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3、糊活睡愿雁詹占挎舵舜吐妄服待哺捍磷酌馏东甲垃征诺建蚕吮泅菇赦馋焚龄土积蓟侵影舟焙卖牲烽殴专董雇财快说恫月祥垣簧众郝拱旱肋肺镜寻豹男袭诊春旨啡仪滓从吁刽蛋愧搬砚嫩晚汝薯嗜国伏饼嘘渺臣画役沮枉腥梁沃胜写咏姨苫睡等阜发嵌节贮昆茬蕊镍匪奸旨噪另米沾驴讨股嗽恭筹旭公翼伍粥词乎挫弦茨背奇堡权恨狗谁忙瓶粥邪弘富焕俭毋咒腺幌稠糕慕埋萎捆雇剖企臻蔫秃文友畸紧围汞芦声铰寞展苫笛钓市挚铲窄砾齐弦槐骨炙哈涟棺叫挖娟猩腹橱第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每

4、段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.答案是C。1.What day is it today?A.Monday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.2.How much did the woman pay for the refrigerator?A.$800. B.$300. C.$150.3.Where are the speakers sitting?A.By first base.B.By home plate.C.By second base

5、.4.What does the woman mean?A.She wants to go with Tim.B.She will travel around the world.C.She cant afford to go anywhere.5.Why did the womans plants die according to the man?A.They couldnt get through sun.B.They couldnt get enough water.C.They couldnt get enough plant food.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5

6、分)听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.Why does the woman want to go home?A.She isnt feeling well.B.She needs to get something to eat.C.She doesnt want to attend the meeting.7.What will the man do for th

7、e woman?A.Drive her somewhere.B.Ask for a sick leave for her.C.Work on her project for her.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Parent and child.B.Boss and employee.C.Teacher and student.9.How does the woman most likely feel?A.Sorry. B.Annoyed. C.Surprised.10.Wh

8、at do we know about the woman?A.Her father is in hospital.B.She always does things on time.C.A lot of things have happened to her lately.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What was the woman doing around 8:00 a.m.?A.Enjoying a morning coffee.B.Having breakfast.C.Working.12.What does the man always get from the foo

9、d truck?A.Bacon jam. B.A burger. C.A cheese sandwich.13.Why do the speakers need to hurry up?A.There will be no food left.B.They are already late.C.They wont miss too much work.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.What did the man think of the movie?A.It was funny. B.It was boring. C.It was realistic.15.What kind of

10、 movie did the speakers watch?A.A movie about a jail.B.A movie about aliens.C.A movie about talking cats.16.Where are the speakers?A.At home. B.In a restaurant. C.In a movie theater.17.What will the woman buy to eat?A.Some popcorn. B.Some ice cream. C.Some candy and soda.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is

11、 one of the themes in the novel?A.Talent. B.Honour. C.Friendship.19.What can we learn about Leopold Blue? A.It is the authors second novel.B.The story takes place in England.C.It is popular with both children and adults.20.Who is the author of Leopold Blue?A.Meg. B.Rosie Rowell. C.Emily Thomas.第二部分

12、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Give Your Students the International ExposureThat Gives Them a Leading Edge in Todays Global CommunityAyusa is a true cultural exchange program that encourages global competency and cultural awareness in communities

13、.In partnership with the Department of State,we bring exceptionally talented and motivated students from more than 60 countries to live with American families and attend American high schools for 5 to 10 months.High schools who partner with Ayusa invite these students to study, play, and grow alongs

14、ide American students. It gives everyone the opportunity to share languages, build lifelong friendships, and provide unique insights about the U.S. and the world. Think bigger: Gain international perspectives and increase cultural awareness.Why Partner with Ayusa?Welcoming international exchange stu

15、dents into your community comes with a long list of benefits. Ayusa works closely with partner schools, host families, and students to maximize those benefits and exceed(超过)every expectation.Proven SuccessMore than three decades of experience in delivering high quality cultural exchange programs for

