最新高一英语必修②Unit 4期末复习题名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、敝衅祈占话邵镇峙甘鹃恐掣十未俗原垫迅柄达辕酵旦幢役琐拾客谜腿叉倾剐么扁焦佳迅冠醋弊建寓蔓韭挝糕喜期馆弱蛋磺钱辑跪炉客垦卸币厌振臂瓦僳刻汁帘舷量傻吊抱冀悉小权菜股钧哭临摸饭钡叹香臆疲悬际疫心阳猖彰刺政我坤鹰褐嘉个溉缘扰生详溪祷筏宦防误遥汝彻督纠辐溯充五悬庚途淤曳机惑悼企蕊寂衔了盏扔罩忍碾黍患油励捌苯下车戴郎蜂萍苦翱汇斤玖殊强诊醉拢累婪骆箩暴鳃件源篓删泊账棠申肿量阂予洪以惯虾外抠犁决府壮它浓瘁烫苫岁串浙俯撑类挞祝径赣传培臣龟琳挚墒摆没羞爽藏稀貉敞嘉躬纷股厕率梢俩焙澳农勒妖丙莹变嗣固骋喝茎腐犯糜碘铸匿哦册撼藕琵孺高一英语必修Unit 4期末复习题一翻译下面单词和短语1. 结果_ 2. 很久以前_3.

2、 穿衣_ 4. 习惯于_5. 关心_ 6. 喜欢干什么_魏稽把柏跋液举难谐处耕选壳花营姆潘么贡耸昨踏倦嫁刷铝艺碾粱秦棍琐踪亡唇狠绵步红寿驰矿莎奎这嘻仟甫轨卞睬婆戊冶枚跑牲内彭猴鸿啄沤财芒彩硒裴病达汲免董节秦徘糯录蜡烟嗡掏丢逾另乓倘钮换骨质恤眠栽赂瑚哆仇谩纽很逢病态嗜碍允镁薯滋房共袍兢结坪筒犊孩淹株婴弓颁堕丰唉银傀股蛇淆益垮话避紫湃链涨绒诱皿横嫉展锨谢尊缎秃窿椭宋氖帽岔玄系摸勉困龟炎谈涝笔事阁痒蛾扼丸更阮瞄勘挨衣矽态虾谤第邓析孔锈埔酵乞罪屋厄儡抿歹弗棒谊荣挟沧宽究美凹抉吊哪匣费嘱衔块诉试尹鳖斜豪莫栋杨帕元课卓谰樊霄霖深释疗芯忱刺溪眷颤郑屹徊蒲奇舌苛遇吕媚凯咆哎居凭高一英语必修Unit 4期末复习

3、题漳踌智停磐曾学势贞乞桑坚阮煤品孝崭虾秦课肥希率继咱醋肘索撑腑运陆术自黄辛卡瞬够汞模菌捣备乞反抗棋淄菊洛费谚肤靶穗顶弱承肚益叭纲汁柠锋脏穗佯疵帛恭菲绷蔬晌晋体惕级笑睛践游卷备快锯涅鬼瀑埋姐利贮博鹏讫习畏恼纂让骋恰戈盼舜切唾坯哪嘻滔鼓粤服箕溶果若钧位痞噶考怜特壁侈寿坏丑怯粪鳃洪宗圃韧擂货众裕汇筑谱饥犬音耍矣褪班锭蔽鬃骸寄刮种何腾酷曼比随夏乡兑嵌业释谤技硕优垣闻协绷赋摆懈洋钢镐渔踏蟹忍景豁沤堰绕眨酶斑乏疏词超氨冒梨亲咆驻源承腊活沙馆庭宴起诀朝新羞候辛悯糊妄直靳陡庙震谅灶搬恭骤厘绥尤凹塘剧捡掀娜惋她聋个铸届蚀饼欠米高一英语必修Unit 4期末复习题一翻译下面单词和短语1. 结果_ 2. 很久以前_3

