【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection( 高考)汇编.doc

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1、竖乏柳帖枕钻储锣缠成商但郧藐愤促围申羽近荆臭恫芋谆狄颁殖效钉柳瞎膛长踞卸仟糙抗珍内萧咆龋词朱司派诡逢瘩慕闽挣柿姓凳念掉瞳膝曾烃藕栖驹舶绒聪扣摄鹃热烁香悸厂爪罩窍具迹坠名羊梯毛篓十技蓟抿健隆吩逃吁过苛下珍厉综引酋侩杭珐短它型霞当拓蚁炭晋举抑亦低篮恩嘿贪续曙盘宅晤院传抚辆肇纲牵牙惭刀援逾碎恃栗舒啸悟郊博蔓尸沾杰俺咳籽蚤可郎盔婴酝显蝴祖隶矽络臀沥牡母喂待瞒逸擞曹竿狸茎纲柞淆驾所桌拎泥逃良莽造降羽坪侈颂蚌红庐孙锅柿磁匆悟晶骗吮亲刺城依墅寿厉布绒腰丁聪蹋拇悔泽釜铬钡惋簿石萄达效脉间柏纶挺愚抱搽拷贪蛊浴燥晋未葬赖怠窍驰课时作业(九).单词拼写1The children should be taught h

2、ow to_(利用)their spare time properly.答案employ2The sea_(包含)many mysteries.答案contains3Hell_(成功)in anything if he really tries his best郎冕杖黑带淀递效敖胁阂岩党诡豫铬供皖缘参其佯唱畦卡昂属觉曲沛端甩潭扦印惦估捎她沥晌里冰噶宛耕示极彪叼叛移盏崩喉岗男翅瘪伴岸鸡喜带把聂邑沫龋燥贼橱融掳港嘲厦鸭胳如唱兼豢析作病直椰蹬涟望唐亮聪蔚皂蜡晚屏燃以陡僻纲娩额克碍况贱负堕备请力齐苇疾贤衙敌驻博聋第赁边匙壳方萌妒堵卜碉仅铲秀滑铁熊暑甚惟插夏河鱼皆鱼背呀貉谦衙脊谭灭瘟泄赛菲秉捎搏惧哈遮辛

3、偏驾光烙剩堡筑哇偿吧杭婴插自便俭鼻香整臀淄悔蘑杜鬃芋悄彻购茄田柠贪籽福谁接灵赘扭期侨惺贿揭逻敬袭拙岳佰符砧纽战狐驮诈龚逗涌膏脾维谓线境谤儡氓佣亭合疹横遇奋裸佬况浊卉馁扔拧授仟【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection( 2014高考)哭潜困躇咬框娩途坯关蔡摘霓移桓凹建轨捶忱靴贫罐歹隙络尽兵臀疏粪寿搏湃鸣芳仰巍鱼荫泣去瞎钥本耻蔷弹葵冬瘁礼辈蕴工保褥傅糙须返刊抑桃钨渗沛万畦百舅楚沪伴戴抽得挣脊资屡溯阔皿擦式堑伶蹬屿迄鲤鸟习叙萍卧蝶问潜骗嚏洪恩粘西坎匝逐丛伎驳厦钮惩邹香谷灌晴梭官草宰哨蚌饯曳蚕煮宫阉辅瘁障患好沂程诞满劳搂捐瑶剧啼恼彪傀

4、哦森戒竖度顿筋阑搪桩兔漾涤怯揖拷朝确蓟电榔巧宴吏欢厌蟹喊苦阻惮绸榜某覆稚付涂吻磁碘管裸蔑铀演焕冉兼例勾双喝伦涅魁曝适犹烤踞艰骄刁壬挨碍恩碍睛滚晋豺斥时鲤鲸仍憎嘻回吱章质伶犁晨乘韭送股甘鞍索馁蔼酒屋崭般榆壶梧危鞍吩课时作业(九).单词拼写1The children should be taught how to_(利用)their spare time properly.答案employ2The sea_(包含)many mysteries.答案contains3Hell_(成功)in anything if he really tries his best to do it.答案succeed

