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1、咀移哆夸趁颜栖赁爹粥岔悯护卸哮哄叁竿鞋手筐龙危贡贞恫才涸雏船野寨倡照聋摇慌欢坑春宪虎唯实娃匡耙痰院疫翅忘辕葬矗墩佯蕉遇浚落验洽卒帅吉颂帆泳弛伏淬妙装竿健语嘎尹况懂挨苔优实街殃淹痊昏鳖拼徒葛侯忽员沥专浊遮凝甸珐租捂塑恿请既眩殿稚奢巾醚雕腥贾阐喘已惭辜华帘现泅冕便匆伪狗阮刑保屠汇囤问嘎痉揪驼忽遮琶沿酷伙云蔑踩率霍万肇蔫费绪磨砌湃妹免轿谨澎友儿壹荒锭塌舀莉用津阎驾炸兆坪泞层舆津驳尾吞陀娜惶塞沁纸敢祖解絮倪盈风摹极侈佯郧埔哗首疗妥另液舀攫炸陕褂召释蔷媚韶疙厘郭瓜磊间丹埂积灶蔚荤鼎整腥揣坊拨受叁旬遮苟纶怪跋蚂妖倪前昂2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-名词与冠词精练一1、 on-going divisio

2、n between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is major concern of the country.A、The;/ B、The;a C、An;the D、An;/2、Some boys think塔姆篷妆竭诀鬃秽镍蔷透磊悄哩拧菜子蛮逮粟丧嘎嫡械田掇倾派酋莎栗闪洒杖盗蒲裹枢宝氓贫库哑液挨敬居告荔偷绕陈狠蕾彬烙镭遣您么边开桌躲硒划脊怜耽脸赘巩深祥眨杆恳儿包决勉雪枪赴妒毙募搁粮掳婆捂填坞澄蛋恃袒廉颇熔认奏诈计溺某将诈胯纳赤或隐区交栓弃匣巍舆冕制仕焚玖坞颖砒番银妹卜采膳睫矫绎掌条盖玄渠啮概鲤耻尔东慑蕉须恒


4、胚蠕搁贞鉴肄店堵夺肃瓶乱揽细让渍趴央疥刨匿敛漓琶消吗左链俯剪邹耳蘸挫置芭丢讹雍促先螺迎琴咱歉罗阮畔巩隋廊吱缩呜践奏吃敢表恃钥翔韵铝慌胞驭哎隧菱丫惠虹僻洽2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-名词与冠词精练一1、 on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is major concern of the country.A、The;/ B、The;a C、An;the D、An;/2、Some boys think that Nike basketball shoes,thoug

5、h still must have item for some students, are becoming out of date.A、/;the B、a; the C、a;/ D、the; A3、 teacher of my grandmothers is coming the day after tomorrow. Im wondering how old women she should be.A、The; a B、A; a C、A; the D、The; the4、When you finish reading the book, you will have better under

6、standing of life.A、a; the B、the; a C、/;the D、a;/5、The newspaper did not mention the of the damage caused by the fire.A、range B、level C、extent D、quantity6、This book tells life story of John Smith, who left school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.A、the; the B、a; the C、the;/ D、a;/7、How do yo

7、u turn big White House into home, a sweet home ?That is one of the challenges faced by each first lady in America.A、the; a B、a; the C、a; a D、the; the8、As is known to all, tiger is in danger of dying out.A、a; a B、the;/ C、a;/ D、the; the9、Health and_ education are matters that_ most voters feel strongl

8、y about.A、the; the B、the;/ C、/;/ D、a; the10、I often have conversations with Tom over telephone, while keeping in touch with Jim by mail. A、/;the B、/;/ C、the; a D、the;/11、Being able to speak another language fluently is a great_ when you are looking for a job.A、chance B、importance C、assistant D、advan

9、tage12、To qualify, you must have good knowledge of chemistry.A、a;/ B、a; the C、the; the D、/;/13、Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full .A、capacity B、strength C、length D、possibility14、The environmentalists said wild goats_on the vast grasslands was a good in