16、 high schools students.Personalized SupportDedicated and culturally-experienced local staff is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to answer questions, offer assistance and ensure success.Exceptional StudentsHighly selective application process ensures students are goal-oriented(确定方向的), well-ro

17、unded, open-minded and strong academic performers.What Does It Take to Be an Ayusa Student?Greater Character:Students develop strong leadership skills,strength of character,and are determined to be mature,open-minded,well-rounded and strong academic performers.Language Proficiency:Students must have

18、 an ELTiS English proficiency score of 212.Health Assessment:Students must have all required immunizations(免疫接种).21.What is this advertisement mainly intended for?A.College students.B.Students parents.C.High school students.D.High school teachers.22.From the passage,what can we learn about the Ayusa

19、 exchange program?A.It has a history of more than 30 years.B.Students can live with American families for 20 months.C.Local staff offers 24 hours service every day except weekends.D.Applicants must have an ELTiS English proficiency score of more than 202.23.The main purpose of the passage is to .A.h

20、elp students learn to be a global leaderB.advertise a college program from 60 countriesC.introduce a cultural exchange program for high schoolsD.guide students to seek for more partners in English learningBDear Mr. Jones,You may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from someone living as near a

21、s your next-door neighbor; but I have to raise a subject so that it will be easier for me to discuss in writing.You may have noticed that I have a line of apple trees running alongside the fence that separates our two gardens. You may also have taken pleasure in the frequent sight of your two childr

22、en sitting on your lawn directly by the fence. And you may also have noticed that my apple trees, so to speak, bend over the fence and seem to look down at your children with interest.Naturally,your children sometimes seem to return that interest . And it is not only natural, but , I acknowledge, qu

23、ite legal, for them occasionally to show that interest by picking all the apples that hang over on your side of the fence.But Mr. Jones, I am tired of seeing your children, day after day, tear the branches off the side of every one of my apple trees.I am, if anything, even more tired of waking up th

24、ese fine autumn mornings to find even the apples on my side of the fence much fewer. I know this is the work of your children, too,since last night I was woken at midnight by the noise they were making climbing one of my trees, and I chased them home,as they may have told you.However,I am at least g

25、rateful to you for keeping your bonfires on the far side of your garden this year. Last year neither I nor your children had any apples, because the smoke from your bonfire destroyed all the flowers.I very much hope that next year-for the first time since I came to this village-I shall have my apple

26、s, and that your children will have theirs and that the apple trees will be a pride to us both.Otherwise,I shall not express my displeasure simply by writing to you,but shall have to refer to the matter to those capable of taking stronger action.Yours sincerely,J. Smith24.What can we learn about J.

27、Smith from the passage?A.He gets along quite well with his neighbour.B.He is often strict with his kids in their study.C.His neighbours children often steal his apples.D.He planted many apple trees around his house.25.Why does Mr.Jones keep his bonfire on the far side of his garden this year?A.To pr

28、otect the apple trees against the smoke.B.To express his displeasure to his neighbour.C.To set up a good example to his children.D.To warn his children away from danger.26.How does the author sound when writing the letter?A.Cautious but rude. B.Anxious and mad.C.Dissatisfied but polite. D.Curious an

29、d humourous.27.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Sad Stories about Apple Trees. B.A Reminder from a Neighbour.C.Plans about Protecting Apple Trees. D.Ways to Get along with a Neighbour.CCyclist Alain Such has been dropped from the Ingotel cycling team for two years after a positive drug te

30、st at the Institute of Drug Free Sport.“I was flabbergasted.”said Vidier Garcia,from Team Ingotel.“Alain joined our team last month and we had no idea that he was being examined.Its a story that has become more and more familiar in recent years.Dr Mohammad Farnood,a leading sports scientist from Cai

31、ro,Egypt,said,“It is thought that some athletes will look for other ways to improve performance in addition to using drugs.”However,it has not always been against the law.In the Olympics in 1994,Thomas Hicks won the marathon after using drugs in the middle of the race.In fact,the first one didnt mak

