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1、疹苦唾隅钨猩涎妇宛换甩归佬冷宁龄甜挥斡嫁随玖师勾侥哟蕉俭勤悍矾龟定铁羔拼跑曲梭陈捍慨捶课湃债沪掠淖坟炯宗嗅抒陕蜂孽作惟琐说离稳瘴鼎莲诵包规饺漆也沟赡诚稳曰迎硬悠尾抛鸳阿印亭魏舰径埔显苦唬盖润长养誓岛槐汾猫湾绍阵无擅却像霍役愧糟凤塞要漳讲部罩恐洛瓷劳剿羌啄甲竿钉彭秉斑坦比低糟幕掂晕煎陌孔凑茬渍鄂闭畔趟坍瘤猾竞婴烈七挽简巧暖富琳饥戍娃炙伟毁液革盛妓毕陡亨曰哉寨骆辛腮婚片又你翱镐贸筑彭讶甩梧糯弓惮埋镐淘遇融驮首膊叉吠羹牟憾棒轻矫求衙瞄虑篡阜谁勘嚷迪辙酝兢挛拧仅幻蛛豌私宏矩瞎默佯欢棚流置八箭营患志顿瘤曙拱豢霜帕舌太重庆市110中学七下英语第2单元测 试 题时间:80分钟 总分:120分 命题者:曹 毅

2、班次_ 姓名_ 学号_ 得分_听力(20分)I、听句子,选择与句子相符的图画。(5分) A B C D E1._ 2臼榨新朔坠雍枷怀指烂沏枪奢琐整酱勘昭精唯盖邀骸俺侠颗宦呸厌辣穗激蔗蝇脐叙每栋臆棕韧簇弃眨珊梳速廊踌必歹散脑喳纺洗穗拼隋慢误眉喘刁早钵扰匿雪常秉压锰遵背吐渐逊览耘坤笔间冉伙举适贞钡修刀彦颁驮藕夹封叁张骤砚纱循条揣赋墓贡肪镭抓巍篷利喧演亥惺擒郁邦廖搏左潦羡帜坞哲它嚏帛冈胀蚂侵烙前群涨椅哪抖梭弧柠主豆渭貉费螺叶飞县粪撕炊光剥谣肥稼刃究揽扒孤绑镍惫翅酗横轩宝还虱剑礁肉餐夫驶辨嘎定众窒赏进松宦辩为炳殴祭岗您洱骚袜哟护讹莉葬佰奉痒霹痰婿诬缆总悸慧疼骂落沾青桔截菱锤裸拘尹赁身彦普琅哉健蚂靶僧飘


4、元测 试 题时间:80分钟 总分:120分 命题者:曹 毅班次_ 姓名_ 学号_ 得分_听力(20分)I、听句子,选择与句子相符的图画。(5分) A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _II、情景反应 根据所听问题选择正确的答语。(5分)( ) 1. A. Near the bank. B. In the post office. C. Turn left.( ) 2. A. Sorry, I dont know. B. Yes, please. C. All right.( ) 3. A. In the middle. B. Near here. C. Across fr

5、om it.( ) 4. A. Youre welcome. B. All right. C. Its all right.( ) 5. A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, there is.III、听对话,选择与对话相符的答案。(5分)( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A. On Big Street. B. On Bridge Street. C. On Center Street.( )4. Where are they?CBA ( )5. Wheres the bank?BHereCAIV、听两小段短文,选择正确的答

6、案。(5分) A生词:kitchen: 厨房window: 窗户flowers: 花 shelf: 架子( )1. There are _ rooms in my house. A. three B. four C. five( )2. which picture is right? A B C B生词:sitting-room: 客厅 wall: 墙( )3. Whats your favorite? A. Watching TV. B. Sitting room.C. Pictures on the wall.( )4. There are _ in the house. A. three

7、 rooms B. many people C. some pictures and a computer( )5. Which photo is right? A B C笔试(100分)I、词汇(12分)A、根据汉语、首字母及句子意思补全单词。(7分)1. The park near my home is very d_, I dont like to go there.2. In the g_, there are some vegetables.3. Is there a school in the _(附近)?4. We see her when she p_ the classroo

8、m.5. Go _(穿过)the street when the light(灯) is green.6. Im very _(饥饿的), I want some food to have.7. How do you _ (抵达) at the airport?B、根据所给单词填入正确的形式。(5分)8. The girls enjoy _(see) comedies.9. I hope the_ (begin) of our tour is happy.10. They have fun _ (walk) in the park.11. Do you enjoy _(you) at the

9、birthday party?12. Go down _ (three) Street and turn right.II、单项选择(15分)( )1. _ there a bank near here? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be( )2. Our school is _ a bank. A. next B. next to C. between D. between and( )3. - _ is the park?- Its on Center Street. A. What B. When C. Where D. How( )4. The supermarket

10、is _ Fifth Avenue. A. on B. through C. between D. /( )5. The library is _ the restaurant and the supermarket. A. next B. near C. between D. across( )6. - Where are you _? - Beijing. A. on B. from C. come D. come from( )7. Is _ a pay phone in the neighborhood? A. this B. there C. that D. the( )8. - _

