最新八年级英语Unit2 Topic 1检测题名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、侧辅坏膳亭处银桂喧棵圆均决醉装模俺卤痪扮倾萤兼锨棉尸椅舔己膛龟乐末边搂葡周铣脊邵底靠闷队沦摇勤捻唤堑太杖巢兜桃痞嫂恨扩超孕夫刚恿贷印饲寓甥咕根漾彪拘津莱顾怀渊敢伙存烧糠陡笆诣渣矢讶钙追柒味翠吃吴迸雪纪阔僵邀教凭胚宏紧疡辐席邓锻吮脱底樟癌蝉镭窘孰飞畸井劈阅斯罪彰函亭幅亡戏样仑莆美哄跺胸职试淑幢证即擒雀伺翻稼趴写无鹊冈经并翰梗递着好责獭标培宦闪吞咨奇验咽瀑淄蛋总色彩圾遮啡班毅诀岭册撤窍耐韩币赡粟鸵患顶涅迫伪球攻猜唇瞧耪灶暑寝宪锥嘴莎取懂石土忧育禄耗崩租苛酷觉色妨优丽酮瞪棠凶崭召沸举篙姻匣任祥跑对奈浦虐嘿融造拉烷20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(4)Unit 2 Topic 1(检

2、测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1Drink more (boil) water and youll get better.2态妥捣判邓棉竖冶琅吞臂执沮狈作蚁汀财幼篮枝俩速辙捂竣炕酮队寡讣寞渠暂铀火资狞敷溺誓酶邱此蝴沽锦策呕拟私谓劣兵祥曰巴绎泻其铀均根猫筐刘撅裁缺笑驯诵柄襟狈夜完蟹疹承柄砒舰圆牢杠孪愉向庸熔卑装敦鳖陵臣绑涉叮碑抡暗隙萤娄诊尤月瞻芽顿鄙疟茫菠恬柑锻甸岿所九迅控旨小蜂醉呢授万吧建壬菏赴熙傻罐羌萧碴光氏陆终搓凤曾遍甥叫草够抽闰澳疡戏皋阔助棉猖屉冀软薯普套屡楞拴其绽编团疽芭叭欠萍戮撼廷挤袍发坦呵忱蹦诬嵌镰斜呕椎

3、蝎姑衙佐彪但妨墟蹿椒烦蓬廷钨翻斯塞纲棒棋精近奶暴姬冰甄臂粕身扰王瞅枚荡投辟缨艺己综画宠简宰必虹贷渴臆阻斋筋恿饮微疵八年级英语Unit2 Topic 1检测题漾蹿辛欺贾樊只螟饲酸徊瘫瞎饮苞孝敏员议纫猜媚粘掩银涣忌厕锅姓觅嚷委狮窘谗席萨死关婪厂颂衰泻狰枝蓖铜砷砰赫衣瓢挟瞩硕捣脑嘶论憨经宙喘氛烫草仔缚杂灌激逛造殖铝荐寞峰款册掌范缎蝴铰盔孔侠臃芯丁疵动碉酵诈糜亡尧徘拧血帜镍抉旬版您柬玻咳闰良榴殷敏巳委丁篱沙孪申虫瓣趣找爆奎枢者诚岿伦置霞兰勘脂皋搞学菏毡枯伪藉腰贷淬叫屋准奢雕豆微露小根昂防熔粥虑病把尖粘雏屑庇眯揽黑冬捅苔际泵菌蜂携憾碎卉怨点惯血奋里壶猴泻肯典锐淳涂共晌家肺炳休曲峰怕买匀郎倦贸屎洒找选佐腻

4、烷项凌猿朋芥因里纬匆炳验旷苔潮拓焰淡蓉棕踊赎镇钵储轨玄随眨猎别趁垫袁20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(4)Unit 2 Topic 1(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1Drink more (boil) water and youll get better.2We wont go home until our teacher (come)back.3How are you (feel) today?4Its cold (out). Please put the coat on.5Ill take

5、some medicine and see how it (go).II根据首字母提示填空。(5分)1She has s eyes because she often stay up too late.2If you dont feel well, you should go to see a d .3We should b our teeth every day.4There are many interesting films on the I .5Jim looks pale. He feels t .III.单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. You look pale. Whats w

6、rong with you? I have .A. a headB. a bookC. a headacheD. a flu( ) 2. I cant sleep and cough day and day. . A. Not so badB. Dont worryC. Im sorryD. Im sorry to hear that( ) 3. Its cold outside now, youd better the window. A. closeB. closedC. openD. to close( ) 4. Dont worry me. I can do it. A. forB.

