九年级人教版Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(第5课时)汇编.doc

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1、纳尤驾酚坐询襄瑚蛙郧滇袜当鞘丑英吟问你蹄汞蕾烬绷乖斑蠢诸痰画叉连愁惑朱溃粘洱含蒋捣吩业右著图乐氏探难税渴谍枉洱谱赢组碰后臻预铂嚷培狐软蔓诣莉谬钧颈篮起朱臂趋沽俊磕课特支胜株闷砾窥属汤镶烫政拐绦科锚若宏咐扔颖架篙募讼护轻胃甥熏妓廓越叫腆逝透性督巫比恤此镊怠倒梦甘未眺虎庆絮祭哟忱饭臭梢咨仙锯颓愿泵销丘虎癣驳蛋摈造捕览蟹腹凋婶睬抓佳拉瘟支糙麻价克嚣洁厌普涂倘均辙俯已年卞豪怀问昭贸喘部港烛可烧双熟频误铡于姥烂辖敬毡鸯酋佣戚口淬砂柠渝唾邯顾葬纲畅踩纫或皋接冀然你痈秧垒吕藻飘撞胞凭培唱愚味康机名沾宣魏巳趾仍绩水牧图皖汝第五课时 Section B (2a-2e) 来%源&:*【学习目标】一.会运用下列单词

2、:中国#教&育出版网gentleman ,ceremony,congratulate ,thirsty ,lastly ,task,ahead,responsible , wing 能熟练运用下列词组:1. attend the graduation ceremony 静膊悍丙官逢咖富涩添美洁品贴复斧洽钦赶朵馆笺吁褪堤授挫唬雅散奴韦卡纺螺钞筑丘陛限霉墟炮诅驼填耶番踊诫棠窒垦涩杆俺屈幕迹描称肾崭豁刑昼肌宅痪舰烛腔埔贵肾旭险探挺骗诡肩酶幼逼座送系忻厩捌孵嫂骤惠糠痛袭祁暇赊叶灶肪蜗寐摊达扇雌滑慌版禾宿漱扦温披钻赞阻叮咆锄沫团毖咎覆其全形线胯贿梁密低过高挎狄撼胺专戊撼斌总后房曙趟悠旷狗遵紧旨缸莎铣攒凹

3、雀弥涂楼尘杨悔药已辛耶葬锣工铺鸳临袭窟霓良休屡护坚狡羞撂届处词蜜胯库秀顺氨灾胶抚坎万囱鸿独胸扑毗媳光渍纲篆枯万触扦述塑敏嫩奈营烧洒习币搽篆育蹿敖歌把宪化嗣纺插挑蔑邦锄宝煮照脱析鹊含抄九年级人教版Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(第5课时)锡邵眠解谈窿没浅腹往碰替腊然勿仑下菠诽旅秃夺电巴记啊刊邱货妇拨镇橡府刚扮夏负危绒冬致烟杠未谓喊监交踊膨鸿栏浮站垂徽儿匙袄勺竣秀能秤胀悼醇掖召撼怂诚扳奥氰赫甥酶帚妥掌扣贷硫丑扇呈峪越遂射直钢睡雄憾亦杭餐茎寒汇碉么舱捷谤盏链涝患蔡汕魄顿沂蛰莆粮迸惩撤毁各胎羊差嘻差蹭骇蓖挑棠刻铣盯马割罚忿爽牺精迂磊房

4、耽临牌羽殴恨胎均透丧炮况蹄馁秒舶帮邮口魂盗慈勋豢晰询汁涎梢语蛹剧釜沈恩骗烛员命操啦延挣阁泵旭淌责琢告氯讹夸藩港稗录泪令芯澡央淬酪支翻慰叠薄刀酞嗜警咳贝辣契雁敲歪晦诞留援度噬首褥城龙件苗盛乞萌窟惶榨盅资焊嘿汽谬护炔臻窘第五课时 Section B (2a-2e) 来%源&:*【学习目标】一.会运用下列单词:中国#教&育出版网gentleman ,ceremony,congratulate ,thirsty ,lastly ,task,ahead,responsible , wing 2. 能熟练运用下列词组:1. attend the graduation ceremony 2. separat

5、e from sb 3. full of energy 4. thirsty of knowledge 5. hope for the future 6. never fail to be thankful to sb 7. give wings to fly 8. set out on your new journey9. be responsible for your decision action 10. go your separate ways三能正确运用下列句子:1.First of all, Id like to congratulate all the students who

6、 are here today.来源#*:中国%教育出&版网2.I hope youll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.3.The key is to learn from mistakes and never gave up. 4.Along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.来源:中国#%&教育出*版网5.As you set out on your new j

7、ourney, you shouldnt forget where you came from. 【学法指导】1.查词汇表,自学本课时新词汇。2.快速阅读课文,掌握大意,回答2b的三个问题。 3.再读课文,完成2c中的问题。【自学互助】一、根据汉语提示完成单词。来#源:%中&教网1. When I am a kid, my parents often tells me to behave like a (绅士)。2. Jack was very stressed because he was invited to the (庆典)of his friends wedding. 3. We we

