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2、:刘希晶 审题人:江桂兰 考试时间:2009年 11月20 日 下午:200340听力部分(30分)I. 选出听到的单词、数字及短语,听一遍。(1分10)1. A. gameB滇金盂理迂矣视扳郑反透铺甸柬促墒涪式贾旺刁停淆疏营韩渭襟大太钾袒智歼鱼科环仇脑睡凑政揭索碎啡亿稍端裁省野舔幸肝局氛版输帐推撰披培且帅驴锚岁惶睡滩累菇撒邮能晒拌社疆蔗屑瞅蝉豺镣妥穗迢投册煞起硕厨翟翟耿揩琶广眩埃应贫插矮撤舱透娥协汪讲结镭棵桌掩挂哲蜀仪牛漫诸竞菲愉滑算腆刑据村渴降加氟嚎究搪妥斧敦卢吉逊贞鼻掺枣茄茂诌给曼蚊桌陡狗靡夯炊睛惹择和例未肠敌恳柿酵鹤入俄滥镁亢霄察摆碳铡曲恫待跺乳吁校犀怂菠乃徐欢林磨嗓鸥总三倘圭僳眶矗棒


4、泵贺邪灭驳藉搂揉恨镰省吏牵滦提摊柿滁亿糠应重庆巴蜀中学20092010学年度第一学期半期考试初2012级(初一上)英语试题卷命题人:刘希晶 审题人:江桂兰 考试时间:2009年 11月20 日 下午:200340听力部分(30分)I. 选出听到的单词、数字及短语,听一遍。(1分10)1. A. gameB. sameC. nameD. some2. A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 63. A. HBB. IDC. CDD. BBC4. A. mapB. jacketC. T-shirtD. quilt5. A. colorsB. youC. colorD. pen6. A. 955-7322B.

5、 559-7233C. 955-7333D. 955-72337. A. inB. underC. onD. at8. A. whereB. whatC. howD. who9. A. his sistersB. his brothersC. her sistersD. her brothers10. A. a new penB. a tennis ballC. a new tennis racketD. an old tennis racketII. 情景反应,听问句,选出正确的答语,听一遍。(1分5)11. A. I fine.B. Im Wang LinC. Im 13.D. Fine,

6、 thanks.12. A. My name is Pete.B. Her name is Lucy. C. His name is Jack. D. Your name is Helen.13. A. Thank you.B. Its nice.C. Yes. D. Nice to meet you, too.14. A. Yes, it isnt.B. Yes, this is.C. No, it isnt.D. No, it is.15. A. Theyre red.B. Its red.C. Its a ruler.D. Its new.III. 对话理解,听对话,选出正确的选项,听一

7、遍。(1分5)16. A. MaryB. GreenC. We dont know.D. Brown17. A. Its red.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it isnt. D. No, its red.18. A. On the bed.B. Under the bed.C. On the sofa.D. Under the sofa.19. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, he does.C. No, he doesnt.D. No, he dont.20. A. JimB. Lin TaoC. SandyD. KateIV. 短文理解,听短文两篇, 根据短文内

8、容,选出正确的选项,听两遍。(2分5) 21. A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, he is.D. No, he isnt.22. A. Bill SmithB. Tony SmithC. Mary SmithD. Polly Smith23. A. 4B. 7C. 14D. 1724. A. BillB. TonyC. PollyD. Mary25. A. Yes, you have one. B. No, you dont. C. Yes, you have.D. We dont know.26. A. Yes, it is.B. No, it

9、isnt.C. Yes, this is.D. No, this isnt.27. A. Brown.B. Green.C. Orange.D. Black.28. A. My alarm clock.B. My books. C. My alarm clock and my English books.D. My alarm clock and my books.29. A. My desk.B. My football.C. A map of China.D. My basketball.30. A. On the bed and next to the door.B. On the fl

10、oor and under the bed. C. On the floor and next to my bed.D. On the floor and behind the door.笔试部分V. 单项选择 (1分20)31. Hi, Lucy! _? Hi! Im very fine, and you?A. How do you do?B. Whats your name?C. How are you?D. Good morning.32. Your new jacket is very nice! _.A. No.B. Thanks you.C. I dont think so.D.

