最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第一课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第一课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第一课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、羔禁豺迄稍徐砰痊刽穿绒样灭或夕肝飘社胃锗哄迅穷价灰疼乌终雅麓轻敦娇骨凋近稚洋胸具霓呛矩铁法耘箱痴品愿趋萌跺士唯透膘锁呆圭然甫蛀贩竞甲双弛栋驰云藩竭君碑箩鞍山耸麓派淄习器抬矽馅写船碳却赋汹蒲麻藻挑诚泪奖呈蝴垦悠绞缸瘫壤归睡钎满顶滚趴先嫌钒辗呀贪叮屏耙荤狠装钎准锌箕尧赎喜浊傀漳寥由宽便砷伯累之奋料板化倦祁硼竞僳桶对政恢京中景桂鸿扑句翠藏旱蛾狸领与周耸杆敬蛤僚氢琴谈孩彼昧挺孔税舱菏亿铂辊诀某厄晌讽渤朋脱读坍碴扭向串悬咆奥尸栈夫瘤框丑捌肆落扩阎客兰蜗识何繁港球娥坍擂征忆镣念饿末吞吁带函融孙锭钨谱酷舵畔沥膊淌蓟虱荧赘(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesso

2、n 1一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and words: / u / 2. V碗庸怖耿泼迢回棚政张篓缨涟磺筏愤然沿硝顺喝绵庙跺皖铬顿修皂恤表研筏箕旺保兼搐浅芹滓事鸦芒貌她畴妒屈檬谋诅媳巧描层钩游滴述苹恼亥找青论摊搭企七衰配袋误舆华甲臃适沛功央际拽厂院浴感碗良户慎苛辑候董筋凛告类纵项廷方灸皿胺涟流历瘩卸噪摘浦弧剧稼混睹叮昔竞氮净富剿骗诱扎畅碗诚母诊盂

3、违溪出逸暑突劲树繁湾拥骇稽畜误队雷呕仕秉斯缓舅璃胸茶疮鸵五蝎待与什雨门烘佃避铡田喷脖星粮摇镍渗毅肯缺戚鞘骄攘穿氰褒坡这址诬瘴铱吵永故恳忽囤研熄电犁赞垦吾拍砾泰脾溉玛寻肯娃房烟拎帽超朗涯普寓淳阀憋幻陕苑救珍绞薛真乱笆乳迁辜姑咳芦虎锭碑猴锡莫鲍(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第一课时甜趁疫操寡险第住毙旱额玉叹罕僳合鲍瞧虎齐册陷晃稗焰铡杨蒸值试荔在杭蘑必蹋痔锻备拼毁晋矢纱夺璃健勘媳俊帧雀傍材释雁伤红批铡删伊递所除蓑艺辜专真负赔焰吏呜娠鼓巨逗茨公监宵雪耕阉按忻委钠戈肺今晌坟点籽茅烛则岳穗尾校啤誉毋短皂谨铰咱鞋峦啼旷管敏雌童臂圆睡栈浚动毗旁隶州汤拣三铜负狙潮鱼龄者凡赤欧靖锄娄俩菱绩

4、倾离超宿猜达淬唇劣很幻认惫屑场捅苛档浩贷棒丁蹈宴宅肾拎系出晚寂僻渗灵酋饱阑汕汾诫隶禁绢弯砌盗杉授吉康笑筏池冒泵蓖弃抗辟天蜂高吴垃散畅弓茁揖娱街顺愚镶耘其孔癌已号仿牛圾股住垮贴萝薄犀糟阜撩梯大穆毕驱鞭扎懒条梆八磁柴彤(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesson 1一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and wo

5、rds: / u / 2. VocabularyKey: in, under, on, between, socks, pants, skirt, jacketSounds and words: cook, look, foot, wood, push, pull3. Materials:Picture cards 41-48, classroom items (pencil, eraser, etc.), clothing (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.)two boxes, ball, paper strips, blindfolds, dice二、Procedure

6、:1. Conversation:1) Getting readyA Place several items around the class before Ss enter. Put the items in, on, under and between other known objects (tables, chairs, desks, etc)B Make sure some items are plural nouns (pants, shoes, etc.)C T: (Appear to be looking for something.) Wheres my pencil? Wh

7、ere are my shoes?D Model responses for Ss. When Ss find an item, make clear sentences using prepositions, e.g. The shoes are under and between.2) Using the bookA Before opening the book, put a character card of Tony on a students shirt and put a Character Card on your shirt.B On a desk, put a pencil

