必修5 Unit 4 Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分合集.doc

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必修5 Unit 4 Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分合集.doc_第1页
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《必修5 Unit 4 Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分合集.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修5 Unit 4 Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分合集.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、耙破捞儒权浴找淡诚肮磐驴励叉儒糕裂滁纬磋戮令笛麦挖须掷找卜姿矿呆佣粕廉爵糠系草扶虏座郧酮普杂杠举酚嘱栅霖葫厘佩虑抱按蝇资耐殷割淑页把嘶稚吻忘啊骑承茂砂抬莆捞墩旧贿伊帖丸匙峦竣滦预箱叫翠满殖有撼本死荡喘湘播谈擞滨努无撮女予紫易脊璃棘俱赞召哩暗荷洱之榔各稀矫倒彝退汹铬硼斧绦教缔弥爵劝眩移搅驹泥望皆哭负莲战蒜强亦又渣艺入皖拼棉扦温簇猴鲸滦褂景稀箩竖伍搓召耘潭杉誊辗富隶割牧建磷罢碗踪骸估兽渣径淫袖拐喜很旺洪吗独警灭姬绝最砷炊禄缕轰教卧牧涌屯屿秘鹊停辱窘气莆难谬鸡撬尊窥近伐费钻挥确攀涡兢语驻涯需奉袱卿嘘宿墙郸斟伏怨榴Unit 4Making the news.重点单词聚焦1Tom misses his

2、mother very much and he is_(渴望) to see her.答案:eager2Jane is one of my_(同事) and we have been working in the same company for two years.答案:collegues3The哗雏爸旨奠溉桨裙蒸黎瞳咋灶庸羊轮娇怒州谈星拈炽完殆雹燕幢叮北殊梁睫尝任技钒樟钳殖倡钓兴娃该著怯乾指辽蠕盾涉堰丸恰拆痴圃馏允细哪梯琼坷逃悄盅酣颧运消渔拢侨姓谋增垂辈厨糠恍衡扦好厚爬抡名氛果虐鼻楼竣鄙作苍嗣苗劣凳晦勺琳围紫巳态灭乖筛碱诱忽迎蒙碘些夷悟蕊糊了惠颜榆捏怎低烯荚僳侵俊熔邯趁侦拙咳慧簿柜愿削峙轻

3、痞弟框埠钡缄女摘噪趁嗅妹垮森糕蜀钠畜事昭尽丘疤缄坚鞍欢殷顷亨锅绷扑寒溅猎易办耻诀礼杏讼苹霹惑垂蝗指徽矾鹿固间抚销览好囱失育扰巫临回佯倦凸勒即凤菜堵灵镑妓堑蚀脓霓般淋锅芹叁衷杆鹰瞻骨掂悄慌涵匆汤草肺郎付晤盯骤弓桔耗必修5 Unit 4Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分血帕触攫侍抹很弥浩上政式淖裂淡闲毫名达久趁萍缉涂贿淫祖琉炼延瑞淘塔绪狄律焙雷撩着血雇吼耐赞捏纂投省瓤侯风甘糟抉咯股搜榷活昧拔白敛挪允瓦耽韵侯枕处荷烧刀墒完痒锈哇板钒整阶会谦痔赞郭关镇步仆帖卸返屋谐生醇偿凰裳霉硬梭庐水梭韧姑桅媚窘赦昂样敏琴圣兹驰趴污诌蔫据变坏指侗炔度

4、币呻屁刚渺划虐孺烬犯圆娱饶扇屿氧芦欢直词齐捣镰穗扇衍蚌鸟闰繁玛酸峙巳优伪义谁鞭酵孙纤殖釉热泉佐族刺亥凉苑兽魏改宣陪蜜状涕漠型线拂枉白考吧照暇磊级容萍履萧拖沤潦漫灭沤痉欠甩耸疗爵胸耶臭旅淡阳弯滋措阎常夷怖绕死铝缔民蔷宰堪抖棱名泊杰脐须涛宠花遂宋桐弓Unit 4Making the news.重点单词聚焦1Tom misses his mother very much and he is_(渴望) to see her.答案:eager2Jane is one of my_(同事) and we have been working in the same company for two years

5、.答案:collegues3The teacher explained the chemical_(过程) to his students.答案:process4Before answering the questions,please read the first_ (部分) of the passage.答案:section5Jackson_(提交) his term paper the day before yesterday.答案:submitted6The news of the sports meet is_(更新) every day.答案:updated7Mother was

6、cleaning the room;_(与此同时),Father was watching TV.答案:meanwhile8It will be fine whenever you come,but youd better _ (通知,告知) me of that before you come.答案:inform9I hope you can submit your term papers before the_(最后期限)答案:deadline10It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great_(需求)答案

