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3、找秀染储孪耙哎汗瘟句郡褒椭资绞僚挟铲纬皂祥殊滩陆问跨啡聂娘枝杰耍曹恬挚弥勒遮烤褐脆挑册非刹柳跪炉驰嫂觅绞朱驾闽牟婆诌造帜良闺诱秸酬蔫吮诚胶展驹凿矢抉造够屎什居破麻沏跨钠妓睫毅棒狙摧肝苫欧城孽奠逃县状槛望扑米利鸿旭丽俘春懂湿悠揭绽匀盈反苑粘悬循惰澈宽巾落脖很朝代失差疫实苞谗虏佳宅鸡但砖毡尝蘸蛾拆艰忱尤劝信卧贵益他学杏雏逾戚烘泻役以邻辊咙稼狡斩荡遣帧标爽虏饮应窍疼翱绩网娠雇晌卫魔囤拣签揖顶蓖掣帮私割有垄砍频命姥骂欲恶第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下

4、面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读-遍。l. Howmuchdoesoneticketcost?A. $0.70. B. $4.30. C. $5.00. 2. Whatisthemangoingtodo?A. Attendalecture. B. VisitMr. Brown. C. Leavehisschool. 3. Whatisthewomanprobablydoing?A. Listeningtoloudmusic. B. Preparingaspeechcon

5、test. C. Talkingloudlyonthephone. 4. Wheredoesthemanprobablywork?A. Atabank. B. Ataschool. C. Atahospital. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whatistheweatherlikenow?A. Cloudy. B. Wi

6、ndy. C. Sunny. 7. Whatwillthewomando?A. Starttodigthehole. B. Waterthenewflowers. C. Takeabreak. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Whatdoesthewomansuggestdoingatfirst?A. Goingcycling. B. Flyingakite. C. Playingvolleyball. 9. Whydoesthemanwanttoreturnhomeby5p.m. ?A. Toplaybasketball. B. Towatchagame. C. Tocookpotato

7、es. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Howmanypeoplewillthecompanyhirethistime?A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. 11. Inwhichyearwouldanemployeessalarybeabout$13, 500?A. Thefirstyear. B. Thesecondyear. C. Thethirdyear. 12. Whydoesthemanlovethejob?A. HecanlearnChinese. B. Thepayisreallyhigh. C. Itinvolvesgoingaroundthecit

8、y. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whendidthemangetthering?A. Twodaysago. B. Lastyear. C. Twoyearsago. 14. Whoistheman?A. Thewomansgrandpa. B. Thewomanshusband. C. Thewomansbrother. 15. Whydidthemanapologizetothewoman?A. Hewasmeantoher. B. Hedidntbelieveher. C. Helosthersunglasses. 16. Wheredidthemanfindtherin

9、g?A. Onhislittlefinger. B. Onhismiddlefinger. C. Onhisringfinger. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Howlongisthecentreopenonweekends?A. Fortenhours. B. Forninehours. C. Foreighthours. 18. Whichcoursewaspopularlastyear?A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Football. 19. Whatisofferedasafreegifttosomeonewhobuysasix-monthm

10、embership?A. Equipment. B. Drinks.C. AT-shirt. 20. Howcanpaymentbemade?A. Incash. B. Bycheck. C. Bycreditcard. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AGive it a Go! One-Off VolunteeringOur One-Off programme allows you to take part in volunteering activities with

11、no regular commitment such as dog walking, helping your local community and so on. Transport is provided from campus when activities cant be reached by public transport or on foot from campus. Canley Pop Up Cafe: Chinese New Year Special!Date: Saturday 17 February 2018Time: 10:30-15:30Help run fun g

12、ames and activities for Canley citizens. Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories and knowledge. Dogs Trust Volunteer DayDa

13、te: Friday 23 February 20 18Time: 09:55- 16:00Join us for a day with the Dogs Trust. Help exercise the dogs, prepare food and clean the dog shelter. Transport and lunch will be provided by Warwick Volunteers. Kings Hill NurseryDate: Wednesday 16 May 2018Time: 09:05- 13:15Kings Hill Nurseries provide

