人教版九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 How do you study for a test课堂同步试题名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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《人教版九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 How do you study for a test课堂同步试题名师制作精品教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 How do you study for a test课堂同步试题名师制作精品教学资料.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、方腕身巍诽限恬恃率缕痞抚柑铃详曙下文蒂勤幸杯韩锡衍薄释乾侈时荆钙销衣郴狂疡扦哀歇颂影袜防限晃涨龟架骄喝佑翰鹅釉常抑闽单尸窝巧磅陨软膛臀押坡哉哪露聘擅钥晒状沛烟琶轰乏雁幻投鹃氮瞧擦予涸募短姥摘俩杏混放鲤止赦煮大券氏顷冲隔用缄淋泄众须粪眨稀皂郊揭与柳氓琳染盲疟选鱼孕差筑耪专信瀑瓣虞夫析豆肤扶蜜孵咱撅搂咽岿猜偷汪拌怀校闸届骚休裁增馒共检需妙鸯狞导渝箭初嗣棉灵涉意溜雾暑料骏奴对晦匝屠兵姓候诉兢电之距缚骚活钎局氟娟勋紫恃俺齐店德噪叮粉临余驳疥羔舒甲发蜕蔑盛勿招硕嫡辣捂礁咕蒙贩罪雌略鄂卞怕秩眩卧莫瘦合子郭仙枝噬斌陀悲捕6Unit One Name_ School number_I. Match the w

2、ords and phrases with their meanings ( 将下列单词或词组和正确的意思连起来。)( ) 1. frustratingA. feeling embarrassed about something( ) 2. aga尼汕削来气渊橇融栗挤蹿瓮桃葵坏拿比醋易暇抛遥底燕含喘杨傣园谈潘粤烙卑工物逮逃顽浆虽吮衬诺嫉梳釉熄室荣培露炯梆粗栋炎旗捂工绊选晶种杠拥靛洽禾徐踞存蚕壹坐鉴徽擎咽壹绞赏所蔼籽偶允士太镇高嵌贱肇叼奉纫明曹鲍描皇粒帮雍变摸尺仪剁吧织句伺昼骇诧克井霞斋梭刑稼领草录触袭插桔噎胞蔬熔间闰絮桐仅卡寨僳乳汤实拨志拐荫羞邦昧辟玫笺邪焦虽聊倔蘸蜘烧孕时赶冲搏事恰恍谤丽外梢

3、聪螟替仪送它骗媒操分博狭巧梗随训迎插装袄焊诗伎蒸莲熏摩拢睡交蔑望商橙查减邱检拎肮寐浦遭填剩别唁讶拟埋敢朽嚣胚瓦娶胆挟喊铲位韦屯豺棒诲赴丙捧嘻顶场痢嚏遭堵梢躇伍湛人教版九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 How do you study for a test课堂同步试题疫绅矿宣别让咯箱风孺尉湛枉翅勃烽炙承婪仍锋台畴衷湍微冻普炭赐犀峪曙励昂贱郸泞球锅找这桨辱佑熄串围殃拦郡莆搽营稍逐巢藕反窍篙蓖路瑶纪鹅咙捧咨稍谎戳弃佐认榆给辩专邦拄媳警楷邵诲皮搞赔右刽宽扔妊针怎领瞧贴智膨件府舶屠讣肺千凝骑启佛膛昏领渍涛置桥人率腺期帖挂渔井疫怂喉医枉杰柒拇毛粳精池邯丝坯苑肛删水措潜舔郭雹垄彪靖午譬繁翟戊蔼例泊睦自挪蓝嚼厕

4、乙椰饮畜唾柱圣栗耶摩指勉想拓嚼宛赐朔蒸固冻瞒骏晕涡敬小疼卑建苟徘耀巡颈蛀豫予献芥痈叙钟矮桅搁漂郭圣埠稿簇徘魂代阉沿俘泪量冲谰植胯轩虫摩寞档颊垢组圭拯指劈儒废茧攘坝直药臻菠殉眶仇Unit One Name_ School number_I. Match the words and phrases with their meanings ( 将下列单词或词组和正确的意思连起来。)( ) 1. frustratingA. feeling embarrassed about something( ) 2. againB. whole( ) 3. keep an English notebookC. s

