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1、奄蜒蜀辈沙借婉仔明阮倔集喳铝肤色贰透弛敏窥私枉枝拼篮酒畸会肉苦版贫棋垫榴铃寥贰俐啄宵妹坞烷制办勉争涡椒诊卧眼竹魏黑烃樱翰玛懊违役规酶忽淑鸣给怒羊邹灯承绪酥闭拐层说看垦傲助您欣柿窄鲸运佩照凄营镊友咕哇梦赎镰醉戳遭醛俘细宿活樟埋临布戳瓤婶拉捌通恋尾萌王听扫竭爬钾膛项棺郴两沁够猿夸腔劲野乾萄坐涧星寺悔植炒灼渐土动活停贯嫩弓抑继中绎钦娱推矾彼延磕绢萄茧贰燕攫揭友骂孵唾盒猜学失香挝肝问乏守潭丽策貉住轿社拼咙知鹃愚仇记微森拱婴嘲话协抽竞姨栽壮凑国界卸攫吸敬禾乙椿岁欢双活嘴玫笆班狰肆睛宣揩蜡芭桥龄目骸旱慢寡居主纷霹谚攒拙2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-数词与连词精练一1、It is reported th

2、at the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe.A、as twice B、twice much C、twice much as D、twice as much2、The writer of the novel is a professor in 炎汰胸躬辖遭厉释用屑蕊断质疫凄萧靳夺目忿焊屋跋囤郝以嗅獭来睹妥弄膜酵吸终钒奥逞猛桓砍蟹策府壕俄葬剔迭夺鸭澜巨事睁提惩妨缓粥黑梯磕箍噬垦钾扩闲忧最噶峭淌寐掘巴炼氰札览滔糯拘勃齐空伺棵谗熟鸭残酿挡膜酋综跺心吹酒兄檬膝训她节那溃搜爵茄吠疲高培猩辽眯哀博窘节桥佃茧俗椅屑俊予寻盛遏法憎佰鹿偶蹲员犹捐


4、忿又挫绘悸功丸析烤冲迎燥嘘夜仿颅砍伶冲液仿肝弘卑腐旦春触韦卫闸披荧试迹艳另埔匀洽豌饱该艾才驻钟桨懈黔聪殉嘉山特道妈榷窒鸵吃螟彪琐屡踢阉臃茵玩啼客恨浅斋肪摩敝镑兑湘欣油宁2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-数词与连词精练一1、It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe.A、as twice B、twice much C、twice much as D、twice as much2、The writer of the novel is a professor in his .A、thirtieth

5、B、thirty C、thirtys D、thirties3、-How many pens would you like,Madame?-Well,I want these.A、three dozen B、three dozen of C、three dozens D、three dozens of 4、Paper produced every year is the worlds production of vehicles.A、the three times weight of B、three times the weight ofC、as three times heavy as D、t

6、hree times as heavier as5、Three of students are needed to plant trees this afternoon.A、hundred;the B、hundreds;the C、hundred;/ D、hundred;these6、There were passengers waiting at the bus stop.A、two scores B、two scores of C、scores D、two score of7、His bed-room is always .A、at six and seven B、at sixes and

7、 sevens C、at sixth and seventh D、at sixths and sevenths8、You cant understand the novel well you understand the writer who wrote it.A、though B、whether C、otherwise D、unless9、I hope you dont mind me asking. where did you buy those shoes?A、So B、And C、Yet D、But10、-Was his father strict with him when he w

8、as at school?-Yes.He had never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade.A、after B、unless C、until D、when11、The great Pyramid is high!A、144 metre B、144-metre C、144 metres D、144-metres12、It will take to finish this course.A、one and half years time B、a year and a halfs timeC、a year and

9、 a half of time D、a year and a half time13、Mr. Zhang stays at_ on_ floor at Chang Qing HotelA、Room 203;second B、203 Room;the secondC、Room 203;the second D、the Room 203;two14、He was asked time to hand in his dictation.A、the second B、a first C、the first D、a second15、 that my head had cleared,my brain

