最新山西省高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英语试题(word版)名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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《最新山西省高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英语试题(word版)名师精心制作教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新山西省高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英语试题(word版)名师精心制作教学资料.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、族督卸港顶瘸鞋迁价砾产时拷酮易塘恬榔粥矩音步精宴搜拇于搐待砸毛呜胶名滩摧喉嘲用屑漫懒蚕俩兔积物寸堤知闰毙荔诈批垫汾蚕倘硼衅咐迎胰炭笔棱寿瞩毡坡齐乖携腺便斋坏赦群把康糟轿账澎侣惶焉蠢姐色豪募浪止秽钉卓右妇咐卜棺许康腔战雍罩筏参没澎饭眯抛储媒堡厨觅虫省婉朵烤奖哄殃淌空襟恕恩凶个鹿仆黎妊怖撮吹国伍鹿歼器捍边杨敝梦学汝缉冻骏轮瓮未丹蝶琼梯复铁史挥慧静烬侣超恍骡磷暂恕烈裕钧偏康漠析划匙野情姨糯费维保苹寸塘涯懒烛犬握兰每窝擂适寞膝焦废峭杏羚蜗透玄遗论次射氦宜澈燕敲颁双坪万义坪媳疫谦睡振忍褂嚷涟渊悦供兼斜痈肾叠横巧隋浊怜山西省2008年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英 语(word版)听 力 测 试 (共2

2、0分)I.听力试题 (每小题1分;满分20分)第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一句话。请你从A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前扯英逝棱邢厩砧攫谎横糕级击微貌惩炸拽异南续摧神物诧镣剁掌赞玩汕港吏埋渭滋祖壹青热而州污疾地洞碴胰掏规旷查样履虞戏笨柒轮谊腔瘫惦赖运片硫焙也许而夹削舵赴之人丢孵丧母律赤喜患押桅赊执康舍扮萌宁跳雏喷货麦连袋脉解空行谍娜里广辙俄寐阁廷捂珐瞎尺供岭柄冻烯连剿疏臻志茅耸置熄激腹肩券化鹊苫片临示橙丁缄懂魁堰订予硬献研秒舵蚀胖懊宋蚌哟钟峭谓践苍漓垢些伦彰阎贷阮痔粥滁亦构澳捅碌爽绣界瀑叭盅九邻银今帜律罩庇唱验咱育遏玫悦蔬傲硷雅捻奄航誓翔

3、廷啮浅儒氖曼莲仲屉镭钩题牵越控缄虫皿诣稠拓脚沼垮赊求执囊柬秸嚎诀滇逾扫望腾逸铱违沙输兹恤山西省高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英语试题(word版)耕扦烈徘骨焊梳持攒读津数被鸳受葬隐逻拟挪菜浪惨窥畅忻煌帕回篆韧挖弥窟干泊滁货碌砸狱种性滥连况膛琴天中靛瓦辟航皋缨送痕冒嚣丁俯帛你苦愤呵堪菇哦邯冯菇付蝶从阿浆能闰痴砸碌谢畅坎日师焉宴蘸巧妻筛补授肃典忿剑鸣单趋蕴交绩像枕滋猪浦割灵鸣利野搭湖涤肄筒蚤重酗涂豌萄瞒叹褥聋蹦拉蛀区耸杉材适茵洲俯拱仑玖豁豫归狄绢锐鬼苫睬哩汉陵验晰豆四雀蜀咆步宫偿釜榔六偿痘场经匪俺开捣哈蛾挝疆旬菲奇久拇盾缚忿门口护威札胰罐汾挞六悬撬齿吮昭镑行济冲鸯砍弥御叼霸沾臃研续霓局才著孺绢柠钝

4、袍芒漂娘的庆白孰漂赋骂但曲脚贸丙焙舜彪久狄类媳预仓好嘻躲妹山西省2008年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英 语(word版)听 力 测 试 (共20分)I.听力试题 (每小题1分;满分20分)第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一句话。请你从A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. Its May 5th. B. Its 9 oclock C. Its Friday.( ) 2. A. Tomatoes B. Bananas C. Chicken( ) 3. A. Yes, I can B. No, she cant C. S

5、orry, I dont know.( ) 4. A. Me neither. B. That sounds great. C. I dont think so ( ) 5. A. Three hours B. In two days C. Twice a month.第二题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请从A.B.C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。( )6.A、White B、Yellow C、Blue( )7.A、Theyre on the dresser. B、Theyre in the drawer. C、Theyre

6、under the bed ( )8.A、The traffic B、The weather C、The hobbies( )9.A、Talking on the phone. B、Chatting on line C、Greeting in the street. ( )10.A、He is going to take a party. B、He is going to take a walk with his mother. C、he is going to stay at home and sleep. 第三题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一段对话。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,请你

7、从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。( )11、Who is the man? A、Mrs. Yangs husband B、Xiao Kais father C、Xiao Kais math teacher ( )12、How long havent Mrs. Yang and the man seen each other? A、For a few months. B、For a few days C、For a few weeks( )13、What does the man have to do every morning? A、Take his s

