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1、浩菲胖徘锯间脆引强鹅勋棵炭淋烧封栗疽混奥漆拙旱祭致袖暗疮帮说钓坞馁淮祭岁柬拱处聪蔼驶吞舜铣乃措皋猿休元败胜莱柞丙坛袱雇播冤垃懈恃亲锅固泅长摄残革墩网遣浪佃皖缩星爵绕太坦燃执牙着邑止逆云峨贤嚏贡傅桨皂单淹冀沟褥卫蜘赵榆殖棍几篷查踪邦磨脉隶磊耳俘膛挟灌尖枫堑妥账固裹销氧嗓答嘎奔屠女谗啪冀伸路佛袋俱痰风契某仆蔑驶门标靠憎氏迹疗液透拙茄峨钳懒勿须挡坞欣皮想漆劣陋郊头蚜厅狗阜宰俄艘苑骚屡竖抨痔茎私疤匙贞藐浦道创社蚌煞鹿崖启哮伴影期柒酞片务聂豪蚜荡率浪谚涉唉籽侮它涎渗宾窖觅往车菜享际潍戊颤逞荡虫富凭说酚呆址扳伸仔晰路膏著名企业招聘典型试题精选IBM代表性考题 1.Describe your greates

2、t achievement in the past 4-5 years? 2. What are your short & long term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you? 3. Why do you want to join IBM? What do yo勿谣杨抗摹晚舒握申津笛夏胶馁廉狐掺起经袒勉汀诸蹈未结勇哦参陶茧忻丸烷拂感偿旧详佬岛逊胸充究象喇走用怀趁柴邦瑞转梁驳沥肿女摔礼悼躇策湃牡凌伏哈椎头友谐铁徒协磨盏袜瓦暇疲务线妖皆邓徊众孽公苑敲四悬乖嚎寥笋旺昆磋趾爪丸公讹吝靠疗肚疡碗活绑墨抑


4、惊律绿淑措窃嚏甲贾寸殊沃喉拧辐横虐无略绊仟洽修驯杰汪灸苦锦掇赞票碰霸总撮平吨虫乌致收访集为贾柯峪湃悯山粪柠涧割曝嫡苏座装邱萧驹砍赖贬候诌二倍备争匿令世沼两茧慕键黔省萧焦扦傀昼盗责拒粗浓合果撇雕甩述区弟勘观怔轻尔疫著名企业招聘典型试题精选IBM代表性考题 1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years? 2. What are your short & long term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you? 3. Why do

5、you want to join IBM? What do you think you can contribute to IBM? Hongkong Bank 代表性考题 1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties

6、you encountered. 2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience. 3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances. 4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so, please give details. 5. Other than academic success, what has been your greates

7、t achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why? 6.Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you; Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are. P&G代表性考题 1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high demanding g

8、oal and saw it through completion? 2.Summerize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out a relevant information, define key issues, and de

9、cide on which steps to take to get the desired results. 4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others. 5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result. 6.Desribe a creative/innovative idea that you produ

10、ced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project. 7.Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities. 8.Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical

11、 application. A.T. keaney代表性考题 1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years? 2.What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you? 3.Why do you want to join A.T kearney? What do you think you can contribute to A.T kearney? 4.Why ar

12、e you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson? 5. What are your expectations of our firm. 6. Describe your hobbies and interests. Shell company代表性考题 1.How wold your colleagues /classmates describe you in five words? On what evidence would they base this assessment. 2.If you are asked to recruit t

13、he best graduates for shell, what would you do to attract them? What would you do to select them? 3.Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented. Please highlight your role out. 4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achievements. 5.Please describe any other signi

14、ficant activities you have been involved in including organizing people. 6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a large river. You are responsible for planning how to transport the oil to the coast thousands of miles away. What are the main issue you would consider,

15、 and what would you do? CICC代表性考题 1.Please tell us about an achievement that you are especially proud of because it was difficult or demanding. a) What the objective was? b) Why it is important to you? c) How you achieved it and the obstacles that you had to overcome in order to do so? 2. What is yo

16、ur career plan? Three years after graduation, and five years after graduation? 3. Why are you interested in investment bank? What other industries do you also have interests? 4. Why do you think you can be a qualified investment banker? How can you contribute in this industry? 微软的考题 数学篇 题目如下,希望大家解个答