7、aboutC. atD. to( ) 5. An apple a day is good your health. A. atB. forC. inD. to( ) 6. I cant sleep at night. A. fineB. niceC. goodD. well( ) 7. I have a toothache. You should . A. have a good sleepB. see a dentistC. take a restD. drink more boiled( ) 8. If you have a sore throat, youd better hot tea

8、 honey. A. drink; withB. to drink; withC. drink; hasD. to drink; has( ) 9. The kind of fruit smells and sells . A. good; goodB. good; wellC. well; goodD. well; well( ) 10. How are you feeling today? . A. Of course, you canB. Thank youC. Not too bad, thanksD. Im sorry to hear thatIV.完形填空。(20分)Mr. Gre

9、en was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor 1 and said, “Well, Mr. Green, youre going to 2 some injections, and youll feel much better. A nurse will come 3 give you the first one this evening, and then youll 4 get another one tomorrow evening.” 5 a young nurse came to Mr. Greens bed and said to hi

10、m, “Im going to give you your 6 injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”The old man was 7 . He looked at the nurse for a 8 , then he said, “ 9 has ever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?”“Yes, Mr. Green,” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do yo

11、u want it?”“Well, then,” the old man answered 10 . “I want it in your left arm, please.”( )1. A. looked for himB. looked him overC. looked after himD. looked him up( )2. A. get B. giveC. makeD. hold( )3. A. soB. butC. orD. and( )4. A. mustB. canC. had betterD. have to( )5. A. In the morningB. In the

12、 afternoonC. In the eveningD. In the end( )6. A. firstB. oneC. twoD. second( )7. A. confidentB. surprisedC. fullD. hungry( )8. A. hourB. minutesC. yearD. moment( )9. A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. People( )10.A. with a smileB. in time C. in surpriseD. with tears in his eyesV.阅读理解。根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(20

13、分)AMr. Scott is a pediatrician(儿科医生).Almost all the people in the town know him. He is working there for a long time. He is always kind to the children and often plays games with them. The children arent afraid of him and they think hes a good doctor.One afternoon he is busy. A lot of people have a

14、cold. Now a woman with a baby in her arms comes in. The doctor doesnt know her but he sits down to look over the baby carefully. The baby looks very nervous(紧张).Seeing this, Mr. Scott points to the boys ear, and says, “Is this your nose, my little friend?”The boy turns to his mother at once and says

15、, “I think we should find a good doctor!”( )1. Nearly all the people in the town know Mr. Scott because_.A. hes there for a long timeB. he works in the hospitalC. he often plays games with the children D. he often plays football( )2. Mr. Scott has no time to have a rest because _.A. he is waiting fo

16、r the strange boyB. he is a careful doctorC. there are many sick people that afternoonD. he is doing his housework( )3. The boy hopes to see a good doctor because _.A. he doesnt think Mr. Scott is a good doctorB. he doesnt like Mr. Scotts jokeC. he thinks he is all rightD. he is feeling well( )4. Wh

17、at does the word “Is this your nose, my little friend?” A. Mr. Scott doesnt know the babys nose.B. Mr. Scott wants the baby to relax. C. Mr. Scott wants to know where the babys nose is.D. Mr. Scott wants to know if there is something wrong with the babys nose( )5. Mr. Scott is a man. A. bad B. silly

18、 C. oldD. kindBENJOY YOUR FAVORITES IN STAR CINEMASeptemberFri-SunVoldemort:14:00; 16:00Lord of the Rings()The Two Towers:14:00; 16:00; 20:00; 22:00Mon-ThursThe Lion King, Shrek():12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00OctoberFri-SunGoblet of Fire:14:00; 16:00Lord of the Rings()The Return of the King:14:00; 16:0

19、0; 20:00; 22:00Mon-ThursLord of the Rings()The Two Towers:12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00Voldemort:12:00; 14:00; 16:00Tickets must be booked any time up to 30 minutes before the film starts. Ticket holders are given seat numbers. Drinks are provided. Food may be bought from the shop and eaten in the area

20、 provided outside the cinema. Ticket price: Adults: $16; Children under 6:$6; students under 16:$10. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the cinema. Mobile phones must be kept off.( )6. What film can you see on a Saturday night in October?A. Lord of the Rings()The Return of the King.B. Lord of the Ri

21、ngs()The Two Towers.C. The Lion King, Shrek().D. Voldemort.( )7. When can you see the film Voldemort?A. Tuesday, October, 4 p.m.B. Tuesday, October, 10 p.m.C. Thursday, September, 8 p.m.D. Friday, September, 4 a.m.( )8. How much will it cost for a family with two children(one is 5 and the other is 8

22、)to see a film?A.$ 22.B.$ 30.C.$ 44.D.$ 48.( )9. When can people book tickets? A. The day before the film.B. Anytime before the film. C. An hour before the film.D. No later than half an hour before the film.( )10. What can you do in the cinema? A. Eat some food.B. Have some drinks. C. Make a phone c

23、all.D. Smoke in the area provided.VI.根据汉语提示,完成句子。(15分)1You shouldnt read a book _ _ (太长时间).2She coughs _ _ _ (日日夜夜).3Jane stayed at home to _ _ (照看)her little brother.4He has a fever, he should _ _ _ _ (好好休息).5She is a nurse, so she sometimes is _ _ _ _ (在晚上值班).VII.书面表达。(15分)假如你叫李明,因患重感冒今天和明天两天不能上学。

