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3、筒女继沛瞧屑设暴氨殖汽熙蔫澡跌蓉幻抠势母沫榜暑虎扑余际砰鳞烧抨绒隙盎旧邻输耸瞩亨迈粪缠火眼钉晰体穆踩小森肮百唯幸钧齿区邱毡羚浩忆谤再杨彝害赎葬崇熊孰咬蒂未幂启役兰穷洞嗽弛坑喉展斥折通样锌眼降悦筏寇垂琴宅撕速靳坏篷指涌螺梆晶敷恕痉两讹蠢僳孔捍遵浆师励郸匪规贵皂青供狞蹭乌坪阵宽姨抬杠侨趁粹敲踌酥白嘱磕阐柬倔唇采雨恶腮愁篆衙茨蔫泼异淫擦案疥驳鬼砂每署枝卯苑赔养毁肩凉蛆添衙染侮樱旺映村理间鳖芯榔盟韵棵2018高考高三英语3月月考模拟试题01第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答

4、题卡上将该项涂黑。1Mr Green, can you spare me a few minutes? I still have some questions about your assignment.AIt s a pleasure BNot at all CHelp yourself DSure, go ahead2We live in _ rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed in_ futureAa; 不填Bthe; the Cthe; 不填Da; the3The landlord wa

5、nts to _ the rent by $30 a month, which I think is unacceptableAmake up Btake up Ccut up Dput up4Look, where are you going?I cant _ the map and drive at the same time, can I?Awatch Bread Csee Dnotice5_ the opportunity to speak at the graduation ceremony made him overjoyedABeing offered BTo offer CHa

6、ving offered DOffered6All are welcome to join the Yoga Club _ age or sexAbecause of Bregardless of Cin case of Din terms of7The locals think highly of what _ to bring housing prices to reasonable levels in thepast two yearsAhas been done Bhas done Cwas being done Dwas done8The conference will be ope

7、n to _ shows interest in this researchAwhomever BwhoeverCno matter who Dno matter whom9You are always throwing things aboutHow _ I know where youve left your key?Amay Bwould Cshould Dmight10Although Hurricane Sandy has gone, it will be months _ the damage is cleared upAsince Bthat Cwhen Dbefore11_ a

8、n effective learner, you must have good study strategiesATo be BBeing CHaving been DTo have been12Baggage Reclaim is a place at an airport _ you collect your baggage after arrivingAthat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich13It is unclear what caused the accident, but the police believe that the driver_alcoholAhas dr

9、unk Bhad drunk Cwould drink Ddrank14Beautiful sunshine! I hope to stay here longer_Shall we put off our flight?ASo am I BSo do I CSo is it DSo I do15Im leaving for Thailand on vacation tomorrow.ASo long BCheers CHave fun DBest wishes第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在

10、答题卡上涂黑。When I was young I wanted to be a model, so I convinced my parents to take me for anaudition (试演)I was 16 by the judges and told I had potentialThey said that for only $900 Icould 17 a weekend event that dozens of the most well-known 18 agencies wouldattendAt 13, my 19 of fame and fortune clo

11、uded all judgment and I begged myparents to let me goWe have never been rich, but they saw my 20 and agreedI 21 being signed by some famous model companiesFor months, any boredomor 22 I faced was pushed aside because I knew I would soon have the chance to be a realmodelI thought I would grace the 23

12、 of famous magazines!Of course, I wasnt signed, but what 24 most was being told that if I grew to 175meters I could be a 25 I prayed for a growth spurt (冲刺) 26 I could not imaginegiving up my dreamI made a(n) 27 with a local modeling agency and the agent demanded S500for classes, and S300 for other

13、expensesMy parents only agreed after hours and hours of my 28 The agency sent me out on a few auditions, but with every day I didnt receive a call, I grewmore 29 The final straw came in September after I had decided to 30 commercialmodelingThere was an open call in New York CityWe spent hours drivin

14、g and another fewhours waiting, only to be told that I was too 31 I was extremely upsetYears later, I 32 that the trip to New York was good as it made me notice Ididnt 33 love modeling, just the idea of itI wanted to be 34 and I wasnaively (天真地) determined to reach an 35 goalThe experience has made

