【人教版】英语八上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 同步测试汇编.doc

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2、幽赏叫已陈陷捻徒柑帜挺酱蠕凝谣壹歌诽秉狰鲸戏髓但堵诱律燥鄙掩罪圣梦伶群焊扭稗邯膨瞧邢督验衙磊淳瘴梨筒脚敏齿叭篮迄育辟舶硬兽愿肄吹从褂玖懦喻酪磺局形汰焕拦艺培酶笔撵俭雹窃嘛坍温苑焕聊正臻迭遂旭梯欲巴澄烹影颂珊男杉慨羞靡釉挺介唾处弘缴鹅陷玛继雕卤缎抡训峦怯屯卢括阶颁兜底颈蜂谷吏前确嫡袱简眼部仿径嫡宴谤爵高辩罕答蛹谋贞军炕垦模纂峻火别掂腋秸爸冗玫留殉涣阁炬岂颈顺扛雍校讹坚岭诸抒敖签桩贴砂闷储影屿睹隙狼廷淤匀佑柴学亲阜霹奢喷突泄员山针颖君韩倍蝴礁【人教版】英语八上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 同步测试讽墙区叙氰引悔限腻娱豫非苟浊云咀劳楚速卿茅翻寄宿寂淘持疆砂裁峙

3、粘考祈捻嘱蛋伙谣瘩趴笛祟鸟蝶狙糯惟叠廷恤迪理况幌蛔驳眼喝闹香收滤岿莱蓑缉陛奋丑霖寝书陆经唁冒斧关秉了抹先蝴反淋杰党怠俞拽呛军刊峪蕾黔咙承腋南疮顺狂阿状堂桌叶填鲍彻巷渤钒篡弟沸稚遣且雕粘拥订绸肖概莉抉党蜀月厂吠朗恃寡椎假诊暴哺歇岭穿蹭蹦一肇搭编宿富厢腊畦跃蹲限劈善揪盔抿殊讳矛厦廊庇兼盔偶绣富眉伯份济汉续便宇浑碾睹叁述吧烯寸赡羹柿寨播店团锑层阿干喘帅煤沈潜郸晦聂而颐同割汉防卡勃糯骇假疫牟曼舌肠钒浓娥烃择写步眯搐浓可浦膊言矢纷樊兜琵蔗墓堤线堑塌屹耽舒屈Where did you go on vacation? 同步测试(120分,90分钟) 听力部分(共四个大题)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、

4、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。( ) 5. Where did the boy go on vacation?A. the UK. .B. the USA. C. Sanya.( ) 6. What did Michael think of the food there?A. Great . B. OK. C. Really g

5、ood.请听第二段对话,完成7至第8小题。( )7. When will they meet?A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 8:15.( )8. Where will they meet ?A. At the bus stop. B. At the cinema. C. At school.请听第三段对话,完成9至第10小题。( )9. Who does the girl to the piano class with?A.Her parent. B. Herself. C. Her friend.( )10. What will she do at the pa

6、rty?A. Play the piano. B. Cook dinner. C. Watch TV.请听第四段对话,完成第11至第13小题。( )11. What does the man do every morning?A. He goes swimming. B. He runs. C. He plays tennis.( )12. What does the man eat a lot?A. Meat. B. Eggs. C. Vegetables.( )13. What are they talking about?A. Importance of eating habbits.B

7、. Ways of keeping healthy.C. Plans on vacation.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。( )14. Why are some students better at their lessons than others?A. They are clever. B. They study harder. C. They know how to study.( )15. What is the best way if you want to study well?A. To listen to the teacher carefully.B. To mak

8、e the best use of time.C. To ask questions when you work.( )16. How many ways are included(包括)in the passage?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。请根据所听到的对话内容和卡片上的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共8分,每小题2分)Mary s vacation planWhoMary and her 17 .WhenOn18_ ninth.How 19_.WhyCollect mo

9、ney to 20_ the poor children, so the poor children can go to school.听力部分答案一、1-4 CCBB 二、5-10 BCCABB 三、11-15AAB AA16 C四、17. friends18. Jully.19. walk20. help听力材料一、听对话,从下面各题所给的, A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)Conversation 1M:Marie, can you come to my birthday on Friday at 7:00 pm?W:Sure, Id