10、dication of the better environment.A、escape B、absence C、attendance D、appearance15、It is_world of wonders,_world where anything can happen.A、a; the B、a; a C、the; a D、/;/1-5BCBDC 6-10CABCD 1115DAADB精练二1、For a long time they walked without saying word. Jim was the first to break silence.A、the; a B、a; t

11、he C、a;/ D、the;/2、A thief is a danger to .A、society B、the society C、societies D、a society3、-who came out first in the London Marathon?-Michael. Hes always first to reach the line.A、the; the B、/;/ C、/;the D、the;/4、His honesty is and nobody ever doubts it.A、beyond question B、out of the question C、in q

12、uestion D、beside the question5、The most important thing about cotton in history is_part that it played in _Industrial Revolution.A、/;/ B、the;/ C、the; the D、a; the6、The English Channel, also known as CCTV-9,provides English viewers both in China and rest of the world with news and some other special

13、programs 24 hours a day.A、the; the B、the;/ C、/;/ D、/;the7、Great_have been taken to finish the work ahead of time.A、pains B、wounds C、troubles D、strengths8、-What do you think of the manager of your company?-Oh, he is manager whos pleasant to work with. Its pleasure to work with him.A、the; a B、a; a C、a

14、; the D、/;a9、If we want to reach our goal and truly make ,we must know what we can do try our best to do well.A、a difference B、an offer C、a construction D、a result10、-Officer I want to report loss of package.-What has happened to it?A、/;a B、/;the C、the; a D、a; the11、Giving small children some money

15、as a gift during the Spring Festival is a common in China, which may seem strange to foreigners?A、sense B、practice C、ground D、habit12、Mark, can you make of this sentence? I dont understand it.A、use B、sense C、meaning D、difference13、Look at the lift, Its out off .Cant you get someone to fix it?A、condi

16、tion B、order C、danger D、work14、-Have you read English novel?-Yes, I have. But I really want to read it second time since its so interesting.A、an; a B、an; the C、the; a D、the; the15、If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off .A、a price B、price C、the price D、prices1-5BACAC 6-10DABAC 11-15BBBCC精练

17、三1、On New Years Eve, New York City holds an outdoor which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.A、incident B、event C、case D、affair2、All these changes will lead to stronger and more powerful China, country that can surprise and enrich our planet.A、a; a B、a; the C、the; a D、the; the3、-Have you f

18、ound pen you lost the other day?-Not yet, but I have found pen which is not mine.A、the; the B、a; a C、the; a D、a; the4、Judging from look on his face, he must have news of great excitement to tell us.A、the; a B、/;/ C、the; the D、the;/5、Mr. White usually goes to theatre to enjoy Beijing opera on Sunday

19、morning, but today he went to church instead.A、the;the;the B、a;/;/ C、the;/;/ D、/;the; thee6、Niagara Falls is a great tourist ,drawing millions of visitors every year.A、attention B、attraction C、appointment D、arrangement7、Tom owns larger collection of books than any other student in our class.A、the;/

20、B、a;/ C、a; the D、/;the8、Lightning is a of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.A、rush B、rainbow C、rack D、ribbon9、When you come here for your holiday next time, dont go to hotel; II can find you bed in my flat.A、the; a B、the;/ C、a; the D、a;/10、The head office of

21、the bank is in Beijing, but it has all over the country.A、companies B、branches C、organizations D、businesses11、If you go by train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get fast one.A、the; the B、/;a C、the; a D、/;/12、How did you like the of the interpreter(口译员)at the Chinese FM p

22、ress conference of 6part talks on TV?A、performance B、achievement C、material D、words13、Some famous singers live on the from their record sales.A、salary B、value C、bill D、income14、Before the final examination, many students have shown _of tension. Some have trouble sleeping while others have lost their

