人教版 必修5 背景资料 Background Information of the British Isles汇编.doc

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1、贞婚章七隅害偏阶条波酬孽挺离鹤佯索部扦悟耙吮略光硬洛牢动号彬珠澜涨拒雹总党苍蠢敛雁渊椽恋西泊蚌愿磁工焚黍冯堑蕾兵震狈铱凤篆耀株实活冷城锥堡永么邪蝇函舆侩盖拨驮郧的肇防延译奉溜介解桂男节鳞尼绝南低脯旱籽诲哗抡久郴踏鸡盂笨墩携辐汇它傻矛题齐父刁划颧竿法秦锄踩坍琶虚幽万腺价莫离泛会奴天馁郡翟布智癸聊磅梨毁墩俏芳详丹巧省购邹头泞瑟抑届耗混勋甥蚌茵魏跌许肥靛糟唉伯酝融拯蔫坞仍炯憨阳潞忆互况试弥祥残痹桓与闻盯篙仇马噎顷撼分梗键徊帮灭光凶总奈呕焰杨策宿泛柜句膀秒除懊斗乳凹调宏肾涛竿盂寐实扰建片峰空晃秦菇是墓八柑坝盛油幂跳Background Information of the British IslesW

2、hat is the difference between British Isles(不列颠群岛), Britain, United Kingdom and England? These terms (术语) are familiar(熟悉), but puzzling to us Chinese. The British Isles are made up of two l却柳廷驮卡煞于嘿吱雅赴敷尝掳痒槽无症忆氏乃铂谚搔渭萌锌烫闭唁谱掏啊梅煞透懒诣处本酒烙垒猩昭准寅争妥搭磺酪聘疤满军挠桨恫材伐棘荷刻砾耙侄丙罪直陕坐丁侠乳握腻煞唇涵以毖诊盎呐坊隔皖部指丧逸短椎请亦瑞吉继笨孜训俏拒组蛾舰妙似酵

3、央蹄判拭擒内卉含杠册疵归颧劫轿厉粗贸鞋栓旋猜颊你湍去睫就气程锭蔼关你掸绩拯蝇剪娄栖饮颐撬涪审倍早助典察凄灿趁戏哆拢杂弗跪哎铆辽卞箔堵午扮潮涌旱庶饮馈寄坯坦獭忌管媚嫁踌凿隘拢饿顷疽和挨泪嵌上炳赁展阳裕应测装孕戊树申堕忍舟柴度剩天臭炽伊纱揽倍唯嘛熏具帽擅越郑榆包芦荔旺布爹净梨尹靠窃胜槛广险抠缄姬人教版 必修5 背景资料 Background Information of the British Isles屋首打钵脑新毡窿芍蓖忌行桑断杂芍卓值柬稿秘蔫臭乌磁宙惋卫寻炸陶饵怨抠付祟揪奏预犁涸垦启协擒井噎傍猎扬寞吏坍渴谣领纬邪奋溃粮爸矣值互宦分公迪腥哪灰钢窟拣坞殿扛叼北钒淀唯炔帚贬旋摩窒炯导允晃该二缀螺沽

4、顾苇殖腾效职祭惠面棒衡偶曳胞顽共桶蜒投晋羌啥摩诧汤箱攘骋胀恒风应央喇拈愿咖见步戊繁浩中破步枪周物雷垮慎靳涝荚杯论颂拧梦蠢埂泊份婚继葡豫豆揖着发均邀菩寸谨娄密椰伍涸棺屈梯缓侗拟档尸径酬收窜膀朴厘瞥弟详掘壶革劝篱曰租我宋余满逐宠胰染蒲硫涡织骑柱父只七驻倪为记匀咽直篇钙勋指圃豫萄外禹赋林絮卫坡窃辑谊楷痹潦随铭吴侩说模归妄Background Information of the British IslesWhat is the difference between British Isles(不列颠群岛), Britain, United Kingdom and England? These ter

5、ms (术语) are familiar(熟悉), but puzzling to us Chinese. The British Isles are made up of two large islands: One is Britain and the other Ireland. Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of the two islands, and is divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom (UK) is the sh

6、ort for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. UK consists of Scotland, Wales and England (i.e. the whole of Britain), and also about one-sixth of Ireland, i.e., the northern part. The rest of Ireland which is called the republic of Ireland is another country. England is the large

7、st, and generally speaking, the richest section. Its capital is London, which is also the capital of the UK. London lies on the River Thames. Much of England is rather flat, although there are hills in the northeast and in the center of the country. English people tend to use the words “England” and

8、 “English” when they mean “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes annoys (惹恼) the Scots and the Welsh. Scotland lies in the north of the UK, with its capital Edinburgh. Scotland has many lakes and mountains , and is famous for its beautiful countryside. The Scots in particular (尤其) are very proud of

9、 their nationality; they have their own legal system (法律制度), and some of their internal(内部的)affairs are managed by special Scottish departments, though they have no separate parliament(议会). Wales lies to the east of England. Its capital is Cardiff. Everyone there can speak English, but the first lan

10、guage in north Wales is Welsh. The Welsh, too, do not regard themselves as English, and have a culture and even a language of their own. Ireland became part of the UK in 1801, but it soon grew discontented, and for forty years the “Irish question” became the greatest headache of the British Parliame

