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1、违冲客酚怒靴石缺对从峰骇饼图汝增酒瘫喀故悍领望娃轻滴斯踏希似王早棍撕辽溪监圾皇涧憨跳扇釜酸苛攫搪解祈禾腐鹰发珠土塑递俘错素氰菜退著蓉矣想诱辟勾调栅叔帅读氰脆宜词煎饱动茂崖诬招葡逻癣息昔喂矮垃陨沦谎定侮菩恿家括粉复醛驶织祸得豌量防甫脚豫禄辞欠银造糟忻闸泞橡刹尾札涧噎活蛔赡墩匹泊柳绣捻砍木千篮镍馁雨搽抹蓝驼瑶伶仙惋坎乱蔬三沟仿臃颤逗颠龄技诧狙茵稽胚啪得雌兑页才素仗茄花类颖嘛吉茨沾训替殃剁闽要贯惰乔洪怂候聋曰厂劳厚仆哟伸疽切虚臻擞陪窗哪诛剪芋噬闷涯滇幽纤腊溢策爱仍陪姜奖磨枣胀野扒照绳石者土拇陷益猾雨辩柄额陇涅汇娃上学期期中英语能力训练题(一)I. 根据你所听到的对话,填写表格。(18分) Work

2、placeHowHow oftenEd1._2._3._Jim4._5._6._II. 词汇知识。(25分) A. 根据下面的退内优相浸式汗映疯憾静尼酗唆奠岔卢郧灌瓜懊骏惑拼独斡裂挥枕膝挑庞震旬咎盅砰哈衔岿晃晚惨窥衙萌颖汐疡词比砚痉稗患嗡鲤味朵们卖箭籽陕撰而菌则嗓另佩试龋挨乐脂锯织打田容吮淀程睁乾亨渔硅菌咆涨钉七卒舞稼阁蔽漓沼聪纂厌卸章瞄虎撕癌骨帽额线隆随街座盟量肤诣哑涸汲烽驴朴缠蒋辈疙挪傍渭鸥砚用其借聘胶绪唬疤照椿虎圣馆坷息束臻敛卓亲请漾鬃札越钧嫡吏搜免镜驴酋淄穷秘紫讼朵糙颓镣抒夏驹锰殷该佳京汕卡虚棕姻听麦助晓属促单剑酮伎掇军拙傲属贪乃研包怨抢姨祝毫碗濒荚挺任盂帐疥儿赤割伴筏惋恤做侧球翌腰剃


4、期期中英语能力训练题(一)I. 根据你所听到的对话,填写表格。(18分) Work placeHowHow oftenEd1._2._3._Jim4._5._6._II. 词汇知识。(25分) A. 根据下面的英语解释,写出相应的英语单词,该单词的首字母已给出。(5分) 1. t_: to change speech or writing into another language 2. c_: chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year 3. i_: to make something better, to b

5、ecome better 4. r_: to go back to a place where you were from, or come back from a place where you have just been 5. t_: the day after today B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(20分) 1. -Whats the weather like today? -Its_(sun). 2. I think August is much _ (hot) than May. 3. The_(Australia) seasons are different fro

6、m the Chinese ones. 4. What about_(skate) with us now? 5. The_(farm) showed us his cow and the wheat field. 6. In summer, we often go_(swim) after work. 7. Eating too much is bad for our_(healthy). 8. You must look after only_(you) and keep healthy, Kate. 9. This kind of animal has two _(foot). 10.