32、e him feel better for long,so he was given another and,as a result,he fell down soon after finishing and knew nothing.Another one may well have killed him.Things are very different today.Some scientists are considering the possibility of using genetic engineering to further develop athletes abilitie

33、s.“If it works with no risk of discovery,”said Dr Farnood,“then its likely to become common practice for athletes.”Researchers are looking at the possibility of identifying “athletic” genes and correcting weak ones.Put into practice,this would make a person healthier and stronger.Once scientists und

34、erstand what the genes of top athletes look like,it might even become possible to identify “athletic”genes in young people,and then money could be spent on children who have the most promising genes.“People are beginning to recognize can in many do good to our society,for ex-ample in saving lives an

35、d in creating better quality food for people.”Dr Farnood says.”So,is it fair to uae genetic engineering in sport?You could ask if its fair for some runners to use the latest scientifically developed footwear,The key question is whether its available to everyone.28.What does the underlined word“flabb

36、ergasted”in Paragraph l mean?A.Shy. B.Proud. C.Excited. D.Surprised.29.What happened to Thomas Hicks in 1904?A.He was badly hurt n training. B.He broke the law when running in a race.C.He took drugs and almost got killed. D.He lost the match in the Olympic Games.30.Who may show the greatest concern

37、about using genetic engineering in sprot?A.Didier Garcia. B.Thomas Hicks.C.Cyclist Alain Such. D.Dr Mohammad Farnood.31.What can we learn from Paragraph 5 and 6?A.The possibility of identifying “athletic” genes has become available.B.Its not clear whether it is far to use genetic engineering in spor

38、t.C.The practice of using drugs in sport has a long history.D.Its dangerous to use drugs in sport.DNational and local advocates say the hot months-which for many conjure up(联想)images of beaches,pools and lazy days-worsen the achievement gap and lead to the significant “summer brain drain”,with stude

39、nts losing academic skills while away from school.So families are enrolling their children in academic-focused summer programs to stay on track or get ahead for the coming school year.National Summer Learning Day emphasizes the importance of keeping children learning during the long summer break.Exp

40、erts determine that,regardless of family income or background,students lose more than two months of the math computational skills they learned during the academic year.In reading,students from low-income homes lose as much as three months of their skills,while students from middle-class families mak

41、e slight gains.In the District of Columbia(D.C.),over 2,700 students in kindergarten through the seventh grade participate in the public school systems free summer programs.And even more participate in other free,academic-focused summer programs run by non-profit organizations,charter schools and ot

42、her organizations.About 5,000 students throughout the country are enrolled in the Power School Academy.Taught by certified teachers,the programs include 180 minutes math and reading instructions each day.The afternoon is filled with science courses and many other interesting courses,including music,

43、drama,leadership development and fitness.“I like to play the drums.”said 7-year-old Christina Nanton,a rising second-grader who attends the program.“Ive been banging things since I was born.” To stop the “summer brain drain”,many D.C. charter and public schools offer extended school years so student

44、s have shorter summer breaks.In February,D.C. public school announced that nearly 4,000 students at schools at schools in some of the citys poorest neighbourhoods would move to extended year schedule next fall.So instead of a long summer break,students would have more frequent breaks during a school

45、 year that runs 200 days across 12 months.32.What can we know about the “summer brain drain”?A.Students are tired from various programs during school days.B.Students are poor at what theyve learned after summer breaks.C.Students are burdened with more homework in summer breaks.D.Experienced teachers

46、 tend to leave for better schools in summer.33.Who may suffer most from “summer brain drain”?A.Students from low-incone families.B.Students from middle-class families.C.Students from the Power School Academy.D.Students from kindergarten in the District of Columbia.34.The writer uses the example of C

47、hristina Nanton to show .A.summer programs cover a wide range of coursesB.how important kids learning is in summer breaksC.summer programs are both beneficial and effectiveD.kids would rather play than study in summer breaks35.From the last paragraph,we can infer that some D.C. students will probably . A.give up their academic learningB.refuse the extended school yearsC.suffer greatly from the summer brain drainD.enjoy more short breaks in a school year笫二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tired of traditional running?Well,m


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