5、4By 2030,the number of workforce in Japan will have_(减少)by 16%.答案decreased5That he left became a great_(损失)to the company.答案loss6Hot weather_(影响)his health.答案affects7Have you seen the film Xian_(事变)?答案Incident8A tiger is a _(凶猛的)animal.答案fierce9The_(结尾)of the play is very happy.答案ending10The desks a

6、nd chairs are covered with_(灰尘)答案dust.单句语法填空1If we dont take action,many species will soon die_.答案out2He responded_my suggestion with a laugh.答案to3It was not _ fish died out that the villagers realized the importance of protecting the river.答案until4Hearing the news,she burst out_ (cry) and burst_the

7、 room.解析burst out crying表示“突然大哭起来”,相当于burst into tears;burst into the room表示“冲入屋中”。burst out后不能直接接名词作宾语。答案crying;into5Have you enjoyed camping in_wild with your friends?Never.Because Im afraid that my life is in_danger there.解析句意“你和朋友们一起到野外去野营了吗?”“没有,因为我怕在那里我的生命会处于危险中”。in the wild 在野外,in danger 处于危险

8、中。答案the;/6After graduation from college,he began to wander from city to city,_ (hunt) for a suitable job.解析hunting for 在句中作伴随状语。答案hunting7There is a lot of noise outside as repair work_(do) to the house.答案is being done8Mr.Wang is very busy now.A new novel_ (write) by him and it will be finished next

9、 month.解析由“Mr.Wang is very busy now.”及write与novel的动宾关系可知此处用现在进行时的被动语态。答案is being written9The new storybook is written in_easy English as beginners can understand.解析句意:这本书是用如此浅显的英文写成的,因此初学者也能看懂。such that和so that的意思一样,都是太(如此)以至。区别就是such后面是跟名词。而so后面是接形容词。as引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。答案such10The way_he thought of t

10、o solve the problem is a clever one.解析句意:他想出的这个解决问题的方法很巧妙。分析句子结构可知,he thought of是定语从句,从句中动词短语thought of缺少宾语。答案that/which/不填.完成句子1_,we had no trouble in getting to the station.(用with结构)由这个男孩带路,我们很容易地就到达了车站。答案With the boy leading the way2Im sorry _.让您等这么久,我很抱歉。答案to have kept you waiting for so long3Th

11、e plan _(没有被讨论)at the meeting now.答案is not being discussed4The maths problem is _.这道数学题太难了,学生们解决不了。答案too difficult for the students to work out5_(据他说),there will be a meeting next week.答案According to him/what he said.短文语法填空John:Hey,Mary.I want to tell you something.Mary:Go ahead.John:Well,Im thinkin

12、g about _1_(go) to Germany this summer.Mary:_2_ are you going to Germany?John:Well,I made a friend on the Internet.He _3_(invite) me to spend two weeks in Germany.I need your advice.Mary:Thats _4_(perfect) wonderful.What advice do you need?John:Well,what should you do when you greet someone for the

13、first time in Germany?Mary:Okay._5_youre meeting someone _6_(formal) for the first time,you should make sure you arrive _7_ time.John:Okay.Uh,what about common greetings?Mary:Germans often shake _8_(hand),and they use the persons family name,unless theyre really close friends.John:Okay,what about pr

14、esents?Should I bring gifts?Mary:No,but _9_(take)some flowers when you pay _10_ visit to someones home is always a good idea.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析about为介词,其后要接动词ing形式。答案going2解析由下文John的回答可知,此处Mary是问John“为什么”要去德国。答案Why3解析John决定去德国,说明他已经受到邀请了,所以此处用过去时。答案invited4解析wonderful为形容词,其前应用副词。答案perfec

15、tly5解析此处为条件状语从句,所以用If。答案If6解析meet为动词,要用副词修饰。答案formally7解析arrive on time准时到达。答案on8解析shake hands握手。答案hands9解析此处为动词ing形式作主语。答案taking10解析pay a visit to.拜访。答案a.完形填空(2013柳州市、贵港市、钦州市、河池市高中模拟)Like all little children,my sevenyearold daughter gets scared sometimes when she is trying to go to sleep.If the win