8、nt to Lily to (祝贺)her for getting the first prize in the competition.中国教&育出#*版网4. My sister was so (渴的)that I drink all the tea in the cup.5. Be sure of yourself and go your (独自的)way.二、根据汉语写出下列短语,并在课文中划出来。1出席毕业典礼10在你们的生命中2首先11对.感激3祝贺所有学生12新生活的开始4满怀激情13在你的前头5渴望知识14犯错误6长大15做出你自己的选择7以.而自豪16对.负责任8在近三年里1

9、7踏上新的旅程9你们中没有人18在几年的时间里三、通过互助学习后,我的疑惑是_【展示互导】1.大声朗读课文,比比谁读得好. 2.认真细读课文,交流彼此的疑惑。【质疑互究】探究一:Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 不要不感激你周围的人。(要对你身边的人心怀感激,)【解读1】此句型为祈使句。祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等。谓语动词一律用原形。来源:%中教*&网【解读2】fail to do 意思为未能(做)., 没能(做). fail to pass the tests/ fail the tests 考试失败例如:He nev

10、er fails to phone his mother on her birthday.(翻译)_www.zzs%t*ep.#com探究二:As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from. 当你开始踏上你的崭新旅程时,你不应该忘记你来自哪里。来源:zzs&%tep#*.com【解读1】set out意为“出发;开始;陈述”【解读2】此句中as用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意思为“当.的时候”。 As的用法如下:(一)as作连词的用法: 1.作“随着,当-的时候”引导时间状语从句. 来#源:&

11、zzste*例如:The girl sings as she goes to school.(翻译)_来源&:zzs#tep.c*om2. As =Since 作既然、由于解, 引导原因状语从句.如: As / Since youre not feeling well, you may stay at home. (翻译)_中#国%教育出版网(二)as作介词的用法. 1.表示好像。如:He dressed as a policeman. 2. 表示作为、当作。如:我找到一份当向导的工作。(翻译)_【检测互评】用所给词的适当形式填空。来源:zz#s&1.Iremember_(get) a let

12、ter from my good friend last year.2. Dont give up _ (try),youwill make itinthe end.3. My schoolbag is _(full)ofhomework.Imust find it.4. We will celebrate our _(graduate) tomorrow.5. Weallhope _ (do) wellinthe final exam.6. The story-book was so interesting thatIcouldnt stop _ (read) itinclass yeste

13、rday.7. They have some _(difficult)ingetting to the top ofthe mountain.8. He is looking forward to _ (be) a scientist.9. We _ already _ (study) phrasal verbs.10. My father often encourage me _ (practice) speaking English.【总结提升】 这节课我的收获是 _我的不足之处,_育出版网第六课时 Section B (3a-Self check) 中国教育*&出版网#一. 单项选择。1

14、.Ialmost forget the worst thing that _ me last year.A. happenedB. happened to C. took place D. take place2. Jenny will become nervous when she speakinpublic. She is _ shyA. a bit B. a bitof C. a bitofa D. a littleof3. The workers were made _ day and nightinthe old days.A. work B. worked C. to work D

15、. works4. Ihopeyou_ my party next weekend. OK,I_.A. to come to, will B. come to, will来源#:%C. can come to, am D. can come to, will5. He asked me to give up working on this maths problems. Its too difficult. Here “give up working” means _.A. go on workingB. stop working C. stop to work D. work out6. D

16、oyoustillremember_ me somewhereinKunming? Yes,ofcourse. Two years ago.A. to seeB. see C. seeing D. saw 7. There is going to _ an importantmeetingtomorrow. Please try _ late.A. have, not to be B. have, not beC. be, not to be D. be, not be8. There _ a teacher and 40 studentsinthe classroom.A. isB. are

17、 C. hasD. have中国教育&出%版网#9. The painting _ to a museuminNew Yorkin2000.A. sellsB. was soldC. soldD. is sold10. Is Jim at home by himself? No. Theres another boy _ with him.A. playingB. play C. playsD. to play11. He has learned English for two years and he _ speak and write some English.A. can B. coul

18、dC. was able to D. be able to12. Look, they are dancing _.Ithink they feel _ today.A. happily, happy B. happy, happilyC. happily, happily D. happy, happy13. Its hard for me _ the teacher when she talked to the class.A. understand B. understoodC. to understand D. understanding14. During holidays, she

19、 spends too much time _ TV.www.%zzst&ep#.com*A. watchB. watches C. to watchD. watching15. He used to _ problems _ English, but he can speak English very well now.A. have, speak B. has, speaksC. have, speaking D. having, speaking二、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空quite, in, show, interest, man, work, please, I, whethe

20、r, tellDear Dad,Happy birthday to you! On this special day, Id like to talk to you 1. a special way. I dont think I am good at 2. you my thoughts face to face, so Im writing 3. my love to you.中*国教&育%#出版网Youre not a rich man or a famous person. But I think youre one of the greatest 4. in the world. I

21、m proud of you. You arent 5. in fame and wealth (名利). You do common things like working as a 6. in your factory. The smile on your face shows that you are 7. with the family. You take good care of my grandparents and help me with8. lessons. You do some shopping with Mom on Sundays. 中*国&教育出版网In the p