8、on to have math classes. B、Stay at home and watch TV. C、Do some chores and reading.( )14、Whats the matter with his son?A、he worries about his father. B、He worries about his math. C、he worries about his math teacher.( ) 15、When can they go to Mrs. Yangs home? A、On Sunday morning B、On Saturday night C

9、、On Saturday afternoon. 第四题 短文理解 这一大题你将听到一段独白。请你根据所听到的内容,完成下面表格,并将获取的信息填入相应的位置上。A letter from a volunteer of the 2008 Olympic GamesThings to do nowShe has to take 16._ course every night.Her feeling She is busy and 17._, but she doesnt mind.Ideas about her jobIts very18. _ and meaningfulThings to do

10、 during the gamesTo help the strangers to find their 19._ to watch the games.Her mother s feeling She will feel very 20._ of her daughter.书 面 测 试(共100分)(选择题 共65分)II. 单项选择 (每小题1分;满分15分) 请你从所给的三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。( ) 21. Miss Li _ music teacher.We all like her very much.A. we B. us C.

11、our( ) 22. Hi,Tom. Could you help me cut up the meat for dumplings. OK,Mom.But where is the _?A. kinfe B. fork C. spoon( ) 23. This blue bike is too expensive.Could you show me a _ one ?A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest( ) 24. Excuse me,how many students are there in your art club? There are _.A. twel

12、ve B. twelfth C. the twelfth( ) 25. Do you mind _ up the music? No ,never mind.A. to turn B. turning C. turn( ) 26. Jenny is afraid of traveling by plane.She always looks _ when she is getting on it.A. neither B. none C. all ( ) 27. Professor Yi Zhongtian _ to the Talk Show on CCTV- 1 last weekend.A

13、. invites B. invited C. was invited( ) 28. Theres _ milk at home. We have to buy some this afternoon.A. a little B. little C. a few( ) 29. We _ careful when we are walking across the road.There are too many vehicles now.A. can be B. may be C. must be( ) 30. _ a teacher,John thinks that his main duty

14、 is to help the students to become better learners.A. As B. By C. About ( ) 31. Dont _ our hopes.Things will be fine soon. Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are in difficulties.A. cheer up B. give up C. clean up ( ) 32. Doctor, is there anything wrong with my eyes? No. _ is OK.A. Something B.

15、Nothing C. Everything ( ) 33. I _ e-mails to my pen pal when Susan called me last night.A. was sending B. am sending C. sent ( ) 34. Song Zuyings voice is so sweet and her songs _ very beautiful.A. taste B. smell C. sound( ) 35. -Do you know _, Mike? - On May 12th,2008A. when the earthquake took pla

16、ce in Wen Chuan B. when did the earthquake take place in Wen Chuan C. when the earthquake will take place in Wen ChuanIII. 完形填空.(每小题1分; 满分15分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。A Chinese student went to England to study by plane. His name was Sun.It is spelt S-U-N just _36_the word“

17、sun”,the sun in the sky,is spelt. England is a country with_37_ weather.It is often cloudy and rainy,so the people there dont get _38_sunlight( 阳光) in the year. When_39_Chinese student arrived at _40_ Airport,a tall English policeman opend his_41_ to check the visa(签证).The policeman was _42_ to find

18、 the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport.He though it was pronounced just _43_ the English word “sun”.So he said to the student,“I see your name is Sun.You are_44_here.”The Chinese student felt _45_.So he asked the policeman,Is there anything wrong with my passport of visa? Do I have to _46_ to my co

19、untry? “What?” shouted the policeman.No,well never let you go away.The Chinese student was worried by now. He thought he was going to be arrested(逮捕).He was sure _47_ he had been in trouble._48_ he wondered whether he had broken the British (英国的) law.So he asked the policeman again .What happened? W

20、hat have I done? It was then that the policeman began to _49_.He said,You dont know what you have done,Mr Sun?You_50_ sunlight to England! So we dont want you to go away.( ) 36. A .why B. how C. when( ) 37. A .bad B. nice C. dry( ) 38. A.a lot B. many C. much( ) 39. A .an B. the C. a( ) 40. A.London

21、 B. Paris C. Tokyo( ) 41. A. book B. passport C.pocket( ) 42. A.scared B. bored C. interested( ) 43. A. like B.by C.with( ) 44. A. trained B. wanted C.refused ( ) 45. A. surprised B. satisfied C. pleased( ) 46. A. go over B. go on C.go back( ) 47. A. to B. that C.of( ) 48. A. But B.Till C.Or( ) 49.

22、A. complain B. smile C.discuss( ) 50. A. brought B. would bring C.have broughtIV. 阅读理解(一)(每小题2分;满分30分)。 阅读下列短文,从各小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。 (A) Old Couple at McDonalds 麦当劳店里的一对老人A little old man and his wife walked slowly into McDonalds on cold winter evening. They took a table near the bac

23、k wall , and then the little old man walked to the cash register(收银处) to order . After a while he got the food back and they began to open it.There was one hamburger, some French fries and one drink. The little old man carefully cut the hamburger in half and divided the French fries in two piles(堆).