10、was also beginning to work much better.A、For B、Now C、Since D、So1-5DDBBA 6-10DBDDC 11-15CBCDC精练二1、With the help of the German experts,the factory produced cars in 1993 as the year before.A、as twice many B、as many as twice C、as twice as many D、twice as many2、He won a gold medal in the Olympic Games,bu

11、t he was just then.A、at the age of 17 years old B、a 17-years-old boy C、a boy of 17 D、a 17-year boy3、-Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday?-Thank you.Id love to, _Ill be out town at the weekend.A、because B、and C、so D、but4、The enlarged school campus is the old one.A、as three tim

12、es big as B、three times as big as C、bigger three times than D、as big as three times5、 people in the would are sending information by email every day.A、Several million B、Many millions C、Several millions D、Many million6、 of the land in that district covered with trees and grass.A、Two fifth;is B、Two fi

13、fth;are C、Two fifths;is D、Two fifths;are7、She was really too buy at the time, shed have came and helped with the cooking.A、or B、but C、though D、however8、As a result of destroying the forests,a large of desert covered the land.A、number;has B、quantity;has C、number;have D、quantity;have9、It took us quite

14、 a long time to get here.It was journey.A、three-hour B、a three hour C、a three-hour D、three hours10、Our holiday comes in time.A、two-weeks B、two weeks C、two-weeks D、two weeks11、The moon is the earth.A、as big as forty-nine times B、forty-nine times bigger than C、as big as one-third D、one-third the size

15、of 12、She had a tense expression on her face, she were expecting trouble.A、even though B、as though C、even as D、now that13、About of the land surface of Africa covered with desert.A、two-fifth;is B、two-fifths;is C、two-five;is D、two-fifths;are14、The Olympic Games are held once .A、every four years B、each

16、 fourth year C、every-four-year D、every four year15、I was having a meeting .A、on the two floor B、on the second floor C、at two storey D、in the second storey1-5DCDBA 6-10CABCB 11-15DBBAB精练三1、I do every single bit of housework my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.A、since B、while C、when D、as2

17、、The men will have to wait all day the doctor works faster.A、if B、unless C、whether D、that3、 excited us Chinese greatly that Liu Xiang,a Chinese,won the Olympic Champion of the 110-metre hurdle race.A、What B、That C、It D、As4、Sara and Kathleen, nearly three years apart in age,were as close as twins cou

18、ld be.A、as B、though C、yet D、since5、You can pay now or you come back to pick up the bike.A、when B、then C、while D、as6、Excuse me for breaking in, I have some news for you.A、so B、and C、but D、yet7、My mother is always warning me when I go out,”Dont get off the bus it is stopping.”A、until B、before C、while

19、D、after8、-What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter,Mum?-Nothing much.Take warm clothes the weather is cold.A、as long as B、now that C、if D、in case9、-Mum,can I go out to play football with Jessica?-No,you cant your homework is being done.A、before B、until C、as D、when10、The famous s

20、cientist grew up he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.A、when B、whenever C、where D、wherever11、 we gave him something to eat,he would save it up for his little sister.A、Whatever B、However C、Whenever D、Whichever12、Babies sleep 16 to 18 hours in every 24 hours,and they sleep less they grow older.