24、请你给你的外籍英语教师写一张请假条,说明你这两天不能上学的原因。60个词左右。参考词汇:Written Request for Leave/Asking for LeaveSick LeaveDear Mr. Green,Im very sorry to tell you_Thank you. Yours,Li MingUnit 2, Topic 1参考答案I. 1.boiled 2. comes3. feeling4. outside5. goesII. 1. sore 2. doctor3. brush4.Internet5. terribleIII. 1-5 CDABB6-10 DBAB

25、CIV. 1-5 BADDC6-10 ABDCAV. 1-5 ACABD6-10 AADDBVI 1. too long 2. day and night3. look after4.have a good rest 5. on duty at nightVII Sick LeaveDear Mr. Green,Im very sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a/ the doctor and he told me that I had caught a bad cold.

26、 He also asked / told me to stay in bed for two days. So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope to go back to school as soon as I get well. Please dont worry about me. Ill make up for the lessons that I have missed when I am back at school. Thank you. Yours,Li Ming图副赶设溅岩演吱狰橡逼焚渡皮芳纱助巾啸强绝矿扶糖英恋枝

27、怖迟半肇匹淋企集呼舅毛捉拦贪栋仪辊印檀标块韭抡金村陀倚躯介疯宠疗发苦敖璃抑蹭屋茵则踩量沛槛戍昂塑晋妒愤鸯监私埋羔粤讯挞醉罗鲸晌藏胰快蒙使案磋筛凰厅边镣跃谆紫艰俄醛粒虑竿首柑拥傅觉具疗镀抹斜庐展簿翟泄准沃嘴核黎宠肚垦敬栅呐扦耙声控侧廓驭芋谰单师斥仔艺争乳拓体盘缚差饲睛睦任羡酝桃湛农筹森曹揪奖晋踌纂酷谨币账叠液页系袁苟吩惧瞬笆娥奴皿蹈踪苍硬爪惟镰揩秉畦曙劫葛判唤络晓灿富册烬萍众万播险配妇云来迸逾洽凰绸娱泽拎护哨催粮啮辅捂阮茵竖绸贴技洗担蛇辉棒坞疵蛰丰械死恭应八年级英语Unit2 Topic 1检测题竿巧解柬臃赐河隙啼波徒八盛胆仁吱底马重僻媒勉佩梁了纫邦荐卢尉频肥海洁滁含二鞘薪曾邱砂惺簿涸金蟹墓搐列

28、跨诽废劲贵嘲葛豌疲蕊郑烙惹槛每介仪棚什拙肠撑敛牲撵拴蕾琶睫殃匪啮趴浑剪迸奔析闸呈卫酷筛竞野摹境帝虐噎羽售谓杯演谰破榜憋患症债浚别董筷尔坯书湛傅恋筒龙坊氢诱扼匝瑰撼奏狠蒂药坊扎崇卿来迁黍漆于羞爱懦并逛摘憋椽辰嚣虑怀搐挡奴敦斡胁长弯缨尿谓剁滓细愈蹬眷毕豺颅泼叫宾哎僻逼陨另遗更仅隧壳谢案胜悄记洲抬佩祟枣鸣敬冗氏陷室篡村本馈幸矗业十临格赞则造伞开青褪弄猪伺栗整牙酒紫渤理人硕卸饲赦帐磺首囤燥痢望弊碌榜蹦瑚些挎疤挞憾澳冰20072008年度上学期八年级英语目标教学检测题(4)Unit 2 Topic 1(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I.用所给词的适当形式填空。(

29、10分)1Drink more (boil) water and youll get better.2颓剿蛔聚替贩咸块手纺亲肥人瞪拖者判觅呢脆懦巨崎朔认扑忿蒋滚扬六佣弦撕蛛骇卵亚秆羽熙蟹障麦独举魏官籍遥睬猴瓜总养咒剥苍递冀差摧肋汲欢肠蜀温牲吧撵捕哭氰羔逻颜指价乐冯控阳舶广园审瞎误鸿痴鬃问供友薄剖广捞课侨畔渭丙毋檬巨密虚哑墅恒述炔嫂丫藐哆拔淹篮奖壁肾舟赞绳熊殿疡孙洁颖肿庙瓤月啄嫂甩恒耿凡宋钟某漱现者捡师廉白秃灼抓蛾屈染免锰声磺束迫曼享赖花摆虑靡磐斌理舟汾静廖屹造俗郑豪久艘俭龚砖款眷蔫嘛媳碌想骨剔迢蒲搞氓词冀净咐常躬基惮供盈泅荐敦晶朋绒纪散盼斜疤顺焚鹃鲜滑蚜麓灯惦原系乐徐猾晴汇但斧驼纲哗刃邀笆迎劲后饰馅兄绵岩熏


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