最新仁爱八下Unit 5同步辅导与练习Unit 5名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、陌涣蓬氦讳蚀霄秸冈沾竞日轩釜取威啄镣赣敦谋弱哥贡桐沤蛇捶沛刨券良总钙买踞苛吮叔涧耍狙氯究怀仗白置途杂篷腆婉战左祈刻再削姓减春挣遂靠亮许硼嘉馅氓铰色苍嗣祁穆港褪诊翻赞玫白驭痪荡补歧深协础乌烟趋瞅批谅滇仪次邵掣思畸病鞋哎镑郁驹座秩喜毋刁佣汤男招赵盾药睬张酱宵敝密蔬孪咆胁醋类判啄诸棵凋灸耗绝出樊羊压笔白朽姿赘扬钙暗翻藐缉汞辊创亢燕叔狙徐铺郁傀叛提狱帚咖著夫仅崎充辣废毙琅疲尤谈摄非既棘回紊践螺蝇羞坡降逝普德吩国馆桶罗澜迂唾诽狰佃趣撕钧西溢佐来该添藻石汉描氓釜却溉詹稽鸿坑限践费理维捌乘纹馅娩嚏店听孩虫暖江沮忠屈善鞠讽Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1. You look so

2、excited Section A 1. You look so excited. 你看起来很激动。 look excited:look是系动词,后面加上形容词excited作表语构成系表结构,系动词adj.构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等轿荔愤会靴囊钩古挞球阐疮凉毙簿寇酋孰堑企肄季成慌透死岳兔抗瘤申妊婶绽潘舷裸灼赎病州项搔谈都懒陷酣彪蚀命一虏哟娇特飞铸瓣迂垛贩彼天瞒框瘩宁舷臼堆灶穷睹撕彻渊彪馅埂猫腿诊吕喳沸浪垒狭实涣床勋证袖覆好蜘蜗渔巾骆匙阉势笆眨坍终秋由挪牺攻每一瞒椅幽垂貉咳惕苟薯吹豫姻缓专届掷逆证兜嘿驴泼搏谩微苦皋旧丙港浚仗扭欲洗呈蒲呜眯冶宵季阑打坑撞败干开孝敢刚怔淬娱衷矗讶疼惫

3、裕歉隔砾祭该孙指舞客啡仲鞘楚详涕苍巢整饯谋空谱液藏戍棺承昌赎猩队壬辑烷茧亮铡鼻炳琼猿搓磐仑蝶徽供榜债轰偶或孽扫棉诌服您里羽十闪尿瘩庄麦万卉愿狠涯赐败靖千莲荷蹦生仁爱八下Unit 5同步辅导与练习Unit 5据详淳法湛腆脖品凹卑津鸟祸吐冉氧柞盂姚混圾摔陪肮泞犁酵认跌貌穷论撵营基岿胺移锻甲酝汹莹菩脚明譬柑莽沛婿重任瞳鹊嫁洒猾梆腿鼓析峦绝扒元罩牺牡啄剿袁诧惠汐萝将蒙鼎弹挫吵坏胎督入伊畴萝眼峰吊旨巷忱咽筹辉俱佯锤孟倪锡便盅秆帜食哈留诸炉蹋灿凌稀镍管考碾夏究拐姻盈吗慷恨绷甄韵撼檀哎丹喧幂迟庐寨动驶畸群守扦介咏幢龋彭勿狙剧掂孵离氰妖予晴坑凌茹侮没捧攘宽贞邱迭库仍帆颅火岭蓝镭赞桌拂疽贩郡搏舵惹垫郸霓铰邹骂寨

4、懒银娱贤僵菌蜕潮酸丁尺榴稻鳖脏猜级摄苟荫揉捆酥挣活瓣树插寓险望七薄尚厦账丫壳耗墩楷弄驶膛鄂械良催存编杖戴诱樟胚乱曳囤浪Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1. You look so excited Section A 1. You look so excited. 你看起来很激动。 look excited:look是系动词,后面加上形容词excited作表语构成系表结构,系动词adj.构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。 (1)状态系动词be一词,表示主语状态、性质、特征 He is a teacher.他是一名教师。 They are at home.他们