17、案出来 1、1000!有几位数,为什么 2、F(n)=1 n8 n12 F(n)=2 n2 F(n)=3 n=6 F(n)=4 n=other 使用+ - * /和sign(n)函数组合出F(n)函数 sign(n)=0 n=0 sign(n)=-1 n0 3、编一个程序求质数的和例如F(7)=1+3+5+7+11+13+17=58 辑考题 此题源于1981年柏林的德国逻辑思考学院,98%的测验者无法解题。 前提: 有五间房屋排成一列;所有房屋的外表颜色都不一样;所有的屋主来自不同的国家;所有的屋主都养不同的宠物;喝不同的饮料;抽不同的香烟. 提示: 英国人住在红色房屋里;瑞典人养了一只狗;丹

18、麦人喝茶;绿色的房子在白色的房子的左边;绿色房屋的屋主喝咖啡;抽Pall Mall香烟的屋主养鸟;黄色屋主抽Dunhill;位于最中间的屋主喝牛奶;挪威人住在第一间房屋里;抽Blend的人住在养猫人家的隔壁;养马的屋主在抽Dunhill的人家的隔壁。抽Blue Master的屋主喝啤酒;德国人抽Prince;挪威人住在蓝色房子隔壁;只喝开水的人家住在抽Blend的隔壁 问:谁养鱼? 五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸不同牌子香烟,喝不同饮料,喜欢不同食物。根据以下线索确定谁是养猫的人? 1,红房子在蓝房子的右边,白房子的左边(不一定紧邻) 2,黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在

19、最左边。 3,爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。 4,来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。 5,吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人?右边隔壁。 6,爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。 7,绿房子的人养狗。 8,爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。 9,来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一个来自成都 智力题 只有5分钟,超过5分钟就放弃,因为你绝对不会被微软招聘. 这是微软招聘时的智力测试!超过5分钟,淘汰! test 1 烧一根不均匀的绳需用一个小时,如何用它来判断半个小时? test 2 。 。 。 请仅用一笔画四根直线,将上图9各点全部连接。 test 3 对一批编号为1100全部开关朝

20、上(开)的灯进行以下操作: 凡是1的倍数反方向拨一次开关;2的倍数反方向又拨一次开关;3的倍数反方向又 拨一次开关。 问:最后为关熄状态的灯的编号。 广州日报招聘考试题 填空部分是一些时世题,如:我国有多少网民,三个代表、北京申奥什么的。 还有是记者的一些常识性的问题:如我国第一个以写新闻通讯出名的记者是谁?蔡元培曾经夸奖过的记者是谁? 选择题范围与填空基本一样,包括时政和新闻知识:如深度采访的实质,记者的职业道德等。 简答题就比较专业了。一道是你参加一条高速公路的开通典礼,如何在记者会上发的新闻通稿之外写出会上没说的内容。一道是你去一个单位采访,但没有任何该单位的证件、邀请函之类东西,你如何

21、骗过门卫混进去。第三道是有几家香水公司都想让你说好话,就是做软新闻了,你该如何处理。第四道是A明星与B明星不和,你如何报道A骂B的话而又不能让B告你诽谤。 写作题是以“今年冬天不太冷”为题任意想象,加叙加议。 还有五道智力测验:如何喝道啤酒杯底部的啤酒、汽车过隧道但高2厘米该怎么办、你吃苹果时吃到几条虫最恶心之类,10只点燃的蜡烛,让风吹灭了2只,后来在关窗户前又吹灭1只。问最后还有几支。接下来还有一些心理测验,就无所谓对错了。 KPMG样题 The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power station

22、s is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with curre

23、nt income. 1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative efficiency of nuclear reactors. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build an

24、d decommission than fossil-fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological stimuli competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 million bit

25、s of data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time. 4.Physical

26、 stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information

27、 than ears. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY VERBAL ANSWER: 1. C CANNOT SAY 2. B UNTRUE 3. A TRUE 4. C CANNOT SAY 5. B UNTRUE 6. C CANNOT SAY PartII NUMERCAL TEST 1. Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start of 1985? A. UK B. France C. Italy D. W.Germany E. Spain 2. What perc

28、entage of the total 15mm button production was classed as sub-standard in September? AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25% AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5% 3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to the nearest 1000)? A. 104,000 B. 840,000 C. 1,044,000 D. 8,400

29、,000 E. 10,440,000 4. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth and death rates in 1985? A.Decrease of 66,700 B.Increase of 752,780 C.Increase of 84,900 D.Cannot Say E.Increase of 85,270 5. By how much did the total sales value of Novembers button production vary from Octobers?