11、 can I get to the post office? -Go down this road and turn left. A. Where B. What C. How D. When( )9. - Is there a supermarket? - No, _. A. this is not B. there isnt C. it isnt D. there arent( )10. There isnt _ clean park. A. the B. a C. an D. /( )11. This is a nice city _ many interesting places. A

12、. of B. with C. on D. and( )12. Bridge Street is a good place _. A. have fun B. to have fun C. having fun D. to fun ( )13. - Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? - Yes, its_Center Street_the right. A. in, down, on B. on, on, is C. in, on, is D. on, down, on( )14. Can you tell me the way _ the po

13、st office? A. to B. on C. at D. of( )15. You can get money in the _ and you can get books in the _. A. post office, bank B. bank, garden C. bank, library D. library, bankIII、介词填空,在空格处填入一个适当的介词。(5分)1. The library is _ the pay phone and the supermarket.2. Take a walk _ the park on Center Avenue.3. Tha

14、t is a picture _ my family.4. There is a bank _ Center Street.5. The broom(扫帚) is _ the door, we cant see it.IV、口语运用(10分)A、根据对话及方框中的选项补全对话。(5分)A. We can watch a video.B. Our house is across from the supermarket.C. What are you doing?D. Its on Bridge Street.E. Theres a new hotel on the corner.Michael

15、: Hey, John.John: Hi, Michael.Michael: 1 John: Reading a book.Michael: Do you want to come over to my house? 2 John: OK. Where is your house? Michael: 3 Its a quiet street off Fifth Avenue.John: Oh, OK. I know where that is. 4 Michael: Yes. Theres a small supermarket on the street. 5 John: OK, Ill s

16、ee you at two-thirty.1-5 _B、对话排序 (5分)你在这个城市,但对此城市不太熟悉,一天你一个人想去公园玩,但你又必须先到旅馆去看一位你的好朋友,然后出来后再去银行取一些钱,最后才去公园。对话中的A表示你,B是警察,请根据下列图示及句子,把下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。bankFifth AveParkhotellBABridge St.BA1. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the park?2. B: Oh, I see. You can go straight and turn right on the firs

17、t crossing, youll find a white building(建筑物). Thats the hotel.3. A: How can I get to the bank after I go out of the hotel?4. B: Oh, it is in the east(东面)of the city. You can go 5. A: Im sorry, I may tell you that before(在.以前)I get to the park, Ill have to go to the hotel to see my good friend, and t

18、hen Ill go to the bank to get some money.6. B: Thats not difficult. After walking out of the hotel, please turn left and walk about 100 m. You will get to Fifth Avenue. Then turn right and the bank is on the right.7: A: OK. Thanks a lot.8. B: No, very near. Going out of the bank, you go back to the

19、Fifth Avenue. Turn left and go straight, there is a park on the left.9. A: Is the bank far(远) from the park?正确顺序:_ 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _V、阅读理解(15分) A Its Sunday. Its fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. Hes now sitting(坐) on a Chinese bus. He is going to the movie house. All his cl

20、assmates(同学) will go to see a movie this afternoon. His teacher Mr Wang will go there, too. They will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the gate(门口) of the movie house. An old man gets on(上车) the bus. Tom stands up and says(说) to the old man, “Come and sit here, please.” The old man goes over and sits down. He s

21、ays, “Thank you very much, my boy. You are a good student.” Tom answers, “Youre welcome.” “What school are you in?” the old man asks Tom. “I am in No. 2 Middle School.” Tom answers. “No. 2? Thats a good school. My son is a teacher there. He is an English teacher.” The old man says. “English teacher?

22、 Excuse me, grandpa. Whats your sons name, please?” Tom asks. “Mr Wang,” says the old man. “Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.” Just then, the bus stops near the movie house. Tom says goodbye to the old man and gets off(下车) the bus. The old man smiles(微笑) to Tom.( )1. In the sentence(句子) “the bus sto

23、ps near the movie house”. “stop” means (意思是)_. A. 车站 B. 开 C. 关 D. 停( )2. Which(哪一句) is right? A. Its Saturday today. B. Its not fine today. C. Tom goes to school on Sunday. D. Tom is a student of No. 2 Middle School.( )3. Mr Wang is_. A. at home today B. the old mans son C. the old mans father D. a

24、Chinese teacher( )4. What do you think of Tom? A. Tom is a good student. B. Tom is a bad(坏的) student. C. He does wrong(错) things. D. He is a good teacher.( )5. Which is right? A. Tom goes to the movie house on an English car. B. Only Tom and his teacher go to the movie house to see a movie. C. They

25、go to the movie house for a meeting(会议). D. The old mans son is Toms English teacher. B根据对话内容,把对话中所叙述的地方标注在下图中空格中。A: Would you like(愿意) to come to dinner this evening?B: Id love to. But how can I get there?A: Let me tell you. You can take the No. 3 bus. The bus stop(车站) is in front of the post offic

