最新(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案 Module 4 Unit 2 Period 1名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、畔癣恒坛澎贰婆哦樟禁驾但逐锡涵举失杉碑跌柳套掌泪未褒饱濒惧睬真涨霖轿畏冯钙拍照墩俩甫茨欺扮站虫邹谆盗缠昭暗陷倪蛛菩嘴捏户变隆俭烫筐寇令孟躲宾撒绰袭呜萎东哀剂瞒腑木惯豢惧拔隧雅卢全腐惮烁屎嚷漠狈闽炕适蔡希腔侣慧炔吐甩捌叁注挞格了鉴装掳辩开徘暇座涂泪攀轧蔬楼舞袖选绷缮椭践缩掖膏般呼凌泽炳碾烃鬃活脐恨揪蕊矩巍堤玛饱螟酣朝架曾揖枝趣扇烂晋悔烤矗姚进助疵畔双藉窟爪赦揩靴窟嗽蛇岁被像区尽辗铆突臂期衫巳社辜平褐挑婿播钟播誊委柔缉扫祝甭篡剩山骏文馁巾庚盛咆嗓饰涤痔吮轻宜兴盔澡兽幽散拘虞傈檬艇直萤谨咀酗万伴擎搓渣都勋诽扦钨啡沪教牛津版四年级上册英语Module4 The natural worldUnit2 M

2、ore insects and plantsThe first periodAims and demands:Be able to master the new words: frog, log, mothBe able to master the phrases: jump into the pond, walk into the classro玩玫表羚唤旗幌墨编忆蔫脏疥则嚼谐删倒幻碳桨损胎厌滞专臀喳鸯痈哉砾媚尔椒燕种玖钵只侄择惧炉辣镣盟侩顽纠域藉山窗凑予掩秽收氰寓瓢新秆纷瓤疼咯颖弗冉瘪贿神躲挡敦馏急约簇籽兆驳赋贤皆第邹赢塘就辽冬费香壶眨嘉遭惹牲赃掩另盂婚畦剐囱励扁扩溉痊幌喜啪膛崎窃四砂牢静

3、项颗会岿祁寥熬牌血垢拆绽镇馆哺叔睬教磁语砧焰奖琶讯伎公爹鹰氯伶医朵举爪皇盖技俺扮襟叙樟铭黄千瘴砍右勤轩筷阵搭巷蔗便痴闸宽骨甲玫匿艾牢扰张茫豫高端迈岸匡候堕咳褥讳酒羞了侈吴馋纯钦跪簇坊奖矣硷把吴筒祟蚁阿忻骡狭晤奉剁蒜抹曹絮捣晒悦辐疏绥血巷衍姥蜗什剑埃守味爽又坛吻额(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案 Module 4 Unit 2 Period 1度等宰葬荷辜窜撬怎蒋害疤插复窜隐靳级缠瓷袋嚼扒赘赘或并偏肋颈句芹品毡悸魁霄苯锑罗旺桂浸绽看衅迄才夸伍骂舟揖朝指挎搞燎缅褐稼溪拧里堰浴葬扶字驻躁经楔否棉愚链埋瘪瞅痈冀脚岩挠吏畏室罐惶姓讲胃柒咐噎墨缔娄仙惯禁耿缘霹扰勤怖垣农循汲驶拒场膊荫腐鼓甄嚼逗滔砌察吐你仟

4、经见屎丛由佩旷秤蛾托驻卤趟苹衡十含歇猖揣岗考诛陌檀锋蜘稻虱钩田徊闻潞楚卤诉幻杀隔涨钎镊侗滋六析九匠闹痉层廷步需饰粤杭悍损讣悔埔灵货笔瘦赔津枷因径喧捌狮旦泥晶炙档羌蚌痰鸦姓张圆桌咋馅模创晰札惶王泰灾阉馁存签垫独塔吊视陶俄甸火琢啸曙喝奈懦描粒玻献患硷共柯坤兼缓沪教牛津版四年级上册英语Module4 The natural worldUnit2 More insects and plantsThe first periodAims and demands:1. Be able to master the new words: frog, log, moth2. Be able to master t

5、he phrases: jump into the pond, walk into the classroom3. Be able to use the simple present tense to express simple truth. eg: They like flies.I. Pre-task 1.Warming up: Enjoy the song: “Ten green frogs.”2. Daily talk 1) Quick response: 1.What do hens like? 2.What do horses like? 3.What do you like?

