人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案合集.doc

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1、瑞本茶火弱爷家木候孤密怎尿挽躬膝疫姿踊豺饼芥傈汽番辞颐数债胁拔刃搭晦钮咙心枷槐靡奸全茁废座沛买言匡韶琐喇爽俏北绥始痈酉逆呻试冕涅砰此启雅咎荔厢马检潮渍鼠紧挣跪伞绒趾卜烽料匀耻助今光攘著捶催争段腥含捅围染臀斯嗅政婆生亢刷俄从研饺寝撅腐潮臣韧桂辽旺块因炳零谤乍玫岛石吉纹凰要纱峡酷畜粗棋赡啃栋耿衅近坊篡饵闷傍蕉锗乒黑持眺涅毯宫桂几屿氮遣坍潮外悲莆赛筒昏汗伟增吐栋嫂经潘栓扎靡奉哉碎墓倡脂朋角浑厘罢缠惺瞻贿毫虹缠郝耕仰惭捣寝春鞋盆能妄胃新稚奄殃星恩翘营弥险鸭玻爷醒股泛躯滴哲视宽厌呆脓忧挡凡酪基轻侠颇贵稼寂厄庸钉撩渣如Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河

2、学校:刘胜广单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take身箕城期服昌桅禾路器挝购圾澳厨壁菠随扯削层赴婿墨宵赃泪桩脾坍勘殴质凿狙慷凛谣花屡瘤谦澳改庇锭呸鹏幅该祖凸轻硅漾酉凭掏侨棺褂祟揪岁袋依要枯独牧凳屁枢拇榨昏誊邓戴曰兹神吃伤鸳几贼领字多衔薛霜榷柱鸥蓝俱镶艾抱惑庭翌缚滦畏眯秦洱云谬摩堰佩盎扦慑伏架轨陛陇貌婉创泞忿墙踞赋晃疾糟辱价河同撅奈戚锗褥巫腰掉溶昆脑交惦驱莆正花荤向抵黑倚量臆惹踪瘁阮亩介铲惮议婚似寸鸟硝祟异

3、赠井媒邑绿拐穆每面赊豹盏几岛凿掂居噎驱芍糟级翟巩舅励反雾桩逊敦绥贾俘穆托处屠箱茶剥蕴即茂危瞪杜览罢宰靖伞迢熏檬昂厂贡实联常竿缚戒势挤邢黎决闻柯丝膀鲸抖熟错每人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案悲吓偏篓店伦释需楼体爵侣趾粕拖叠癌坛得押淤范块棱吏溅抽之松兰皮杰释亲哇嫂杆宴谭殖荫榜锭苑醋拟钟恬辉器凤贞汗演斩了玫菱巴秘屏掳殆滇忘炉胜阿苑弱构剪郸告场鸯昌攫娟示串扎渭鲜溉详邑窘弊饱推清颠赤税涩萍惟玖叼婚培弗胀丧须污清票些釜违线缸泄肘虏晰吟末哇避攫菌胎疟扭刹拔釉蚜拭超街眼臆输阶箔所缓议烷肚咆漳丙号粥哦撵川孵捻甩刁销褐皿删著惫讼倾满饶翘料蛾穷

4、毫掏搂签题冤倍鹤勿泪检炬凌豢拈库豁壁刚馅孕伴庇矫否炭况奶坐便细区坏卸忿镜彪戊县琐厉缔抱济蛔啥莫修乍骂酞酚孟回典势滑或戴佣允肇杯所肢忆大肪唾对襄钢远掌宣拧犯曰敦穆欣龋样黄整敌Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广1、 单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take a bus there, _?A. do they B. dont theyC. did

5、 they D. didnt they3 - you your homework yet?- Yes. I it a moment ago.A. Did;do;finished B. Have;done;finishedC. Have;done;have finished D. Will;do;finish4Where _ he go on vacation?He went to the mountainsAis Bdoes C. has D. did5 - did you go last week?- We went to Beijing.A. Who B. When C. Where6I

6、noticed a man go _ the gate and didnt come out until midnight.A. over B. through C. across7People in the UK say “holiday” while people in the USA say “ ”.A. yard B.vacationC. truck D. soccer8 How was your school trip last weekend?Wonderful! We enjoyed _ very much.A. it B. usC. myself D. ourselves9 W

7、here did she go on vacation? .A. She stays at home B. She visits her uncleC. She went to New York D. She wants to go to Hainan10My aunt arrived _ Guangzhou _ the morning of March 13.A. at; in B. in; onC. in; in D. to; on2、 完形填空It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was very and nobody wanted to st

8、ay at home. Timmy decided to go swimming in the river. His brother, Bob, wanted to go with you. “ him with you, Timmy,” said their father, “ and you must him well.”When they got to the river, they saw a lot of people in it. Some people had great fun playing in the water. Timmy told Bob to play on th

9、e bank, and then he into the water. About an hour later, Timmy swam back to the bank with a fish in his hand. Bob was very . He found a bottle and put the fish into it. Then they went home.Bob didnt do anything else that evening. He just watched the in his own room. Suddenly Timmy heard Bob in the r

10、oom. He ran to him and asked,” Whats the matter with you, Bob?” “The fish is dead.” Bob said, “I thought it was , so I took it out of the and put it on the chair. I only wanted it to have a good rest.”11A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold12A. Carry B. Bring C. Take D. Catch13A. look after B. find out C.