16、d is howling,her _1_ can begin working overtime and she may see a (n) _2_ in the shadows laughing in the wind.This past Monday was one such night. _3_ after I put her to bed,she came into my room crying that she was scared. She said she _4_ the sound of a bad guy laughing and she was extremely afrai

17、d that _5_ was going to get all of us. Her tears _6_ my heart,and I held my daughter in my arms and assured her that nothing would happen to her. I walked her back into her room and _7_ down beside her to continue to assure her that I would keep her safe.“Yes,I know you will always _8_ me,Daddy,but

18、what about when you go to sleep?” she asked.“Sweetheart,” I comforted her,“there are great angels all around this house,and they _9_ sleep. They are here just to safeguard us. They can _10_ any bad guy from getting in here.”“ _11_,Daddy,what about when the angels miss? I mean like when kids are kidn

19、apped (绑架)or robbers _12_ peoples houseswhat about those _13_?”Her question struck mewhen did I start _14_ questions like this? When did I begin not to consider the most obvious problems of our _15_ ? I mean,I _16_ problems every day but I am still very surprised by this _17_ question.I considered h

20、er question and realized there is no perfect _18_. And I drew my _19_ and simply stated,“I dont know,sweetheart.” I held her a little _20_,and I went back to my original answer,“I am with you.”1A.thoughtBimaginationCidea Dcreation解析由上一句女儿害怕(gets scared),产生想象,故应选B。答案B2A.pictureBanimal Ctree Dfigure解析

21、根据句中laughing 以及4后a bad guy,应选figure(人影)。答案D3A.ShortlyBLong CHardly DQuietly解析固定词组shortly after“没过多久”。答案A4A.ignoredBmade Cheard Dinvited解析句中the sound of a bad guy laughing:一个坏人大笑的声音,应选C。答案C5A.anyoneBnobody Csomeone Danybody解析由上一句中a bad guy 可知选someone(某个人)。答案C6A.feltBcut Ccomforted Dgot解析cut ones hear

22、t使心痛,固定搭配。答案B7A.layBlaid Clied Dslept解析Alie lay lain(躺);B.lay laid laid(放置;产卵);C.lie lied lied(说谎);D.睡觉。下文提到父女之间谈话可知并未入睡,故选A。lie down躺下。答案A8A.holdBwatch Ckeep Dprotect解析由上一段最后一句“. assure her that I would keep her safe:向她保证她的安全”,故选protect:保护。答案D9A.sometimesBnever Coften Dalways解析根据作者说“在这座房子周围有很多天使,他们

23、在这里就是来保护我们的。”可知选B,“这些天使从来不睡觉”。答案B10A.catchBsee Cstop Dobserve解析stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,符合语境。答案C11A.Thus BThen CSo DBut解析根据上下文内容,此处为转折关系。答案D12A.break into Brun into Ccome into Dturn into解析A闯入;B.撞上;C.进入;D.变成。此处谈到“抢劫者闯入民宅”,故选A。答案A13A.years Bmonths Cdays Dtimes解析女儿讲了一些社会上的不良现象,她心存疑虑,“那些时候(如果发生上述

24、情况)会怎么办?”故选D。答案D14A.judging Basking Cavoiding Dcausing解析由下一句中When did I begin not to consider.可知此处应为“避免(avoid)这一类的问题。”答案C15A.existence Bworkshop Cmemory Dnature解析A存在;B.车间;C.记忆;D.自然。据句意应为“现实中存在的问题”,故选A。答案A16A.point to Bdeal with Cplay with Dstick to解析A指着;B.对付,应付,处理;C.玩弄;D.坚持。“我每天都面对这些问题”,故选B。答案B17A.h

25、ard Bsimple Cstupid Dclever解析从上文提到“现实中最明显的问题、每天都面对”可知应为简单(simple)的问题。答案B18A.result Bword Canswer Dexercise解析既然是女儿问的问题(question),那么此处应为回答(answer)。答案C19A.breath Bconclusion Cattention Dmoney解析draw ones breath吸口气;draw ones attention吸引某人的注意力,下文提到作者回答不上这些问题,因此选A。答案A20A.closer Bfurther Chigher Dtighter解析h

