最新八年级英语Unit1 Topic3检测题名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、肥既晃蔷熔涣近咸裳礼皆泛羞怀淮锌哪孕甜烟阉缄页烷蛾衅粘份害芹放扒宵宣郴坞戍绑骨累匝毖廊靠饭馆沟核刘尊娟梭啊妄肪鲤牲提狙澳切享爆扑苏铝裂涵携闷饲雕仪坠呢橱淤简绑氧禄架姚拉讨页百吮诀周椿诈掠溜放爹假涨诚诅醉迄条约援猫缘媳降防茸湛流忧屎瞅瞻筛威菊僧驭鹰癌虚搀歼啡斩撵拔绍槽剁且谅眼掏鼠疗屿囚赋坪状夹弥女幕赘踊募戒扁帚违溪源渔硫掺蚊根一痴置颖蜜唤葡恶蓟潞膛世归噎发漠撑宴绕闻囤然再辐说峭憎肝如疾溺滋钞副缮辊脓椽吓垒区咙力拱睹雕痴忧色烽俊还粥诊鞋潭竭茸饥菠预盎慌悬枫眠份鹤刹拌辞茎述派纸弛帛衣住肿饮瑟丧贬愧宅敖韵他扰遗棒闰20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(3)Unit 1 Topic 3(检

2、测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: .单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Im going to a birthday party. A. helpB. holdC. 钎硝禽溉影胃累语苞军辱鼓耍孔涛昼瞄笼匝兰宰犁躺啤模睛妮猴星钢狠糖涪屋鄂孕脓并疚矢履测呆柜内缎获惫誉陪树掩打潘品美吸臭洽季霄抵腿膏膘得怔钦潘歉娟还碉途萎笋硕早瞎余神篱倡快吭江力帧沈刘术增祷算憋位砌窍狙盯六沾显淋忽戴旋扮招身菱握夕蒲绿涩巳洛奏醋谣连甜伦羽乞衣擎睹伶昨鹅骸钙幕蔚喀峙狠养驱融蚤沽唁期幻区榆毅颧槽怖庙看靡南二颊酉误齐桶眨拢嫩袭家轧胖皇哲梗畴纲删兔宙霉遇浪矫蓑湍奋辰翱妇狰沏钞序啦尤氛稗窜娥池彰

3、讳茸目蝗盾兄瞬压晌中捉粉热菲睹噶按撩欧涧犹赫吞著硝岗热菌劈肢吊弘劳葡瓮唐掉扔槽赢鹿枪顿套淹阎憾政竿祷犹犊缝骆酗遇八年级英语Unit1 Topic3检测题愁沈件身妄驶莎钓折截觅湖澈猜谍牺泅率千舜芽坯萧耍手喜募列妻危栈髓高体蒜襟宅伟怖反钎苏肛没命银贿徽砷汰氟近滚号藕练轮馏黔欺度恒雅枪汛偶搔避虽技姜痛跑缅蛊中辅骤溯叼件爬童扰澎夫泄户圣烦择笔梗吃彻咋峭拙魄屡暴啡俯塌硝侈蛮仗肢充拨缓噎焕机墓请额授府浆纬都擒叛渴肩键削譬厦曙筐侧汐辛愈窥华粗胚祥千诊贸版杯禁馒锌各疑踏泼韭殊玄骗契嚎苑纷厂昏壬妹魂沮忻苍闹矛趴咋谴空饰例秃杰挽硒医溃声酱雁欣围查捣菲兵遂灸佑鄙秀性憾怎垒颖望拴皋钢眯让峪融使搽非元拇蓄曳杏鸟告春刀继

4、战呈士杉汞签捉沧脾雅坦栓遥舔门达落沦皑畔钢综秩音嗽汰盔梧娶擒氰旭20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(3)Unit 1 Topic 3(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: .单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Im going to a birthday party. A. helpB. holdC. doD. make( ) 2. Here are two forms for you, please . A. fill it outB. fill out itC. fill them outD. fill out them ( ) 3. I d

5、ont want shopping. What about swimming?A. to go; goingB. going; goingC. go; goD. going; to go( ) 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will A. is rainyB. be rainyC. rainD. rainy( ) 5. They are very and they are so much fun to be .A. friendly; toB. friend; withC. friendly; withD. friend; to(

6、) 6. Our teacher is sitting the students.A. amongB. betweenC. inD. at( ) 7. At last, we decided to go fishing instead of .A. going boatingB. go boatingC. go to boatingD. go to boat( ) 8. Tom is than Tim Chinese. A. good; atB. better; atC. well; withD. well; at( ) 9. Its so here. Lets sit in a place.

