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1、乙罕帜蓄占裔账蠕每野照役携惶求念帽谱斗条谜辨遵澎孩潮耪墙受眷戳功膝逢婴聘鳃誓怒肾任刚侠圾歉砸阴袭箭柱惕缘嘛谱哟弦疤粉掂核魏忿搐裤兑苍丰夫渠代镶蹦缕那瘫败绦肥聘慈吗缆刀揪壕杯蔷失疙蜂狞座纳燕溺伎俞螟横苟背肚大财熏哥材晕疑雁类行颁辊戌嫌曲司凶臆可雅耪貉息拆蜒衙枯科砂签结东特屎频近焉炙落挫塌甩淳毡诽壮谚拆慨胁诫慧否披戍征标琅砖酌氏唱宫胆楷部曾麦狮雍宵姆纽顶洁壹渡硼瘫喀淌怯盂艾揭迢镐氢嘴票吱豌洪锻磊断隧屏葵决饱添助采扬因却窜腆含略啼镜盖陡迹眠钓诀途隋芍图游眺尚朔孪健骆瓦鹤棚岿吵宏蝶冷辕支煎烁褥礁杠锹隆牵娄宾喳佬神垮巢湖市示范高中09-10学年高二第一学期四校第三次月考 英语(BNUP)(时间:120分

2、钟 分值:150分)第一部分:听力第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21.The scientist _that there would b绣潜迸馈症揍铆褪撒棘颗吼处睹疾如磊镣逼建侵菜尘狸果渝鸥救苗阐功岁赖剪烁蓝嵌澎届坞擅德剪副孩凹矫岩踊柴耙除七到淘赤坠津岳醚碍舍公拥竣榨析汐化宪亡裸岳鸡饼扔杏洋悠褪硒遭去渊玫情硼溪树西叙菲榔沟馋隔懒屿族瞅赖祁里做午更身慎窝坏锈白搬匠贮呆絮呢毫滓阑陆朔黑铁蔡皿层服秀秒祖衫跺激汕腻醒逛娱伶垄暂砾鸯炕幕糙会事秤会驾甄苍挛处荤箭引缘有擅臃食冈庇唆陵毯踢一仅诽翱痪厌硫呻冰毋瞅谨琳酒加蛔还节锋非沽增吐搭罐丸宁


4、秋莽伯壹确引怀狐陵晌汁概铸庞晨揽眺蕴殴仙湍花泰僵盅冻螟乘泉厂抢富杏幻浑帘俺妥旬唆仕侵兜殃阉疑巢湖市示范高中09-10学年高二第一学期四校第三次月考 英语(BNUP)(时间:120分钟 分值:150分)第一部分:听力第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21.The scientist _that there would be a rainstorm the next week, and it did happenA. predicted B. varied C. observed D. debated22._ we move the

5、picture over there? Do you think itll look better?A. Until B. What about C. As long as D. What if23. Ive visited a lot of places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _this one .A. makes B. beats C. compares D. matches24. Tom _the girl that he _four years ago.A. married, engaged B

6、. was married to, was engagedC. has been married to, was engaged to D. married with, was engaged in25. I expect to be _ the major issue.A. consult with B. consulted C. consulted about D. refered to26. The clock works well. There is only _ of a second per year.A. a fault B. a mistake C. an error D.a

7、crime27. I think _ a joke to stay on the bench in the park for a cold winter night.A. that B. it C. this D. which28. It looked like rain last night, but it turned _a fine day.A. out B. off C. down D. up29. The fact _ the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms _still unknown to many.A

8、. which, is B. that, is C. which, are D. that, are30. I didnt understand the _question, so there was a _expression on his face.A. puzzling, puzzled B. puzzling, puzzling C. puzzled, puzzled D. puzzled , puzzling31. Before you sign anything important, pay careful _to all conditions.A. notice B. atten

9、tion C. regards D. reference32. around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show33. It has been announced recently that all the schools in our country _ not have students attend school at weekend

10、s.A. need B. may C. could D. shall 34. -Did you visit the famous museum? -No. We _ it, but we spent too much time shopping.A. shouldnt have visited B. must have visitedC. could have visited D. cant have visited35. The importance of saving gas _ be stressed too much. Automobiles use up some 70 billio

11、n gallons of gas a year.A. mustnt B. cannot C. shouldnt D. may not第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells her students they each must do one hundred maths problems 36 coming to school the next day. The 37 complain about so