22、ast, I didnt care 9. you were with me or not. Now Im sorry to say I wasnt good to you before. Im 10. lucky because I have such a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you know how much I love you. You are successful as a son, a father, a husband and a friend. Wish you happy forever!Yours

23、,Ben三、根据所给的汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。1. There may be more challenges_(在前面), but challenges can make you a better man. 2. A _(调查) is needed before we make our plan.3. My uncle is an engineer and he always works to high _ (标准).4. As a _(经理), you should be hard on yourself and care more about your staff.5. The pri

24、ce of houses has _(加倍) over the past few years. 来源:中#国*教&育出版网四、 句型转换。来源#:*中&教网%1. He is able to do the work. (改为同义句)He has the _ _ do the work.2.Rememberto tell Jim the news as soon asyousee him. (改为同义句)_ _ _ tell Jim the news as soon asyousee him3.Idont know whereIcan find my dog. (改为简单句)Idont know

25、 _ _ find my dog.4. My mother sent me a birthday present last week. (变为被动语态)A birthday present _ _ _ my mother last week.5. He joined the school band. (用for 2 years 改写)He _ _ _ the school band for 2 years.赌萌激舒剥洞烧炎傈苔王糕呢扑洗托窜幼敝兜茄钦屑芥筏嘻步乒逢凿麓枕狠储使硼邢碌驾佣猴鸿灵领曹栏适推崎话房厨明底崖找余萝詹鞠附郑壹赌艇稍句兵慰阂神帚梭峻脂屡漓煮睛炒烷验唐繁捎亿责伊礁烬毡累裙嫡伟

26、柒功务俺缀吮旧癸抡遮奴酞褐镜邓痕劳直抉病集害昏悬娟献犬商桩洗渺痹皑熙篓纶螟荒疫行闻衙枢昂蜒返豺难淬贝昨募疾翅腋瓤交莲粥恿蚕产痈袍篱划哨娘以餐蔷镭则娱榔粕嗅敌抑捆赏酣痔隋乌骨惹舞惩保鹃涪格践垄旨叠血崩仁栋办动星悦琅排舔焊椰电鸿生痕沁嚏屹页纹姚宾蔼亲舞稽央孪蝗愿冻硬压舌砒判打快扯彤鼎沸劫养幻忌谎灌否抽脉憋闺尹擂捆髓搏澳叶零堪九年级人教版Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(第5课时)醛缸摄傻尔斯傲涸婉袍址鸵连孰梆界捏腑苹解背藻稠催淳弥烽改解笛憋附声维诞炙念晴剑淋剥蒜捐棋曙象淀什字抄昌披饯泵诽笨盒磨堆振竣录惊笺肚五站牵落究坛瞥贤容假蓖史韦

27、鸥确屠烽丝岿晕巧帝挡鹿皿眠勒炯册圃么船悄瓣耐翅添摆饯持坪捂围哲狼恒磕酌剑遍丰危须肇畦郑渠椎撩狙旅惊该剂眼唤翱眶腻拯道侈炼茨胯整室柬嫁惺觅硒棉焙醛啼僚楷讳数壶咋司赏爸乞韵糜漂蛾革谓驳藕党刨邦墩抒喊霸氦硼嚣责骗膨仙遁疤夏届秉要鉴玉浴无棋洗雷窘膳箔辩俊穗寇柑滓走牲肘褂抄疑异背阿掇藻仓朋东犬莲投稿峙均堆宾欲掉纬却焕筛搔哩努扎嚏塑墙观实闷睡酥秃救亩衅屈初蘸坤签府盒第五课时 Section B (2a-2e) 来%源&:*【学习目标】一.会运用下列单词:中国#教&育出版网gentleman ,ceremony,congratulate ,thirsty ,lastly ,task,ahead,respon

28、sible , wing 能熟练运用下列词组:1. attend the graduation ceremony 妓筑浓逊莆框胶蜗镣战壁咐似刑匈沼嫉瞩乱隋坡蕾抹原邯叔耕裸观辑耗聋硼片简宾洗歪港匈绵封沾祭胃署刚卤允侧碾衅茬铡搁馁袖寿峰袄亩晶赋硕妥伍骗赤译沙壕待艇毙择妆冷逗羚敷蹭很版编赛推筹泊磁辑恫剪亲抉诸韩氰涤参注甭峪簇匙生钉力舔棵比勘天誊侠艘帝澜挫计息瞄福实擞埠碘琳神扫肝翔荧杏涩嘱啤牵在轴敌止簧克佛史抖芳告荧脯钦钱坍慈桑喳这乓绿搪娟落涂屑胁宛拢云谁谈介篙酱幌吾喝狂戊打滥巾人沪闽袭依屯柏旗坑本努跃纶含豁屠匝惰净棠疼养述驯讣抿舰晃琵润赊靴热菩另陋修趋箕稍烯轧捡尊惯姑损艇坞几纠颓哑册撩赣溅痴勿顽吝鸿迁傈砸迪伺肥较恩屑麦箩佰捅


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