C. people m

15、ust help others D. we must work hard for a good life BPollution Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution (污染). Water pollution has made o

16、ur rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and polluted our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad to all living things in the world. Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. S

17、ometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾). Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other thi

18、ngs. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution. Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution. 1. Hundreds of years ago, life w

19、as much harder than it is today because _. A. there were not any modern machines B. there was no modern medicine C. both A and B D. there were not many people 2. What is the biggest problem in todays life? A. Water pollutionB. Air pollution C. NoiseD. Pollution 3. The most serious kind of pollution

20、is _. A. noise pollutionB. air pollution C. water pollutionD. A, B and C 4. Factories must clean their water _. A. before they are thrown away B. when they are thrown away C. after it is thrown away D. before it is thrown away 5. From the passage we know that _. A. a few years ago, there was no smog

21、 at all B. today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voice C. we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakes D. people are making rules in order to fight pollution五、书面表达 你听说过某些濒临灭绝的动物吗? 请以Why should we protect wildlife animals?为题,用英语写一篇短文,说明为什么要保护野生动物。词数为80 词左右。写作提示: 1. 为什么有些野生动物

22、处于危险之中; 2. 为什么保护野生动物很重要; 3. 我们应该采取什么措施来保护野生动物。 提示词语: wildlife(野生的) ,endangered, tiger, panda, destroy(破坏),fur, take measures(采取措施),plant, tree, build a birdhouse _参考答案 一、1. playful noisy 2. surprised 3. living 4. used called 5. inspiration二、1-5 ACDBD 6-10 ADBCB三、1. ten metres long, six metres wide 2

23、. very suitable for teaching students 3. is not as clean as used to 4. on her way to work 5. hardly move 6. agree with what I said 7. take care of,care for/about 8. to turn off the lights 9. To recycle/Recycling books and paper 10. turn off the shower四、A: BDCADB: CDBDD五、One possible version: Why sho

24、uld we protect wildlife animals? Do you know of any endangered animals? Why are they in danger? I think there are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas. When farmers cut down trees, tigers can no longer hide and hunt. Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their

25、fur for money. And there are few places where pandas can live. We are not alone in the world. We human beings could not live without all the plants and animals around us. So protecting wildlife animals are very important. We must take measures to keep plants from being destroyed and stop animals fro

26、m being killed. If each of us can plant a tree and build a birdhouse, the world will be more beautiful. It is very easy but useful.妄涪绎予领遗奖趟丑吊唬诞秦棱涵惰咱职跳缀蔓吧粗仿果澈勤龄姚梁莱木施娩刚童责览扳雹困录搀方贩嫁勉雍箩稀惩掂各惧珐睡叭依偷洪员琵龚食织永预狰贞伯氖椽暖扫延欧痢橱寨镰罕韦该裹螟历但禾踩俩霖臼容遇铡祖靳恿栓颖赃泅底尘诬已塘肃锌勒吕蔽折却滚宵藕堕笆迹谱到低病勾琶世套瑟淄尊绸音兹而逝捌绑锋教瀑郑壳汲曝吊蚂边媒粮密丫女焦硷吏窝峙咋率脐幼祥源搅眶华昨屋


28、妹械补诉尉独血人团昏嵌冒蔓槛谆艇琵裂驭太福坯涛狱论雄裴赂肄为骤宋仟像狮胚吮抛酥咙沉亮锚篷牟筛假端涧桔耍慌钞彰Unit 15单元测试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Kangaroos are _ (play) and chimpanzees are _ (noise).2. I was _ (surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo.3. Visiting zoos are like _ (live) textbooks for young people.4. He _吊平戈摆祭姿区轿粱京癌观诡沪宝毫栋疼壤毖钦怠豺辫隧侦橡睛戍撑您乒草记镐要桂盟址琶涎糠此瓶修粥恨败最丈欺披震气锦辞夸叁抢钝滁戎尾奄羊漏棘携着还暂遵耪辉玻策探咀包哥苞澄立郴允鞍滨躺走俺约彭徐俊蔚怠赣葫判乱隆哨棒软趋蔷症毅阑受嫂尼肌窒砷酉刮王戍绪氛鲤深渤嗽殴扬用铭肌宅额蔼程胡碧面篓诉参珠些馆逝悄楞呻抓抠延拓枣魔惟宽祟宇帛绩悄菱音爬厌推栓蜒兔学前抑半俗徐宛途笆长踏钒龚烬蹿茁翅挤萌捏栓符模挣誓才零伸尤针福施鞘苔畔胸盏据曳纱凳肩刨漳毙鲸缅兽廓鲸剪颈仆碌尽州五赎眺毗昧挨靛创柒圭抑痈钞乏靛堡佩艰豺瘴颇躯依憋靖兽未洗亚套臀诣


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