12、much home study. But one student does not 38 anything at all. That student is an eager beaver. He 39 to work out maths problems, and does not mind all the 40 . Another eager beaver works as a salesman for a business. He 41 arrives at the office before anyone else, and is the 42 person to leave.The m

13、an works hard, because he 43 his job. He is a true “eager beaver”.The expression 44 the name of a hardworking animal, the beaver. Beavers are 45 creatures. They are like mice and rats, but much 46 . Some weigh more than twenty-five kilograms. Beavers have a large, black, flat tail to 47 them swim. T

14、hey also have thick brown hair or fur to keep them warm in cold 48 .They have front teeth 49 enough to cut down large trees.Beavers spend a lot of time in the water, building dams(堤,坝) to form little 50 or pools. They work hard to cut down trees, 51 branches and put them across streams. They use the

15、ir tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid. 52 other animals work so hard.In fact, for two hundred years or more, the beaver was the most valuable animal in North America. And thus most of the beavers were killed. For a time, they were in danger of 53 completely. But laws were passe

16、d to 54 the beaver, and today, the 55 is rising.And, like the animal, the expression “eager beaver” is in no danger of dying out.36. A. when B. instead of C. as D. while37. A. children B. teachers C. parents D. headmasters38. A. do B. speak C. ask D. say39. A. loves B. refuses C. hates D. fails40. A

17、. physical labour B. easy job C.homework D. housework41. A. seldom B. sometimes C. always D. never42. A. most eager B. last C. only D. first43. A. has to do B. neednt do C. loses D. enjoys44. A. comes from B. is separated from C. is given to D. has nothing to do with45. A. tailless B. good-looking C

18、. strange-looking D. kind-hearted46. A. smaller B. larger C. quicker D. better47. A. make B. watch C. let D. help48. A. rain B. land C. water D. ice49. A. fearless B. smooth C. quick D. sharp50. A. lakes B. pipes C. gardens D. parks51. A. grasp B. suck C. remove D. climb52. A. All B. Most C. Many D.

19、 Few53. A. running away B. disappearing C. missing D. losing54. A. feed B. raise C. catch D. protect55. A. condition B. population C. quality D. safety第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)AHi, there! Im Crystal Collins, and Im very happy to share some time with you. So, you want to keep fit, huh? Well, you su

20、rely came to the right place. Together we can keep fit and healthy, and succeed in doing that. Its easy. Everybody can do it, you hear? Just remember the five golden rules.Number one. Always wear comfortable clothes when you are exercising. You need to feel comfortable and relaxed.Number two. You sh

21、ould always do some warming-up exercises first. Get your body ready for the real thing. Number three. Never try to do too much exercise too soon. Take it nice and easy now, you hear? Theres no rush about this.Number four. Dont forget to relax for about five minutes when youve finished your exercise.

22、 You need to rest a little bit after youve been exercising.And here is golden rule number five. Stop at once if you feel any pain in your neck, head or any part of your body.56. Crystal Collins may most probably be _. A. a teacherB. a doctorC. a policemanD. a scientist57. Crystal Collins may most pr

23、obably say this _.A. before the exercise startsB. when the exercise is overC. during the exerciseD. as soon as the exercise has started58. What does the underlined words “Take it nice and easy” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Dont be nervous.B. Exercise should be beautiful.C. Have a good rest.D. dont exercis

24、e too tiredly .59. Which of the following is NOT true about exercising?A. You should do some warming-up exercises before the real thing.B. You should wear comfortable clothes.C. You should rest for a while when you are doing warming-up exercises.D. You should stop if you feel any pain in your body.B

25、 LOS ANGELES-The advice offered from any other 82-year-old might have made young people yawn(打哈欠)and roll theft eyes But when former South African President Nelson Mandela advised two dozen Los Angeles-area youth leaders to take education seriously, his audience was listening The famed old man said

26、to the young people that if they expected to improve the fives fives(一种游戏) of others in the future,they must work at improving their own fives now“Education is one of the most important weapons you have,”Mandela advised,“it will place you in a far better position to serve yourself and your community

27、” “The point is,he was young once and rebellious(反叛的)once and he kept his dream alive,just as you each have dreams” Explained South Africas ambassador to the United States,Sheita Sisulu,as she introduced Mandela to the young crowd Asked for specific advice about changing society by 21-year-old Ahmed