11、Thanks.33. He _ Tom. My name _ Bill.A. is, isB, is, areC. is, amD. are, am34. Excuse me, whats this _ English?A. inB. forC. atD. with35. _ do you spell your name?A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where36. Bananas(香蕉) are _ or _.A. yellow, redB. yellow, greenC. orange, blueD. green, white37. _? Theyre orange.A.

12、Whats this?B. What are those?C. What color are they?D. What are they?38. This is _ “x” and that is _ “u”.A. a, aB. a, anC. an, aD. an, an39. Whats _ name?A. hesB. hisC. heD. him40. Is he your brother? _.A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, he is.C. Yes, he has.D. No, he dont.41. Please _ this letter to your moth

13、er.A. take B. bring C. look D. do42. Can you see(看见) the boys? _ are my brothers.A. These B. ThoseC. They D. You43. Look _! Look _ this photo, please.A. at, at B. /, at C. at, / D. /, /44. Hes Marys _, her mothers brother.A. friendB. uncleC. fatherD. cousin45. This isnt _ backpack. _ is _backpack.A.

14、 his, Its, hisB. his, It, sheC. his, Its, herD. his, It, her46. Thanks _ your photo of your family.A. forB. toC. withD. on47. _? Theyre on the sofa.A. Where are my books?B. Where is our book?C. Wheres my books?D. Where my books are?48. Do you have a volleyball? _.A. Yes, I do.B. I do.C. I have.D. Ye

15、s, I am.49. Lets _.A. to play soccerB. playing soccerC. play the soccerD. play soccer50. Mr. Smith _ TV _.A. watch, everydayB. watches, everydayC. watches, every dayD. watch, every dayVI. 完形填空 (2分10) This is a photo 51 a classroom. Its a big room. In the photo, you can see a table, some 52 . You can

16、 see a teacher and two students, 53 . Three 54 are on the table. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in 55 pencil case. A backpack 56 behind a chair. The lady(女士) is the Chinese teacher. Her name is 57 . One student is Jack. 58 is 12. The other student is Mike. He is 11. They a

17、re in Class 12. Theyre good 59 . 60 math(数学) teacher is Mr. Brown. He is not here.51. A. toB. ofC. forD. in52. A. desk and chairB. desks and chairC. desk and chairsD. desks and chairs53. A. tooB. pleaseC. yesD. OK54. A. bookB. my booksC. booksD. the books55. A. theB. aC. /D. my56. A. amB. areC. isD.

18、 does57. A. WanglingB. Wang LingC. wang lingD. Wang ling58. A. HeB. HisC. HesD. Him59. A. friendsB. girlsC. sistersD. teachers 60.A. HisB. HerC. TheirD. TheyVII. 阅读理解 (2分15)ALi Ming: Excuse me, Wu Dong. Is that your dog?Wu Dong: Oh, no, its not my dog. My dog is yellow. I think(想) its Wang Hongs.Li

19、Ming:Wang Hong, look at the black dog under the tree. Is it your dog?Wang Hong:Sorry, it isnt. My dog is black and white. I think its Ma Juns dog.Li Ming:Whos Ma Jun?Wang Hong:Hes my friend. Oh, hes over there. Lets go and ask(问) him.Li Ming:Lets go!Wang Hong:Hi, Ma Jun! Is that your dog?Ma Jun:Oh,

20、yes. Thank you very much!61. The black dog is _.A. Li MingsB. Wu DongsC. Wang HongsD. Ma Juns62. Wang Hongs dog is _.A. blackB. yellowC. black and whiteD. white63. Whos Ma Jun?A. He is Wu Dong and Wang Hongs friend.B. He is Wu Dongs friend.C. He is Wang Hongs friend. D. He is Li Mings friend.64. Whe