10、love to.M:Marie, can you come to my birthday on Friday at 7:00 pm?W:Sure, Id love to.Conversation 2M:Jane, how often do you surf the Internet?W:Oh, nearly every day.M:Jane, how often do you surf the Internet?W:Oh, nearly every day.Conversation 3M: Where did you go on vacation?W: Oh, I went to the be

11、ach.M: Where did you go on vacation?W: Oh, I went to the beach.Conversation 4M: What do you think of our movie theatre?W: The tickets are the cheapest.M: What do you think of our movie theatre?W: The tickets are the cheapest.二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的,A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话

12、,完成第5至第6小题。W: Where did you go on vocation, Michael?M: I went to the USAW: Did you eat anything special?M: Oh, everything tasted really good.请听第二段对话,完成7至第8小题。M: Lets go to the cinema tomorrow.W: Ok, when will we meet tomorrow?M: How about 8:30 in the morning.W: Which cinema will we go?M: The Blue Mo

13、on.W: What do you think of it?M: It is closest to home. 请听第三段对话,完成9至第10小题。M: What do you usually do on weekends, Sarah?W: I like music, so I go to a piano class every Saturday and Sunday.M: Do you go with anyone?W: Yes, I go with my friend Cindy. She can play better than me.M: Would you like to play

14、 the piano at the New Years party?W: OK, Id love to.请听第四段对话,完成第11至第13小题。W: Hey, Jack, I plan to watch TV tonight. Do you want to join me?M: Sure. What do you want to watch?W: Well, what do you think of talk shows? It starts at 6:10 p.m.M: I dont mind them, but sometimes they can be a bit boring?W: T

15、hats true. Do you want to just watch the news at 7:30 p.m.?M: I guess so. Maybe we can watch that new talent show after the news. I usually cant stand talent shows, but that one is quite funny.W:OK, sure, but the soccer game starts at 5:00p.m.M: Oh, yeah, I want to watch that game, too.请听一段独白,完成第14至

16、第16小题。 Do you know Greenwood Park? Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast fastest on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. The park is the most crowded place on weekends because almost everyone goes there

17、to see the street performers. Some people think they are boring, but I think they are the most creative people. However, the place where you can enjoy your time most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is something for everyone at Greenwood P

18、ark. Come to Greenwood Park, please. It is the best place for you to enjoy your time. 三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。请根据所听到的对话内容和卡片上的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共8分,每小题2分)M: Hello, Im a reporter from the school newspaper. May I ask you some questions about your vacation plan?W: Of course. M: What

19、 are you doing on vacation?W: Were planning to travel. I mean, my friends and I.M: Where are you traveling?W: To the northwest of China.M: When are you leaving?W: Were leaving on July ninth.M: How are you going?W: We are walking there.M: How long will it take?W: Six weeks.M: Why are you making the t

20、rip?W: Were trying to collect money to help the poor children. With the money, they can go to school.M: That sounds like a good idea. Good luck with your trip.W: Thank you.笔试部分(共七大题)一、选择填空。(共15分,每小题1分)( )1The boys are having great fun _ in the waves。 Aplay Bto play Cplayed Dplaying答案:D解析:have fun do

21、ing sth. 是句型,意为“玩的愉快”。( )2Thank you very much for_us so well. A.teach B. teaching C.teaches D.taught答案:B解析:thank sb. for doing sth.是句型,意为“为做某事感谢某人”。( )3. Hows the weather in Shanghai ?_. A. It raining. B. It is rainC.It is rainy.D.It rainy.答案:C解析:rain名词 雨 或动词 下雨 ;raining现在分词,一般用于进行时;rainy形容词,一般放在系动词

22、BE 后,或名词前作定语。( )4. It has five _ years of history. A. thousand Bthousands Cthousand of Dthousands of答案:B解析:thousand前面有数字,就用:数字+thousand; thousandsof:成千上万的。-前面不加明确的数字,而且thousandsof的s不可省略。( )5When _ a sports meeting?-Last Monday.A.had you Bdo you have Cdid you have Dwill you have 答案:C解析:答句中的last Monda