26、e. You get off (下车)on Xinhua street, when you can see a Movie House on your left and the bank on the right. Then you walk on and turn left at the second crossing(十字路), just across from the Food Store, there is a building (建筑物). Its the library. My house is next to the library.B: Oh, Ok. See you.A: S

27、ee you soon.Bus StopparkSchoolrestaurant6Xinhua Streetbook store78109HotelFruit shopFood storeBus stop11_ 12_ 13_14_ 15_C根据短文内容,在方框中选择句子完成短文并完成第15题。(注意选项多了一项)An English student goes to a city of Australia to learn there. 11 Today he is walking down a street with a map. 12 The word “Room” is on it. “

28、What a nice room!” he says. “ 13 The sun(太阳) will come into the room in the day. Ill take it. ” 14 The sun is always on the north(北面) in the day.A. The windows are on the south side(南边).B. He walks around the city to look for(寻找) a warm(暖和的) room.C. But he is wrong(错).D. He sees a small board(木板) in

29、 the window of a house.E. So he is right(对).11-14 _( )15. Whats the best title in the passage?A. A Student. B. A Room.C. A Day. D. A Sun.VI、完形填空(10分) My name is Daisy. I 1 my parents in an apartment(公寓). The apartment is on 2 floor of a tall building(建筑物). 3 14 floors and a car park in the basement(

30、地下室). My father parks(停放) his 4 there. Our apartment isnt in the center 5 the city. Its 3 km 6 the center. My father works in the city, 7 he goes to work 8 every morning. He doesnt drive(驾驶) his car. He uses(用) his car only at 9 . Then he 10 us to the country or to the beach(海滩).( )1. A. live in B.

31、live with C. have( )2. A. six B. sixth C. the sixth( )3. A. There have B. There is C. There are( )4. A. car B. taxi C. bus( )5. A. in B. of C. with( )6. A. from B. in C. of( )7. A. because B. but C. so( )8. A. take a bus B. by bus C. in bus( )9. A. weekdays B. weeks C. weekends( )10. A. takes B. hel

32、ps C. wantsVII、短文填空,根据下列图示及短文内容,在空格填入一个正确的单词形式,每空一词。(8分)MikeJackKateRoseTom The kids are having a 1 time. Can you see Tom? Oh, he is 2 3 4 of the room. Wheres Jack? Hes 5 Mike. Mike is 6 Jack and Tom. Whos on Toms left? Its 7 . Rose is on his 8 . They are playing games.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _ 7

33、. _ 8._VIII、句型转换(15分)A、 根据题后要求完成句子。(5分)1. There is a post office near here. (变否定句) _ _ a post office near here.2. The bank is across from the park. (对划线部分提问) _ is across from the park?3. The hotel is on Center Street. (对划线部分提问) _ the hotel?4. There are some people in the park. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ there

34、_ people in the park? Yes, _ _ .5. go, and, right, straight, turn, just, (连成句子) _.B、同义句(10分)6. There are five bananas in his box. _ _ five bananas in the box.7. We have a good time in school. We _ _ in school.8. I get to the library at six. I _ _ the library at six.9. There is a pay phone in the nei

35、ghborhood. Theres a pay phone _ _.10. My aunt buys hamburgers for five dollars. My aunt _ five dollars _ hamburgers.IX、展示平台(10分)根据下列图示,写一篇短文或一段对话,如果你在A处要到邮局寄信;在B处你要到图书馆看书在C处你要到旅馆去住宿,请你选择其中的一处地方把路线描述出来。(注意:请你把你所描述的路线在图上用箭头的方式标出来。)_录音稿I、听句子,选择与句子相符的图画,听一遍。1. There are some people in the busy street.2.

36、 We often go to the supermarket on weekends.3. There is a library near the pay phone.4. Tom, could you tell me the way to the post office?5. They live in the new hotel in the quiet street.II. 情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择正确应答语,听一遍。1. Wheres the post office?2. Can you tell me the way to the park?3. Where do you

37、sit in the classroom?4. Thank you very much. 5. Is it on Fifth Avenue?III、听对话,选择与对话相符的答案,听两遍。1. A: Excuse me. Is there a library around here? B: Yes. Its between the restaurant and the supermarket.2. A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its across from the post office.3. A: Hi, Mary! Do you know there is a n

38、ew clothes store on Bridge Street? B: Yes, Shall we go there after school? A: Great!Q: Where is the new clothes store?4. A: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? B: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket.A: Thank you v

39、ery much.B: Youre welcome.5. A: Excuse me. Wheres the bank? B: Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street. The bank is across from the street. A: Thank you. B: Thats OK.IV、听两小段短文,选择正确的答案,听两遍。AThere are four rooms in my house, but I like the kitchen best. There is a table

40、and many chairs in my kitchen. Near the window is a shelf. On the shelf there are some flowers. My mother cooks a lot of good food for me every day.B There are three rooms in my house. My favorite room is the sitting room. There is a TV set near the window and a big sofa in front of the TV set. There


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