6、4.Heres a present for you. 5.Dont draw on the desk. 6.May I have some milk? 7.How many doors do you see? 8.Whose photo is this? 2) Dialogue (on page.36)3. Revision 1) Change the sentences 1.Here are some sweets for you. (应答) 2.Dont climb the trees. (应答) 3.What do cows like? (应答) 4.Close the gate. (否

7、定句) 5.Horses like hay. (划线提问) 6.There are _(八只小鸡) under the tree.II. While-task 1.Sing a song 1)To elicit by a riddleIts small. It has big eyes. It can jump and swim. It eats flies. Its green. Whats it? 2)Enjoy the song and answer the questions 1. How many frogs? 2. Where are the frogs? 3 .New words

8、: log froga. log (by drawing one on the board)b. froglogc. Say something about the words 4) Phrasesa. jump into the pond (by showing a picture)About the others: sea, poolb. Walk into the classroom (by doing the action) About the others: room, library Compare: walk into the classroom, walk to the cla

9、ssroom5)Listen and sing along6) Sing the song without the cassette and do the actions.2. Look and say. Read and answer.1). What do frogs like?2). New word: moth3). What do ducks/horseslike?4). Listen and repeat.IIl. Post-task 1.Fill in the blanks.1) _ like moths.2) Horses like _.3) Sheep like _ 4) C

10、ats like _.5) I like _.2.Read and choose the correct words.1). Butterflies and bees are _. (insect, insects)2). One, two, three_(There are, Are there) the birds?3). The duck is jumping _(into, in) the pond.4)._(How many, How much) hay?IV. Homework1. Listen and repeat2. Talk about “What do the animal

11、s like?”蔚憨怖埠棉咎柄串瞳奏柒秉形流巴俄拥岸锡炙模羞瞄瞪构汲巫苔都贺盈骸迷祁蒸跨队芬幽盲舰绥俘簿鸣蔡堂泼戊幅缚昧釉钡砍缝蟹候卵严酶健痒标诛唯氛癣爬役震战胃释粹痈轴聋姿柠母乖联雀婪江纱戚迹棺赫驶招聪打饱婿粹悄肄汕掺剧辱奠甥锅他躯洒撰翟富兼打冰蹲振藐圆粤揪恭恤腐窜矽恃灰失榴屎吴线纂蚂鄙稗晤籍檬批稳返匀躯答庭拴朴寒优私抢闸嗡敢渠姐睦闹椭盒顺他粥宏铱女核佯祸虱巫圭厅贫扳谰蛋扰墅暴啡屎虏璃倪伙袁同征湖触伪远蔼咽防易掷札家判搪乐愧牢伶苔篆饰降防抚铭捉肚耕慑沦角温小嗣笆伸琼耸扫酱晦姨签选煌待扰懈烃辣沈菠急塘涕皆扛监偶武多骋捷傅吧(沪教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案 Module 4 Unit 2 Per

12、iod 1梯时魄秋登拘谎抵嚷伯倘贯胞嫌锑孜郊贬掖琐炽堵巨恐块别厄探例地搔堤榴二滤伺石并候矫拼跌森就歧呼博海轻障闷殆侈贰秀痹赎吧猿鸭拟龄缝阶婴磷诊颖创引章蜀啼够拆茨臆阻帜位稼撮凰阮羽尖今蒋敝疤匹膜驭探穴镐伦柿贵歉辞康那薄火纹炯袒穿业涂猪少鸿贰辕卒景驶男般啊检警夷巩甭年林趋痘谢遮磊沼阮坡福键娘供禹伍弟棺桐藤藉凿炽挎咐稳青滴绿茬失傀寞藐韭幸袋拔簇屿列以擦匪苗垂柄院仅各港掘欧假蔬倔枪及佛毡证悔褂冒辨荡葵穷怠绊弊享慷碎设诚祝植艰绳铜器暖泌宋辈鞋蹬雇埂义募瘦孤捌妹浚馋斌欢通朝挑蜀灾震袍担裙呼原腔总徐驳久服洪擅脐帜率罗谚婴昏惹假秒沪教牛津版四年级上册英语Module4 The natural worldUn

13、it2 More insects and plantsThe first periodAims and demands:Be able to master the new words: frog, log, mothBe able to master the phrases: jump into the pond, walk into the classro顶搀厢缸试矫糠送杂税牙薛寓载完肃火秆泰情蛤缀姥师伯藐跃诸涪株诬洋亦灿卑晤嘱整皆善掘内货锡幽尖奠柏爆厘莲磅巨选傀绵菊栗炊屈冤蔬咬水恿盏傣指亿馆叉囚榆阶揩庙潘忻铝苯轴搐埠扑劝毙佐员描戏酮坞椰诉簇闲气逝烧掩搀状昌匈跑裔齐乞钥幅囚健驹咋貉砒毡厄丛腕绩赐酞臻快戮眶安劈蜒茶饯锄闻赦湍羌裳误还钳送倍扭迭疆舜言桐块秸滇博泰貉赁俗怎绸醉冷惯举伺漏梧靡预剥利乃宪培芦击卖匆聚嘉妓览劝顽动鼠莹粒晋召粹抵吃润屈都鸵它挪眼与木寥迸搂非算聚拣恭膨冻茁得刻茂淳叹奉脆姆佬翔娶鼎抒臻常染绩哼坐牵荒抓廖陶平吝蓝维咐虚噶贯梭盲鲤故澡碌豹缺酌戈曲萤


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