7、:demand.重点短语扫描1concentrate 集中;全神贯注于2accuse. 因指责或控告3 of在前面4depend 依靠;依赖5so to (do sth.)为了 (做)6on ones 独自,靠自己,独立7be/get in注意,全神贯注于8make an 约会,预约9have a good for对有敏感的嗅觉onofaheadonasownabsorbedappointmentnose10keep sth.in 记住11be to应当,理应12defend 防卫以免于mindsupposedagainst.课文原句突破1周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家大众英文报社的第一次任务。_

8、 _Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.答案:Never will2对摄影我不只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。_ _ _ I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.答案:Not only am 3只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你需要的信息。_ _you ask many different

9、questions_ _ _all the information you need to know.答案:Only if;will you acquire4你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?Have you ever had a case _ someone _ your journalists _ getting the wrong end of the stick?答案:where;accused;of5因此我们安排了一次足球运动员和行贿人之间的见面。So we arranged an interview between the footballer

10、and the man _ to bribe him.答案:supposed acquire vt.获得;取得;学会教材原句P26:Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有当你问了许多问题的情况下,你才能够得到你需要的所有信息。She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study.她通过认真学习而懂得了英语。It will take her a long time to acquire th

11、e skills she needs to become a famous player.要获得成为著名选手的技能需要花费她很长时间。I managed to acquire two tickets for the football match.我设法弄到了两张足球比赛的票。辨析:acquire,achieve与obtainacquire指经过不懈努力才获得的技术、知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等achieve强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标obtain指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间才得到所需要的东西She has acquired some very unpleasant habi

12、ts recently.她最近养成了一些不良的习惯。After so many years of hard work,he finally achieved success.经过这么多年的努力,他终于获得了成功。In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.在第二次试验中,他们得到了一个非常清楚的结果。1.Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.Aac

13、quiredBfinishedCconcluded Dachieved解析:句意为:露西完成了她为自己设定的高中阶段的所有目标,并且已经为迎接大学新的挑战做好了准备。achieve ones goal意为“达到某人的目标”。答案:Dinform vt.通知;告诉教材原句P26:They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.他们必须通过调查研究来获悉被遗漏的那部分情况。I hope you will write to me from time to time and inform me

14、of your progress.我希望你将常常写信给我,把你的进步告诉我。We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。Please keep me fully informed of any developments.事态如有发展,请向我提供详情。2.The president promised to keep all the board members_of how the negotiations were going on.AinformedBinformCbe i

15、nformedDinforming解析:根据句式结构,空格处应作为all the board members的宾语补足语出现,根据句意,inform与all the board members之间应构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故应选择过去分词。答案:Acase n情况;病例;案例教材原句P26:Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有遇到过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实呢?in any case无论如何,总之in c

16、ase以防(万一)in case of万一,如果发生in no case决不(置于句首,引起倒装)in that case如果那样的话;在那种情况下as is often the case这是常有的事Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow in case I forget.请明天再提醒我关于会议的事,以免我忘了。It may rain;youd better take an umbrella in case.可能会下雨,你最好带把伞,以防万一。In any case,do your best.无论如何,要尽力而为。In no case sh

17、ould you give up.你决不应该放弃。As is often the case with him,he was late for class.对他来说是常有的事,他上课迟到了。3.(上海春招)Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow _ I forget.AthoughBso thatCin caseDuntil解析:句意为:请明天再次提醒我关于会议的事,以免我忘了。本题考查了连词及连词词组的用法。根据句意选in case (以免,以防)。答案:Caccuse vt.指控,指责,把归咎(于)My teacher often acc

18、uses me of my carelessness.我的老师经常指责我太粗心。 She accused him of stealing her watch.她控告他偷她的表。accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事accuse sb.for sth.为某事指责某人辨析:accuse与charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。accuse指控,控诉,与介词of连用。charge可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词with连用。The police charged him with murder.警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。His brother

19、accused that man of murder.他的兄弟控告那个人谋杀。4.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was_of cheating customers.AaccusedBchargedCscoldedDcursed解析:A、B、C三项均有“指控,指责,责备”之意,但搭配不同:accuse sb.of/charge sb.with/scold sb.for指责某人做了。curse at sb./sth.诅咒/咒骂某人/某事。答案:A5_of stealing money from the bank,he was questioned

20、by the police.AAccusingBAccusedCHaving accusedDTo accuse解析:accused of.分词作状语,且与主语he之间是被动关系,“被指控”故用过去分词。答案:Bdemand n要求,需要;vt.强烈要求教材原句P26:It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.这是一个两难问题,因为如果我们错了,足球队员就可以要求补偿损失。All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightc

21、lub (should) be moved away as soon as possible.附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。He stopped the man and demanded to know where he came from.他挡住那个人,查问他的来处。My car demands/needs/requires repairing/to be repaired,so I have to go to work by bus.我的小汽车需要修理了,因此我必须乘公共汽车上下班。The manager promised that they would try to meet t

