He has a big nose (Period 1) 的教学设计与评析.doc

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1、He has a big nose (Period 1) 的教学设计与评析 Unit 2. Looking Different Topic 1. He has a big nose Section A 一、教材分析 本课选自义务教育课程标准实验教科书(湘教版)七年级上册Unit2. Looking Different. Topic 1. He has a big nose. Section A .本单元的中心内容就是描述人的外貌和说明物品的所属,在描述人的相貌特征时,用have / has 引导的表示所属关系的句型来进行描述并用且表示形状的形容词big/small、long/short、 wi

2、de等来进行说明。本课的教学内容切合实际,可以结合自己的身体部分进行学习。让学生看着实物和人物图像进行操练,使教学内容简单化,学生容易接受,对生词和句型的掌握比较快。 二、教学内容 七年级上册Unit 2. Looking Different Topic 1. He has a big nose, Section A. 教学思路:根据新课程标准的要求,在教学过程中让合理的学生活动贯穿课堂始终,让书本知识走进学生的生活,让学生在快乐的活动中体验知识情感,发展智能,实现知识、能力、人格三者的结合。 教学时数:第一课时45分钟 教学目标: 1、知识目标:教会学生一些表示人体器官的单词:nose、ey

3、e、 hair、 mouth、 head、 face、ear. 学习一些描述人体外貌的形容词:big、long、small、short、wide、 round. 掌握have/has 的用法 复习以 who 提问的句型 2、能力目标:能准确地读懂生词、句型 能用I have / He (she) has 句型流利地进行口语表达 培养学生听说读写的能力 培养学生的绘画能力 教学重点:记忆生词: has, different, big, nose, picture, film, star, long, small, eye, short, hair, mouth, the, like, man,

4、head, face, ear. 句型:I have a big nose. Whos this man? Hes a film star. He has a big、long nose. What about you? His mouth is big. 教学难点: 1、have/ has 的用法。 2、用英语表述人的外貌并动手画像。 教学准备:多媒体课件 教学过程: Step1. Warming up. 1、T: Good morning, class! Ss:Good morning, Miss chen! T: Can you sing this song“The little Boy

5、s”? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, Lets sing together. 评析:以唱歌的形式引入课堂,吸引学生注意力,使学生精神振奋,为后面的学习做好准备。 2、Revision Ask the students some questions : Whats your name?/Where are you from? Who is he?/Whats his name? Where is he from? Step2. Presentation 1、(投影)Show a picture of “Chen long.” and ask: T: Who is he? Ss:He is “成

6、龙” T:Yes, he is Chen long. He is a film star. He has a big nose.(point to his nose). Teach:a film star. 评析:由学生都喜欢的熟悉的电影明星引出课题:He has a big nose. 引起学生的兴趣,让学生对课题不解而明,达到了事倍功半的教学效果。 2、呈现课题:Unit 2. Looking Different, Topic 1. He has a big nose. Teach the students to read it twice. 3、Then take out a doll

7、and point to hair then say: hair. Whats this? Its hair Point to head and say: head Whats this? Its a head Learn these words in this way: (words on the screen). nose, mouth, head, hair, face, eye, ear. 4、Practice these new words. Ask two students to act out with the doll. A: Whats this? B:Its a face/

8、 a mouth/a head/a nose/hair/ A:Whatre these? Theyre eyes/ ears. 5、Then ask the class: Do you watch Super Girl?Who is the winner?(冠军,胜利者) Show a picture of “李宇春”, The teacher asks, and the students Answer: T:Whats this? Ss:Its a head/a face/a mouth /hair T: What are these? Ss: They are eyes/ ears. 6、

9、Ask the studeuts to practice in pairs One studeut says and the other points out. For example. A: head B: This is a head(point to her/his own head say) A: eyes B: They are eyes. 评析:这一情景设置能使学生积极参与,学以致用,并能熟练地掌握生词。 Step3. Presentation 1.Teacher takes out two apples. (One is big , the other is small) and