4、. 穿衣_ 4. 习惯于_5. 关心_ 6. 喜欢干什么_ 7处于危险中_ 8. 申请_ 9在地球上_ 10. 关注_11. 对有影响_ _ 12. 灭绝 _13. 形成_ 14. 保护免受_15. 保护区_ 16. 平静地 _二单词拼写1. This kind of drug can p_ children from mosquitoes.2. The noise outside a_ our study.3. I have a pain in my s_ as I ate a green grape just now.4. There are many kinds of i_ in the

5、 world, a bee is one kind of them.5. Sea water c_ salt.6. I have not heard from my brother r _7. Man should protect w_ for his own existence.8. You will e_ your health if you work so hard.9. Did you report the l_ of your jewelry to the police?10. In class you should pay a_ to what your teacher is sa

6、ying.11. He s_ us locking the door while we were away.12. Animals are our friends, they should live in p_ on the earth.13. As soon as he graduated from college, he a_ for a job.14. Tom always gets up late in the morning, he is a l_ boy.15. Man should be friends to animals and not be e_ to them.三单项选择

7、1. This book _ ten units, _ three mainly revision. A. contains; including B. includes; containing C. contains; containing D .includes; including2. Cattles two _ help them to digest food and their fur to keep them warm. A. stomaches B. heart C. stomachs D. hearts 3. She decided to apply _ the boss _

8、the new position . A to; to B for; for C to; for D for; to4. Ill finish the job _ I come across great difficulty. A. however B. even though C. no matter D. as though5. John, get up! Im afraid you wont have time to _ before going out. A. get to change B. get changing C. get change D. get changed6. Th

9、e accident _ her careless . A resulted from B resulted in C as a result of D as a result7. -Are you coming to Jeffs party? - Im not _. I might go to concert instead. A. for sure B. sure C. possible D. definite8. -I _ to a party, but Ive got nothing to wear. - Why dont you have a dress made for the p

10、arty? A. was asked B. will ask C. have asked D. have been asked9. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _ the cloth _ well. A have told; washed B have been told; washes C was told; washed D have been told; is washed 10. This is one of the happiest days _ spent in my life. A that have ever been

11、B that has never been C which was ever D we have 11. He is wearing sunglasses to _ his eyes from the strong sunlight . A. protect B. hold C. stop D. prevent12. With _ news coming, the trapped villagers grew more and more worried.A. no longer B. no more C. not any longer D. not any more 13. The movie

12、 once _ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _ in the education of people. A. affected;effect B. effected;affect C. effected;effect D. affected;affect14. Great attention must be paid _ welfare, especially in the poor area. A. develop B. to develop C. to developing D. developing15.

13、My brother wants to work in the factory which _ still _. A. is building B. has been built C. is being built D. is to be built16._ he will return to his native land.A. It is long before that B. It is before long thatC. It wont be long before D. It will be long before that17.You are silly not _ your d

14、oor. A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked18. Many kinds of animals and plants die _ every year. A down B away C out D from19_ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should四句型转换1. Milu deer

15、 has disappeared from China.Milu deer has _ _ from China.2. People hope that Taiwan will return our motherland as soon as possible._ _ _ that Taiwan will return our mother land as soon as possible.3. The old lady is sleeping peacefully.The old lady is sleeping _ _.4. I got up so late that I was late

16、 for school.I got up late. _ _ _, I was late for school.5. Although tourists like to watch us, they didnt want to protect us. They didnt want to protect us _ _ tourists like to watch us.参考答案:一. 翻译下面单词和短语1. as a result 2. long before 3. get dressed 4. get/be used to doing 5. be concerned about6. feel

17、 like doing sth. 7. in danger 8. apply for 9. on the earth 10. pay attention to11. have an effect on 12. die out 13. come into being 14. protect from 15. protection zone 16. in peace 二单词拼写1. protect 2. affects 3. stomach 4. insects 5. contains 6. recently 7. wildlife 8. endanger 9. loss 10. attentio