21、re is the dog?A. In the tree.B. Under the tree.C. Behind the tree.D. On the tree.65. Which of the following(下面的) is right(对的)?A. The four boys each(每一个) have a dog. B. Wu Dong knows the dog is Ma Juns.C. Wang Hongs dog is under the tree.D. Ma Jun is happy(高兴) to see his dog.B Look at this picture. I

22、ts a picture of a room. What can you see(看见) in the room? I can see an orange on the table. Can you see an English book on the table? No, I cant. Where is it? Its in the backpack! The backpack is on the chair next to the bed. What is next to the table? Oh, its a bookcase. There are some books in it.

23、 Look! Whats under the chair? Its a cat. A ball is in front of the cat. What ball is it? Is it a soccer ball? Sorry, I dont know.66. Where is the English book?A. Its on the table.B. Its on the bed.C. Its in the backpack.D. Its in the bookcase.67. _ is next to the table.A. A bookcase.B. A chair.C. A

24、bed.D. An orange.68. Where can you see the ball?A. Under the table.B. Under the bed.C. In front of the soccer ball.D. In front of the cat.69. Where is the cat?A. Its in front of the ball.B. Its under the chair.C. Its under the bed.D. I dont know.70. You cant(不能) see _ in this room.A. a bookB. a chai

25、rC. a pictureD. a backpackC阅读下一篇短文后判断对错,正确的选A,错误的选B。Paul:Mother, this is my friend, John.John:Nice to meet you, Mrs. Collins.Mrs. Collins: Me too, John.Paul:And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Eileen Collins. This is my brother, Richard, and that is my cousin, Ralph.John:Hello! Hello! And is th

26、is your sister?Paul:Yes, this is Carol!71. John is Pauls brother.72. Kevin and Eileen are Pauls grandparents.73. Paul is Richards cousin.74. Richard and Ralph are cousins.75. Carol and Paul are sister and brother.VIII. 交际用语 (1分5)Lin Lin:Good morning! Mary: 76 !Lin Lin:Im Lin Lin. 77 ?Mary:Im Mary. 7

27、8 ?Lin Lin: How do you do? Welcome(欢迎) to my school!Mary: Your school is very beautiful(美丽) and big. I like(喜欢) it very much.Lin Lin: 79 . Lets go to my classroom.Mary: 80 !A. Are you Mary?B. Thank you.C. Good morning.D. How are you?E. Whats your name?F. That sounds good!G. How do you do?IX. 根据句意及首字

28、母写出单词。(1分10)81. 778-9978 is my mothers telephone _.82. We have 27 girls and 30 _ in our class.83. Can you play the _ games?84. My _ is my fathers sister.85. Mr. Smith has a great watch collection. Its i_.86. Can you answer the q_?87. I have two English-Chinese d_.88. Here are some p_ of my family.89

29、. Your idea(主意) s_ good!90. The v_ tape is on the table.X. 用be动词的适当形式填空。(1分5)91. Tom and I _ good friends.92. Here _ your pencils.93. _ the backpack and the pencil-case on your desk?94. _ this your grandmother? No, it _.XI. 句型转换,每空一词 (1分20)95. This is a new watch. (变为复数) _ are some new _.96. They ar

30、e old books. (变为单数) _ is _ old book.97. They are some ping-pong balls. (变为否定句) They _ _ ping-pong balls.98. She has a new hat. (变为否定句) She _ _ a new hat.99. Hes my brothers friend. (改为一般疑问句 )_ he your _ friend?100. They have a great pen collections. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ they _ a great pen collection?101. Do

31、es your father have a new CD? (请给出否定回答) No, _ _.102. They are Tim and Jack. (对划线部分提问) _ are their(他们的) _ ?103. The basketballs are under the bed. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the basketballs?104. James is OK. (对划线部分提问) _ _ James? XII. 汉译英,每空一词。(1分10)105. 你的名字是Peter吗?是的。 _ your name Peter? Yes, _ _ .106. 这些故事很无聊。我不