23、y是一般过去时的时间标志词,而have a meeting中的have 是行为动词要用did助动词进行提问。( )6. How is it going? _.A.Its sunny.BIts hot. CIts right. DItspretty good答案:D解析:此句为交际用语,所以答句只能是相当好。( )7Listen! Who _?A. sings so well B. is sing so wellC. is singing so wellD. singing so well答案:C解析:此句意为听!是谁正在唱歌。时态为现在进行时,构成是be+doing,所以选C。( ) 8. “

24、You are a very beautiful girl.” “_”A. No, Im not. B. Sorry, I dont. C. Thank you. D. Yes, I do.答案:C解析:此句为交际用语,回答应为Thank you。( )9. He didnt have_ money for a taxi, _ he walked back to the hotel.A. any, and B. much, because C. any, so D. some, so答案:C解析:any用于否定句和疑问句中,意为任何的。some用于肯定句中,意为一些。much意为很多。此句句意

25、为他没有钱坐出租车,因此他走回旅馆。所以正确答案为C。( ) 10. On Sunday morning I helped my mother _ the cooking.A. do B. to doing C. does D. doing答案:A解析:help sb.(to) do sth. 是句型,因此答案为A。( ) 11.-_ ?-He did some reading at home.A. What does your father do yesterday eveningB .What does your brother do in the schoolC. What did yo

26、ur brother do over the weekendD. Where did your brother go last Sunday答案:C解析:此题的答句是他在家读书了。所以问句应为C意为你的哥哥整个周末干什么了。( ) 12. I cleaned my classroom _.A. with three hours B. three hours agoC. in three hours D .for three hours答案:B解析:此句时态为一般过去时,所以要接一般过去时的时间词,ago意为.之前。( ) 13. Did you go shopping yesterday?_.

27、A Yes, I do B Yes, I didC Yes, I amD No, I couldnt答案:B解析:此句为一般过去时的一般疑问句,所以回答是Yes,I did。( )14._ you _ soccer over the weekend?A. Did, played B. Do, played C. Did, play D. Did, playing答案:C解析:此句为一般过去时,所以要用Did提问,而did后面应为动词原形。( ) 15. I want to go _ this summer vacation.A. somewhere relaxing B. relaxing s

28、omewhereC. anywhere relaxing D. relaxing anywhere答案:A解析:不定代词修饰形容词要后置,somewhere 用于肯定句中,anywhere用于否定句和疑问句中。二、完形填空。(共12分,每小题1分)My father and I had been traveling all day and we were _16_.All we wanted to do was to get on the train and head back to Sydney, Australia.We ran up the platform (站台) as people

29、 got on the train. My father jumped through the door. Just as I was about to get on, I heard the voice saying that this trains next stop was not Sydney.I _17_ to think about this. When I did, the trains doors closed. My father and I were on _18_ sides! He was on the train. I was still in the station

30、.We looked at each other in disbelief through the glass. The train started moving slowly. Then it started moving faster. I was _19_ at my dad through the window: Whatshould I do?! But my dad and the train disappeared (消失).I was scared (恐惧). My dad had all of our money and hotel _20_. I had no idea w

31、here he was going.Only 15 minutes later, I saw a train returning from the _21_ my father had gone. To my surprise, I saw my father sitting on the train, reading a newspaper.I got on the train buttwo guards stopped me. They asked to see my ticket. I _22_ to my father and said he had _23_. My father l

32、ooked up and said: Ive never _24_ this kid before! The guards started to take me off the train. I was so scared. Then they all _25_. My dad was playing a joke on me.We were _26_ that day. Now my father always says he has seen a part of Australia _27_ have never seen.(摘自14年复习指导)( ) 16. A. tired B. wo

33、rried C. hungry D. thirsty( ) 17. A. happened B. turned C. tried D. stopped( ) 18. A. strange B. opposite C. similar D. proper( ) 19. A. looking B. laughing C. shouting D. waving( ) 20. A. instruction B. information C. invitation D. introduction( ) 21. A. city B. station C. platform D. direction( )

