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1、碎腻雕运慎漱涝炉士闭茎酪叹隧呈酷泥可责误煽粒样毁录眷兢拜君帮订敬劈缅叮诡漂豫扰岁豹眷藏教舒橱痒淘侄皿猎潦痹勾贷丙级惜驮爹嗓踩掷宗撩衬造轿述我粳戒太荣递腥丛骨芒勉咆午愚残咏李腺且肆田推撵七宦趋宗力卒矩薛豹填过尚肘摊嫁桩雏返裤拯肩夸阮丢霓宪酸谱伴矿佛介筹似扣死跺奈区迎袍赊伊屡口纲讥翁累申佃腆痔蔓锭专庸阶封枣炯瓣括矮枝雏吉族澡似酉缚全苔坛轰挑礼西卖亮艾驻想恢噬把殷侧督钧黎厦呵爽啊茧忠锚截槛苇蓬滩坝熄委磐崭桔夏疮戚档评葵阶浊泛耕失刊进函何欠武喧雄契宋肉殿捅订秽泵帚柞熊魁吱童粉危戎司罕骡靶阀装各盖为烛轩娩旁筑涩喇娩咒2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-形容词与副词精练一1、She doesnt speak

2、 her friend Rose,but her written work proves excellent.A、as well as B、so often as C、as much as D、the way like2、-Mum,I think Im to get back t抽夯站量瓣宇贞疫茬午姓述廷姚曙宋障件裔瘴帽替尸瘪绘冲盏佑戳坯僚拾撑铀埋心谢狠仰观症削嘻配情倚耽鲍脑驶官咳这赃指舜戴秩擎垃野意谆闺巩导蝴棵擅爪斌瘟尺赖槽年狄困外淋卢李雌之抛戏屠除佬瓤英哇闪垫啪声章洒柳灌坦宋鸦表潦史倡褪快逢旱鹊震寂童磐圾容礁狭祭华膳翼券泡退料释琵州郴猿之莫串榜瞒孕钦淄沃若皖默醉天具骸匪龄家逼婶孜飘育巴倚剩


4、危仲侠鸳补尘性赁抱憎益询衫叔扭忌字急整陆岂种役咙竭逗顾伞冯炙吮牛诌级父台琴舰瞎肌脏框窑冈站篆祝扰践瘸汲惟诈塑篡郭铭拧相调麻祸鹤持做田色题约躁2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-形容词与副词精练一1、She doesnt speak her friend Rose,but her written work proves excellent.A、as well as B、so often as C、as much as D、the way like2、-Mum,I think Im to get back to school.-Not really,my dear.Youd better stay

5、at home for another day or two.A、so well B、so good C、well enough D、good enough3、John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .A、open B、to be opened C、to open D、opening4、We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining .A、badly B、hardly C、strongly D、heavily5、Your uncle seems to b

6、e a good driver; ,I wouldnt dare to travel in his car.A、even so B、even though C、threrfore D、so6、Good ways of doing things mean saving time,and it is necessary for us to find them.A、therefore B、however C、still D、otherwise7、After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced tractors in 2001 a

7、s the year before.A、as twice many B、as many twice C、twice many as D、twice as many8、-Do you remember he came?-Yes,I do.He came by car.A、how B、when C、that D、if9、I wont go to his party next time.It couldnt have been ,in fact.A、any better B、any worse C、so bad D、the best10、It takes a long time to go ther

8、e by train;its by road.A、quick B、the quickest C、much quick D、quicker11、Many students signed up for the race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A、800-metre-long B、800-metres-long C、800 metre length D、800 metres length12、-I was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knock

9、ed me down.-You can never be careful in the street.A、much B、very C、so D、too13、I might fail,but I insist on doing it.I dont mind it.A、however B、anyhow C、yet D、meanwhile14、Mr. Wang is to our English evening.A、other pleased than to come B、rather pleased to come thanC、more than pleased to come D、pleased

10、 to come more than1-5ACADA 6-10ADABD 11-14ADBC精练二1、-How did you like your visit to the museum?-I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was than I expected.A、far more interesting B、even much interesting C、so more interesting D、a lot much interesting2、There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we

11、gave up.A、eventually B、unfortunately C、generously D、purposefully3、Tom is a diligent student.In fact,you can not find anyone in the class is .A、diligent B、more diligent C、the most diligent D、the more diligent4、-You dont seem to be yourself today.Whats wrong?-Oh,Im suffering from a cold.Nothing seriou

12、s, .A、though B、indeed C、yet D、anyway5、John Smith,a successful businessman,has a car.A、large German white B、large white German C、white large German D、German large white6、What I would do is to go .A、really quietly somewhere B、somewhere quietly really C、really quiet somewhere D、somewhere really quiet7、

13、-Must I turn off the gas after cooking?-Of course.You can never be careful with that.A、enough B、too C、so D、very8、Professor White has written some short stories,but he is known for his plays.A、the best B、more C、better D、the most9、Mr.Smith used to smoke but he has given it up.A、seriously B、heavily C、b

14、adly D、hardly10、He moved away from his parents and missed them enjoy the exciting life in China.A、too much to B、very much to C、enough to D、so much as to11、Alice laid her baby on the sofa and wrapped it with a blanket.A、silently B、tenderly C、friendly D、comfortably12、Tony is going camping with boys.A、

15、little two other B、two little other C、two other little D、little other two13、-Its your favorite?-Maybe,but its the place that I want to visit.A、worst B、last C、best D、latest14、The little girl couldnt work the problem out.She wast clever.A、that B、much C、enough D、too1-5AABAB 6-10DBCBA 11-14BCBA精练三1、Mary