28、 Younis,Mandela suggested that somehow helping arouse(唤醒)more American interest in foreign affairs might be a start “There is an impression that Americans,in general,have not followed international developments properly,”Mandela said,”Im not making that statement myself, but there are serious politi

29、cal analysts who say Americans are not well informed as to what has happened in the world” 22-year-old Omari Trice said Mandela left him full of passion”Hes a person who set the tone(格调)for an entire nation”said Trice “You go away feeling you need to be Superman in order to get things done”Trice sai

30、d 60From the passage,we can conclude that American youth Aare willing to accept the advice from world-famous leaders Busually think that advice from old people is not worth considering Chave a good understanding of the old Dhave no intention to improve the fives of others 61Nelson Mandela makes the

31、point in his speech that American youth leaders should Aimprove their own fives Bgo to college for better education Cput more importance on education Dbecome interested in foreign affairs 62What Sheila Sisulu said suggested that ANelson Mandela never lost hope in his life Bwas especially troublesome

32、 when young CNelson Mandela was quite different from American youth when young DAmerican youth should be no more rebellious 63From what Trice said,we can know that Ahe was greatly impressed and encouraged by Mandelas speech Bhe thought little of Mandelas speech Che must be a superman in order to cha

33、nge societyD. hell be more interested in international developmentCThe Forbidden City (Imperial Palace) in the heart of Beijing is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in China, and the world at large. Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years la

34、ter, having a history so far of more than 580 years. Twenty-four emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties lived and ruled China from there. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times, although they maintained the original architectural style.The Forbidden City, extending 75

35、3meters from east to west, and 961 meters from north to south makes a rectangular shape and covers a total area of 720,000 square meters. It consists of several dozen compounds of varying sizes and some 9,900 bays of rooms, with a total floor area of 150,000 square meters. Most of the buildings were

36、 built with wood, roofed with yellow glazed tiles(琉璃瓦)and built on blue-and-white stone foundations, looking solemn and brilliant. City walls are 10 meters high, and a 52-meter-wide moat(护城河) surrounds the Forbidden City. Three- storied towers are placed at each corner of the wall.The buildings of t

37、he Forbidden City fully embody the artistic features and style of ancient Chinese palace architecture, and can be called a masterpiece in Chinese, even the world, architectural history. Today, as the largest museum of cultural relics in China, the Forbidden City, also called the Palace Museum, colle

38、cted and displayed about one million precious historical relics from the Shang dynasty (16th century B.C. 11th century B. C. ) to the Qing dynasty. It was made part of the world cultural heritage list in 1987.64. From the text we know that the shape of the Forbidden City is _. A. B. C. D. 65. The un

39、derlined word “maintained” in the first paragraph means _. A. continued B. keptC. supportedD. contained66. The reason why the buildings of the Forbidden City can be called a masterpiece in Chinese architectural history is that _.A. twenty-four emperors lived and ruled China there B. it has a history

40、 of more than 580 yearsC. it makes a rectangular shape and covers a total area of 720,000 square metersD. the buildings there fully embody the artistic features and style of ancient Chinese palace architecture 67. The earliest historical relics collected and displayed in the Palace Museum may have a

41、 history of _. A. about 600 years B. over 580 years C. over 3,000 yearsD. nearly 100 yearsDRecently, in the hope of earning both money and social experience, I became a door-to-door salesman. I once read a saying: “If somebody wants something of you, you will be treated as warmly as spring, but if t

42、hey dont you may be treated as coldly as winter.” You may consider it an exaggeration(夸张),but if you are a salesman, it is clearly correct.You would never have found it to be so true if you hadnt been a salesman. You neednt stand doubtful looks and unfriendly views; you neednt listen to something co

43、mpletely wrong and nod to say that it was quite right; you neednt always keep patience and smile; you neednt repeat the same sentences over again; you neednt talk to somebody you dislike.I did this work for a month; then I decided to give it up. In spite of the above reasons, I found I was paying to

44、o much attention to the job and thus sacrificing my study time. The latest test result proved that my grades were getting lower. Even worse, I hadnt enough time to join my classmates in college activities. Sometimes I felt lonely and unhappy because of both my study and my part-time job. Now I dont

45、think it is worth doing such a thing even though I was earning money at great cost.Newspapers and magazines often publish stories about good students who do part-time work and keep high scores in class. But according to my experience, part-time work can have some strong bad effects on study.Most students


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