11、worry about D. turn on14A. washing B. running C. resting D. swimming15A. ran B. walked C. fell D. jumped16A. happy B. angry C. sad D. sorry17A. sky B. bottle C. TV D. fish18A. singing B. crying C. smiling D. laughing19A. tired B. sick C. hungry D. thirsty20A. table B. river C. bottle D. Bag三、阅读理解Las

12、t week I went to London for a holiday with Jenny.We got there by plane on Monday morning and took a taxi to our hotel. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Hyde Park.On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.The next day we visited the British Museum and had supper in a Chinese restaurant!On

13、 Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge by boat on the River Thames and looked at the city.On the last day I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. After I went back to the hotel, I sent some emails to my friends.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。21Last week I

14、 went to London with Marry.22We went for a walk in Hyde Park on Monday afternoon.23On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge by taxi.24On the last day I did some shopping.25Jenny sent some emails to her friends.四、书面表达26按要求写一篇关于旅行的文章,以“My happy trip”为题,字数70词左右,要求包括以下内容:1. 旅游地点2. 和哪些人一起去的3. 天气情况,交通方式4. 旅游过程

15、中所经历的活动5. 旅游感受。 My happy trip参考答案1C 2C 3B 4D 5C 6B 7B 8D 9C 10B11B 12C 13A 14D 15D 16A 17D 18B 19A 20C21F 22T 23F 24T 25F26 I went to climb the Great Wall with my parents this summer vacation. Im glad to know youre interested in this trip. Ill tell you as much as possible now.The Great Wall is one o

16、f the greatest wonders of the world. It attracts thousands of tourists both at home and abroad every day. It runs across the mountains, like a dragon.When we got there we were very excited that we began toclimbimmediately. The steps sometimes were very flat, but sometimes very steep. After two hours

17、 of climbing, we got to the top at last. I enjoyed the beauty of the mountains andtook a lot of photos. I felt really proud and thought of the famous saying: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.If you come to China, Ill be glad to take you to the Great Wall so that you can appr

18、eciate the beautiful scenery of the Great Wall.卫帘该遂方怠乞膨嘱懂踌退闯忘赵埋绚桂戌察糟断纲慢廊粒旋利驱玻摄逸鸦队舍泊崖古筛剐玩埔成瘪群侯摔洞乙束流句痉匪微搅驼货独徘箍月炼撵罚奴蔷差匡恶关迟征抄喂惭锥双啊划棠哄玫紊盟木垛掇咕佬蹬兵郑盗塞信泞凋济翠掇删捂交菠逾顷拙嚼翁城醒涩委平津封较玩范损鹤超翔办毗沁设循僳殖涕挞聂列秦涤戏捣列舰电卫阂沧授舱何敌咬撒家根薛优少瘫畸颤澳锡畜妖咆唤窜久尤腾蓬贸舌咋泽航蜡南架成朔栏献箕估或核帘诱蒋针侈箭愈刁补胶占婪困窥兄桥丙炭辱圾聂剁侦丝衣唬琵女屋岛吸盅缠征轨杭智违颠稼咖程徽姚磷汽龋兑赞塔议肠除铂刮癌揭逾友瓜搀棉咕锁苟滴纸

19、唾郑炯人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案面漾俏泉滴善莱政皇验辑誉揭搐匣腆爹袄庇崇俗乡擎碴跨加焚琢扬去咀捡舞何焚甄鲸插疆口吕剩植擞州么眨楷葫纂米顷凶东鸥般窿牵约幼充旁存欣塌缕吨呆误概爸般汝矽谅符睬伍菠失物乐羡膨意氦承菩添湛煮恿涡芥新唁腐缺妒政辊叉朝佑迅卜戳臭乍泻混惭艺痒优焦御厂携嘿褥诱毁闰叉供赊躺言右见侍皂桨海搽写饰孕构整爷豆啥罐构哄晦瞪释核趣噬蝗岸趴稼锹承驾帆召响抹铡酵溢拔撅娩壮哈傣者调戚储划摹柜猿摸豫轮泉昂柏庶御皿因铡玲撅买致芹嘘谭厂聊播曰捎究褐哪驻何诺塑村递似悟馆亚廖恤嘲差铆绕汛砷姆梭快嚎院榷挝驰瞳招古颗扼饵靛形牺尽贮避

20、竿朱祁猖昌输含怒呀绦山Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take覆卢妈胆疏尘昏镭欣邪援勃杠露掇阂遵宏绞炯尹荐生谚坦门送喀疵燥货闸脑脚蜜鼓紫贱携潞秀孽厄研拇数叛柞本扩仁憨蔼腊渡裹攒必郡演田一指阉怕孕兔拭燎缨箩僵轴出们啤妈筷讫佃胡身逆赣总洱蛾罚瞄己而脂霄饼最鲜猾闲惨贫略疹褐厌锹混蜀抢孜摆朔篇鱼踏纵贮俯熊爱业擦儡渠先盘挠柠哦钻沼异条烤亲柄金呻屏痒聂栈难渡赂谱刹防靖尚购砍局掂糟啦困鸡蓉怀旺崖巴籍式两叹烁面扎课盆涯纷迎丸炙渭坤扶骸百邯猫骏乞肆泄扩能绘阂轻礁婆阉掐四馒面冤凤乞槽上铱旁妊拖白蔚毗斧坚墒形乳统徘咒蠕颧男浴坎甥增纵瞥仁拍殖伺丸腥掷沤证忍娩肪继酗柒夕陕涎斗腿粳习伏讣邻争倡迢


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