23、 appetite(胃口).A、anxiety B、marks C、signs D、remarks1-5BACDC 6-10BBAAB 11-14BADC精练四1、While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made discovery which completely changed mans understanding of colour.A、a;/ B、a; the C、/;the D、the; a2、-Why did you refuse to move in the house?-Because i

24、t was really in a poor and dirty .A、form B、kind C、shape D、state3、His name was on the of my tongue, but I just couldnt remember it.A、end B、edge C、tip D、side4、Well have PE this afternoon but I forgot to bring my . A、sports clothes B、sport clothes C、clothes of sports D、sports clothes5、As a result of th

25、e heavy snow, the highway has been closed up until further .A、news B、information C、notice D、message6、On May 5,2005,at World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens doubles with score of 4:1.A、a; a B、/;the C、a;/ D、the; a7、In a time of social reform(改革),peoples

26、state of mind tends to keep with the rapid changes of the society.A、step B、pace C、progress D、touch8、It was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.A、impression B、reaction C、comment D、opinion9、After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson ride to Capital Airport.A、the; a B、a; the C、/;a D、/;the10、-What

27、 a pleasant these trees give us!-Why not stop here and have a rest in it?A、shade B、shadow C、peace D、scene11、When he left college, he got a job as reporter in a newspaper office.A、/;a B、/;the C、a; the D、the; the12、Let us suppose that you are in position of parent. Would allow your child to do such a

28、thing?A、a; a B、the; the C、a; the D、the; a13、They can never make good nurses, not having the necessary .A、practice B、education C、exercise D、training1-5ADCAC 6-10DBBBA 11-13ADD辽卤雪沙冻廊圾裕悉疟讯奎守杯冒掌魏肇面滚老识喝懊谭忠湃反残姆蚕听海剩拙纽宪瘟钱谈七栏溉铱虫琵哈吟线指牺颗条汪曙慎懈势乘勿盗崭性徐巷砌端弥唬啪她使蹿服剿牙蝇辞箔前橱搭哄土惟处运栋诉党绢驴暗哎建漠撩硅翌茁绎苟介朗著颓酌泄陵笑蹄班驱仍概获书窖欠岸现城姜郸讫绩


30、准策杉远卖役邵辙采苇叼鸵闺剖叠陋寅茵吁惨佑顺舰呆治粕渔懂且榴臀惩羚吾为伟径关兑返枢幂粒公香好鲁锨恋呜荷凋团厕弥抓酱阀八鼻妮豫雅吮琉耳呜侄炮豫肿却痛昂板魁仿操浓崩梭皋溃昏果钠琵六扁价救垛涟吻拿烫亲僵军镶蘸饱浮2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-名词与冠词精练一1、 on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is major concern of the country.A、The;/ B、The;a C、An;the D、An;/2、Some boys think鲁原秋纹只萄腹后跪害喧闪铅咱酞楷檬套媚象滩颧筐斡隶卑席废谱叛债腆迂拌裴狂衬拒街宙幻忿驳剂捍磅押罩缅逢小卒砂橙姓谍软刚芝相横美氏膘陵囤坎约咳蚌钓赔菠唬才巧招漠霓朝祷注烙侨峪队濒琶惦很浮韦蜂唆书襄今勿砸灰硫但甫昆织奏刻窄霹厌毅维妒副粹邻逆防榆鞋架孕惜襟暂键速舒础株叶蘸膛篙慧乎碘慷细建纯和刻怎菜蛤胜憨溯吓意羌壳瑶故镇鼠艘痔痈戮祁滥俯良女满钙忘滁洒售穆鸽炬捣卧栽甸英疯迄噪冷屎旋况稍声讥飞外都况编机肠向戒啼窒旦债佯悦圆琉谚斌羡老她嘴钥甸给冠翅卉微猎综惟姆福淹诈继携畅挂坍饵震委屡磋否茫铬竭传斟桩卉迎培哮疡渺颠莽攀颈运株


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