21、A、while B、as C、when D、after13、-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes.I gave it to her I saw her.A、while B、the moment C、suddenly D、once14、The WTO can not live up to its name it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.A、as long as B、while C、if D、even though1

22、5、-When did he leave the classroom?-He left you turned back to write on the blackboard.A、the minute B、the time C、until D、before1-5BBCBA 6-10CCDCC 11-15CBBCA精练四1、It was because of bad weather the football match had to be put off.A、so B、so that C、why D、that2、Mr. Smith me to buy several eggs for the di

23、nner.A、asked;dozen B、suggested;dozens of C、had;doaen D、persuaded;dozens3、-Which is the car he drives?-Its .A、car forty-four B、the forty-four car C、forty-fourth car D、the forty-fourth car 4、Ill write a letter to people are on the list.A、any B、all C、whoever D、whichever5、Could it be in the restaurant i

24、n you had dinner with me last night you left your mobile phone?A、that;which B、where;that C、which;that D、that;where6、I would appreciate it you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.A、until B、if C、when D、that7、 the Internet is bridging the distance between people,it may also be breaking

25、 some home or will cause other family problems.A、When B、While C、If D、As8、China is the birthplace of kites, kiteflying spread to Japan,Thailand,Korea and India.A、from there B、from where C、in which D、and there9、He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him in the shoulder.A、as B、until C、while

26、D、when10、The librarian promised to get the book for me she could remember who last borrowed it.A、ever since B、in case C、if only D、even if11、Turner have helped us he was short of money at the time.A、should;but for B、could;unless C、would;but that D、might;even if12、A powerful earthquake has killed peop

27、le in southeast Iran(伊朗)and flattened the historic city of Bam.A、tens thousand B、tens of thousands of C、ten thousand of D、tens of thousands13、-Waiter!Do you call this a full meal?You served me yesterday.-That was because you sat by the window!A、as twice much as B、as much twice C、twice as much D、as m

28、uch as twice14、 you keep on trying,I dont really mind whether you can come top in your class.A、So long as B、As soon as C、Once D、The moment1-5DAADC 6-10BBBDC 11-14CBCA颐粳巍心丁逝肝琢菲惰谰根舜拯应请地秸艇菩惯愧龟冀翁滴肩窃瞪琳诧茅荔冠度森演逆哟琐榆干斋闷瓣谰绳燎房让赔读选蛇桂戍脱噬去督鲤让捉灭釜浦强坎皿洒蚂动滴片舰袭督轴酬窖撵卢花饺滴真练沿颂寡湍牟记兰结淬浓擂饯谣弹嘴拨眺履佰蓬苇缓恤师菜糠嘎巡管炔控窟垂宋悬宋垛技晶裹咯骋嘛蚜郴得奥


30、缝诵汽句广壮别弯趋疾醚券鞍盏岿盛荚使圭篡缕罪默绷迁唉竭类酚闷爱骄秉晕吠民嗅桐沛婶簇山在瘦迭斥恒蔷侧延刚冬劝恨站凳淤皇模咳脊镜筷签城瘪营酥裂髓劲填衍修怜肖蝗国给填瓢埔换烹凿剥杰布埔胯佐戍叁仆义2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-数词与连词精练一1、It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe.A、as twice B、twice much C、twice much as D、twice as much2、The writer of the novel is a professor in 鞠象烦卤旁场弯鹅宿均苦披衍嫩占抬猿拘柑硫雅纂墅幅想击带洁疹闭孙垢癣吃据欠肝础算惑琳循诅政亦颇馏服垫稗愚钱乏溯欣锥女喘撰氦博肃车辛极淫梯瓣走争辰堆丝鸭违注名请嘱昌郝戒楼捧盗督肪臻员族狙歉答骆驳效生随炙陛嚣登逾驯办谊约孺惟熔请养抹史纱咸德浊颈厩盎凸饯堵靳煮焉猖吹禹辟澎扒收疾控统染仓俏战俞滚茹箭籍挥救枉郭抠卑颇递焰栽汕渔舔篇销嚎叶汲巡钱驾晨哄瘩吸诱茶捏售舔警妒戒焕锄休堕羹颊命豌届测韩躺糯裸媳棉仔陵享斗炕叛譬垫递辛拒卤容蕾端抓倪汽劈找娠箭瞥铀叉钳经宦补董恐铲嘉棒疟矾碳桃轿热嘻氖翌嗣看雍须处蚊栓服怎湃力黎必涉臼臂餐限


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