10、 say: This apple is big.a big apple. This apple is small. a small apple. 2.Take out two pencils. This pencil is long.a long pencil. This pencil isshort. a short pencil. 3.Learn the new words in this way: (Show words on the screen). small,big,long,short,wide,round. Teach the students to read several

11、times. 4.Practice: a.Show two pictures of“李宇春”and “张靓颖”say. Lis hair is short. short hair. Zhangs hair is long.longhair. b.Two pictures of animals(rabbit and Donaldduck). (raddit)Itisa small mouth. She has a small mouth. (Donaldduck)It is a wide mouth. Present:has. c.Show two pictures of “赵薇”and“冯巩”

12、。 (赵薇)big eyes she has big eyes. (冯巩)samall eyes He has small eyes. d.Two pictures of “an elephant ”and “a dog”: (An elephant) long nose He has a long nose. (A dog) Short nose She has a short nose. 5、learn the antonym. Short long, small - wide, Smallbig 6、Show six pictures and match. (Donalddwck)(唐老

13、鸭)big head (大象)small head 男孩 wide mouth 柯南 short hair 小头儿子 long nose 大头爸爸big eyes Then read again(one time) Step4. Presentation 1、Point to myself and say: I have a small nose.I have big eyes. I have a long face、small head. etc. Then point at the students: You have different looks, Can you tell me wi

14、th: I have Ask several students to say: I have 2、Show the picture of “成龙”. Ask: Who is the man? What does he look like?(他长得怎样?) 引导学生回答:He has a big nose. He has a big mouth. He has short hair, small eyes. Explain: have/ has的区别运用 3、Show some other pictures of “陈慧琳”and “周杰伦”, help the students to ask

15、and answer in pair like this: S1: Who is this girl?/boy? S2: She/He is 陈慧琳/周杰伦 S2: What does she/he look like? She/He has a small mouth, long hair, big eyes, small nose. Step5. Listening 1、Listen to the tape and answer: Who is this man? What does he look like? Check the answer together. 2、Open the b

16、ook( P25), Listen again and repeat . 3、Listen to the tape and touch it when you hear. face, eye , nose ,head , mouth, hair. 评析:用学都熟悉的人物画像以及实物,为学生创设语言环境,使教学内容形象逼真,让复杂的教学任务简单化,让学生易于接受和理解新知识,让学生动口、动脑、动手,培养他们的听说读写的能力。 Step6. Activities 1、Ask the students to describe himself/herself with I have 2、Ask the

17、 students to draw his/her friend on a piece of paper, then describe her / him . For example: She has /He has Then ask other students to guess: Who is he/she? 3、Chant and act. Divide the whole class into two groups and chant like this: Gronp A: nose, nose,nose, Grorp B: touch, touch nose. Group A : e

18、ye, eye ,eye. Group B: touch, touch eye. 评析:这一情景设置,使学生积极参与到活动中来,让每个学生都能开口说英语,培养他们英语语言表达能力,同时强调了I have He(she) has 的句型,充分调动了学生的学习积极性。在学习语言知识的同时,培养了学生的绘画能力,激活了课堂,以 chant 形式巩固生词,培养学生的音乐节奏感。 Step7. Homework. 同义句转换。 1、Her hair is long.2、She has big eyes. 3、His nose is big.4、He has small mouth 评析:这堂课运用直观教学和任务驱动型教学途径,让学生在完成任务的过程中自主学习,本课突出了理论联系实际的教学理论:例如在教生词nose ear eye 等人体器官,教形容词 long, short, big, small, wide 等,能用实物进行教学,使教学内容简单化,形象逼真化,学生易于接受,通过绘画人物活动,让学生动口、动手、动脑训练句型,在学习过程中,学生精神饱满,情绪高涨,兴趣浓厚,最后以chant的形式结束新课与以唱歌的形式组织课堂相呼应,使课堂有序收场,遗憾的是,时间比较仓促,活动涉及面不够广,个别学生没有展现自己的机会。 (陈艳芳,湖南省衡东县城关中学 421400)


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