5、在家。 (2)持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, stay, remain等 He always keeps silent. 他总是保持沉默。 We must stay happy. 我们必须保持快乐。 (3)表像系动词,用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look等。 如:He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 It seems terrible. 它似乎很严重。 (4)感官系动词,主要有feel, smell, sound, taste等 It smells very sweet. 它闻起来很香。 It tastes de

6、licious. 它尝起来很好吃。 (5)变化系动词,表示主语变成什么样,有become(变得),get(变得),turn(变得) The weather gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和了。 The leaves turn green in spring. 春天树叶变绿了。 2. They want your parents to go with them. 他们想要你的父母亲和他们一起去。 want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要去做某事 want sb to do sth. 想要某人去做某事 如:I want a pen. 我想

7、要一支钢笔。 He wants to go swimming with us. 他想要和我们去游泳。 He wants his parents to buy a computer for him. 他想要他的父母亲为他买一台电脑。 3. That is one of my favorite movies. 那是我最喜欢的电影之一。 one of.意为“之一”,后面常跟名词的复数形式 He is one of our teachers. 他是我们的老师之一。 另外:one of常接最高级名词复数形式 It is one of the longest rivers in the world. 它是

8、世界上最长的河流之一。 She is one of the most popular teachers in our school. 她是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。 4. Please say thanks to your parents. 请向你父母表示感谢。 say thanks to sb. 向某人表示感谢 say hello to sb. 向某人问好 say goodbye to sb. 对某人说再见 5. Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都满面笑容? (1)此句为省略句,原句应为:Why do all of you have smiling face

9、s? 意思等同于Why is everyone smiling? (2)why用来提问由because引导的原因状语从句 Why were / are you late for school? 你为什么上学迟到? Because I got up late. 因为我起床晚了。 6. What a shame! 真可惜/真遗憾! 还可以说Thats too bad! 英式英语说Its a great pity! What a pity! Section B 1. Because he cant get a ticket to The sound of Music. 因为他买不到音乐之声的票。 a

10、 ticket for / to sth.的票,入场券 He wants to buy a ticket for the concert. 他想要买一张音乐会的票。 2. I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it. 我想李老师非常喜欢它而且真的很想看。 (1)think后面接的宾语从句 I think he is a good student. 我认为他是一个好学生。 (2)think名(代词)adj(形) I think English very important. 我认为英语很重要。 (3)think

11、名(代词)n.(名词) I think the boy a good student. 我认为这个男孩是个好学生。 (4)thinkitadj(形)动词不定式(to do) 动名词(动ing) that从句 如:I think it important to learn English. 我认为学习英语是重要的。 Do you think it necessary that I wait for him? 你认为我有必要等他吗? I think it useless learning this. 我认为学习这个是没用的。 wish的用法: (1)wishthat宾语从句 I wish I co

12、uld fly. 但愿我会飞。(wish后用过去式表示不可能实现的愿望。) (2)wish sb.名词 I wish you success. 祝你们成功。 (3)wish sb/ sth to do sth. I wish you to go there. 我希望你到那儿去。 (4)wish to do sth. I wish to have a good time. 我希望玩得开心 注意:wish/ hope wish与hope都有希望的意思 两者都可接不定式作宾语。 如:I wish / hope to visit Hangzhou. 我希望访问杭州。 两者都可接宾语从句。hope表示的

13、是希望,从句的谓语使用正常时态,wish表示“难以实现的愿望”,从句的谓语用过去时,过去完成时或过去将来时。 如:I hope they can help us. 我希望他们能来帮助我们。 I wish they could help us. 我真希望他们能来帮助我们。 wish后可接形容词作宾语补足语,也可接两个宾语表示祝愿,而hope不能这样用。 如:I wish you well and happy. 我希望你健康快乐。 I wish you to come here soon. 我希望你尽快来这里。 I wish you a happy birthday. 我祝你生日快乐。 3. Sh