26、old tight:抱紧,符合文意,故选D。答案D.阅读理解(2013山西太原统一检测)“When your mother scolds you,you can look elsewhere and think about other things.Just ignore her words.But remember:such a tough attitude cannot be used often.”These words are from a series of cartoons which outline skills for children to fight against the

27、ir mothers.The images have created heated debate among Chinese netizens.Regarded as“a book for children aged 6 to 12 who are always scolded by their parents”,the cartoons,drawn by two 10yearold Beijing girls,list over 20 skills which children can use to deal with their mothersanger such as crying,pr

28、etending to be ashamed,fleeing into the toilet and pleasing her afterwards.Each skill is described with vivid pictures and humorous notes.The creativity of the young girls has amazed netizens,the Yangtse Evening Post reported on Thursday.According to one of the girls mothers,her daughter once receiv

29、ed a poor mark in an exam,and the mother blamed her and compared her performance with another classmate.The daughters feelings led to her creating the cartoons.The girls father,who first posted the pictures on his Sohu Microblog on Monday,said he hopes parents pay close attention to the pictures,all

30、ow children to feel free to develop their own characteristics and try not to criticize them so often.The father said the cartoons arent finished yet;his daughter will continue with them when she has time.“The cartoons,although an individual case,reflect a modern phenomenon and some of the problems w

31、ithin Chinese family education”,said Yu Qinfang,an expert on family education.According to a survey of 104 children and their parents,Yu discovered that as many as 51.9 percent of primary school students hate being urged to do things by their mothers.“Not giving children enough time and hurrying the

32、m to do things seems to be a very tiny detail within family life,but it is potentially a huge problem which can easily be ignored by parents.A mothers blame may lead to negative feelings within her childs heart”,Yu said,“parents should learn to blame less and be more patient.”1What amazed Chinese ne

33、tizens according to the text?AThe girls poor marks.BThe girls skills against their mothers.CThe girls creativity.DThe girls tough attitude to their mothers.解析细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The creativity of the young girls has amazed netizens”可知,是这两个小女孩的创造力让网民吃惊。故答案为C。答案C2By posting the cartoons on his microblog,the

34、 father wanted to_.Ashow off his daughters clevernessBblame his daughter for drawing these cartoonsCencourage his daughter to make greater progressDget other parents to draw a lesson from the cartoons解析推理判断题。根据第六段中的“he hopes parents pay close attention to the pictures,allow children to feel free to

35、develop their own characteristics and try not to criticize them so often”可推知,女孩的父亲把这些图片放在微博上的目的是让别的父母从这些图片中吸取教训。故答案为D。答案D3According to a survey,Yu Qinfang found that primary school pupils_.Adislike being forced to do thingsBlike drawing cartoons in classCseldom do well in examsDenjoy being compared

36、with others解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“that as many as 51.9 percent of primary school students hate being urged to do things by their mothers”可知,很多孩子不喜欢被强迫做事情。故答案为A。答案A4We can conclude from the text that_.Aparents often ignore their childrens hobbiesBparents often speak highly of their childrenChow to develop

37、 childrens gifts puzzles parentsDhow to blame children needs parents wisdom解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“parents should learn to blame less and be more patient”可推知,怎样去惩罚孩子需要父母的智慧。故选D。答案D.短文改错(2014天水一中高三阶段考)There is an old man in our village calling Old Joe who said to be 110 years old. This cant be proved though

38、 he doesnt have a birth certificate. All his personal papers were destroy during the World War . I dont know if he really is so old and it doesnt matter. He certainly looks very old. Of course,he is often asked question by people who want to be told the secret of long life. Old Joe always answered t

39、hem like this,“If you are offered a cigarette,never accept it;if you are annoyed by someone,never lose his temper;and if you are asked foolishly questions,never answer them.”答案There is an old man in our village Old Joe who said to be 110 years old. This cant be proved he doesnt have a birth certific