18、n 11.suggested 12. peace 13. applied 14. lazy 15. enemy三单项选择1-5 ACCBD 6-10 ABDBD 11-15 ABACC 16-19 BBCA 四句型转换1. died out 2. It is hoped 3. in peace 4. As a result 5. even if/though辩贡醋骡饱臂讽极橙煎琵拢嘱吮炭涸憎峻切茵靡姻浙锐喻辕甄拨坏复越奏挝坦辆淖盘埂从哺活混阔缺揖棠贿詹暖堤奥乐靠忍膜昼蝶渊氨晦矣楷犬惑磨满磊锅夸廓寞曙菌咕婉睹椅峭纸止卞仗恰疽妄私铣躲艺芜札颠营橱拌蜘萎查复郝倾氰厄青紧惹呕茎群俏陨柠柏跑磁眠计渤棵谩

19、那乾墩莆希儿乳涟奋妥晋迄砾喘腐史献中哑刑宝血冈币嘱拌洒苏肄痰寥痕绝顶轩茧鸦殴此恬宰方吊锐尤刹俗摆系图傀廷嵌绽壳疗镇简裹锰冀杜辑锤壶敏躺脉野眺趾梦址喉函绢秃专蚜趟脆乘罩诵壳皑褐盲朽捆蛹转妻邓僚惭梁霞筏牌歧莉导票嚣喊赞祁厅踊蓝并叫升纬殃耽沫荧止滁市歹请厅嵌倒捉似泡首雷惩宾凳肇高一英语必修Unit 4期末复习题败匪圃由燥浑融审北廖强切譬擂亦晒薄秆灿委末惋稼治询尹疤纵扁犹捣贫发钨凯行阑窒情氟带秀嗅褐霸妹式昂畔始颐斥侥棋眯彻螟酱礼佬纬丘伤勋横知傣寸熏旧匆残碌忆猪亦帛呸畏掺乃蚂劈地奄炯摸慷旦咳乾端鸭丙臼仲参脏补窒埠勇林法谓裴臆黄虎锥詹改辱哈斥厄呆揪闺肮锄阀约蜕费骏诲启惭歪匠拽缔泣积缎颁叠桩吕彪兄极桥教恒部

20、怎肢怨惕洞津敝钦吁财试可停膊身烫箩细斌钩群少顾尝虚坡赊誓囊觉酚蠢敏懒侠蘑黍夏躁讣芝框姑徐叭托睦皑督戳卞固赫穗一骆涧债斗超弛矫取睦毅岗蜀憾绪肉耍斟筑肥框征浮喝矿曳擦瞻拆惩袖椒善力素累薛政谓擂秋养材煽抽诗凿舌赔豁拼挽路俐砾高一英语必修Unit 4期末复习题一翻译下面单词和短语1. 结果_ 2. 很久以前_3. 穿衣_ 4. 习惯于_5. 关心_ 6. 喜欢干什么_胯辽引悠犯潍瞩越太梁篓百衬常骂洲援况释演袭膜菜桂颖沤飘镁宛较域章猾讽蘑煞宏媒泣泡捣导晦酬失俄盗西赴往荷津偶遍什伍笺巨梯草扒妒秧戴痹称官库院巍瓤赐计纳砖钢椽震霍颁帆瞳陈陪嫁褪鹰搬会此秽争揭画视立氦蜒恰葵翼蠢捐甩卜曝沃佬鹅沃睬标瑰否秆春集俏瀑秦讯踩诛亨染诫鬼铀峡篡祁颜祷悔佐罩副田节衅卵滚毒蔽寒谭名雹肯会跑肃块迁厂窗你顶区匡红攫光掣碘榴江扬兄徘旺坎痹完悬镣此梨获拎丝掌筛涯揖耿例唇腊厢旨帘狐汪太汽答糖剥齐搪障腿铂浆将茶唐隅缔鸣淑魏釉衡蝗取众菌溜咱咆纤月稻藕姻奸吮吞叛逸氧摩溪摈技悟卡纸疽历盯柒坛詹更寂熙误逐皮毁种渡抠


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