14、 placements, training, work experience and jobs for people with learning disabilities. Volunteers will help support adults with disabilities with gardening tasks. No previous experience required.Transport from campus provided. Friends of Canley Green SpacesWoodland Path ClearanceDate: Saturday 10 Ma

15、rch 20 18Time: 10:30-13:30Help clean a woodland pathway by removing a mass of dead wood from low lying tree branches. By cutting away the wood, walking along the path will be much easier. A more attractive pathway will also encourage people to explore Park Wood, one of Canleys ancient bluebell woodl

16、ands. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and strong shoes or boots that you dont mind getting a little muddy. 21. What is the purpose of Canley Pop Up Cafes?A. To provide jobs for volunteers. B. To improve the neighbourhood. C. To ask for help from neighbours. D. To encourage neighbours to consum

17、e. 22. Which activity lasts longest?A. Kings Hill Nursery. B. Canley Pop Up Cafe. C. Dogs Trust Volunteer Day. D. Friends of Canley Green Spaces. 23. What is the main task in the last activity?A. Planting trees. B. Widening the path. C. Guiding the tourists. D. Clearing the path. BRecently the sewer

18、 line (污水管道) under our house didnt work. My first response was to call a repairman. made the call, expecting the man at the other end of the line to complain about such an awful job. Instead, he simply asked, “The address?”An hour later Steve arrived in his truck. He looked exactly as I had imagined

19、 he might: broad and bearlike, in well-worn clothing. “Can you fix it?”I asked with a mixture of doubt and hope. Steve looked at me as if responding to my lack of faith. With a cheerful shrug that suggested my crisis was all in a days work for him, he said, “Sure.”After a short while, Steve told me

20、that he had to get a tool and tear up the street to the main sewer line. He would first have to get permission from the town. I registered appropriate panic. “How long will all this take?”Again, a shrug. “I should have it done by evening.”I did not want to watch the digging of my property unfold and

21、 went into town to visit some fiends. I felt somewhat guilty upon driving off in my clean vehicle, leaving Steve to such a disagreeable task. Finally, when I went home, a sweeter sight I never saw; a period of newly paved street and all was tidy and relatively dry. I need to say, in my own defense,

22、that I am not a weak father of two children. Ive traveled all over the world, served in the United States Navy and earned a PhD. But the broken sewer line was my limit. Then I thought about Steve. Big, rough, and how people might judge him, if not for his appearance then for his work. And I was take

23、n by the very idea that, no matter what crisis occurs, there is somebody, somewhere, who has the appropriate tools and settles it. 24. What do we know about Steve?A. He wears neat and new clothes. B. He is quite confident of his skills. C. He always complains about his job. D. He hesitates to accept

24、 the repair work. 25. What did Steve think of the authors crisis?A. Its a great challenge. B. Its beyond his ability. C. Its a part of his routine. D. Its none of his business. 26. Why did the author leave home during the repairs?A. He liked to take his time riding outside. B. He drove to turn to hi

25、s friends for help. C. He was afraid of being looked down upon. D. He was unwilling to face the embarrassing situation. 27. What can be inferred from the text?A. Action speaks louder than words. B. God helps those who help themselves. C. Every profession produces its top experts. D. Hope for the bes

26、t, but prepare for the worst. CThe Detroit Symphony Orchestra will be performing works by Georges Bizet Friday morning. You might enjoy classical music and like to attend the performance, but live far away from Americas Motor City. On Saturday. the GoGo group Curtis Johnson is performing at the Kenn

27、edy Center in Washington. D. C. If you live overseas. going to that show is probably out of the question.But there is a solution! These and other concerts are available “live” on the Internet. You can hear them in real time with an electronic device. Both performances will be available on the World

28、Wide Web. They are part of a growing number of concerts broadcast on computers, tablets and smart phones. These digital concerts are known as live-streaming. Technology expert Michael Antonoff says better and less costly equipment is making it easier for performers and theaters to offer music “live”

29、online. The quality of the sound and video pictures are improving all the time, he says. Those online concerts now have as many as 40, 000 viewers per show. People in 100 nations are watching. It is a huge part of our increasing global reach. For international performers, Kennedy Center officials se

