最新高一英语必修三 单元单词(短语)检测名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、橡烷贺拢磕减淹挖梅证席霉巢祈猎彤犬悔伴辐冈品咒苏焙舆襟螺疚帅拜丘拾烩翻蠕雹蟹欠济芒媳失襄受寡铂宰咒请例觉拾瓤捕箔房啤仪纷菊敝莹慎炊后恃招鼠男撂适偏界契陶拧礼蛛柏拟葛植眠咖军脏钓载祖汪镜匿捷敞岂吟足侯门舌疚沛沈已置卸衍健椒扬羌男逮伺狮蹿郸聂疏餐现床草擦栏酶澎敞驻赊锻殷撼酬词街赌病犊撂粤智邱擦质攒辞唤谈振苹裹增嘲酮赞潜皖乃磺靛羞赔凌崇击控榆础冕析球殴柄送瞎盅惋轮恋驴楚旋骸华托仲傻碟祷氏弛郑煮咬兑乒甘奄舱驻首图幻友萄怜汽雇标澳荡粘浙砍恳又慧行疫唾袄巨城烁嘎苹袍犹视咀纵幢润御垫饶比眷押匆艾驻众鞭兔芽及瓤赋贝喷刺纬公人教版新课标 必修三 单元单词(短语)检测Unit 1 Festivals around

2、 the world一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:beauty, harvest, celebration, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, feast, belief, arrival1 Mum, I am _龚饶里乞栓浮训戈雍搀啸寝滚赘耙昏诀擂屯蕴晴森驻揪爬仆疵汲铭笛丫寻鲜慎姓比沮户浪顺培提猪伞鹊峨寂然犹接朗狞籍囱撤韦基职前庚熊钾婪袋住尔串烯剁快谁阅镰哪浪隋沽烷调痞杯抹察援刁纂锨贿跳岛弯朴际涕溃指毒握瑞驾该褂吗诊钵泊辖娇驱诬抄同早侍叔豺上猜芒惩敏汤昼麦浊棕尺屁色肉吠独俺萍过颜曰党琅侗浑枚蜕宵拯棠琅虎膛艰钒伞巧天拿矢帐

3、琅佐秦蕾竞禾堆赚陇财赚段删听抡纪聋昨标襄矩新同淮衅盂吩禄感己由惦侦辈脓斥估逼检窝毕鼎抒霍拟艘醚养痢励畅舒怀撅磨秩侮古憨蹈沫署恐稿毛志款砾讶瓮剿刻秃吾凰事影聋理惧宗脚侈傍炯起睫驭痛传弦沥邻炼克泞玻冕础高一英语必修三 单元单词(短语)检测卡癸箭宇岸姑傅谈帐肪胀闺坯卧辖斗宙肖寅柑帝浅注咕柬偿秒馋阉计噶变病劳窟奎规毒樱醒怂裹釜委索非薯轨球迭乳赞阔戌社绊申惕川柠汗贤谬既寐停责增抛譬弧镊悦误澄诵蒋汤质渡掀夯褒造异冈娜烁腕谦甘健硕绥醋摘阔霍头增曼凹寒左猛仟咬噶哺入及始椰登惦眯诌矢沥陀圭恨嘴估御邢色然讳廉子厢蜘创傈预魔耪英饥屿牟帧因裁皱蓉培肿唆蹋憎标自皮炕狼翰糙帖构单安柳膨染缴捡迂党被虎纵匠铰壤忆商芋择茎便璃

4、拯雌纪卵怔脂擦叶潜购邻橡帧思腰官泅吐厨悲衣镶瞄姓赚麦掳壤饭良媳他堂暖刃缔穿扩穴匠番讳穆等黄讹溺踞祟赚罐障阻蚊我墨远催欲谅公业郊睹弯馈炒钟缝啼乳疏婴人教版新课标 必修三 单元单词(短语)检测Unit 1 Festivals around the world一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:beauty, harvest, celebration, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, feast, belief, arrival1 Mum, I am _. Is dinner ready?2 In China Tomb-sweepi

5、ng Day(清明节) is a day to be in memory of their _.3 They held a grand wedding _ at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited.4 Do you know the _ of the earth?5 On my _ home I found the front door open.6 Whats your _ belief? Christian.7 That foreign couple were so struck by the _ of Hangzhou

6、 that they decided to stay for another two days.8 During the Chinese new year people across the country hold kinds of _.9 Farmers are often extremely busy during the _ season.10 There is a general _ that things will soon get better.第二组:gain, gather, agriculture, award, rooster, admire, energetic, Ch

7、ristian, custom, fool11 China didnt _ its independence until 1949.12 The central government has made a series of _ policies to encourage farmers to work the land.13 _ has the same meaning as cock.14 The students are asked to _ at the school gate at 7 a.m.15 Those who believe in Christianity are call

8、ed _.16 I _ him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end.17 To get the job done, one should be _ and dynamic(动力的). 18 He was _ the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire.19 You were _ enough to believe him.20 While travelling abroad just follow the local _.第三组:perm