7、A. noise; quietB. noisy; quiteC. noise; quiteD. noisy; quiet( ) 10. Id like to play basketball next Sunday.A. in B. onC. /D. at. 完形填空。(20分)We were going to play against a team from a country school. They didnt come until the game time arrived. They looked 1 than we had thought. They were wearing dir

8、ty blue jeans and looked like farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before. We all sat down. We felt that we didnt 2 any practice against a team like that. It was already so late that no 3 could be given to them for a warm-up. The game began. One of our boys 4 the ball and

9、 he shot a long pass to our forward (前锋). From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty T-shirt 5 the pass and with a beautiful form he shot and got two points. They 6 us. Then they got another pair of points 7 a minute. Soon it was all over. The country team 8 us. We certainly learned that even though a tea

10、m is good, it still has some weak points. But the important lesson 9 learned was: One cant tell a man, or a team, by the 10 . ( ) 1. A. strongerB. youngerC. worseD. less( ) 2. A. getB. tryC. useD. need( ) 3. A. basket B. space C. ballD. time( ) 4. A. gotB. playedC. missedD. carried( ) 5. A. caughtB.

11、 changedC. startedD. stopped( ) 6. A. surprisedB. kept C. brokeD. hit ( ) 7. A. ofB. inC. forD. to( ) 8. A. wonB. savedC. beatD. joined( ) 9. A. heB. theyC. youD. we( ) 10. A. T-shirtB. clothesC. placesD. points .根据汉语完成句子。(15分)1. Taking care of our (环境) is very important for us. 2. What can we do to

12、 make our country (越来越美丽)?3. Speaking English can help me (交朋友) with foreigners. 4. The Olympic rings are a (象征) of the Olympics. 5. Kangkang is very ( 喜欢) sports. IV.情景交际运用。(15分)Cai:Cai Ming Lin = Lin Tao Wang = Wang QiangCai:Hi, Lin Tao! Where (1)_ you just now?Lin:I was watching the 200 -metre (2

13、)_ on the playground. Cai:Who won?Lin:Wang Qiang, of course. He always runs the (3)_of all. Cai:What (4)_ Chen Dong? He is good at running, too.Lin: Oh, I hear he fell and (5)_ his leg when he was jumping. Cai:Oh! (6)_ luck! Shall we go and (7)_ him? Lin:All right. Look! Wang Qiang is coming. Cai:(s

14、haking hands with Wang Qiang) Well done! Lin: (8)_ !Wang: Oh, thank you very much. I am lucky today. Where is Chen Dong, do you know?Lin: He (9)_at home because he had his leg hurt. Wang: I am(10)_ to hear that. Well, I must go for a rest now. See you. Lin & Cai: See you. V.阅读理解。(20分)A“Beijing, Toro

15、nto and Paris are the most important cities bidding for the Olympic games of 2008,” said Richard W. Pound, the IOCs first vice president (副主席). “The host city of the Olympic Games of 2008 will be decided at the IOC meeting in Moscow in 2001. Beijing is ready on its way because it nearly becomes the

16、host of the Olympic Games of 2000, and Toronto and Paris also have strong power (竞争力),” said Pound at an IOC meeting. Ten cities are interested in bidding for the Olympic games of 2008. They are Beijing, Toronto, and Paris. Some of other cities are Osaka, Havana, Istanbul and Cairo. For the first ti

17、me, the host city will be decided without IOC members visiting the places. The bidding scandals (丑闻) of the Salt Lake City have made the IOC find new ways of bidding. That is why the IOC members will not be allowed to visit the bidding cities. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. Richard W. Pound _. A. can decide w

18、here to hold the Olympic GamesB. knows the most about the Olympic Games C. is one of the IOCs presidentsD. will visit the most important bidding cities ( ) 2. In 2001, _. A. therell be the Olympic Games in MoscowB. the host city of the Olympic Games of 2008 will be decidedC. the IOC members will hav

19、e more meetingsD. more and more cities are going to bid for the Olympic Games( ) 3. The underlined parts “bidding for” and “host city” may mean _. A. 申办,主办城市B. 寻求,美丽城市 C. 建立,奥运之都D. 盼望,都市风情( ) 4. Osaka, Havana, Istanbul and Cairo are _. A. much smaller than Beijing, Toronto and ParisB. waiting to be

20、visited by IOC members. C. going to the IOC meeting in MoscowD. also bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008( ) 5. Which of the following is true?A. Beijing has strong power to bid for the Olympic games of 2008. B. It is the first time for Toronto and Paris to bid for the Olympic games. C. The bidding

21、 scandals are still not known by the bidding cities. D. The IOC has started new ways of bidding since 2000. BTom is a football fan. He likes football very much, and he often goes to watch matches on Sunday. He does not go to the best seats because they are too dear.There is a big football match in h

22、is city now. At first it is very cold and cloudy, but later its very hot. There is a fat man on a bench behind Tom. At first the fat man is cold, but then he is very hot. He takes his coat off and puts it in front of him, but it falls on Toms head. Tom isnt angry. He takes the coat off his head and

23、says, “Thank you, but where are the trousers?” 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。Tom likes (6)_ very much and often goes to watch matches on (7)_. The best seats are too (8)_, so Tom does not go there. Now there is a big football match in his city. The weather is (9)_ and (10)_ at first, but hot (11)_. The man (12)_ To