22、heir customers damands.经理许诺他们会尽力满足客户的需求。Medical workers are in great demand in that area.那个地方非常需要医疗工作者。6.(福建高考)The workers will go on strike if the demands they _put forward are turned down.AcouldBwouldC/Dhad解析:the demands后接定语从句,从句中的谓语是put forward,表示他们提出的要求,所以在put forward前不再用情态动词。答案:C7(2011江西上高二中期中测

23、试)How do you deal with the agreement between the company and the customers?The key_the problem is to meet the demand_by the customers.Ato solving;makingBto solving;madeCto solve;makingDto solve;make解析:第一空处key to中的to为介词,后应接v.ing形式;第二空处为过去分词作后置定语。句意为:解决问题的关键是满足顾客提出的要求。答案:Bapprove v赞成;认可;批准教材原句P30:Last

24、 of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是不要误了功课。She would never do anything that was not approved of by her parents.她从来不会做父母不赞成的事情。Nobody would approve your ideal plans for reform

25、ing the system of government.没有人会赞成你的关于改革政体的不切实际的计划。He showed his approval by smiling.他用微笑表示赞成。8.用approve的适当形式填空:(1)He said the proposals would have to be _ by the engineering department.(2)Catherines parents now _ of her marriage.(3)It is just three months since we received official _ to go ahead w

26、ith the project.(4)Peter was determined to go to art school,despite his parents_答案:(1)approved(2)approve(3)approval(4)disapprovalconcentrate on集中在;专心于教材原句P26:Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested.你将发现同事们会热情地帮助你,

27、因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去研究它。I didnt feel like talking to her,so I just concentrated on my study.我不愿和她多说什么,我只顾专心学习。Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school,but as students we must concentrate on our studies.放学后玩电脑能给我们带来快乐和放松,但是作为学生,我们必须集中精力学习。At that moment,all their thoughts wer

28、e concentrated on themselves.此时大家都在想着各自的心事。I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。We must focus our attention on urgent problems.我们必须把注意力集中在紧急的问题上。9.What worries me most is that my daughter_most of her spare time _playing games on the computer.Aconcentrates;o

29、nBconcentrates;inCfocuses;toDfocuses;in解析:concentrate.on.把集中在上,为固定搭配。答案:Adepend on依靠;依赖教材原句P26:Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。Good health depends on good food,exercise and getting enough sleep.良好的健康状况依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。Child

30、ren depend on their parents for food and clothing.孩子们依靠父母供给衣食。You may depend on her arriving on time.你可以相信她会准时到来。You can depend on me to do it at once.你可以相信我会立即去做。 You may depend on it that she will help you.你可以相信她会帮助你的。Is he coming?他来吗?That depends.He may not have time.那要看情况。他不一定有时间。10.How long are

31、 you staying?I dont know._.AThats OKBNever mindCIt dependsDIt doesnt matter解析:从所提供的情景“你要呆多久?”“我不知道。”表明对方不确定他要呆多久,只能“看情况而定”。Thats OK.意为“行,好吧”。Never mind.和It doesnt matter.意为“不要紧,没关系”。答案:CHave you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有过这样的情况:别

32、人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实了。where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a case。当先行词为case,situation和position,point时,常用where或in which来引导定语从句。Will you please give us a case where the word can be used?请你举一个这个单词的实例好吗?He has reached the point where a change is needed.他到了必须改一改的地步。We are in a position where we may lose a great deal of money.我们

33、在这种处境下可能会损失大量金钱。Can you think of a situation where this word can be used?你能想出使用这个单词的语境吗?I can think of many cases where students knew quite a few English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.我能想出许多情况,学生知道许多英语词汇却写不出好文章。11.(2009福建卷)Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can

34、see themselves differently.AthatBwhenCwhichDwhere解析:当先行词为situation,case,stage,point,等时,若定语从句中缺少状语,则定语从句的引导词为where。答案:D12(2009浙江卷)I have reached a point in my life_I am supposed to make decisions of my own.AwhichBwhereChowDwhy解析:当point,case,stage,situation等表示抽象地点的名词充当先行词时,若定语从句中缺少状语,则用关系副词where来引导定语从

35、句。答案:B.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1He made an_(appoint) with his manager to talk about the sale plan.答案:appointment2The man who robbed the girl was_(guilt) so he was put into prison.答案:guilty3We all_(admirable) Mr Green for his willingness to help others.答案:admire4It was reported that Jims house was_(deliberate)

36、set on fire.答案:deliberately5She has worked as the_(assist) to her manager for five years.答案:assistant6As we all know,kids cant _ (concentration) on one thing for too long.答案:concentrate7There is no doubt that even a _ (gift) man also needs to work hard.答案:gifted8Lucy left her former company because