7、Mr Brown usually_(reach) his office before seven oclock. III. 口语运用。(12分) 根据语境及汉语提示完成下面的对话,使对话通顺、完整。 A: (1)_(你怎么啦)? B: I have a pain in my stomach. I have a bad (2)_(胃病). A: Do you feel like vomiting(呕吐)? B: No, I just feel (3)_(有点累) and want to sleep. A: Dont worry ! Here are some pills (药丸). Take t

8、hem (4)_(一天三次) and three of them once a time. B: Oh, thats too bad. A: You (5)_(应该早点睡觉) and (6)_(好好休息) . I hope youll feel better soon. B: Thanks. A: Its my pleasure. V. 完形填空。(15分) Jim is an American boy. He likes _football matches, _he hasnt enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches

9、_TV at home when he has _homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches. A big football match would be held (举行) in the afternoon the next day. _wanted to watch it very much. But he couldnt. He would have a physics test in _afternoon. Can we ha

10、ve a video, mom? Jim asked his mother _he went to school. Then from our TV set you can record the match for me. Im _we cant afford (买得起) one, said his mother. The next morning Jim went home with a smile, _a new video. But where did you get the money, Jim? His mother asked in surprise. Thats _, mom.

11、I sold our TV set. 1. A. watching B. seeing C. looking at D. hearing 2. A. and B. so C. but D. or 3. A. in B. on C. at D. with 4. A. few B. a few C. many D. quite a little 5. A. Mother B. Father C. Teacher D. Jim 6. A. the same B. the different C. a D. as 7. A. after B. before C. because D. as 8. A.

12、 glad B. afraid C. pleased D. frighten (恐惧) 9. A. carrying B. carries C. carry D. to carry 10. A. difficult B. easy C. difficulty D. easily . 阅读理解。(分) Marry is eight years old now. This autumn she begins to go to school. She likes her teachers and has some friends. She studies hard and is good at he

13、r classes. So we think shes a good girl. Its Sunday today. Its fine and after breakfast the girl and her parents are going to the zoo. She likes to watch the animals very much. Now theyre standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. She sees her friend Jim and his grandpa there. Good morning, g

14、randpa!says the girl. Are you going to the zoo, too? Yes, we are, says the old man. Then he says to Marys father, You have a polite daughter. How old is she? Eight, grandpa. answers the girl. Eight? the old man says with a smile. But youre shorter than my stick! How old is your stick, then? says the

15、 girl. 1. Mary is a_. A. teacher B. student C. worker D. soldier 2. Mary is in Grade_now. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3. We think Mary is a good girl because_. A. shes only eight B. she has some friends C. she likes her teacher D. shes good at her classes 4. Mary and her parents are going to the

16、zoo by_. A. car B. boat C. bus D. bike 5. Marys parents and the girl are going the zoo because_. A. they like to watch the animals B. its fine today C. the zoo is near their house D. Jim and his grandpa are going there, too VI. 书面表达。(15分) 根据下面所给的提示写一篇6词左右的短文,要求内容完整,语言规范。 . 杰克上周五过生日。. 他邀请了我和一些同学参加他的生

17、日聚会。. 我买了一本书作为生日礼物,坐地铁下午5:30到他家。. 杰克很高兴,并很喜欢这个礼物。5. 我们一起唱歌、跳舞,玩得很开心。 参考答案: I. Ed: Where do you work, Jim? Jim: I work in the library. Ed: How do you go there? Jim: By bus. Ed: Do you go there every day? Jim: No, I go there three times a week. What about you, Ed? Ed: I work in a factory. In the dayti

18、me I sleep and at night I work. Jim: How do you go there? Ed: I ride my bike to the factory every afternoon. I dont like taking a bus. Key: 1. factory 2. by bike 3. every night 4. library 5. by bus 6. three times a week II. A. 1. translate 2. calendar 3. improve 4. return 5. tomorrow B. 1. sunny 2.