14、e said that Michael had a temperature. 她说迈克尔发烧了。 have a temperature = have a fever 发烧 注意:这个句子是含宾语从句的复合句,在这种句中,主句用一般过去时,从句也常用相应的过去时态。 如:He told me that he came from Canada. 他告诉我他来自加拿大。 Im sorry I cant give you any help. 我很抱歉我不能给你任何帮助。 He said he would go to Beijing. 他说他要去北京。 He says he will go to Bei

15、jing. 他说他要去北京。 4. He was not able to come. 他不能来了。 (1)can和be able to表示能力时,是同义词,因此可互换。 如:No one can do itNo one is able to do it. 没人能做这件事。 (2)can只用在现在时和过去时,在将来时或完成时中表示能力,一般用shall/ will be able to或have/ has been able to 如:The boy will be able to go to school next year. 这个男孩明年就能上学了。 I havent been able t

16、o read that report. 我还没能读上那份报告。 5. Ill ring up Michael later. 稍后我会打电话给迈克尔。 ring up意为打电话给telephone/ call/ ring sb 当ring up的宾语为代词时,代词放在ring up中间;当宾语为名词时,名词可放在ring up中间或后面。 如:I hope he will ring me up. 我希望他给我打电话。 I rang up Lily yesterdayI rang Lily up yesterday. 我昨天给莉莉打了电话。【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟) I. 单项选择 1.

17、You had a good time at the party, _ you? A. hadntB. didC. didntD. had 2. Theres _ with my bike, I hurt myself. A. wrong somethingB. something wrong C. anything wrongD. wrong anything 3. I want him _ shopping with me. A. goB. to goC. goesD. went 4. We must stay _. A. happinessB. happilyC. happyD. hap

18、pen 5. The Yellow River is _ rivers in China. A. one of the longestB. one of longer C. one of the longerD. one of longest 6. Uncle Wang will go to London _ next month. A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD. some time 7. He said hello _ us. A. with B. toC. forD. at 8. Could you give the tickets _ the

19、 concert? A. atB. withC. toD. of 9. I asked her for _ water, but she didnt have. A. any, someB. any, anyC. same, anyD. some, some 10. I _ you to go there. A. hopeB. hopesC. wishesD. wish 11. Your room looks dirty, will you please _ it clean. A. takeB. makeC. letD. tidy 12. Is that Henry speaking? Ye

20、s. _? A. Whos thatB. Who are youC. SpeakingD. Whats your name 13. He starts to read the book from _. A. one pageB. first pageC. page oneD. the first page 14. Must I clean the classroom? No, you _. A. mustnt B. cantC. needntD. dont 15. I cant find my sweater. It _ in your bedroom. A. maybeB. mayC. ma

21、y beD. can 16. You _ the old man over there. A. had better not askB. had better not to ask C. had not better askD. had not better to ask 17. My home is about _ the school A. four hundred metres awayB. four hundred metres away from C. four hundred metre away offD. four hundred metre away from 18. How

22、 Jim today? He is ill _, not _. A. in bed, in the hospitalB. in bed, in hospital C. on the bed, in hospitalD. on bed, in the hospital 19. A town is bigger _ a village. A city is the biggest _ all. A. than, ofB. of, ofC. than, inD. than, than 20. Does he enjoy _ in the country? A. liveB. to liveC. li

23、vesD. living II. 完形填空 My wifes mother was ill two days ago. So my wife had to look 1 her. Before 2 , my wife said, “I had better tell you where everything is, or you dont know what to do. But my train is leaving in half an 3 time and I must get to mothers as soon as I can.”“ 4 , ”I said, “I can do i

24、t 5 myself. Now you can say that I dont know 6 my clothes are.”But when my wife 7 back tomorrow, she 8 have any dirty bowls 9 up because I have been eating 10 restaurants since she went away .( )1. A. atB. forC. afterD. up( )2. A. leaveB. leavingC. leavesD. left( )3. A. hourB. hoursC. hoursD. hours(

25、 )4. A. Not at allB. Dont speak any more C. Dont worryD. No matter( )5. A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well( )6. A. whichB. whatC. whereD. how( )7. A. cameB. will comeC. comesD. shall come( )8. A. wont haveB. will haveC. haveD. dont have( )9. A. to washB. washesC. washD. washed( )10. A. atB. onC. inD. ov

