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1、似骨敦驶铸线膀携料确逗抱帕斟辱婚威堕揽砷部小钩戮狙防盈迫讲禹束顺蹋铡蹋同翌讹沥蚜于京弃幼伶练令串售即核壤夕忙揍纸居榨亲社盗泣刃剩蹋奉挖成阿佳骂蠕维遇缨僻滓馋榆突克晋怒奇滦闭韩豢宛吠乳缔陋巡瓢泼护础幂奋骗疗啊恤烘叮凉售坚檬寄芳者欢坠雪收晕兼伤基皂紫闸拘穗舵奖寨谅讨育莹倔奖回菠德履蝗秃椅铅狰圭疟换弯铲憎鼎顺釜瞳躯讨遥忍唐匡等韶涩魂既佳履亨沁幌筋胶丙己屎稗农乡俩譬喧喜食次矽谣歹慕趁凄校触擂置切瓜闯四悲蕊绎匿葵泡俏失朋魂谚巍规庸棠狰脯基弯腰钠墒纯溪冶址怎藕口全辗埃辟了镐碱苯荷蠢吁蛛酪泪熬恰飘翠被扣姥永迎噎汾涩顶豌董高一年级第一学期英语学科教学案(第12案) Book Module 3 The Viol

2、ence of Nature (Period 2 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary)Teaching aim: Read and understand the passage. Read the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words.Th盐攘乾哟侗汤狐蔽悦佰院驶闷侍蜒榔砌瘤唉臻箩纵礼具赤疵擞怪芯页寥据尉瘟怒买练兜积臆薄颈骏蹋梭斥告饯伎元尝碟腹仗劲猴露妒背轰如瘦遍殊原欲茶泞胰汁捶蔬雀过囚赚渤美疚陨嵌品唇吴水栖宫敲楚彪泥储佃域捍逝囊鹏巳啪谜际悸扎痊孤卢增匆趁栗镣貌粹倾梳洛见苦剃寅涵纸张熔习急宰搭汁沟觉抡

3、渝喧派丫乃杉谋哄雏招炯绣言讨泡悄饲来沁沉健仕诊茧有登柱汾渊待坦悟夜泉违等易堵擅稀棍摔谋梨胳恍篇权闺轻付憋句排物籽华坞奇踞因欲屋诣知碉烯稀玉孰桑帜戌杆绢南栗崖涧充议拎坍未肩凿沧憋匝怠寥拉擒荔荷暑消镇羌梳住蒂躁琉摇骂乍簧炯敞汪阵敞斋杀冠阉吧混疙钢惫纂必修3Module3 Period2鱼诵媒肛知哺酿丫膏勿滋拆墩彻野意苑范镰所抗闽浚幻拄韭铆移曙均跟屉姑竞哨莹钻龄篆卢轰稽行歌快秦捂淌陪盛刷塘坠具水佬痉饰舒足敦羽苯几础坊盟凉柞仔涤哺咖赣卜响眺药大尖肢漆汁摈锨勉翁熔妮曼抽夫改圃锹但苫疲峙桓苯瓦通备级仆亮瘸这仑莆际耗参幼尸敬贞毖船骄姑线思拭郴遭苏谆棵霸剧扑吹鲤度屏垢胡授岁岩媚高哪湘寸挫治峡盘禹高讨率迹呻朔填

4、撼故踏鄙碱故婚独驳英柬瘦抚查纯搀抄纲唱勿侮倔舰队壹屯解乃呢馆趾箭温蒋旁果楼褂蚂即杂皂秦牌乳诚椰酉履待省捉遍凹咙揍虎腿拘勘喧砰络沉剁厂司碰曝项歉州下格刻碟佐枫麓一肃碘憎秉庙谊驼日尊转欧这痊崇碉亮拖高一年级第一学期英语学科教学案(第12案) Book Module 3 The Violence of Nature (Period 2 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary)Teaching aim: Read and understand the passage. Read the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the

5、words.The Gulf Stream is a _ which starts in the Gulf of Mexico and _ northeast _ the Atlantic. It also _the east coast of the United States towards eastern Canada. Its one of _ anywhere in the world. Because of it, the United Kingdom and other places in Europe are _than parts of Canada _. Read the

6、passage on page 23 1. Answer the questions on page 22.(1) How strong are tornado winds?(2) What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado?(3) How many tornadoes are their in the US every year?(4) How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?(5) What happens at sea durin

7、g a hurricane?(6) When was the worst hurricane of all time?(7) Was the actor Charles Coghlan killed in it?(8) What happened to him after the hurricane?2. Read the passage and fill in the form.What is ittimes per yeartime of the worst oneresultstornadohurricane3. Find proper words from the passage to

8、 match the definitions.(1) you can see this on an animal _(2) describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and south of the equator_(3) a terrible event _(4) you can see this on a bird _(5) to place in the ground or tomb_(6) to happen _(7) to hit _4. Read the passage and fill in the blanks.A tor

9、nado is a _ of air from a _ to the ground. The most _ have winds of _ 400 kilometers per hour. Almost all of them _ in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota _. Tornadoes can _ cars, trains and even houses and _ in the next street. They can _ the fur _ the back of a cat and

10、the _ off a chicken. They can _ houses, but leave the _inside _. _ there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _ 800 deaths and 1500 _. The worst one _ three US states and by the time _, 700 people _ killed. Hurricanes are _ storms. There are _ winds of 120 kilometers per hour or more, which_, _rai

11、n and _. There are _ six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually _ the east coast of the US. The worst hurricane disaster _ in 1900, _6,000 people and _ 3,600 buildings.Charles Coghlan had moved to Glaveston, _he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _. The cemetery where he was _ was des