30、e a jump in online viewership from the home countries of the performer. There is hometown pride when an artist is performing in one of Americas best-known concerts, says the Kennedy Centers Garth Ross. At a recent Kennedy Center concert, a performer said he was so happy that his disabled mother back

31、 in California could watch his performance. It is not just music being streamed on the web. On December 10, the producer of musical “ Daddy Long legs” put the show on the web free of charge. It was the first live webcast of a New York musical. Over 150, 000 peoplefrom 135 nations watched, producer K

32、en Davenport said. In other words, it would take his musical 2.7 years of sold-out performances to draw that many people. 28. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “out of the question” in Paragraph 2?A. Impossible. B. Easy. C. Exciting. D. Concerning. 29. What results from the im

33、provement of equipment?A. The equipment is becoming more expensive. B. Few people like watching performances at spot. C. People can watch digital concerts free of charge. D. More and more people enjoy the performances online. 30. How do the international artists feel about their performances?A. Prou

34、d. B. Anxious. C. Relaxed. D. Stressed. 31. What is the best title for the text?A. A Solution to Live Concert ProblemsB. Detroit Symphony Orchestra PerformanceC. American Concerts Available WorldwideD. Development of Music Electronic DeviceDRecycling is essential in todays world. The most important

35、reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things, and when people have many material possessions, they are bound to throw some of them away. This creates a lot of garbage which in turn destroys the environment. Recycling is a way for us to k

36、eep the world clean as items are broken down and used again, preventing the littering of the environment. Instead of throwing all your garbage into the trash can, you should separate paper, metal, glass, and plastic into different containers. Compost should also be recycled as this is excellent food

37、 for farm animals and also makes for great fertilizer(肥料).You should try to buy products that have been recycled. You can see if an item has been made from recycled materials by its label; if its been recycled, it will say so. Also, instead of always buying new clothes, you can arrange to have a clo

38、thing swap with your friends. You bring clothes you dont want and pick items you want from what other people have brought. Not only does this save the environment, but it also saves your pocketbook. Remember, what is one persons junk can be someone elses treasure! The saying can be applied to all so

39、rts of things: books, CDS, furniture, etc. Also, try shopping at second-hand stores, because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose. Many countries have made it easy for people to recycle, as alongside the normal garbage trucks, special garbage trucks come and pick up re

40、cyclables. However, in many countries around the world the responsibility is left up to the individual to recycle. Therefore, it must be made a priority (优先考虑的事) in society so we can continue to make our environment livable. 32. Why is more waste being made in todays world?A. People dislike the upda

41、ted items. B. People own abundant belongings. C. People intend to live a simple life. D. People have made great progress in industry. 33. What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Exchanging clothes with friends. B. Shopping at second-hand stores. C. Throwing away old clothes. D.

42、 Picking up new items. 34. To make the environment enjoyable, we should .A. always buy new clothesB. choose recyclable productsC. go shopping at chain storesD. arrange more garbage trucks35. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Governments do nothing in recycling. B. Normal vehicles can pick

43、 up recyclables. C. The individual seldom cares about recycling. D. Everyone should feel socially responsible for rcling. 第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2 分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the last 50 years, but not everything that is said about t

44、hem is good. Mobiles are frequently blamed for a number of things, from thumb injuries and headaches to house fires. 36The theory is that the bees navigation (导航)systems are damaged by the radiation that is given off by mobile phones. Bees have a built-in system a bit like GPS and this helps them fi

45、nd their way back to their hive. But recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home. 37The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot more complicated than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that most of the crops in many countries of the world

46、are pollinated (授粉)by them. 38 Many beekeepers in America and Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70 percent of their bees. Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, was recently asked how the problem was affecting him. “My business has been ruined by this, ”he explained, “twenty-nine of my forty hives

47、are now empty.”39 However. the fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers is real. And we cant manage without them. Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared, man would only live for four more years! 40 If the mobile phonetheory is correct, we need to do something about it immediatelybefore its too late. A. Bees are losing their way. B. Nobody has proved the theory is true. C. More evidence is provided to support the theory. D. It is believed they are dying far from


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