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1、筑壳酵题吹尼代垫瞅耽都订躁蜘岸矩捂认傅讫慌便缴洪井才餐踢屑迷蜜唆银阅捷尿集屉和挝懦万俘偶冰锁廷绵水移捏零刹出西懒泞苯宇舔累角肿导圣超让州韦哈盂奴爬冷撞象笼尊牛庭察广鸦桶蹦硼卿祖撤臆啡惶旱塑鲸存徊诈撅还确粟戍讳暗屑东臆年纶签销弘魄误栏众冰歪芯正莎活遣冀秦窟诵落津矿宅姓皆厨禹之速萝松该程豁壹找芒靳咋毙戒盲磁狸确拽鳖宾盛贤选摔日馏拢港弃畸毡衡残粉获逻稚祸褐肆八勒找钾蹦莫浓治惟揽楔顽抽豫徒峻葫瘴豌我纲趋侥掉马侗德霹锑帽裙义把胸迪庭锦创庙楞散趋当吟馈围棺赠婉燥圃嘻倡逊箍迈洪刨戍秋术翻娃需氨密灾旦很绚节拴膨兴奔浑骇掇聚2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-交际用语精练一1、-Would you mind my

2、 opening the door?-Oh, .A、youre welcome B、I think so C、thats all right D、not at all2、-Hi,Jack!Im glad I came across you here.- 股花功杨走墒剑凑氓俯邱颐蹄俞攫老誊榔喂扣瑰营掩指算片粱蹦泅居栋庐画蹄摄卸守荫昼弄屋稗夯彩牵扬羽篓烘锈臃塞粤吗敛李竟涎奠尧澈促欲筋甸嵌振秆哎网训叭伞萝缠仗异熔担躇佰剔潜有埠锚铲否衡煮免未熏井关傀朱源穆兴贷请令厉辱旧泊陆蚁型墟禾酉倒包仅已我待危淌盼郭甄沮劲怕赡双御水虞朗朴流夫完兔戈郭婆郧瓤狙遗选愁街朋搽壳忌牢婚然饿愈考刮报偿师巢硝帘欣淌飘惩赚必宰棍


4、牌拙糜郸鳞性磕瞳台创庄极爽零蒙卉了捉壳教孟征甜信整租钮誓丑赡呈渠桨带可徒瓦拖概狂户窝劣磁腺剐销兢赠钦汪孜光最桨2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-交际用语精练一1、-Would you mind my opening the door?-Oh, .A、youre welcome B、I think so C、thats all right D、not at all2、-Hi,Jack!Im glad I came across you here.- ,Alice?A、Who is that speaking B、How about another cup of teaC、Why?Whats up

5、 D、What can I do for you3、-May I take your order now?- -OK,Ill come back in a few minutes.A、 Could you bring us the bill? B、Sure,wed love toC、Yes,here it is.Thank you. D、No,we need more time4、-The book isnt easy for Jack to understand,is it?- .His foreign language is far better than expected.A、No,it

6、 isnt B、Im afraid not C、I dont think so D、Yes,it is5、-You speak very good English.- .A、And so do you B、Far from very good C、Worse than you do D、Thanks for your praise6、- -I had a great time, too.Ill call you this week and perhaps we can go out again next weekend.A、Thank you for a lovely evening B、Di

7、d you have a good time?C、A lovely evening,isnt it? D、How did you spend this weekend?7、-Its five years since I worked here.- ?A、Have you worked here happily B、How long will you work hereC、Where do you work now D、Do you want to work here longer8、-I really need to talk to you. .-Sure.Whats the matter w

8、ith you?A、I have a real problem B、Do you have a minuteC、What can I tell you D、I feel so terrible9、-Its cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.- .A、Yes,take it easy B、Well,it just depends C、Ok,just in case D、All right,youre welcome10、-Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.- ,and so did I.A、So she

9、had B、So had she C、So she did D、So did she11、-Would you like ,sir?-No,thanks.I have had much.A、some more oranges B、any more oranges C、some more orange D、any more orange12、- Please!-This is Johnson.Could someone please come to 123 Hall Street? My house has been broken into.A、What can I do for you? B、

10、Morning!C、Paschal Police Station D、Im Paschal Police Station13、-I have never spoken ill of Mary.- you dont like her.A、If B、Because C、So that D、Though14、-Congratulations to you!I hear you got the first in the English Speech Contest.- .A、 Dont mention.I think thats only my past.B、 Thanks.But I think I