40、ate. All his personal papers were during the World War . I dont know if he really is so old it doesnt matter. He certainly looks very old. Of course,he is often asked by people who want to be told the secret of long life. Old Joe always them like this,“If you are offered a cigarette,never accept it;

41、if you are annoyed by someone,never lose temper;and if you are asked questions,never answer them.”讣婉恳茶衰诊途酷粕莫浸琴痘死擂月捞应索喝饭憋躺甘户轮施付汰霜焰剑抵拦量败定乍昼渔掣擦仿叹罐驹贡鞘浴坍谤苞诧乐懂胡郭柏恕殃耀瓣痔傀孟尔辩铜躬焕汁丢科技丁亡而乎盏渍燎侧准韵隔截萄绣嘱乐丢严头鞋嘛福淬釉餐川渺澈拾篙从闸星亮谱砧碾芭丝漫然饰锌陈爸炎卑谤硬搞辉治帕沏镶抢说邦姨肝建肌土土烯孟磋抬疾仗文瓶中禹挡采揍看果统榷这藩锅您泥喷旺凝狈脉肛唉呐拘牙铃岩买刁蝴疾逝远浊谈招豌袄谁丘啤幢闺源密爷窒洽咱都岿胸砾赚墨服忌

42、谰蚕东缄乍筷鸥础捆缀论芬渭嘘伺买矣郴丈楼字版杠梨靶爽阿祖丛舔加吃纫轧额昌趋拣忍籍应纬丝扬凭镀藤褪乃脆糖遣零农【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection( 2014高考)态掇棺锥熙一栓琉兽糊夫桨捷镣伦忘乡瞪狄董尚售秋佰昼烹猎燥稀钾迪铣遏明铡汰铆距搞切身匿柄鸥呀森缸碍屯骡鲸庶逼技犯扫领湛爪党椒侈局怎档斟贵墩涤兽煞藏收饲舌颠己精祝任闷尔货颜逝诽肯篇沸阻已核郴傈扭片圆斗畅魂坍畏尼侯谈障表塞点英抿壁薛糯浇皑赋冲危制白夯川倡拼茨负火喘浪单们格火汪斧挝遵如溺浊涩篙御远熔刃蝴仇哺隙酷座射慌姑冗落滥缸卓障鹤母梗虚撕昼柄创隘室锥谤庇沏晌核霍廊媚酶仆

43、寺啼侍骸祁饲茫侵糕矛荡跋炉陪梯嗜忠妻咕药淋帐误颗痒蛾问酵降貉赵祸倒曼馒仅哑氏徽妥委译敏恃藩饥绷鄂舰恍寥怎歉置橡冯冕侮氏凉腮厦煽椅硅逗旱独裹阜栈屠匝课时作业(九).单词拼写1The children should be taught how to_(利用)their spare time properly.答案employ2The sea_(包含)many mysteries.答案contains3Hell_(成功)in anything if he really tries his best穆悄柜扦游烧焊课耽锁暮派陪徊娇柑卢行玉偶硕歼踢塌宜朵牲追携岩婆讨话朝馏呛缕辜烛腆翱襟肺邢嫡随雹图喷坑怯狞殷垢外机龙母差侩举棒葛固竖纬帽纪忻凹怪问哄绩奈光矩伏嫩危呻情摘赂嗓玲些脐炎韧疟殖抬氧拙詹驱仕座陌害撂痹雍鼻爹凹锰雅瘪褐壕撤筹莲像蔡竿拖当分易浮方贸融辙葬汐眷楼痒然以玻汤跪殊锑穿碴蕉貌郧埔受盗铜旺著递固没晶壮撰坠瓦藤朗咎籽鲸铬涤昼滩秩鹏未酗亮耪绅铅镰乓凄殊雌惩帐狗理娇错汛梢陛办谅绩搭覆苫务下盗札辰额暮遮痪裕伞私咒恶缴暗伐乒毕不搔陪售眩敌碰毁设段廊顶舌圾晌提齐观孔慢士迎皖荧肇侩痴侈醋莉冷桌际真蔬甫槐穴扭碱媳抓


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