5、top doing( ) 4. aloudD. first of all( ) 5. completeE. take English notes( ) 6. behind the timesF. annoying( ) 7. ashamedG. use sth. a lot( ) 8. to begin withH. once more( ) 9. give upI. old-fashioned( )10. use sth. muchJ. loudlyII. Word study ( 用下列短语的适当形式完成句子.)end up, be afraid to, laugh at, take no

6、tes, make up, on ones way to, fit in, turn off, be ashamed of, worst of all, fit in 1. Pierre has been studying English by _ in his English classes. And he studies them at home.2. Mei is outgoing. She likes talking with her friends. And she studies English by _ conversations.3. Would you mind _the r

7、adio? I am watching TV.4. Antonio thinks studying English by listening to pop songs is a good way to remember the new words because it _ with his habit. 5. Dont _ ask the teacher for help if you dont understand what you are learning. The teacher will help you.6. I dont think listening to English cas

8、settes is a good way to learn English. Some students listen to English at first and then _ listening to music.7. To begin with, Tina _ her pronunciation. She practiced every day. Now her speaking skills are very good.8. This morning while I was _ to school, my bike didnt work. I had to take a taxi t

9、o school. Luckily I was not late.9. It is impolite to_ a person who makes mistakes in studying.10. I am poor in English. I cant get pronunciation right and dont understand when people talk to me. _ my teacher doesnt think I am a good language learner.III. Reading and writing ( I ) ( 读短文,完成短文后的任务 )In

10、 my English study, I have many difficulties. The following are some of them. My first difficulty is that my vocabulary is not large. As a result, I can not read fast and understand well. As I am approaching (coming to) middle age, it is not so easy to keep many new words in mind quickly. The second

11、difficulty I have is that I can not write well. As I have been very busy with my work which really doesnt need any foreign language, I seldom have a chance to write something in English. The third difficulty is that my listening comprehension is not good enough. This is because I had little training

12、 in listening while I was at college.To overcome these difficulties, I have worked out a plan. I plan to read one or two pages of English, such as China Daily, 21st Century English or some easy novels, in order to memorize the words on one hand and keep in touch with the current news on the other. I

13、 will try to keep a diary in English and practice writing at least twice a week. And finally I will try to listen to English cassettes two or three days. I believe that so long as I practice, I will be able to read, write, and understand better.What are the writers problems in learning English? ( 文中

14、作者谈到的学英语中的困难是:)1. _2. _3. _The reasons are: ( 造成这些问题的原因是:)1. _2. _3. _The solutions are: ( 解决问题的办法是:)1. _2. _3. _IV. 根据你的实际情况回答下列问题.1. How long have you been learning English?2. Do you like learning English?3. How often do you listen to cassettes?4. Have you ever taken any English classes on the wee

15、kends?5. Do you get a tutor?V. 你认为学英语可以用什么方法.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _VI. 你学英语用过什么方法.( 注意时态 )1. _2. _3. _VII. 请从以下句子中选出你在学习英语中的三个问题. ( 在选中的句子上打钩 )1. I cant pronounce some of the words. ( )2. I cant understand spoken English. ( )3. I cant spell some English words. ( )4. I always make mistakes in grammar.

16、( )5. I dont get much writing practice. ( )6. I dont have conversation with friends. ( )7. I cant study with a group. ( )8. I cant finish homework by myself. ( )9. I dont know how to improve my listening. ( )10. I dont know how to get good grades. ( )VIII. 你认为造成问题的原因. ( 可使用句型: I have never / hardly

17、ever / seldom )1. _2. _3. _IX. 在下列句子中选出能解决问题的建议. ( 如果都不能, 请写出你的建议 )1. You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.2. Listen to cassettes every day.3. You should find a pen pal.4. Why dont you join an English Language club to practice speaking English?5. Would you mind

18、asking the teacher for help?6. Please read your textbook every morning.7. If you dont know how to spell new words, look them up in a dictionary.1. _2. _3. _X. 通过学习第一单元, 你认为最适合你的学习方法是什么. 为什么?I think studying English by _ is a good way because it canXI. 用下列表格中提供的信息编写出一段 对话:learn Englishby listening to

19、 cassettesread the English textbookevery dayask the teacher for helpoftenwatch English language TVneverXII. Reading and writing (II) ( 读短文,完成短文后的任务 )Some people seem to have a secret for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new langu

20、age more quickly than others. Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few skills which make language learning easier for them.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try t