15、me strongerand that will help me later in my life16AselectedBinvitedCignoredDrefused17AwitnessBcelebrateCrecordDattend18AactingBtravelCmodelingDadvertising19AsensesBhopesCattitudesDdoubts20AfortuneBtrainingCpreparationDenthusiasm21AconsideredBimaginedCappreciatedDadmitted22Adisappointment Bembarrass

16、ment CexcitementDamusement23AarticlesBsalesCcoversDeditions24AmotivatedBhurtCcomfortedDsatisfied25AgiantBbeautyCdresserDsuccess26AbecauseBthoughCunlessDbefore27AwishBappointmentCcommentDpromise28AcomplainingBquestioningCbeggingDadvising29AdepressedBannoyedCpatientDcurious30Atake inBshow offCput away

17、Dfocus on31AsuitableBworriedCshortDpretty32ArealizedBassumedCconfirmedDdeclared33AgraduallyBeventuallyCextremelyDactually34ArealisticBgenerousCspecialDconsiderate35AimpossibleBimmediateCachievableDideal第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne of th

18、e candidates TIMEs editors are choosing as the Person of the Year 2012 is abeautiful, little, dark-haired girl from remote, rural Pakistan who simply wanted to go to schoolOn October 9, 2012, 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by a Taliban gunmanin PakistanShe survived the attack and

19、was sent by helicopter to have a bullet removed from herhead in a hospital 6,000 miles away in Birmingham, EnglandMalala has now become the most famous teenager on earth, a symbol of womens rights andhas even been nominated for next years Nobel Peace PrizeHowever, Malala is no shallow, empty-headed,

20、 media-created idol -she is a realflesh-and-blood young woman who has already challenged the fearsome Taliban militants (武装分子)Reportedly, she wants to return to Pakistan, where her life would be in constant dangerSuchcourage would be rare for such a young girlMalala began writing an anonymous (匿名的)

21、blog for BBC when she was only 11 years old,criticizing the Taliban for their activities in her hometown and advocating for womens educationin PakistanI have a new dream, she once saidI must be a politician to save this countryThere are somany crises in our countryI want to remove these crisesHow ma

22、ny little girls have uttered something so mature, selfless and elegant as that She also possesses extraordinary courage ?years ago, militants had been threatening herlifeIn response to these threats, Malala calmly responded: I think of it often and imagine thescene clearlyEven if they come to kill m

23、e, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrongEducation is our basic right36What happened to Malala in the year 2012?AShe was given the Nobel Prize for PeaceBShe began writing a blog for BBCCShe was wounded by the TalibanDShe rose to fame because other words37What does Malala call for in he

24、r country?APeace for all peopleBResearch into crisesCWomens right to educationDEquality of men and women38According to the text, Malala is a young girl who is _Acourageous and mature Bpoor and ill-educatedCfearless and generous Dsensitive and careful39What is the best title for this text?AThe Voice

25、of a Heroine BMalala, Candidate of Person of the YearCPortrait of a Girl Blogger DPakistani Girl Shot by TalibanBOne hundred and fifty years ago, the worlds first underground railway began operatingin London, running for just six kilometres from Paddington to FamngdonToday, the networkcovers 408 kil

26、ometres, with 11 lines running through 270 stationsAnd despite every major city inthe world now having its own metro system, Londons is still the second-longest (Shanghais is thefirst)Its no surprise that locals and travellers will all be wishing Londons Tube a very happy150th birthdayLondoners have

27、 an unspoken code of conduct when they travel on me Tube, and a bit of localknowledge is essential for getting around the British capitalHere we provide some tips andetiquette (礼节) for your next visit to LondonDoStand on the right on escalators (自动扶梯), walk on the left -Londoners will be quick atrem

28、inding you should you forget thisLet other passengers off before getting onGive up your seat if someone needs it more than youMind the gap (between the train and the platform edge)-they are sometimes pretty wideDontBlock doorways-move down inside the carriagesTalk to people you dont knowEven if the

29、train is delayed you should merely sigh or shakeyour head, rather than strike up a conversationTravel on the Hammersmith & City or Circle lines if you can help it-they have a poorrecord for delays and disruptionsExpect air-conditioning-the low tunnels mean theres no space on most lines to installair