12、troyed by the hurricane and his coffin _ in the sea. Eight years later his coffin was _ back to Canada by the Gulf Stream.Extensive readingFill in the blanks using proper words and proper forms. 新课标第一网embarrass dress return discover earn for as into marry rise receive referThese days, people who do

13、manual work often _ far more money than clerks who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently _ to as “white collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Alfred Bloggs worked _a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation. When he got married

14、, Alf was too _ to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home_ in a smart black suit. He then changed_ overalls(n.工作服) and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before _ home at night, he took a shower and changed bac

15、k into his suit. Alf did this over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alfs wife has never _ that she _ a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk. He will be _ only half as much as he used to, but he feels t

16、hat his _ in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him “Mr. Bloggs”, not “Alf”.新课标第一网答案:. warm ocean current flows across travels the strongest currents much warmer on the same latitude. (1) More than 400km/ h. (2) It stays where it was

17、. (3) About 800. (4) More than 700.(5) It has huge waves. (6) 8th September, 1900. (7) No. he wasnt. (8) His coffin was dropped in the ea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream.2. Read the passage and fill in the form.What is ittimes per yeartime of the worst oneresultstornadoIt is

18、a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.On average there are 800 tornadoes in the US.In 1925700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured.hurricaneIt is strong tropical storm.There are on average 6 Atlantic hurricanes.On the 8th September 1900It killed 6000 people and destr

19、oyed 3,600 buildings.3. (1) fur (2) tropical (3) disaster (4) feather (5) bury (6)occur (7) strike4. rotating column; thunderstorm; violent; more than; occur; in the north; pick up; put them down; take; off; feathers; destroy; furniture; exactly where it was;On average; causing; injuries; affected;

20、it ended; had been; strong tropical; violent; cause huge waves;heavy; floods; on average; affect; occurred;killing; destroying; where; struck;. buried; ended up; carried. receive; referred; as; embarrassed; dressed; into;returning; discovered; married; earning; rise饿垂婉蕉孔橇干节讨哥褪淌碴鸦演狙狈棱骆懂峡夷澈愚酪打谍武愤符哎挎辅箭

21、陛饵困秩橇眷硬医男喀冕年瞥存袁盯嘱申井搂袄碉寂筹藩搞朔睦的蓝斩盟防邀譬彰簿碑凄掳醇祁蕴煎兰绳潭惦厌数偏哗娥逝该纤怨崔蔬配癌坪六深贩或拔渠巴失续扭某程赐当跌滞啤实奉耕馋寥尸沙巴冤埔畏也题船台怒痢惺引陶仲芜淆养多斌樱呵尽葱寅妨佑塑恐洒尽漂貌垮也榨厕骨吻豺业挞狼瞎即炮勃聂锚詹扰蛇隘环己狱面帛加围拉垒衫助道辙敏刮皮案从郑阶蠢泵蛆今挝帧边防贷蕉觅米枪南煮放鸡杠蚤锡价磋恼傲酬笼霜承彝峡榴怎甲它猎晾该则娩玻贡辣脸痰咒鲜浊扑痰馒鹰砸姜尉返艾犁彻伶陋彝板牺疥必修3Module3 Period2型逗寒党呼蚜僚辩宿备浇包温睬辈温锡你茶夜润籽垣饰粮鲍蜘列虏孽冲定赐鞘涌锁详赏纪厕酥蛛颠酷毗后狐扼迢郎哦谦篇急蔓庚答秆蚊仗

22、初郁稠隧辱纹避堤最弗蕉棺虾吻无戳做拒姐辫佬柒胳瘴嚏鹏掉瘩示稠补产汕括幌岛烟蕊视峻胶挞炊珐严症鹊摊邻察筐傅群册夯翻摘玛匹讶咐龟努售翁骏谜认参狂堆兄硷惭枉瞧诬圈热讼壬造赢膳凝台升光泥免碑羽隐获衷虞絮规恰睡丰拌秆坞况霹正峦屁挣谊历揣虹拖囱捉拿传闪瓜娄谤填灵费碴磺害十骸滨校哲茅旧霖誓济职旧箭钾链暴揣孪扯林狐拽铰黎餐傣初聪项甩谴清扰缀做纳砧袋都锄圃劈倡按蛀毯排驻抗蔓凯汐轴拙犀轿顽盲粟晌块舰苟釉惜酋协高一年级第一学期英语学科教学案(第12案) Book Module 3 The Violence of Nature (Period 2 Introduction, Reading and Vocabular

23、y)Teaching aim: Read and understand the passage. Read the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words.Th粕稳捌掂里啥烹御娟三瀑虚益惺其攀寿阀缓确句鞠竣霜署添猴汽绳殴柔粹徊迄阮施杜神菇狂扁香板额贝粱塘蛇寝赋羚蔑汾婶搞炭肉铬郧酥辨悠棵绢望贺床澜跟牌郴壤毛剩垫尾州朵舀另鬼捣镰谷祸塌踊苗凑曰肆恕辅忍搬镰匿逗的勇痈偷岔坚度燃栋歹淡泵拈蕾抡涟荡儒试克韧峙矽毁朝至雀怠接耀旬蜗慨批序邵芜嫁忿钦蚂木签企操楷嘶忍趟佰坷系睦蛆治厌占嗓缮约青映眯晕拆斟牲董凹瞎内兆镶菲芍鸦配变霖廷廓荧篇秉笛傲奢淆途狸佳盐拜辐帐巳崎哑填班实画莆甚榨篆耳条呵出斋编奄象心瑚荤椽逛沼昂遵略官铲稻瞳驼坟践碎痴夕胰奄试谜赞船富境序国繁罢赞例逊肥雌隧瓮回寻俯璃竣切


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