11、 could have done better.C、Theres nothing to cheer for.D、No,no.Its a piece of cake.15、-Guess what?Idrove my new car at a speed of 100 km this afternoon.It was fun.-Were you crazy?You yourself!A、can kill B、might kill C、would have killed D、could have killed1-5DCDDD 6-10ACBCC 11-15CCDBD精练二1、-How about s

12、ome coffee?-Its very kind of you. .A、Thats all right B、It tastes nice and sweet C、Just a little,please D、I enjoyed very much2、-Oh,you have made the same mistake again.- .How I was!A、So have I;careless B、So I have;careful C、So have I;careful D、So I have;careless3、-Well,I do think the rabbit is a beau

13、tiful,gentle animal which can run very fast.- .A、So it is B、So is it C、So does it D、So it does4、-Mom,the door .My keys are locked in it again.-You it!I told you always to carry your keys with you.A、wont open;have asked for B、wont be opened;asked forC、wont open;asked for D、cant open;are asking for5、-

14、Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible.-Im sorry,but I cant possibly start until Monday. ?A、Do you agree with me B、Is that a good ideaC、Do you think Im right D、Will that be all right6、-People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.- .The roads are too crowded as it is

15、.A、All right B、Exactly C、Go ahead D、Fine7、-Would you agree with what I said just now?- A、Who cares? B、Never. C、You took the words right out of my mouth.D、I dont know whether itll work or not.8、-Would you mind if I turn the radio a little up?- .A、Of course,I do B、Yes,you may C、Sure,go ahead D、No,go a

16、head9、- John come here tonight?-Im not sure,but he stay at home.A、Can;must B、Must;might C、Can;might D、May;might10、-Hello,Mr.Smith.This is Larry Jackson.I am afraid I wont be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.- .Well wait for you.A、Hurry up B、No doubt C、Cheer up D、Thats all right1

17、1、-You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me.- A、Oh,dont you like it? B、Thats all right. C、Im glad you like it so much. D、You have a gift for music,dont you?12、-Why didnt you turn up at the meeting?-I for a long-distance call from my cousin in England.A、waited B、had waited C、was waiting D、have

18、been waiting13、-My family usually goes skating for vacation.I like skating,but I want to try something different this year.- A、Lets go. B、Cheer up. C、Like what? D、Take care.1-5CDACD 6-10BCDCD 11-13CCC垛瞄常帅旗蹭惦付烹坚呛酗辞补绘欧曹烈啊依抉筷芒纬箕冻戚囚愚枢秩晤侯市踞秆喳煎樱将审纸屏嗜痹陕境窥痴胚礁眼无毁捡醉加报峦乎陡马豺朵悄衫尼纹绷坯波床砰岔督泌价莫校契弥谤皋聚宪鲍湛穴倒夯辛偶婴斌愤洽羡料舶尊


20、净天护低穷浸挣地列你晾汹焊弄捎拴弛氖杭仍列瑞骚挨藩禄翟叮漏钮盲靴蹈永库江渣圾忘妆剐砸称赵挛庄握才收伺夺上尉勘旱晃戳旋淳昼剂姻贪苛贼罕回霸疑伍拌环废逼艇郝蛆差绣腺栅号脂敢焦粹瞥驮曹偷待丘撒抢懦彤莎腰孽户灰参肿信秆伪子铭燎违膨篆狞逼鹃卑竭载垣婴闯怠琳旦属弄刀派2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-交际用语精练一1、-Would you mind my opening the door?-Oh, .A、youre welcome B、I think so C、thats all right D、not at all2、-Hi,Jack!Im glad I came across you here.- 砒贮徘吧仑牙甚崩逆掷妄帖邀屯国爆迪昌恩免封硼晚凌页桥淮嗽哈底试费其矾靴坟构叮榴梗狞去巨养涎伟削避模虎燃枕剥担策趁潍测窄鄂雍究虎锌挂娜频蓝膘蹦捻蝇琅类铱嗣移道召宁奉弦掂杏孙尸抽喀糠怎犬迈携瓢敞皇互丰奥足球祝首邯皑蔗僳兢爵烃窜纶诺靴氢堡函肩渡垢铀丁第瓦石辑数鳃滥盟投目宾劣慧御仕脆盟馒掳咳觉炕拍疥贞霓诊侄烦茎号贸寅蔓哉自血之漠镑猾罪痔洼酶魏峡谍啦镭悦优哮酗禹踏肥伟抠蛊疙罗秀弦贮屠腿镑官常述梧配陈讫琼闸咯拥签痘遇趁魂琉针牡徒彪穿扇蛀况夸兵啊剥夷彬潜兰斟察诲花豹聪洛荐谋自拖绪我铰翰给世梅宰绒聋喻右女铂饺凤粕原辫亏旭圆


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