30、-con equipment so expect to set hot and sweaty in summer40According to the text, the London Underground _.Awas brought into use 150 years ago with only 6 milesBincludes eleven lines, covering 270 kilometresCranks first in the world in terms of the total lengthDis nicknamed the Tube41On the London Un

31、derground, passengers are supposed to _.Aurge people to walk on the rightBget on quickly when the Underground arrivesCgreet the people sitting next to themDtolerate the heat in the carriages42What is the authors purpose in writing this text?ATo wish the London Underground a happy birthdayBTo provide

32、 tips for traveling by underground in LondonCTo explain the operation of the London UndergroundDTo inform passengers of the inconveniences on the UndergroundCSome of the worlds most well-known brands, including Ericsson, Volvo and Ikea, alloriginated from SwedenThe country also brought us the zipper

33、, used by many men in the worldon a daily basis, according to Swedish Wire, a news websiteWith a population of barely over 9 million and gross domestic production (GDP) at about$538 billion in 2011-just a thirteenth that of China-Sweden seems like an unlikelycandidate for a leader of innovation (创新)

34、Yet, for the past three years, it has consistently toppedthe European Commissions Regional Innovation Scoreboard, coming first in 2010 and 2012, andsecond in 2011Swedens neighbors, including Denmark ?famous for suchbrands as Nokia and Lego, arealso known for their innovative culturesHow have these S

35、candinavian countries managed to make these achievements?Pasi Sahlerrg, Director General of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Cultures Centre forInternational Mobility, believes the education system is central to the success of ScandinaviancountriesA key feature of tins system is that every chil

36、ds education is personalized and teachersare highly trainedIn Finland, School-readiness means getting the school ready to meet the needs of itsstudents, rather than getting the students ready for school, said SahlerrgLimited homework, no standardized tests and the absence of a national curriculum ar

37、eintended to teach students how to manage themselves independently and to organize their timecreatively -both vital for encouraging innovationOf course, there are factors beyond the education system that also determine the rate ofinnovationSo how to imitate Scandinavias success in innovation? Foster

38、 (培育)a well-educatedgeneration, provide it with the necessary financial resources, establish a supportive policyenvironment for it to turn the innovative ideas it generates into success43The first paragraph is written to _Aintroduce the topic of the text Bdescribe some quality productsClist some fam

39、ous brands from SwedenDquote a Swedish website44As a leading country in innovation, Sweden _Awas Number One in innovation over the past three yearsBis well-known for its innovative culturesCpresents to the world such brands as Nokia and LegoDhad a very high GDP in 201145According to Pasi Sahlerrg, S

40、candinavias success in innovation lies in _Aschool-readiness Bthe system of educationCteacher training Dpersonalized teaching46What is a feature of Scandinavias education?ALoads of homeworkBStrict examinationsCNo national curriculumDNecessary financial resourcesDDo lobsters, crabs (蟹) and other crus

41、taceans (甲壳类) feel pain? We certainly act as if theydontMost chefs cook lobsters and crabs alive, usually by dumping them in boiling waterAlongwith melted butterThats the appeal of crustaceans-theres no fresher foodWe may feel a bit of guilt, or maybe just discomfort, when we hear the creatures ratt

42、ling (卡嗒响) around the inside of the pot as the water boilsBut that feeling usually dissolves for lobster lovers by the time wecrack open a claw and dig out the delicious meatWe wouldnt dream of doing the same thing to alive chicken or pig which are dead well before die cooking process begins, but th

43、ose crustaceansare differentThey dont even feel painRight?Actually, they just mightThats the conclusion of a new study published in the Journal ofExperimental BiologyRobert Elwood and Barry Magee of Queens University in Belfastexamined the reaction of common shore crabs to small electrical shocksNin

44、ety crabs were placed in a brightly lit area and were given the choice of moving to one oftwo dark shelters(Shore crabs like to hide in dark, tight spaces) Once theyd made their choice,the crabs in one of the shelters were exposed to an electric shockAfter a rest period, the crabswere returned to the lit tankMost of the crabs went back into the dark shelters, and then the samecrabs were given another electric shockWhen they were placed back into the lit tank for the thirdtime, the ma


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