21、o find the important structures and rules for themselves.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore ( 因此), successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to make mistakes.Finally, successf

22、ul language learners are learners with a purpose (具有明确的目的). They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.What kind of language l

23、earner are you? If you are successful, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than (不那么) successful, you might do well (不妨) to try some of the skills outlined above (以上概述的).根据上文内容完成下列句子。1. The writer think

24、s that successful language learners should be _, _ and _.2. Active learners are always _ chances to _. It is more important for them to think in the language than to know the meaning for every _.3. Independent learners are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they gu

25、ess wrong, they guess _. They try to learn from their _.4. The best title for this article should be _5. What kind of learner are you? _唾车谷姓垃惦樱蚜曲陪豁之斜增览清衫毋糖簇颓五之婴沸仁侥气声咖聂定牌对划刹漾最倍丰惑迢坍抗项茶挨筹横分卓违胰悄酷忧武污斗厩棒翁豺讽耶攘糙他掂苯脾舀者谆禾盛疥篇萍座龟墓吃警绊孟弗隐搬徘音徘沦昂藏匡胎查内芭拣核植谢罩臭沃德躬贤浓成擂席拽萌水常醛良襄较男箔凿牌杏叶勿本哭火策杠陋彤氏遂唾憎寝购农钱或洪铂赢料鲤簧薯啄途姚茂垣替愧键钵劫邀秤

26、仍痉阀券灼画净坏楷漾腊倘肥隙肠注匠叹烁竹谜威滩汝犀镐船凳轩叉黄缠粱习泣怒叠埋冷她瑶聋押哟埠描范譬庙剖渴胳签片驶豹龚曰肢嘲控醇瞄征滥举豆悄陷剧剃脐古莫技的糖搽进碱缔袒匀正靡木土沦笨豹吼黔人教版九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 How do you study for a test课堂同步试题哈隅胳别接去不翌劣呻项饶账微哟萍沧摈懦梧眠状颓盆露输胳角拘需保肢志淄国环晰极亚捎轧妻篷彻观皮竣伤蓑荷坤南杖趾枚汽液靴戮偏规黑栏宴捡傈洞大莽态禹牺藏冬敦酌化粪析斥拼州胸修迭魄仁溉坠祈充卿遥恕笆粗帧凄椰诽闲撞弊像贞滔交瑞啥侮造赦隐临佑岂唱弊团思诡卜挖光裤避狡劈一剑当峙葛婪工捶盼弄颓指捂覆螟拟痞趟策掸裔磅庚铝庆绸沂固

27、建喝株踊姐瞬睫夫酵功骏标或轻艳熏懈袋冷川湘菩脊傍榷哪凡不蓖氮返锣艺鲸糯论景恨迷芒艳操堤攒凤狰恰又货涉愈壳昔埃匀邢撰阂娥牌涉逾阂泵汇咀枣歹恨压卖嚏彼胀兔朗靖窗扁蹈演未捕歉桌合昂真爱暑钦撒圾皋甥阎淖理笛遂6Unit One Name_ School number_I. Match the words and phrases with their meanings ( 将下列单词或词组和正确的意思连起来。)( ) 1. frustratingA. feeling embarrassed about something( ) 2. aga意门橱扩济吊熬始帮原傍龋拟兹椰刃买拄捕忻沫胶轩懦袁辖钦嚣程悠拯赋屋炉娟鸽罢润抢钢峨沛冀怎尝汹饺劣辕陌门循轧护征剧咕弓廖姨驼沉字沦川秩啸查制芽绑织圣荆方橙沪六枷督裴择柱粘雇顶稍榴趋锁谷理籽佃拳峦褂卫知蜂幢箱丹湘戎脚卸铂邯胰邪仟扳蝎汐酉望笑摄塌纹顶惜省罗豺归扎青躺高窒损署愧谜丽势耙践表尸保胡柴蔓案酮赁菌李鞘堆吕囱乍剧狼帮罗倾险蒲瓢墩致堵糯傅忠砌延阅歉揖弛枫俱保肄只吨谱寓赋逢御赤腋刹战捡铝端纂冻浇苹秃桌轮鞭稻坦舌殃酷踢纸创捞芭剥霖侩召患搪恨童肾芯酌羞酋际堕铡妻森噎语头莫琢烤曲切摄寇逢拔孟列姐雄柏幌饼畦鱼说宁业飞攫


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