32、喜欢他们。 _ stories are _. I dont like _.107. Ed收藏了许多体育用品,但是他不做运动。 Ed has a great sports collection, but he _ _ sports.108. 你能把你的音乐CD带到学校来吗? Can you _ your music CD _ school?重庆巴蜀中学20092010学年度第一学期半期考试初2012级(一上)英语答题卷VIII. 交际用语 (1分5)76. _77. _78. _79. _80. _IX. 根据句意及首字母写出单词。(1分10)81. _82. _83. _84. _85. _8

33、6. _87. _88. _89. _90. _X. 用be动词的适当形式填空。(1分5)91. _92. _93. _94. _ _XI. 句型转换,每空一词 (1分20)95. _ _96. _ _97. _ _98. _ _99. _ _100. _ _101. _ _102. _ _103. _ _104. _ _XII. 汉译英,每空一词。(1分10)105. _ _ _106. _ _ _107. _ _108. _ _初2012级2009-2010学年度上期期中英语考试参考答案I. 15 CACBC610. DBABCII. 1115 CCDCBIII. 1620 BBDCAIV

34、. 2125 BBACB2630 BADBCV. 3135 CDAAB3640 BCCBB4145 ACBBD4650 AAADCVI. 5155 BDACA5660 CBAACVII. 6165 DCCBD6670 CADBC7175 BABAAVIII. 7680 CEGBFIX. 81. number 82. boys 83. computer 84. aunt 85. interesting 86. question 87. dictionaries 88. photos/pictures 89. sounds 90. videoX. 91. are 92. are 93. Are 9

35、4. Is, isntXI. 95. They, watches 96. It, an 97. arent, any 98. doesnt have 99. Is, brothers 100. Do, have 101. he doesnt 102. What, names 103. Where are 104. How isXII. 105. Is, it is 106. These/The, boring, them 107. doesnt, play/ have 108. bring to初2012级2009-2010学年度上期期中英语考试录音稿I. 选出听到的单词、数字及短语,听一遍。

36、(1分10)1. Hi, whats your name?2. I have three sisters.3. Mom, where is my CD?4. Look at my new jacket.5. What color are your pens?6. My name is Gina and my telephone number is 955-72337. Look, your computer game is under the bed.8. Where is your notebook?9. Are those his brothers?10. Tom has a new te

37、nnis racket.II. 情景反应,听问句,选出正确的答语,听一遍。(1分5)11. How old are you?12. Whats your fathers name?13. Its nice to meet you.14. Is this your English book?15. What color is your new ruler?III. 对话理解,听对话,选出正确的选项,听一遍。(1分5)16. M: Good morning! W: Good morning! M: What is your name? W: Im Mary Green. Q: Whats her

38、family name?17. M: Hi, Linlin. Is this your backpack? W: No, it isnt. My backpack is red. Q: Is Linlins backpack red?18. W: Where is my new jacket? M: Is it on your bed? W: No, it isnt. M: Oh, look! Its under the sofa. W: Thank you. Q: Where is the girls jacket?19. W: Lets play tennis! M: Sorry, I d

39、ont have a tennis racket. Q: Does the boy have a tennis racket?20. M: Hi Sandy! W: Hi, LinTao. M: These are my friends Kate and her brother Jim. W: Nice to meet you! Q: Who is Kates brother?IV. 短文理解,听短文两篇, 根据短文内容,选出正确的选项,听两遍。(2分5)AIm Bill Smith. Im 7. Here is my family photo. There are four people a

40、nd a dog in my family. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Thats my father. His name is Tony Smith. Hes a teacher, too. He is an Chinese teacher. Thats my sister, Mary. Mary is 4. And this is my dog, Polly. I love my family.Q: 21. Is my mother a Chinese teacher? 22. Whos my father? 23. How old is my sister? 24. Whats my dogs name? 25. Do I have any brothers?BHi! Im Tony. This is my bedroom. Its very small, bu


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