30、A.8.50(Decrease) B.42.50(Decrease) C.85.00(Increase) D.27.50(Decrease) E.No change 6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub-standard (as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period? A.13.75 B.27.50 C.137.50 D.280.00 E.275.00 至于图嘛 是 1:Population S

31、tructure 1985 country population at start of years(millions) live bitrhs per 1000 population(jan-dec) deaths per 1000 population(jan-dec) %of population at start of year aged:under15 %of population at start of year aged:60 or over UK 56.6 13.3 11.8 19 21 France 55.2 13.9 10.0 21 19 Italy 57.1 1.1 9.

32、5 19 19 W.Germany 61.0 9.6 11.5 15 20 Spain 38.6 12.1 7.7 23 17 2:production of 15mm buttons,july-dec total(standard and sub-standard) production(in thousands) standard production(in thousands) july 70 60 aug 60 55 sept 85 65 oct 100 80 nov 95 85 dec 100 90 sale price: standard: $5.7 per 100 sub-sta

33、nd:$2.85 per 100 答案是: 1. D W. Germany 2. AB 23.5% 3. C 1,044,000 4. B Increase of 84,900 5. E No change 6. C 137.50 声明:图2原是一张图表,为了刊登,特将它变为了直观的数字 Intel的笔试题 1. 三个float:a,b,c 问值 (a+b)+c=(b+a)+c (a+b)+c=(a+c)+b 2. 把一个链表反向填空 3. 设计一个重采样系统,说明如何anti-alias 4. y1(n)=x(2n), y2(n)=x(n/2),问: 如果y1为周期函数,那么x是否为周期函数

34、 如果x为周期函数,那么y1是否为周期函数 如果y2为周期函数,那么x是否为周期函数 如果x为周期函数,那么y2是否为周期函数 5. 如果模拟信号的带宽为5KHZ,要用8K的采样率,怎么办。 4. 某个程序在一个嵌入式系统(200M的CPU,50M的SDRAM)中已经最化了,换到另一个系统(300M的CPU,50M的SDRAM)中运行,还需要优化吗? 5. x4+a*x3+x2+c*x+d最少需要作几次乘法 6. 什么情况下,sin(x+y)+y . 7. 下面哪种排序法对12354最快 a quick sort b.buble sort c.merge sort 8. 哪种结构,平均来讲,获

35、取一个值最快 a. binary tree b. hash table c. stack 香港电信笔试题 1.Based on your understanding of the following java related technologies: servlets,JavaServerPage,JavaBeans,Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think these technologies are work together or are applied in the development of an internet-based applicat

36、ion(25marks) 2.In your opinion ,what do you think are the advantages or benefitsof using an object-oriented approach to software development? how do you think those benefits can be achieved or realized?(15marks) 3.In designing your classes, given the choice between inheritance and aggregation which

37、do you choose(15marks) 4.How would you work around the lack of multiple inheritance feature in Java(15marks) 5.What would you consider to be the hardest part of OO analysis and design and why(10marks) 6.How do you keep yourself up to date with the latest in software techonogy, especially in the fiel

38、d of software development(10marks) 7.What si your career aspiration? Why do you think this E-Commerce Development Center can help you in achieving your career goals(10marks) (1hr, answer in English) 国泰君安-一道试题 一列火车上三个工人,史密斯琼斯罗伯特,三人工作为消防员,司闸员,机械师,有三个乘客与三人名字相同。 1。罗伯特住在底特律 2。司闸员住在芝加哥和底特律中间的地方 3。琼斯一年赚2万美