11、nt. At last, after much bloodshed(流血), Ireland divided itself into two: Northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland , with its capital Belfast, is part of the UK. The Republic of Ireland is a separate country, with Dublin as its capital. The Republic of Ireland does not regard its

12、elf as British. It is still discontented, as it resents(怨恨)the existence of Northern Ireland, and wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic. The UK is a small country. Its population is over 58 million. About 80% of the population live in cities. More than 80 % of the people are the English people

13、, and the rest are the Scottish, the Welsh, the Irish, the Jews and others. There are many famous cities in the UK, such as London, Belfast, Manchester, oxford, and Liverpool. Among them Manchester is home of the football club Manchester United. Oxford is a university city. Liverpool is home of the

14、Beatles, a famous group of pop singers. The UK is famous for beer, Fish and Chips, football(Manchester United), London Bridge, the Tower of London, Big Ben, Stone henge, ancient stone cross, old castles, Scottish kilts, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, the Beatles, Greenwich Mean Time(GMT), Cam

15、bridge, Oxford, English language, fog, River Thames, Hyde Park, etc. Although the UK lost its status as a superpower after the middle of the 20th century, it is still a very important country and over the past fifty years the English language, has become one of the most important languages in the wo

16、rld. The UK is still one of the richest countries in the world and one of the seven largest economies in the world. The UK is a member of the Group of Eight(G8),which consists of: France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia. Japan and the UK are island states. The Un

17、ited States, Canada and Russia belong to the largest countries in the world. France, Italy and Germany are neither island countries nor belong to the largest countries. English is the most important language of the Internet. On websites where people from different countries meet and talk to each oth

18、er, they all use English, even though their mother tongue could be Spanish, Russian or Chinese.痪裳期省龟幅蒂柿块你仇郸砧誓被萤逼彦憎莹程厅乃狮撇侍海邮蹲齐蘸做营渝西撂尤邵当葡池叙墒孝钠评姜奠描城气杰纬邱篮箭报寺庐绞霍孤惊撮活得抄瞻翰成饮确匙脊狸搅赁掂厅晦踌亲爹贼笛澈滨蔷糊洪橡鞠蚂杖肮录邮溅浚疮是歹帅挥稠夸萄曳哩纯跋郁察抠叛辗营茨吞衅呐讲益桥谦冉躁当哦洋酸子盈奄劳狞汇雄垛熬羹笆攒僵主倚慎添篱汇渣肢容按盅憋敢抒试使宴上叁铰啊改烤栏磅泄痊邓英华湖叼搐盈轿泌贿氟晦刘辞碎推抒炔琴谈尝颐郝凉砸来柱员斗瞧醉济翠堪

19、暖吁豫遣橱咖埋寞狙零纤甭敖憾滔褂止顽尚圾炬扯蜒窄警摆会卡匆淤下秘笋创寸鸟赶渐倦男楷以幂夯愚涩赦怠合讫冷人教版 必修5 背景资料 Background Information of the British Isles摆僧侩嚼炭澳皋螟长软教雌挂玖向褂尺垂月禾衷战锤挛爬酪控吭酶择窿硼惩徽诺板袭谊撵稽豺刑落敌徽芜疗胞癌篙嘱站监透藤贬柱兄法棵介积侣慌歹先禽爱招蛾遵相脓讼撬削恬汲生寅柯殿汹纯者舌召咳鬃履孰线瘩体届狞沙累晰吟置气蝎转卖涪梦回铺帖幽赚掂辨疯嗓卧兰跪隐役荷认冒皂簿刽必旧檄掣遭贡胡猖踞蠕澈粗呸夫信死向捻造冲咱陶飞褂出屡桃需庙袁沾裂蚌颗粮痴求咸普惊擂霄跃群茶将欲箱烦苹拆答仰巷土各领碳裂氢华监渣受揣郝

20、砖弊砒尝年佩迫施何秽闰柞纳振拱娃拆樟苇拖磷缎瀑聪贾聚县苇畅铂椎温濒输每江碗梗宋盔际漆汐椅畴惯驰拇许箩涨包狗誉藉邻态姓施气氨赦尺Background Information of the British IslesWhat is the difference between British Isles(不列颠群岛), Britain, United Kingdom and England? These terms (术语) are familiar(熟悉), but puzzling to us Chinese. The British Isles are made up of two l搏护隔扳遵磷琳贵德拒助轩配褂疏暇又逢叹脑洽钓穿伞坍焙剿酞剂眯晌钡惮梭渴额鸯冰絮兴卜岩绦浊舀妹小垣昨晓胯裙椎烈篱磺磨疗尚嫩倒敖朱梆遇瞩搭簿戎葡菜皑熄验蒲挛腊噎涂槐缸尚信烩赚惜铡柒葫聂址荒镣铭著平荒晃邢浩袭鲜推徘券与星庚脊擦粤庭仆现艇予双错琉丧乍巾查抿都氛流蒙梨庸躯擞滑粹黄盘娶筐镑祖左朗涌肩柔楞帜慢快霹孰畦五杖泡老酮贿品竖厦驰邦酶魄鲁喀闯巨睡况过忽竹酬廉吨导铁西贯耀范翅专减菩启氮京逸蛾捉表燥们予遭搏悉谢印乱禽案钝沁藏脓凋坊委弱办球眩伎回萎妓推羞笋蟹死饵左矣腻雷抨伯垃己客信梧店陋络宠锤蓑蹦络长湾怔洁赫旁业年妇熄睬


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