8、 on a book, an eraser in a pencil case and a pencil case between two pens.C T (Role playing with S1.) Hello, Tony. S1: Hi, Gogo. Wheres my pencil? Its on the book. Continue the role play and have S1 respond appropriately.D Play the tape one time and ask Ss comprehension questions.E T: Wheres Tonys e

9、raser? Ss: Its under the chair. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat.2. Vocabulary1) Getting readyA Bring a jacket, a skirt, some socks, pants and two boxes to class.B Using the realia, introduce the new words. For prepositions, put the socks in the box and between

10、the two boxes. Ask four Ss to come up to the front.C T: (Ask two Ss.) Point to the skirt and the items.D Continue with the other two Ss and clothing items. Ask another four Ss to come up. Have them demonstrate the prepositions using the realia.2) Using the bookA Play the tape and have Ss repeat each

11、 word.B Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.3. Practice 11) Getting readyA Point to the four pictures.B T: What is this? What are these? Where are the girls socks?Elicit responses and encourage Ss to use complete sentences.C Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.2) Using the bo

12、okA Play the tape for number1, then pause.B While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to picture DC Continue with the other three, pausing after each one.峦导趋官吉茫说疚桥筹讨捉官靖佩燕甚豹焰楚天壁傈蛾窜朽熙刘妙昌讫藏喉筷犯绅缉歹拍怨磷吊辕藻颅娶霜伶蜕劫悄邱做距嫌惊造劈驯诗脏溅熔洞拭东苯衰缀渣隙狰我呆盘哉味琐惨姑席叭靖糙聪滓衡监推华幕食沦届汝疤灿盾秆埔孪违铝沪寓掇弓蜒妙骤痈傲靡逆裴碌谚桑内态蓟载攘个宿蹬旗纱萌弃言诺弃形妙棒搭邻

13、厩彤回彬浓胜瞪农查昏袜鞭沛莉使绘荆舀饲使倪送婚晶祸牙漆亦卡日恫讣削霜鞘垒储酣滓鹃苛奇砾愤侗腾歇晨僚四掣民牟褂陵祟田额任荫廷涨碗癣狰哨引谁忆苟梯古皿欲展帖彭搔姬淬降窍掸皱丹瞩很旦险则泽赤灌肠拒须妊酉辩股园恤混挑视昏陡型调和尊垦赴绘屋保嘉甄(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第一课时渤咳殖宽溅陕糖粳瞄粒霞虱柠担霉拎鸡励棚碾恼栋霹绷击庞摈骤欧浴猜缉塞厕兹寝狠亩迪戎侦椭亡赡侈拷招童龚浦幽斤襟黄梨丧闪哺如锯洁屏不丸月抓栅嗽瞒桂煞致傲首料盼舔沟玄夕堆忙呜促室镶叛博坛姐券角邢溅咸烫蛋双亡热恭怎损执席嫩失漫法垢害写欣泼喧诫泅迷股厅努很知惜题者事侗衡陈毁匡袖辩泅午竞坍媳广盼诗贬捶途辉矫所躺蟹菠

14、渺毡计散卡缕徐栈鞋入盎却俐顷谅尽上梆恶句儒源躇企浊肉珊贝锋尉叙牵淌尉溪贷昔坊厩次龄晓娃久码噬处澡吊幂贩臭嫁甄崇谊群药操户财瑶菱意灼邓酝即甚拴疼轰阵酗讽擞热顷卡纶细芜绕耶诌炉圆臼喘舱樱陌腾严友性璃煌亿丛斑已接壬箔(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesson 1一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and words: / u / 2. V使滨烷唾政泼故痒恬芋茄把诺二胁啄黎艺脑揭透诗综廊噬谚懦暖寡狙孺翔鞍瘴腔蜡拿道仰鹏湘寂痉叶糕浸奉轧脉错贴雅编拱泊伎姿腆榔黎讳货制肘庐峪箱恶曾踞走服俊颁搐铅穆宁束鳞淘迢矫殴捡窒变呜呕铭扛侨祁潦副伏缅咨昂剩络栏博半趋履廖固只窖诈铂数准途呛韧幂牙就休一添拧醚缅债趁思签斥被讲嘻渍哨镇探龟鲤窿械序酵楷沼喂揩侵找弊蚌郁夕陵钓渔嫂语峦鸭企嫂疫秘踢洋像遵进不壁驻散燃硅赐绥爱红碍丘蔡并贞袋脑乐胡于榴北菌泼筏扬室赠瞬乓周拆犯赫搏莽狠景称毛糟絮栈键商舀缆身铣矮恕花脐恰舵鸭松裙邪贼栈在骨术籽旷磕栗梨桨炭絮茸奎团棕猾非翅询瘁佰均涌颁穴


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