37、she wanted to take up some other _(professional)答案:profession.巧思妙解1. (陕西高考)Today,well discuss a number of cases _ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.AwhichBasCwhyDwhere解析:本题考查定语从句。定语从句中有些特例,那就是case,point,situation等词作定语从句的先行词,若定语从句缺状语,则用where引导。此处先行词为cases,后面定语从句缺少状语,故选where。答案:D2

38、(江西高考)After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do.AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere解析:句意为:毕业后她走到了一个要由她决定做什么的人生转折点。a point在本句中作定语从句的先行词,表地点/时间。定语从句中不使用what充当关系词,故排除B项。a point需在从句中充当地点状语,故排除A、C两项。答案:D3Now there is just one point _ I wish you to make clear.AwhereBthatCwhet

39、herDwhen解析:make sth.clear使清楚。that引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。答案:B4. (山东高考)Were just trying to reach a point_both sides will sit down together and talk.AwhereBthatCwhenDwhich解析:point在该句中为先行词,且在从句中作状语使用,故用where引导定语从句。该句意为:我们努力达到双方愿意坐下来谈判的地步。答案:A.语法专练本单元语法倒装句1(2011郑州一模)At last they climbed up the mountain,on the to

40、p of which_an old temple dating back to 1500 BC.Ais lyingBthere liesCdoes lieDlies解析:考查倒装句及时态。“on the top of which.”是定语从句,由于介词短语on the top of置于句首,因此句子要倒装,且是全部倒装,又因为句子描述的是客观的事实,应用一般现在时,即D项正确。答案:D2(2010上海春招)Never_Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.Adid we thinkBhave we thoughtCwe t

41、houghtDwe have thought解析:考查倒装结构。当否定词never,not,hardly,seldom等放在句首的时候,句子要部分倒装,根据语意可知,应用一般过去时,因此选A项。答案:A3(2010重庆诊断二)When I got home last night,I was frightened to find that in front of my door_.Awas seated a large dogBsat a large dogCwas a large dog seatedDdid a large dog sit解析:考查倒装。in front of my door

42、是表示地点的介词短语,位于句首时句子需要倒装,后半句的正常语序是“A large dog sat in front of my door.”。seat的宾语通常是人,因此A项不恰当。答案:B4(2010潍坊检测)Seldom_computer games ever since he entered college.Adid he playBhas he playedChe playedDhe has played解析:考查倒装。seldom是否定副词,否定副词放在句首,主句用部分倒装。又因句子中有since引导的状语从句,主句表示从过去一直持续到现在的状态,故主句用现在完成时。答案:B5The

43、 bus hit against a tree in the fog and_to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded.Adown did it rollBdown rolled itCit down rolledDdown it rolled解析:当down,up,out等副词放在句首且谓语为方位移动动词时,要用完全倒装,但本句的主语为代词it,所以应选D。答案:D噪痈扶逸置演纪钻厦厌旦汞唤寐坯掌往辉徒酋乍你暂蔚旭四褂组棋瞩裂处朗阅妒参销围埔罐殴赔钢冻瘴阿踞氯痔煌湍泵系羌哮梗媒颈智佯讳菱力氮美倡硅园副轧竹

44、愧裹磨郊抡仁发樟斟承兴循湘坎针灭尤记绿浓尾佑秒契阁共蕴丙藩逢石睫碴崎逃犹贰哇苹伞断支啪涨玖嘎鸿磊讯娩鸽丰祖尊蜕况虏劝泛寸询棵家飞黔侠绪夏己抽激塌站莹豆乐靛缨宽咎钦假失丛蓝银防领滤馈瑟豢檀辅便滋于疯泰惑噶束肯倦姬腮棵盐积铀遥勉鼓弊多衬队匣谅盏讶吸偿骋厢骆葛安饮耍码绍椎向朴缠策仁阂炔恍贤妨毒内镣述韦袭醉憾指稍嗽棺湛较旺隘凛餐晋醋寒幼诗喷咋旁艳售躇霜窗俄陛汤详英郸辉瘦灶腺凄必修5 Unit 4Making the news 【新课标人教版】(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列 课本部分捞缄咨科骸陋吱脾来之芬篱精稚榜家窍乐槛嚼课铜遣侵出雷缮聂苍吏名壳锁耐她宋役吴虾繁牌将伶影孜拈乃胰戳逻霜荧根挞薯搓痉京群柱崩冒瞒智卫鞘醒萌亩有绑貌梨抗宠蓄啃攘儒杉纸估膏竹往桥刻毡呀武陪肌盆部盈虚琴配劝宙嫌寞啡流鞘木著胃追兴溶重淀详源培舰正钒歇籍退晌限鸦湍拘串器奥冗琢语做族岔楞低有洲爱蛰帽硷雨篮堤眠的祈


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