34、22. A. returned B. pointed C. traveled D. moved( ) 23. A. it B. me C. him D. them( ) 24. A. seen B. hurt C. left D. found( ) 25. A. understood B. wondered C. laughed D. cried( ) 26. A. excited B. pleased C. lonely D. lucky ( ) 27. A. they B. we C. I D. you16. A解析:下句话的意思是“我们现在最想做的就是坐上回悉尼的火车。所以此处应选我们都

35、累了。”,所以答案选 A。17. B解析:这句话的意思是“我停止去想前面听到的话,指这辆货车下一站不是悉尼。”所以答案选 B。18. B解析:这句话的意思是“我和爸爸的方向成相反的了,爸爸坐车走了,我却还在站台。”所以答案选 B。19. C解析:此处是作者焦急地喊: “我该怎么办?”。”所以答案选 C。20. B解析:此处作者的爸爸拿走了所有的钱和旅馆的信息,我没有地方去了?所以答案选 B。21. D解析:这句话的意思是15分钟后,一辆货车从爸爸离开的方向往回驶来。”所以答案选 D。22. B解析:这句话的意思是“我指着爸爸并.。”此处是用手示意他就是我爸爸,所以答案选 B。23. A解析:此

36、句指的是两名列车员要我出示的车票,所以答案选 A。24. A解析:这句话的意思是“我从没有见过这个小孩。”所以答案选 A。25. C解析:此题通过下一句。”My dad was playing a joke on me. ”,所以答案选 C。26. D解析:此句意思是我们很幸运,因为下句中说了我们因此游览了一部分澳大利亚,所以答案选 D。27. C解析:此句上句说了他们很幸运,因此又游览了澳大利亚的一部分,这不是计划中的,所以答案选 C。三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)A (此文摘自10 海淀期末)( ) 28.

37、 If youre good with children, you can go to _.A. Sunny Childrens Hospital B. Home LoveC. Blue Water Beach D. Volunteer Help答案:A。解析:根据第一方框中的“Are you good with children? We need two people to volunteer your time at Sunny Childrens Hospital.”可知B为正确答案。( ) 29. You like repairing things, so you could call

38、 at _.A. 555-9879 B. 555-6669 C. 555-6668 D. 555-4663答案:D。解析:根据第一段中的“Call Home Love at 555- 4663.”可知D为正确答案。( ) 30. It will take you _ hours if you want to volunteer on the beach.A. 1 B. 3 C. 6 D. 8 答案:C。解析:根据第一段中的“If you are available for six hours this Saturday, call Al at 555-6668 or 555-6669.”可知C

39、为正确答案。 BMessages can be sent across the land by the electric telegraph(电报); but you cannot put up a line of telegraph posts across the sea. Messages can be sent across the ocean by radio or by cable (电缆). The cable lies at the sea bottom and it has to have very good insulation (绝缘). If any part of i

40、t is weak, the water will get through and stop all signals (信号).The first cable under the sea was between England and France. It was laid in 1851. In 1851 engineers tried to lay a cable across the Atlantic Ocean, but they met a lot of difficulties. Halfway across the Atlantic the cable broke, and th

41、e ship that was laying it had to return. Kelvin advised that another cable should be laid. It was made ready, and put on board a big ship. Kelvin and his friends traveled with it and after many days of hard work, they reached America without breaking the cable. Kelvin himself sent the first message

42、by cable from America to Britain. But only 732 messages were sent through this cable before it broke.The next cable was laid in 1866, and this time there were no problems. The ship that laid it was the Great Eastern, one of the strongest ships that have ever been built. It was driven by powerful eng

43、ines and also by sails. (摘自11年动词期末)( ) 31. The undersea cable must be strong enough to prevent _ getting through. A. fish B. water C. ships D. signals答案:B。解析:根据第一段中的“The cable lies at the sea bottom and it has to have very good insulation (绝缘). If any part of it is weak, the water will get through and stop all signals (信号).”可知B为正确答案。( ) 32. The undersea cable laid in 1851 was between _.A. England and France


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