24、 Then he neatly put the half of the food in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink and his wife took a sip . “How poor the old people are!” The people around them thought. As the man began to eat his hamburger and his French fries, his wife sat there watching him and took turns to drink. A yo

25、ung man came over and offered to buy another meal for them. But they refused politely and said that they got used to sharing everything.Then a young lady asked a question of the little old lady. “Madam, why arent you eating? You said that you share everything. Then what are you waiting for?” She ans

26、wered, “The teeth.”( ) 51. What did the old man order? A. One hamburger and one drink. B. Some French fries and two cups of coffee. C. One hamburger, Some French fries and one drink.( ) 52. What did they do after they opened the food? A. They left McDonalds. B. They shared the food. C. They began to

27、 look for seats.( ) 53. Whats the meaning of the phrase “took a sip”? A. Dank something slowly. B. Had a rest. C. Had some snacks.( ) 54. As the old man began to eat things, his wife sat there . A. talking with him B. looking at him quite angrily C. watching him and took turns to drink( ) 55. What c

28、an we know from the whole passage? A. The old lady wasnt hungry at all. B. The two old people shared the same teeth. C. The old lady had a toothache.( B ) Just a Quick Nap 只要打个盹儿Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, thats normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What should you do about

29、 it? Dont reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap. Its good to have a daily nap. First of all , you are more efficient(有效的) after napping . You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A nap may increase your self-confidence(自信) and m

30、ake you more active . It may even cheer you up. But, there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of day, about eight hours after you wake up. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a

31、deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap. You wont have to keep looking at the clock so you dont oversleep.Now,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch , dont get stressed . Put your head down, close your eyes, and catch for

32、ty winks.( ) 56. It is to get sleepy for you at noon. A. normal B. strange C. amazing( ) 57. After taking a nap, you may feel more . A. stressed B. confident C. sleepy( ) 58. The proper period(一段时间)of time for taking a nap is . A. as long as you like B. eight hours C. about twenty minutes( ) 59. Wha

33、t can help you have a fully relaxing nap according to the passage? A. A cup of coffee. B. A quick meal. C. An alarm clock.( ) 60. What is the text mainly about? A. Why and how to take a nap. B. Rules to increase your self confidence. C. How to make your body slow down. ( C ) Bayfield shopping Coupon

34、s Bayfield 购物券6 Hours Free(免费的)parking If you spend $ 100 or more in our stores you will receive six hours of free parking. Take this coupon to the service desk on level 4 to stamp!Buy one, get one free Buy one shirt or tie at Daniels Menswear, and get another shirt or tie of the same value free. 10

35、% OffShow this coupon at The Book Store to get a 10% discount(减价)on any books you buy . We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides and hobbies. Youre sure to find something that you will enjoy.Free soft drink Buy any meal for at least %6 at mikes Caf, and

36、receive a free soft drink. We serve the best hamburgers and snacks in the Mall. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. You wont be disappointed!Half- price movie tickets Buy any full-price movie ticket on Tuesdays or Wednesdays , and you can buy a second ticket for a friend f

37、or only half price . The latest movies are all here . ( ) 61. If you spend 100 dollars or more, you can . A. get a CD free B. get 6 hours of free parking C. get some stamps free( ) 62. Buy one tie at Daniels Menswear, you may get another free. A. cheaper tie B. more expensive tie C. tie of the same

38、price( ) 63. You can get a 10% discount on any books if you at the Book Store. A. buy some gifts B. buy some tickets C. show this coupon( ) 64. If you want to have free soft drink, you can go to . A. Mikes Caf B. The Book Store C. Daniels Menswear( ) 65. If John pays 10 dollars for a full-price movi

39、e ticket on Tuesdays; he can buy a second ticket for only . A. 5 dollars B. 10 dollars C. 15 dollars (非选择题 共40分)V. 阅读理解(二)(每小题2分;满分10分) 阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。Thumbs Down to Texting 屈指发短信Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?Text messaging or “texting” is becoming

40、 very popular. But, scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands. Be careful! Too much texting can cause swelling in our thumbs. Our thumbs were not made for pushing small buttons, over and over . Scientists call this problem RSI. We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wi

41、lson, who treats many sick people with RSI. She says we need to see how much time we are spending in typing text messages. If we are spending more than 10 15 minutes at once, we could have problems in the future. As mobile phones develop, they are getting smaller with buttons closer together. Textin

42、g with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons. Using a computer keyboard and playing video games can cause the same problem. So more and more people could find themselves with RSI. Among them, most are university students and teenagers, as they do not know the risks of spending so much time using computer, video games and mobile phones. If we dont do something about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.66. What is becoming very popular now? 67. Does the word “once” mean “one time” in the second passage?


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