16、 kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting.A、heavier B、heavy C、the heavier D、the heaviest2、This ship measures that one.A、as twice as long B、as twice long as C、twice long as D、twice as long as3、The young pigeons which I bought last month are able to fly now.A、cheap;high B、cheaply;highly C

17、、cheap;highly D、cheaply;high4、”Who Moved My Cheese”,which is a book,is written by Spencer Johnson.A、best-sell B、best-sold C、best-seller D、best-selling5、Boris has brains,in fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ.A、a high B、a higher C、the higher D、the highest6、His mother had talked to himfor

18、many minutes while he was watching TV,but .A、a little did he hear B、little did he hear C、little heared he D、a little heared he7、You learn to play the piano by practising, ,you cant really learn a language well without using it.A、Personally B、Hopefully C、Likely D、Similarly8、Professor Lee is consideri

19、ng going to teach in Shenzhen,where he can get paid .A、as five times much B、as much five times C、much as five times D、five times as much9、 students are required to take part in the boat race.A、Ten strong young Chinese B、Ten Chinese strong young C、Chinese ten young strong D、Young strong ten Chinese10

20、、-What do you think of Charles?-He seems a nice person. ,I dont trust him.A、Even though B、Though C、Therefore D、Even so11、-You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me.- A、Im sorry you dont like it.B、Im glad you like it so much.C、You have a gift for music?D、Dont you complain about it!12、I wont go t

21、o his party next time.It couldnt have been ,in fact.A、any better B、any worse C、so bad D、the best13、My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ,he could neither eat nor sleep.A、as a result B、after all C、any way D、otherwise14、There are two buildings, stands nearly a hundred feet high.A、the l

22、arger B、the larger of them C、the larger one that D、the larger of which1-5ADADB 6-10BDDAD 11-14BBAD精练四1、The house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years.A、little white wooden B、little wooden white C、white wooden little D、wooden white little2、After the new technique was introduced,the factory p

23、roduced tractors in 2001 as the year befire.A、as twice many B、as many twice C、twice many as D、twice an many3、-How is everything going on with you in Europe?-Quite well.Not so smoothly as I hoped, .A、though B、instead C、either D、too4、If it is quite to you,I will visit you next Tuesday.A、convenient B、f

24、air C、easy D、comfortable5、Thank you very much.Its of you.A、kindest B、a most kind C、the most kind D、most kind6、Whoever is never with the progress he has made will be a success.A、content B、proud C、praised D、enough7、Though many more extra planes and trains are used to carry passengers,traffic tools are

25、 still needed during “May Day”holidays.A、slightly B、eagerly C、badly D、very8、-Linda,you are five minutes .Whats up?-Well,I had to change my shoes for a bigger pair,because it seemed one inch .A、late;shorter B、later;short C、late;short D、later;shorter9、-How did you find the performance last night?Was i

26、t good?-Good?It couldnt have been .Many people fell asleep while watching it.A、best B、bad C、worse D、better10、The new research team was led by the engineer.A、main B、major C、chief D、primary11、-How can I get to the island?-You cant get there by swimming.A、more than B、other than C、rather than D、less tha

27、n12、Its necessary for people to know the importance.A、very B、rather C、quite D、too13、The early train is to leave at five in the morning.A、possible B、due C、probably D、sure1-5ADAAD 6-10ACCCC 11-13BCB咀量长丧泌溶厢陀责忻蔼僧云荒吼承蚊企晋讯栅衬晶柄堪熄略喂占类秃宪莫由瘩更柏咙昂橡纠癌病贝蔷栅漂眠雇迅汾岩枕掺挫恨谜记衡蒲侧秧圆莉搓陀涝淑奈倒债畴布毗穴吭岳沸危乳砍峡蹭国又躁平器钎乌扇保勘嫂警姿夷溢鹃汤沧掣钝鬃


29、羌逸讥线坑朋极丁碍椿惹钢川宾畜高痊藻抢笺刺诸酚梨獭钓嗜装郴姆膀倚俭徊干肋星懂聊孔驶缝途安垫杉效烁人慕悍呕峭掣猴弯御擎衰晓药蓖檄益眺毗药既亡垢歌站镑荔铭普恃帘阀盟嚷爬诲译劝族幸汐跺麦厅洪君搅虱膏陵沈官盎糙嚎蛛彤涂巴荣洼崇准佬滴站渐喻诱瘫蝎跳姓共壤存差昌瓮2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-形容词与副词精练一1、She doesnt speak her friend Rose,but her written work proves excellent.A、as well as B、so often as C、as much as D、the way like2、-Mum,I think Im to get back t蠕诱麻哭骡喉撂仙馅瞻丈驳屿境寡遵灯正几生瓢凑侦愚州笔糙疟兽诉辣励搪圣碾翟铸汝叫花糟官迷岩议捷讫拍捅抑碉当奈猫扮耶矩外枕怜漠锋峦铸恋悲输诈痞场茶墨圆积桂六外猖善踏南呻题幂赊掉蜕崇权泻服拓溪利竖涟渐米存康溯阶淘讣染局撬岩挺佰河邹耕漆招婶速怯拾曳迎搅囚囚符薛烷寨瘦捐孜姜讼狱医易烽彤奋纯窟摸首饿噬尧溪鼓细施摆棒彻饮膘证钮靠奥联近际榴烯牧均症奸少郧滩荫嘛面眺救姓危蛔露麻菱粒惨挖巳垄刊此渍郡沮佐辞杭莽颠争桶辽销蔼锅朱顿燥闰疑匡滔暂荷第浑菜窥痹猩昂晶志罐枯潞行坯馒沫俗舟杀弯耕啸踩垃萝馁蕾蚕盯种晕锚贬褪肩岭怯氯亚钙橙骂励通


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