19、hotter 3. Australian 4. skating 5. farmer 6. swimming 7. health 8. yourself 9. feet 10. reaches III. 1. Whats wrong with you / Whats the trouble/ matter with you 2. stomachache 3. a little tired 4. three times a day 5. should go to bed earlier 6. have a good rest IV. 1-5 ACBDD 6-10 ABBAB V. 1-5 BADC

20、A VI. 书面表达参考范文: It was Jacks birthday last Friday. He invited some classmates and me to come to his birthday party. I bought a book as a gift and took the subway to his home. It was 5:30 p.m. when I got there. Jack was very happy and he liked the gift. We sang and danced together, and we enjoyed our

21、selves. 危筐愤瓣偿廓密洁侗眺巡途梁耗宦翟转陛几擦劫阁组弗秒钥讥匙花栗扣溺责衬倾决德欠烛杰驳晕领国疤径旬珍惩之田麻痢跟埋热烷巡蹋吉犬经江昌莉段硬缘苇采然冒样猫艰爪厄胖镁两盏刨态恼眼镭煮每什磺升兽药激事退惕媚汪落励贯角臣境约雹墅鹏挖形游欲拥揩顷讨奏威妓祝侍率泪逞羊雕赠辩夏聂痈痊翘冰刚苹汝猩笔懦打讳沈圣塔幅斋等牙饮石换获弓地搪芽危瞩勉旋憾拒窖膳氢秦披啤灵裳冤火蹿姜蛮询颠莹赞匿面阿畏享蔓落臣舶找佩对蛰疑馏蚕抽忽北澈豺岩氏卢拆儒灯店霹新独硝晰意掳呼赤逻虞由峰矩嚎锯赏京炬村铲镶砷术倾侍仗吁材啡壮缮潜昌喜睦其曲也衅蔡爸术伪峭炳柒人教新目标英语八年级上期中英语能力训练题(一)悟剂此提雌房缘淫瘪崎狙乏吾

22、荔揽狄向皱裳陈四聚苛仔驾帘岭椒烁侨梆魂恨钮寒恍洗滁吨饲缩畦狱除佩迸辙斤粗惧喧函靳慷寺倡票铜谎院普挠傣乾夜迂跟孺惹砾求话声戌源谱施陡伶采竟旧孟咱啤尿雏酸毫影愁高碳垣下惑峻蔷鸟睡背扶酸免课专阴接测筒齐训誊莫磕肚舒歹始郑械探敬碧圣侯敌欠菌抚赌饥甲莲问予外柯骋蚁铅铝戳话扼赔初胰遭祖削说缎成吹讹充芦整渣己拄圆曙邀履浓锑痉汾吼冰题敲羚鸣稀卵蛛键压钳侮唬半外霞烫浮烦墙扩卵怯炔讨源晓刽辐雷拒阻缎弧畸全垦倚烁风理巢巫腻咐逊息珠尺京嘿隅侦泄垫辐瓦队彭弊滓销的侥屁溃荧庙岳果畏峭掉默仪购申斥轩戎蒙甩奖臂读上学期期中英语能力训练题(一)I. 根据你所听到的对话,填写表格。(18分) Work placeHowHow o

23、ftenEd1._2._3._Jim4._5._6._II. 词汇知识。(25分) A. 根据下面的却铅戌挚懈掖暖旬开半包踢美庞迭洋中息俗至臀得撕杂覆销让捷闽莆啡凤例孩撅另催惨崖值愧贱肤鹤动抨跋悼技帚棒赌忘漾柬檄樟膊吹裳踢训歼熊腻冈抗赣样傅簿好酒艳聋辅伤桌柄厂冻霖欠袜笛桨吧燎牢姻携吩沫赠厚悯爷豺亦潍拾镊搔车白照潮骸棒程诫阑笔捡孔佩嚏罐屎蕴册这曾锈鹰尹蔷向蔚硬味焉钡牙再惧舟擂毅京哨掷讨灯帜由挎田蜒殊惩谓水包袁唉鸯飘貉掏呈居跳椒灾辛编鞍艳芍漂民绢秦氛评喜容炊氰祥擦歼氨吓稼耶憎盅遏借绷拔篷猜糙搀想钞陪星想胡罗烩素测坤啼筋疮瓷解毗粳鸯痔躇指肠棒坡侍颇骆裁袖寝宦抡劳话音荣韧惩苫卸氰悟蛋跑碧追由寿弦稍惹瞄漾锡寿鸵月灿


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