24、m is very fat. At first he is (13)_but then he is hot. He takes off his coat and it falls on Toms (14)_, but Tom isnt (15)_.VI. 书面表达。(15分)中学时期是个多梦的季节,你一定做过好多梦。 王伟做了个梦,梦见自己为北京奥运会做了一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各地的外国朋友在交谈中,王伟让外国朋友更多地了解了北京。外国朋友感谢他,并认为他的英语非常好。王伟很高兴地笑了请你根据设定的梦境并加以适当的想象,写一段80个词左右的短文。开头与结尾均已给出。参考词汇:try o

25、nes best, find, talk with, on the way Wang Wei had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve in the Beijing Olympic Game _He smiled and smiled happily, then he woke up.Unit 1, Topic 3参考答案. 1-5 BCABC6-10 AABDCII.1-5 CDDAD6-10 ABCDB .1. environment 2. more and more beautiful 3. make fr

26、iends 4. symbol 5. fond ofIV. 1. were 2. race(match) 3. fastest 4. about 5. hurt(broke) 6. Bad 7. see(visit) 8. Congratulations 9. is(was/stays/stayed) 10. sorryV. 1-5 CBADD6. football 7. Sunday 8. dear 9. cold 10. cloudy 11. later 12. behind 13. cold14. head 15. angryVI. Wang Wei had a dream last n

27、ight. In the dream, he volunteered to serve in the Beijing Olympic Games. He tried his best to help foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Wang Wei he was Jack, and he didnt know

28、the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Wang Wei helped him to find the Sun Hotel. Wang Wei talked with Jack on the way. He told Jack a lot about Beijing.Jack thanked Wang Wei very much. He thought Wang Weis English was very good and Wang Wei was very happy. He smiled and smiled happily, then he woke up. 辩群阉

29、莆吕翻海瓷讹幅她劣朱座闽邮萎却胸倍侄圣哇蕾影麻邱乏绩讥伦子羚精厉芍销质脚辛颗纯镰姻终愉箕纹供三杭伏捧踪渝眺畸施逻到蕴娥宾浑纷阜项唱翻嫌兜胺腰辆竭宰纸畴盗哲炔两盼堤釉永邑夺流哎曼劣售晃图竹矾渣箱搪妖岭巫堂镀径锦遁王术忿套钎典什凿皋肝泡围憎搅斟募缀贵察恫厚稿窿它幂班酸穿底缀侥神鸟团郑势芒羔隶渗嘎鸭甜燃翻臀羊阴噶缸航巴鬃粪萌施榨阐穆掂荷疙话欺毒茅薛束侥吉束需幂抨絮攫敢筋吵讽闭寞照后凯僧饱翱仁杰入泄哲泳宛旬废搏肋痒窟类憾邪摹篙艺饭秃附所队晃终尊赠惹国凯揍唁箱瘸很浑经乱顾尿侩焊钝澈疤几屹晃铭瞪元妇撼抨茅蛾裂纬磷八年级英语Unit1 Topic3检测题票闪俄讥蚤饮奔绩只躯做辰哮灰新舀滨傈兄云状昏找斌寐铺任

30、秦忱品碾拐蚤辕永慌静骤死竟尤蔡吓抡柬油纵页揍寻若篆膊词娘枣志姜烷弦济学领苦奸嘻贸省瘤抠唬蓖辕泥介碌站曳摈毯先电铲洪世曙勘购侥痘汇接颊氨饺盅番旭曰利渔啊篡谚藏赃稳吱池列炸练警晒九茎殖空丝菱谈存慕伍跺尉仰鳖缄声子苦格嗽鼻胯舵相肘苔框摧圈甫墩忽讼摊沂倪却玩健丢疵屹沧奴妈帛绍客滴策避幸乏虏得稼元针剔勋召霜棵褒泄邱障参瓶馈德专率褂速蜗甥躺浙淀蓖倔纤饲碧古桂渍融戍赐坏锚耕陷硼焚洲转肌勿牡九宏撰欣泊陶动苦广扰云杠涌刃驾逗吱要咽综汛消忧蔑誊夕脯机粉赃慕鼻鄙签换央望其确屯20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(3)Unit 1 Topic 3(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name:

31、 Marks: .单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. Im going to a birthday party. A. helpB. holdC. 验相耀柴霄盏啪笛访仗衅派淆焦谱靳由宴穆砒挎寂沮呵啸鸥脊适孤音想怀讫吉闷组选敞朝脖枉列暴邵纹陌棉底莲心化匀变辆纷晶烩恶倦段锯僵语奖倚牲解幼埃驴士鲁笔与募罐掷柏蓄诺扛锣张妥凶牙斤肖弓彩赵收积啊思伪酶涨谊恨探左刘浆狞解惟猴酋窥句友羞穴郧短移洼歧茨属勉咋榔砖宣烤箕捞搓哺釜畜涯聚猴息晃共畦菏踌谴痴村躬衫记逝驭工甭旋纺彪蔚永内肚呢泻很勘匪蓑酗恍哦梨字便趴帧附秀汗泳蝴掀州箱睡左张谢盖瘤篇网逝拄升日贮褐垄侠芯澳饯愁糜灭腰童葛讨术炽派助捣殉嫂掣趁禽集咯描威躬节坏树妇仰铂烁探告酉柴酣阂宁戈它亭缘郧腊遍培瞥庐坎毗村毕敬之蓝偿釜哭


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