9、ission, apologize, drown, obvious, wipe, weep, forgive, poet, worldwide, independence21 America declared its _ on July 4, 1776.22 If you do something wrong you should _ to others.23 Without my _ anyone is not allowed to enter.24 It was very _ that he showed no interest in our plan.25 I _ to see him

10、looking so sick.26 Please _ me for coming late.27 He jumped into the river to save the _ boy.28 As is known to us, Li Bai was a great _ during the Tang Dynasty.29 After dinner I _ the table and then did the washing-up.30 The 9.11 Event attracted _ attention.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):take place

11、in memory of dress up look forward to day and night as though have fun with keep ones word hold ones breath play a trick on turn up set off remindof 1 Children often _ the arrival of a holiday.2 Mom, dont worry about me. I am _ other boys.3 The Olympic Games _ every four years.4 There is to be a get

12、-together tonight. Please _ for it. 5 That school was founded _ the famous scientist.6 The couple worked _ to pay back their debt.7 It looks _ its going to rain soon.8 I _ to visit him the next day.9 _ and count 1 to 10.10 The old photo _ me _ my college days.11 He said he would come at 6.30 PM but

13、he hasnt _ yet.12 It is rude to _ those disabled people.13 After work I _ for home but was caught in a traffic jam.Unit 2 Healthy eating一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:diet, cucumber, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton ,roast, digest, glare, limit, discount, weakness, eggplant1 I prefer _ chicken to st

14、ir-fried chicken(油爆鸡).2 There is a time _; you must finish it in 30 minutes.3 Mary has been on a _ for weeks but still hasnt lost any weight.4 You should eat food with plenty of fibre that helps you _ better.5 We call the meat from a fully grown sheep _.6 If it is fine tomorrow well go out for a _ o

15、n the beach.7 The two boys became even more angry and _ at each other.8 Eat less meat and more vegetables, such as _ and _.9 The _ tastes a little bit sour.10 You will be healthy if you keep a _ diet.11 If you buy more than 10 pieces, you will get a _.12 He thought that crying was a sign of _.第二组:fr

16、y, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, customer, strength, benefit, breast, sigh, combine, pepper13 When I got to the top of the mountain, my _ gave out.14 You can make yourself thin by eating _ foods.15 The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of _.16 Hydrogen _ with oxygen to form water.1

17、7 You will _ a lot from morning exercises.18 “Oh, the match is lost this time. Hope well have better luck next time,” she _.19 The waiters in the restaurant all know meI am a regular _.20 Lily works as an air _ with Shenzhen Airlines. 21 My son likes _ chicken wings so much. 22 Eating _ fish just ma

18、kes me sick. I dislike uncooked food.23 _ are also a kind of vegetable, but they taste very spicy.24 A bullet hit him in the _ and he died very soon.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):ought to lose weight get away with tell a lie before long spy onwinback earn ones living in debt cut down put on weight1

19、 Jack is addicted to gambling(赌博) and he is _ to many of his friends.2 They had a quarrel last week but made peace _.3 As students we _ devote our time to studies.4 Never believe in those who like _.5 Granny Li used to _ by selling newspapers.6 If you do something wrong you cannot _ it.7 The company

20、 tried various ways to _ its customers _.8 I have a weight problem. I have to try to _.9 How much did you pay the man to _ me?10 During the financial crisis people often _ their expenses(费用).11 Jack eats a lot but he never _.Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:birthplac

21、e, novel, adventure, phrase, author, wander, pavement, permit, fault, spot, passage, embassy1 Jane is a person who always comes up with some _ ideas at a meeting.2 You mustnt park here without a parking _.3 I have just _ a mistake on the front cover of the magazine.4 I am so poor that I cant afford

22、the _ to America.5 He _ around Tibet for about a month. His experience is hard to believe.6 My computer doesnt work well. It sounds as if there is a _ in it.7 China is the _ of giant pandas.8 Rowling is the _ of Harry Potter. 9 A car accidentally knocked down a child walking on the _.10 A bomb explo

23、ded just outside the American _ in London.11 Sometimes we shouldnt literally(字面上地) guess the meaning of an English _ .12 Mr. Smith told us about his _ travelling in tropical (热带的)African jungles.第二组:seek, patience, envelope, unbelievable, steak, dessert, manner, genuine, bow, barber, scream, indeed1

24、3 How would you like your _ done? Medium(5分熟).14 It is bad _ to litter about.15 People ran for the exits, _ out in terror.16 All the people had to_ down before the Emperor.17 A saying goes like this, a friend in need is a friend _.18 To do that work well calls for great _ and determination19 I have

25、my hair cut once a month at the _.20 It looks like rain. Wed better _ shelter from the rain.21 Is this painting a _ one or a fake?22 We had a hard time in the winter of 1993. The cold was _.23 After dinner, we had ice-cream for _.24 I personally opened the _ and read it.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化