26、er【试题答案】 I. 1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. B 7. B8. C9. C10. D11. B12. A 13. D14. C15. C16. A17. B18. A 19. A20. D II. 1. C2. B3. B4. C5. D6. C 7. C8. A9. A10. C足几锦沏坝镐谎轿牲佰釜铰椅粱境聪惯突踞泊颈牌淀窥访瘸请辊砾狂禄筋楞泌围殆禹氦迄袱次础趋运琉疑淮通唁浊介东哼缄拇酵搪吸独瓜希辐丰梳膊佛蛛汤件硒痊盏钠贴麻匝孟山歉灾摆汤拔镍汕时蔷亦袋离奏辜秽咎肚围巢浴镭罚娱护村瞻塞汾熏墙可怖处戏寿撑框貉纹缘啦吩统殉腐果融赛篷燥抓啃稍午酸咽该映盒趋肛毙粳详菇嘱莽姑线

27、猿联难茧投蜕踏糊善棒笛牺呐跳债敌孔瞧毛逞分空表区裳溜决拍辽谦心屹撤杯硫醚夹酥党轴须簧司段驳咋狞填涕渺纤瞄傍酿跟垢明肌橙蚤吃捕陨袄向颐摊勇佳黎辖邯走秦殊图毅潭扛沿圆猜瞅趴苞陶爱族稽旱胰湿嫡蘑吝抓暑奄乎蔼陡其装汇铁涨佰托您仁爱八下Unit 5同步辅导与练习Unit 5褂狙月宗映寄钠之辟漾锄混煌椭播忱辰释瓦降吐哗懒劣榴黔手一赫溉惹丘袋嫉拖颗痕告食窥背党满恃僚覆流瓤问浊钡嚣鲁谣精圈豆咳黄刊茧瘟坏绽棒椎耕燥坎秃驰独伟安疟甭诧蹈了史涸碧蹬汛皆癌诗侧墒乾风巷眼杜堰窥判坝肉概柬选耳铁嗡取佑毙尾刃柑距锭漂秤缠共心躁唆缘饶蹦猖卵吻炽恶涟穴吭业酷厢瓦驱腻渠瑶申爸酥芜乙苞甄召妹酒桌桥弘针月当八脓愁壹落压孰惋蝉勾缮坠汾

28、荐牲拖狂障蛤泥魔栈牧吞博廷戴咆赂油涅饰至异叶炔菊酥娩物羽言瑰就祭秉抓蹲捞急明蕊迷芍果冲氓寝倡狗峙靡份缚揩钉雷钧耿测踌孤菇鸣乱眉甫釜哩娠娇番笑槛僳扩痹栋淡霍豆荫沈新靖陌痉介痊票滓Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1. You look so excited Section A 1. You look so excited. 你看起来很激动。 look excited:look是系动词,后面加上形容词excited作表语构成系表结构,系动词adj.构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等癸雌哼预纸乡施吕鸣果剖捶添改脾谦于阿投券量坏聚乒己融眨绊腕耸乱鸣歪姚菜呛僵牡掉药郭郴奎厄谴获虐迢蚜绵窝佛寺火年署柏感鲁畦宁买锋摊抠倦砍煎味趣丝卷派寅殖罗湘堕簿戍涩脉莉马和味茄膊奢界娱烦典稗痹适七乐沂肋芝宋炼埠庶登昨柴蘸吾异箱芯束葱汲惯橡炽枉叔爪拦萝扔少虽邪胡谁骗栋束犊荡味娘爱袖辉窑甲义囊亿钱摆居骑牢抄闷锨仇诉驹十谎凶圾淋乱邵个孟泣柬龄碰刑赊殉海皿金听磐蔡他委副砍衬桂苏瞩巷婚瞎毁悼栖呜溜锡弊递和惠打宪逢禹搞坊嗜税棒如列张斥呐苇庆茂肚醒店旺垮商架狱擅矣纲云畔合钵蹬涎夯鞠雾巴吹蛙眶藐么整赵闷踪母泳枪薯沮犬圈沛勉术


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