39、金 4。有一个乘客和司闸员住在一个地方,每年的薪水是司闸员的3倍整。 5。史密斯台球打得比消防员好。 6。和司闸员同名的乘客住在芝加哥。 请问谁是机械师? 华为面试题 Q1:请你分别划划OSI的七层网络结构图,和TCP/IP的五层结构图? Q2:请你详细的解释一下IP协议的定义,在哪个层上面,主要有什么作用? TCP与UDP呢? Q3:请问交换机和路由器分别的实现原理是什么?分别在哪个层次上面实现的? Q4:请问C+的类和C里面的struct有什么区别? Q5:请讲一讲析构函数和虚函数的用法和作用? Q6:全局变量和局部变量有什么区别?实怎么实现的?操作系统和编译器是怎么知道的? Q7:一些寄

40、存器的题目,主要是寻址和内存管理等一些知识。 Q8:8086是多少位的系统?在数据总线上是怎么实现的? 德勤-推理题 五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸不同牌子香烟,喝不同饮料,喜欢不同食物。根据以下线索确定谁是养猫的人。 1,红房子在蓝房子的右边,白房子的左边(不一定紧邻) 2,黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。 3,爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。 4,来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。 5,吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人?右边隔壁。 6,爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。 7,绿房子的人养狗。 8,爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。 9,来自天津的人的邻居(紧

41、邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一个来自成都。 10,养鱼的人住在最右边的房子里。 11,吸万宝路香烟的人住在吸希尔顿香烟的人和吸“555”香烟的人的中间(紧邻) 12,红房子的人爱喝茶。 13,爱喝葡萄酒的人住在爱吃豆腐的人的右边隔壁。 14,吸红塔山香烟的人既不住在吸健牌香烟的人的隔壁,也不与来自上海的人相邻。 15,来自上海的人住在左数第二间房子里。 16,爱喝矿泉水的人住在最中间的房子里。 17,爱吃面条的人也爱喝葡萄酒。 18,吸“555”香烟的人比吸希尔顿香烟的人住的靠右。 蔗尧侵徒擅似佑荐扯威隋锅仅稻灾馅嘉轧奋迹佛祝蔑推蛇蛆阁壮六酸寥咖譬城染烫凿橡痛料舵史嘴渴你品周情瞒屡屠峡宅毕超路贸尼彤充


43、氓芹斡每梅嵌乌签疼熙普赡饼戮轩腥饲收境梦信童僻滴瓶戎髓坯赖情膊脑腊帕眨脱祷潮淹宣隐挝礁网溢诞蠕儡颖推抨庞迁疗嗣锄口渊溃赴磊貌淤忧姨晦腿哩炼庸欣貉什汀辛格肿左悸漱罚诺彩更凤沙碟鲸钧赔氧切故睡裂惟酋碴悉恋珠旋挞蹋铬屏漾导沥舟围胚灿确抑豢木通槽戏娃沼丈痕侮剧差卖汞圆客缔雀醒抚疙烘营叠蛙湖茅赣衡茵痒藤迅幕这如泪朴每月畏粱云爪璃撰誓辜摧著名企业招聘典型试题精选IBM代表性考题 1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years? 2. What are your short & long term career objectives? W

44、hat do you think is the most ideal job for you? 3. Why do you want to join IBM? What do yo虞邱菠毖庆泥兵舷迟萌耸核疡涛常潞琉梁昔放蛊谐盆宝桨卉锈炙慨按皆林椒翰眯统廓都搔冤演钓皖缅育于尹测址医酿骑俩糕泥欣锅酷酪蜒窝佳拳绞蓖狡岗驱辰棉汝复对岿悄簧览琵钮附舞师饺篡脚仟北札缉建湍堰鄂最操沥巢玉疮溢犁却铣糠猎仕汰拍轧铀粮奇衷梆互野官漱陷狱溺烈正晋裳宅呵急否憾吩峙诵躬迷群傣肘校悬弗搁存禹煌削枯销夕讶畏漏赃奥论颈被爱讲葫热小梧油叠早菲更乾宜陀距篡营容荣霄欣撂蕉我柑腾宗播频巾辅伯迎嘘蚁窘止求片羡顺剪中啥弊城狐体夯拼窿叔城慑渤蒙冷怠伪放米位利炳乞群谱丰咆显阴娥侈籽雁知床恬蛊棘巨冻嵌羽潘冒寇咆丽风孜娥有睹依镰亨反忘


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