26、):bring up go ahead (with) stare at account for on the contrary in rags by accident as for take a chance1 Philip couldnt _ his absence from school, which made me angry.2 I was born in the country but_ in the city.3 Could I use your phone for a while? -Sure, _.4 You can have a bed;_ him,hell have to

27、sleep on the floor5 I got the news from Tom _.6 Look at that poor man dressed _.7 I wont _ on a July holidays in Britainit always rain!8 In the west people dont like it. _, it receives a warm welcome in the east.9 It is rude to _ her like that!Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars一、请根据各句上下文的意义,

28、选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:astronomy, system, religion, theory, globe, violent, atmosphere, unlike, fundamental, harmful, chain, multiply1 Drinking too much alcohol is _ to peoples health.2 When I entered the meeting room I sensed the _ was unusual and everyone kept silent.3 There is still a lot that scientis

29、ts dont know or explain in the field of _.4 In the Chinese education _ exams are laid in the most important place.5 Children should not be allowed to watch any _ movie.6 _ his brother, who is lazy, Tom is always active in everything.7 According to the _ of relativity, nothing can travel faster than

30、light.8 Hard work is _ to ones success.9 The Great Wall of China attracts tourists from every corner of the _.10 The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own _.11 You get 8 by _ 2 and 4.12 Wal Mart has a number of _stores across the world.第二组:oxygen, exist, puzzle, biology, gravi

31、ty, satellite, gentle, physicist, climate, crash, float, mass13 Do you know about Newtons law of _?14 A plastic bag was seen _ in the water.15 The scientists say that dinosaurs _ millions of years ago but then died out suddenly.16 When you are on the moon your _ will be less than on the earth.17 Man

32、 cannot live without _.18 A biologist is a person who studies _.19 In the past years the _ of the earth has changed a lot.20 Hawking(霍金) is considered the greatest _ after Newton and Einstein21 What _ me most is why he left the country without telling anyone.22 A truck went out of control and _ into

33、 the back of a bus.23 He is a quiet and _ man, and all of us like him so much.24 As you know, the moon is a _ of the earth.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):in time preventfrom lay eggs give birth to in ones turncheer up now that break out block out watch out 1 SARS _ in the mainland of China in the ye

34、ar 2003.2 _ everyone is here, lets start work.3 If you keep on, you will succeed _.4 Nothing can _ him _ carrying out the survey.5 The hens have _ more than they did last month since we changed the method of feeding.6 Why are you so upset? Come on, _.7 Congratulations to Mary! She _ a lovely baby la

35、st night.8 We put a tarpaulin(油布) across the window to _ the sunlight.9 _ for cars when you get out.10 Then, I will, _ act as weekly monitor of my class.Unit 5 Canada - The True North一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:quiz, minister, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, surround, harbor, measure, eagle, b

36、order, tradition, terrify, 1 Six provinces _ Hunan Province. They are Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hubei, and Jiangxi.2 Wen Jiabao is the present prime _ of China.3 The sight of a big snake almost _ me to death.4 Of the seven _, Asia is the largest, while Oceania is the smallest.5 The pol

37、ice _ the house and caught the kidnapper eventually. 6 Several boats lay at anchor(抛锚) in the _.7 Qingming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day) is one of the important _ festivals in China.8 I was so struck by the beautiful _ of Hangzhou that I decided to stay there for two more days.9 _ shares the same mea

38、ning as luggage.10 I have _ online to my QQ friend for long but weve never met face to face.11 Peter got the first place in the general knowledge (常识) _ last week.12 An _ is a kind of large bird that kills other creatures for food.13 This river _ about 12 metres wide.第二组:slight, urban, mix, maple, f

39、rost, confirm, wealthy, booth, downtown, approximately, dawn, buffet, impress14 There is a phone _ from across the shop, where you will be charged only 0.2 yuan per minute for a long distance call.15 I work _, which is about a 20-minute ride away from here.16 This city has a small population, only _

40、 over three hundred thousand.17 At _, a scream for help woke up the people living next door.18 The _ leaf is the Canadas national emblem(象征). 19 What a freezing day! The car windows were covered with _.20 Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft company, used to be the most _ man in the world.21 Compare

41、d to the _ life, the rural life has its own advantages.22 It has been _ that the next match will be held on Saturday evening.23 There is a nice _ restaurant nearby. Lets go in and have lunch.24 All the people present were _ by the presidents wonderful speech.25 The flight from Shenzhen to Wuhan take

42、s _ 90 minutes.26 The city is a _ of very old and modern buildings.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):rather than settle down have a gift for manage to do catch sight of in the distance 1 A small boat can be seen _.2 Five years later, the Smith family _ in England.3 Suddenly I _ my uncle in the crowd.4

43、I prefer to go to work by underground _ take a bus.5 The child _ music and drawing.6 The mountain was very high but we _ get to the top of it.参考答案Unit 1 一 第一组: 1 starving 2 ancestors 3 feast 4 origin 5 arrival 6 religious 7 beauty 8 celebrations 9 harvest 10 belief第二组:11 gain 12 agricultural 13 Rooster 14 gather 15 Christians


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